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Primal Stress Digital Package

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"Scott Sonnon’s revolutionary new work Primal Stress clearly and
comprehensively explains the impact of stress on the body, and how not only to
offset but to optimize it in order to build the best possible life that you can. If you
suffer any symptoms due to excessive stress from your job or your lifestyle (and
who doesn’t?) you need this book. Even if you don’t think that you suffer due to
inordinate stress, you need this book. Basically, if you have a body, you need this
book. What you learn from it can change everything.

Working in film and TV production comes with a unique set of challenges –

punishingly long hours, often unpredictable conditions, and a lot of heavy lifting,
both physical and mental – it’s the worst and best job in the world. Nearly 20
years in the business had taken it’s toll on my body – chronic pain from recurring
injuries, adrenal exhaustion, and a host of other miseries – and I was sadly
considering another way of life, which felt like the end of the world to me.

Then I found Scott Sonnon. Using principles I learned through his programs Intu-
Flow, Prasara and TACFIT, now crystallized in his groundbreaking book Primal
Stress, I’ve been able to regain the inner and outer strength and resilience I need,
in order to keep doing the job that I love. I truly can’t thank Scott enough, and I
can’t think of any better way of paying my gratitude forward than to recommend
his book to everyone I can, so that they may reap the life-changing benefits that I

~ Tanya Lemke, Tooshea Media

"Primal Stress is hands-down, the single-best bodyweight training program

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available today, and I’ve tried almost all of them!"

~ John Sifferman, Professional Online Fitness Reviewer

"This is Scott Sonnon's Magnus Opus! It is his life! Fantastic Coach, fascinating
read. Incredible to see all your work weave together like a huge tapestry."

~ Jobe Linn

"This is now my #1 recommendation. Condensed joint mobility, power core

workout, metabolic waving protocols in bodyweight, and compensatory yoga that
flows. It is the TOTAL PACKAGE! The massive knowledge base on stress response
and psychological performance = Magnum opus!"

~ Daniel Market

"Primal Stress may well be the most complete and intelligent body-weight
exercise program ever created. Emphasizing health but taking fitness to an edge
FAR beyond the casual needs of any normal citizen, by the time you've outgrown
and absorbed this you will understand your body and mind at a level absurdly
beyond the human norm in a modern society."

~ Steven Barnes, Best-Selling Author, Screenwriter and Speaker

"I truly appreciate your generosity to divulge such useful information to help
anyone caring enough and willing enough to thrive in life, regardless of
circumstances. Consistently elevating one's quality of life, you are helping many to
be successful as well. This is a GREAT GIFT!"

~ Darren Veira

"Primal Stress will take care of ALL of my REHAB as well as STRENGTH GAINS!
Highly recommended!"

~ Simon Robinson

"When I saw the amount of material you've been working on I thought I could

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never afford it even with a discount because it is thousands of dollars of worth of
value! So when I saw the price, I couldn't believe it! You're still giving it away!!!
OMG! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

~ Vino Chan

"I am in awe of the Work Coach Sonnon has put together. The Revive and the
Thrive videos are for EVERYONE, excellent, excellent resource for decreasig
tension in the body, even if you never get into the workouts, which are extensive
and multi-layered. I STRONGLY recommend you get this program, NOW! It is

~ Peter Ryan As a practicing Doctor of Chiropractic, a Husband and Father

"I finally got done reading the manual. WOW. The workouts are always changing.
This is much more refined and very different from your earlier work Scott. I am
glad I bought it.Great job on this Scott!"

~ Steve Rogers

"Inward calm
cannot be
maintained unless
physical strength is
constantly and
advised Prince

Our physical
movement cannot

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guarantee that we
can attain “inward
calm” but
throughout our history as a species, ancient
movement disciplines and modern bodywork
have offered a bodily path to develop the
inner state of grace.

• Why do we not live in a continual state of

flow? • What interrupts our natural condition
of relaxed readiness and energized vigor?

