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Beach Band

Sam Helmkampf, Anna Lynn, Noah Unger, Camille

Yang, Danika Li
Team Roles

Project Manager: Anna Lynn

Design Engineer: Sam Helmkampf

Design Engineer: Noah Unger

Design Engineer: Danika Li

Design Engineer: Camille Yang



Hole 1
Designer: Sam
Hole 2

Designer: Sam
Hole 3

Designer: Sam
Hole 4

Designer: Noah
Hole 5

Designer: Noah
Hole 6

Designer: Danika
Hole 7

Designer: Danika
Hole 8

Designer: Camille
Hole 9

Designer: Camille
Project Reflection

Team norms

● Team norms were maintained throughout


● We didn’t communicate a lot other than on the google doc

Design changes/edits/corrections

● We followed a pretty straightforward procedure and didn’t change much along

the way
● Changed walkways from 5 ft to 3 ft near the beginning

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