Digital Notebook Team 7

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Digital Notebook - Team 7

Team Members listed with contact information

Andrew Johnson:
Email: ​​ Cell: 314-813-4530
Liam Dougan:
Email: ​​ Cell: 314-497-1605
Lauren Xie:
Email: ​
Isaac Sullivan:
Email: ​​ Cell: 314-640-4606
Neema Naemi:
Email: ​​ Cell: 314-852-8408
● Code of conduct
○ Be aware of due dates.
○ Stay on task.
○ Be professional.
○ Be respectful when disagreeing.
○ Make sure that everyone is aware of when you want to make changes on the project.
● Communication
○ Frequency: ​Attempt to respond as quick as possible, optimally within 12 hours.
○ Method:​ Google Docs comments AND Email should be the primary form of contact, with
text being an emergency.
● File Management
○ Naming system: ​Name based on Hole #. (EX: ​Hole7_v1​)
○ Revision:​ If a revision happens then notify other members AND save as new part file (EX:
● Team Decisions
○ Process for making decision: ​Email team members when deciding on changes to
existing ideas, and for new ideas. Make sure the project manager is aware.
○ Process for dealing with differences of opinion/conflict:​ Email team members and
attempt to resolve issue without involvement of others, before involving other team
members or teachers. If this is an issue such as bullying or discrimination of any kind,
notify the proper authorities.
Team Norms read and understood by Andrew Johnson on 4/12/18.
Team Norms read and understood by Liam Dougan on 4/13/18.
Team Norms read and understood by Lauren Xie on 4/13/18.
Team Norms read and understood by Neema Naemi on 4/13/18.
Team Norms read and understood by Isaac Sullivan on 4/16/18.
Step 1: Define the Problem
Client​ : Mall of America Target Consumer​ : Mall patrons 6-75 years old

Problem Statement​ : The Mall of America in Minneapolis, MN has designated an area of mall space to
construct an indoor mini-golf course. Mall of America executives have placed a call for design concepts
from the leading design firms across the United States. Your design team will be one of several teams
who will pitch a design concept to MOA execs. The winning concept will receive the contract to design
and build a state of the art mini-golf course in the MOA.

Design Statement​: Competing design teams will submit 9-hole mini-golf course design concept
illustrating the team’s overall idea for a mini-golf theme that will attract mall patrons.

1. All holes within a group must have a consistent theme.
2. Entire mini golf course cannot exceed 12,000 square feet.
3. Holes can have elevated features up to 5’, but appropriate safety precautions must be taken.
4. All components of the hole must be less than 5’ tall.
5. Pathways as needed to move from hole to hole must be a minimum of 36” wide.
6. Each hole assembly must use a base, tee-off pad (provided by the Project Manager), and scoring
podium (provided by the Project Manager).
7. Each hole assembly will include a walking path part file that provides access to the previous and
next holes, also all other part files needed for the design of the whole.
Remember when transferring files, it is ESSENTIAL you know what version of Inventor is being used AND
8. All 3D modeling should be done to FULL SCALE. ​Be mindful of scale and units!

Step 2: Ge​nerate Concepts

● Preliminary sketches from all team members ​(Be sure to include annotation or descriptions as
necessary to be able to fully communicate your ideas)

Lauren Xie
Andrew Johnson Liam Dougan

Neema Naemi - Each hole is under the theme of The Center of the Earth. There are a few moving parts
as well as a remote controlled hole.
Isaac Sullivan

Step 3: Develop a Solution

Roles Responsibilities
Project Manager: Lauren Xie See comment -->
Design Engineer: Isaac Sullivan Holes: 1-2
Design Engineer: Andrew Johnson Holes: 3-4
Design Engineer: Neema Naemi Holes: 5-6
Design Engineer: Liam Dougan Holes: 7-9