I’ve invested my life asking this question, due

to early violent experiences. When my father
returned from the Korean War, my family
began to disintegrate. My social conflict
accelerated as childhood learning disabilities
and obesity conflated my already volatile
Like many of us, I couldn’t comprehend the
“rusting armor” I had adorned. I only felt
weighed down more and more with each
advancing year.

The British novelist Anne Brontë wrote:

“All of our talents increase with usage; and
every faculty, both good and bad, strengthen
by exercise.” Thankfully, persistence is

Whatever we repeat most often, we become. Teaching tactical fitness for the federal
We can harbor regrets of where blind nature government, I noticed the phenomenon from
of adaptation has unwittingly carried us, or we the opposite end of the spectrum: even these
can revel in the opportunity to deliberately veteran trainers were not able to “enter”
carve our own path. It’s never too late to plot drills due to common aches, pains and
a new course, for, as Napoleon Hill explained: injuries.

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“Patience, persistence and perspiration make
an unbeatable combination for success.” The pattern emerged: these impediments to
Yet, as Brontë alludes, if we will not choose their health and performance were
change, change will choose us. If we adaptations from the stresses of their job.
repeatedly hold trauma, anxiety, desperation, They had become “stress-shaped.”
fear, frustration and pain, then, like anything
else, we will adapt and strengthen it. It The #1 killer in their world was neither
becomes “rusted armor” that only moving bullets nor knives, but stress-related
differently can heal. heart disease. Excessive stress
The most dramatic influence in our lives, cannibalizes our bodies, erodes our minds,
stress, primarily determines our health and and literally breaks our hearts.
fitness, not anything we do.
Providing these agents with solutions to their
Insufficient sleep, poor nutrition, inadequate occupational stress was not merely
hydration, and most relevant to this message, changing lives. It was potentially saving
lack of mobility, are not individually the them.
problem, but merely contributors. They are For the past seven years, I’ve kept my head
each stressors, which accumulate. Like a down working with government agencies,
tsunami, once stress crests over a particular military outfits, air and marine offices, fire
threshold, it floods devastation throughout our rescue departments, and of course my own
lives. discipline of martial arts.
This flood metaphor held great insight for me. The revelations they provided galvanized me
Unlike others in the birthing field of stress to look at the health statistics outside of the
physiology, I didn’t ask how to build higher tactical community. You can imagine my
levees to protect against the swollen waters. I shock when I learned that the #1 killer in the
asked, how we recover when our levees break world outside of the high-stress world of
and are overrun. Where others sought to tactical response was also stress-related
become tougher (able to resist higher floods), heart disease.
I sought to become more resilient (able to
recover when the levees broke no matter So, looking back through my archives, and
how high or strongly we build them). And this studying new subjects, I observed the same
became my research filter for one simple set of predictable behavioral patterns when
reason... beset by excessive stress: the same
common aches, pains and injuries (as

Primal Stress Digital Package

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Primal Stress Digital Package
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* The above is a symbolic depiction of the product’s content.
For illustration purposes only. The complete product’s content comes in a digital/downloadable format.
** iPhone and Audio player are not included.



Please Note: This is a downloadable program. You will NOT receive a physical
package shipped to you in the mail. The entire package will be immediately available
for you to download and get started right away after ordering. This program is NOT
available in stores, so you can only access it through this website.

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Clicking the order button will take you to a secure page for the transaction by
Clickbank, the most popular online payment processor of digital products in the world.
Upon confirmation of your order, you will immediately be redirected to the registration
page where you will choose user credentials for your download page. The written
material is in the PDF format, so you will need Adobe Reader installed on your
computer to open the files. The video files are available in the .m4v format.
Largest PDF manual's size is appr. 133 MB. Largest video file is appr. 242
MB. Appr. total space needed: 8.1 GB.
PLEASE NOTE: you do not need to download all files at once.
You will have indefinite access to the files of this package.

Primal Stress, across 224 high definition color

illustrated pages, details the most compelling

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rationale for how stress has come to impact
our health and fitness, negatively, and what
we can do to recover from that stress so that
we can positively adapt to it.

In the Revive section of the book, Primal

Stress addresses the sum total stressors in
our lives - nutrition, hydration, exercise,
occupational, vocational, relational, financial.
Primal Stress then provides concrete,
practical solutions to why you begin seeing
results with your fitness, only to meet
diminishing returns, plateau, regress, then
aches, pains, injuries and even illnesses.

No other work has ever presented exercise

science from the perspective of stress
physiology like Primal Stress. If you’ve ever
felt drained, blocked, pained and locked in
your movement, then Primal Stress presents
you with powerful tools for reclaiming access
to the innate potential, the natural athlete,
we were each born to become. Socrates
advised, “Let him who would move the world, first move himself.”

If we are to be effective in this world, we must move. But how??

There is a completely predictable set of impediments to movement, which happen when facing
excessive stress. Primal Stress provides the reasons you’ve had the aches and pains you’ve
experienced, which seem to worsen with each use. This pivotal contribution combining
psychophysiology and biomechanics offers a simple, rational explanation for these immobile
areas which you can trace and erase.

Revive evolved from several years of actual work with high-stress occupational trainers with
federal government agencies. In the book, Primal Stress gives you the map to pinpoint your
issue, release it and revive its strength potential to activate. But Revive also gives you a daily

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approach which requires no search missions on hidden stress. Just do the short program, and it
will restore your natural state of “grace.”

Once you have “cleaned the slate” of this predictable, universal pattern of physical changes,
you will move on to the Survive section of the book, and one of the most empowering
anthropological perspectives on fitness you will find. This section describes our prehistoric
“warding patterns” which have been mastered and generationally inherited through the martial

Liane Cordes suggests that, “Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to
unlocking our potential.” Follow these simple directions, and your success is nearly guaranteed.
In recent years, we have seen the rapid rise of primal movement methodologies, but no one
has offered a compelling theory as to why they exist, what is their purpose, and how they each
act together as a synergistic platform for human power. Primal Stress teaches you the specific
biomechanics behind the astounding abilities of martial artists to survive against larger
opponents, a hidden genetic code which had before not been rationally explained from the
Western scientific perspective.

Survival patterns (or Wards) do more than unlock your innate power reserves. They also
protect you from the pains and injuries associated from stress-induced reflexes. As Ben Jonson
notes, “He knows not his own strength that hath not met adversity.” These patterns manifest
through all sports and every martial art because when faced with adversity, necessity calls
upon this prehistoric blueprint for your untapped strengths.
But knowing isn’t enough, so this section of the book teaches you how to activate these
encrypted codes in your nervous system through simple drills, and then how to integrate those
components into every exercise you do, and all aspects of your daily life.

Maya Angelou declared, “Life’s mission is not merely to survive but to thrive.” In the Thrive
section of the book, you will discover the science of our brain architecture and how it evolved
specifically for complex movement. Increasing the complexity of our movement causes
changes to our neural chemistry, called plasticity, which makes life feel better, easier and more
in “flow.”

Why do we experience discord? Why don’t we live in a state of effortless grace? If we have
revived our innate potential from the clutches of excessive stress, and forged our biological
survival warding patterns to resist, then we can take the next step: we thrive.

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Much has been written from the psychological perspective of flow-state, but an insufficient
degree of work had been conducted into the physical steps to unlock graceful movement: how
power expresses itself. This section of Primal Stress details the simple, practical steps which will
take your health and fitness to the next level. Feel inspired by your movement again, like you
did as a child.

Taken together, these three sections of the book demonstrate our 3 biological gifts:

• flinch-reflexes (from which we can revive),

• form-reactions (from which we can survive), and

• flow-responses (with which we can thrive).

This final section of this pivotal book brings us full circle, for this isn’t a linear process, but an
ever- spinning deepening spiral where we cycle through Revive - Survive - Thrive throughout
our lives. We master the basics, and then we become free to refine the nuances of our health
and fitness.

Primal Stress ends with program design outlines, exercise descriptions and detailed
photographs of each movement in the Flow Physique course. This beautifully presented and
professionally designed book details each step you must take, and how to chart your ongoing
progress for “Health-First Fitness.”