● Identify team roles and divide all work for the project up amongst teammates
● Use a decision matrix to determine which teammates design will be used.
● Create sketches as needed to document all ideas.
● Establish a Entry/Exit Diagram of entire course layout.
Decision Matrix for Theme
Neema ​Isaac ​Lauren ​Andrew ​Liam
​Key: 1-5 (5 is the best)
Theme Survey Feature Practicality Model-ability Average
-tallies -cool/interest -would it be intuitive for -​some hole features are
based on ing hole players difficult or impossible to
survey designs/featu model properly in
res inventor

Space 3 5​+4​+5​+5​+ 3​+4​+5​+5​+5 ​= 4.4 5​+4​+4​+5​+5 ​= 4.2 4.4

4 ​= 4.6

Aviation 2 2​+4​+5​+4​+ 4​+4​+5​+5​+4​ = 4.4 4​+4​+4​+4​+3 ​= 3.8 3.9

3 ​= 3.6

Marvel 2 3​+5​+4​+3 4​+4​+3​+3​+3​ = 3.4 2​+3​+3​+2​+3​ = 2.6 3.3

+5 ​= 4

Center of the 2 4​+2​+4​+4​+ 3​+4​+4​+3​+2​ = 3.2 5​+4​+3​+4​+2 ​= 3.6 3.5

Earth 5​ = 3.8

The internet 1 1​+1​+2​+3​+ 2​+5​+2​+2​+2​ = 2.6 3​+3​+3​+2​+3​ = 2.8 2.4

2​ = 1.8

Final Thoughts for Design:

Neema- Overall I really liked my and isaac’s ideas and think we should incorporate Andrew’s layout.

Isaac - I think that my idea is interesting, but overall hard to implement and design. I would recommend
Andrew’s layout and space or so as theme.

Liam- I agree with Neema, but I think the door on the “Pro Shop” should be on the corner not on one

Andrew- Space is headed towards the top theme, which I approve of. I appreciate the support for my
design, and I agree with the moving of the shop to the corner, although I think either location is optimal.

Lauren- Andrew’s design seems to be the most appealing, I think we should do space as the theme. It
also seems like the one getting the most votes.

Hole Standards: ​Each hole should a have a 1ft by 2ft tee off pad, sidewalks go from green to tee, each
base 12 in.
Holes are 4 ¼ in. in diameter
Space is space, so we can go outside of the solar system if wanted or needed
Step 4: Construct and Test Prototype

The area around each hole is grass. The stars on hole 6 are made of aluminum and painted yellow. The
barriers on hole 5 are made of aluminum, and the globe is made out of aluminum and painted blue and