When you read its content, you will understand why what you’ve done in the past hasn’t worked
as effectively as you wished, why you suffer the aches and pains that you’ve had, how you have
been successful previously and how you can know when you are, and how to increase those
successes systematically.

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You can pinpoint your problems with a
laser, or you can use a proven, organically-
produced prehabilitation program which
will not only free you from potential aches
and pains of exercise, but also from the
stressors of your other recreational
activities and occupational responsibilities.

Most of our energy remains locked in cold

storage due to compression by excessive
stress. These simple-to-perform movement
drills decompress your joints, lubricate
your inner “fluid body” surrounding your
bones and joints, and deliver nutrient-rich
circulation to the tissues which are quite
literally being starved to death due to
overuse, misuse, and disuse.

When you practice this daily for 2-3 weeks,

you will notice that your posture begins to
improve, your energy start to increase,
and your productivity accelerates. You’ll
want to do more because you can not
because you must.

Your awareness, coordination, and force

production remain dormant until we use
these simple movements to activate their
potential like booting up a computer. If
nothing else, the science underlying this
program, and the practical application that
you can easily follow along, will transform
your quality of life.

You can use any one of the 7 instructional

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videos and 7 demonstration videos to
target your high problem areas. Or you
can use the total follow along video to
comprehensively address your entire body
for optimal daily performance.

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Flow Physique is the most complete bodyweight
fitness system ever released by RMAX, involving
each of the most effective energy systems for
primal power and grace. Where other programs
in the past have concentrated on one or two of
these protocols, in Flow Physique you encounter
the entire “Metabolic Wave” which has been
proven at a federal level in government
agencies to improve strength, endurance,
stamina, and lean muscle mass better than
prior methods.

You need no special equipment, as you will only

be moving your own resistance. Regardless of
where you are in your current movement
fitness, you can begin and to continue to be
challenged due to the signature “Component
Learning” approach embedded in the coaching:
Three levels for each exercise, with a total of
102 exercises in the 6 programs, with 3 levels -
Basic, Intermediate and Advanced.

Each movement builds upon the other, and

within several sessions, you will find yourself
exploring the next level of an exercise. Jump an
Flow Physique derives its name from moving
entire level, or step up in one exercise and step
like a living sculpture. All the precision
back in another, all within one session.
chiseled features of ancient statues imply the
potential which you can wield and the grace
which you can carry when you restore and
unleash flow in your movement. Uncover your
physique of flow by following the step- by-step
directions in the 18 instructional videos, and
by participating across the plug and play 18
follow along videos.

Primal Stress Digital Package

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The largest exercise course ever created by
Scott Sonnon can be used at home, in the
field, or within your own gym box: self-
contained, completely portable, as you are
your own gym. But more importantly, Flow
Physique integrates two of the most powerful
systems ever devised: TACFIT® and the
Circular Strength Training® System.

More than a mere fusion of these two

disciplines, Flow Physique represents a proven
method of developing the powerful
movement potential which you were
genetically designed to express, which stress
physiology and psycho-physiology are only
now explaining, and which has proliferated
throughout the world among cutting-edge
researchers, scientists and coaches.

To Thrive, concentrate on your total

movement, not your individual muscles,
and move the body as a system rather
than in segments. In this elegantly
designed course of 6 micro-flows, you will

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address the primary (myofascial) “lines” of

1. Lateral Line Flow addressing the muscles

you feel when you do a standing side bend.

2. Rear Line Flow addressing the muscles

you feel when perform a forward bend.

3. Front Line Flow addressing the muscles

you feel when performing a back bend.

4. Arm Line Flow involves the tissues you

feel when stretching your arm behind your
back and
across your chest.

5. Deep Core Flow involves the tissues you

feel when twisting at the waist to the right
and left.

6. Spiral Line Flow involves the tissues you

feel rotate your arms and legs internally
and externally while rotating at the waist.

Thrive owes its birth to the modern science

of biotensegrity, created by Dr. Stephen
Levin. Our body involves a sea of
continuous tension holding us together with
sturdy struts pushing outward in balance.
With these 6 micro-flows combined into
one long flow, you activate your
biologically optimal performance potential.
Each of these individual components pair
up with one of the 6 courses in the Flow
Physique bodyweight exercise system.

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Taken as a whole combined, you will use
them to expand your movement potential
and recover from the intensity of exercise
stress, like a flowing yoga routine.

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The 6 protocols are carefully
scheduled across turn-key, plug
and play calendars where each
day describes precisely your goals
for the day.

Two additional manuals

accompany the main book, the 99
page 4x7 Calendar Daily Journal,
and the 141 page Week Calendar
Daily Journal.

You will need absolutely no

assembly required, as every day is
detailed for you.

If you're familiar with Scott Sonnon's other work, he has

invested his painstakingly meticulous signature in these
journals. You will know precisely what to do next, how long,
how often, and how many, and where to record your

Then, in the uniquely designed scorecards, you'll be able to

track your exact percentage of improvement across the
weeks and months of reclaiming your Flow Physique.

The forethought used in creating these elegant charts,

cards and calendars evolved through years actual
application across all fitness populations.

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What you will learn in this video cannot be
described as a singular technique, as it involves a
series of techniques strung together to produce a
synergistic effect. They address the challenge of
reclaiming breath from involuntary reflex shutting
down our primitive reflexes, and by restoring
conscious breathing.

1. The first technique teaches you how to transfer

from being out of breath,"gassed"and
hyperventilating, to reclaiming control of the
speed of the breath to stop hyperventilation from
exacerbating your nervous system eliciting

2. The second technique teaches you how to

lengthen the inhalation so that you reclaim depth
of tidal volume: how much total capacity of the
lungs you utilize.

3. The third technique then takes the reclaimed

control of the inhalation,and shifts the focus to the
exhalation, so that you can begin to calm the
nervous system's alarm.

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4. The fourth technique shuts off the alarm by enabling the"tend and mend"response to
counteract the fight or fight reflex.

5. The fifth technique reboots the entire nervous system so that all corners of the four aspects
of breath receive their due diligence, and you've restored awareness and adaptive potential to
the stress you can now process.

Resiliency will aid in the prevention of stress related illness, and, as a result, contribute to the
prevention of an early demise. But it will also improve our quality of life. There are not magic
pills. These methods don't stop you from experiencing breathless moments, and if we are truly
LIVING, then why would we want to? But they will help us quickly bounce back from the
negativity of distress while it is happening, rather than waiting until it has already begun to
destroy us bodily, mentally and emotionally.

The engine behind Scott’s prolific books and

videos, and prodigious travel speaking
worldwide, can be distilled down to one

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moral imperative: “Live Boldly.” Scott
Sonnon has become known for his coaching,
not merely for becoming the USA National
Team Coach for five different sports, or
health and fitness consultant to government
agencies around the world, but moreover
because he speaks to the universal
challenges we all encounter, and reflects
the discoveries he's made through his own
failures and struggles.

Though most known for his physical

performances, championship victories and
movement education, Scott’s true passion
remains sharing how training can not
merely hone the body but also quiet the
mind and lift the spirit. As he has written,
“Training is a metaphor for life, and within it
we find ourselves, our potential and our

Overcoming childhood obesity and learning

disabilities despite an impoverished blue
collar life in the trailer park, he faced
violence, trauma, abuse and humiliation for
his circumstances. Yet, he chose to change
the world by changing himself. His martial art victories, business success and international
proliferation of his ambassadors teaching his fitness programs and equipment exemplify only
vehicles to his true goal of helping people reach within themselves, with self-empowerment to
see the obstacles as opportunities and problems as potential growth.

Throughout this 100 page book, you will find hundreds of Scott’s reflections on various aspects
of exploring the inner life of personal transformation, including chapters such as: Impossible is
Nothing, Failing Successfully, Noble Persistence, Zencouraged, Know Fear, Inter-Gritty, Honor
Accountable, Dream Audacity, Breaking Habit, In-Body-Meant, as well as many others.

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