The area around each hole is grass or “Industrial” floor, to make it look like a starship, the rocks are
made of clear acrylic to make it look like ice, and the sand traps are filled with black sand. All three holes
on 9
are ball returns, and the trees are made out of tree.
The two holes have two themes: The Moon/Apollo for hole 3, and the Voyager 1 probe for hole 4. Hole 4
contains a hidden path based of the idea of gravity assists.
● Daily updates from team members about progress.
● File sharing when necessary
Note: ​Some updates on here are based off the Google Docs edit history feature, and emails.
Colors are based off the edit history.
Purple: Andrew
Red-ish Pink: Neema
Blue: Lauren
Orange: Liam
Gray: Isaac
- 4/9/18
- Began working on team norms and added contact information.
- Added contact information.
- Started working on project
- 4/10/18
- Edited team norms.
- Added contact information.
- Listed potential themes
- Added contact information.
- 4/11/18
- Edited team norms and uploaded preliminary sketches.
- Edited team norms and uploaded preliminary sketches.
- Added contact information.
- Worked on sketches
- 4/12/18
- Moved theme ideas from title of notebook to Step 2 and accepted team norms.
- Sent out survey regarding possible themes.
- Started CAD
- 4/13/18
- Uploaded preliminary sketch and accepted team norms.
- Uploaded preliminary sketches.
- Sent out email regarding Project Manager.
- Sent out reminder email about team norms.
- Accepted team norms.
- Accepted team norms.
- Uploaded preliminary sketch.
- 4/14/18
- Determined the project manager to be Lauren.
- Formatted notebook.
- Updated notebook logs.
- Added decision matrix.
- Started tallies
- 4/16/18
- Edited rules for decision matrix and filled out decision matrix.
- Added votes to decision matrix.
- Assigned holes to each member.
- Created decision matrix for hole preliminary sketches.
- Added to decision matrix.
- Accepted team norms.
- Worked on final hole sketches
- Added to decision matrix.
- Added to decision matrix.
- Step One and Two are done!
- 4/17/18
- Added final thoughts.
- Removed decision matrix for hole preliminary sketches.
- Created a test base hole.
- Voted, tallied the votes.
- Worked on CAD hole 1
- 4/18/18
- Worked on hole nine.
- Worked on hole bases.
- Finished calculations for average.
- Group decided on space.
- 4/19/18
- Created Base Hole 6, 7, 8, and 9.
- Added Hole 5 and 6 designs.
- Updated the assembly files.
- Started work on hole 1
- 4/23/18.
- Created tee off pad in Inventor.
- Worked on hole nine.
- Worked on hole three.
- Worked on hole 1
- 4/24/18
- Created podium.
- Created flagpole.
- Worked on and finished hole 2
- 4/25/18
- Uploaded hole 3 and hole 4 sketches.
- Modeled parts of hole 3.
- Edited Gantt Chart slightly.
- Uploaded edited version of Base Hole3 titled “Base Hole3_v1”.
- Uploaded sketches.
- Worked on equipment office.
- 4/26/18
- Modeled parts of hole 3.
- Modeled hole 7.
- Worked on hole 8.
- Worked on equipment office.
- Started hole 1
- 4/27/18
- Worked on hole 8.
- Finished hole 9.
- Worked on hole 1
- 4/30/18
- Worked on hole 3.
- Finished hole 1
- 5/01/18
- Created central feature.
- Worked on hole 3.
- Worked on hole 7
- Started on hole 2
- 5/03/18
- Completed hole 3.
- Started on hole 2
- 5/04/18
- Started the golf course assembly
- Uploaded final files for hole 3, created drawing files.
- Uploaded final files for holes 7 and 8, started on drawing files.
- Finished hole 2 and started on drawing files
- 5/06/18
- Uploaded final files for hole 4.
- Revisions on drawing files
- 5/07/18
- Used files others sent to create the assembly.
- Finished all drawing files
- 5/08/18
- Created drawing files for hole 3 and hole 4.
- Uploaded drawing files
- 5/09/18
- Exported PDF of drawing files. Added sections to the presentation.
- Wrong files and re-uploaded the final drawing files
- 5/11/18
- Worked on Presentation
- Worked on presentation and added theme
Step 5: Evaluate Solution
● Each member will complete an individual project evaluation/reflection and submit it to your
specific teacher. Ladue will submit via weebly and Clayton will submit via canvas.
● This section on the digital notebook will ultimately say “See individual group member
Consider the following prompts to help guide your reflection. Be sure to provide ​insightful ​comments.
There should be at least one paragraph reflecting on each topic below.

Topic 1​: Engineering Concepts Learned/Applied

● What is a Gantt chart and how can it be utilized for large projects? Was it beneficial for
this project? How so? If it was created and then never looked at again by you and your
teammates why? How could it have been beneficial?
● Describe why professionals will utilize a decision matrix to make important decisions?

Topic 2: ​Teamwork, Organization, Work ethic, Communication, Team Norms

● How did this project go for you overall? Did you and your partners work well together?
Why or why not?
● Did establishing team norms prior to beginning the actual work of the project help build
understanding of expectations for each other?
● What is at least one thing your group could have done better in this project?

Topic 3: ​Your Solution

● How does your design compare to the other groups? Do you see something that you
wish you would have added into your design?

Step 6: Present Solution

● Link to group presentation

Neema Naemi Hole 6 Drawings

Neema Naemi: Hole 5 Drawings
Isaac Sullivan

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