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La Banda de Músicos, desde su creación en el año 1912 por los Maestros Italianos
Nicolino Pellegrini y Salvador Déntice, ha sido una institución formadora de grandes
músicos como José Asunción Flores (creador de la Guarania), Remberto Giménez, Carlos
Lara Bareiro, Darío Gómez Serrato, Gerardo Fernández, y otros.
Desde sus comienzos se abocó a la tarea de formar jóvenes idóneos, quienes formarían
parte de grandes orquestas nacionales, y de otros músicos que triunfarían en el extranjero.
Esta institución se constituyó en el eje central de la formación académica de
músicos paraguayos, dirigida por los maestros italianos que llegaron a nuestro país con la
misión de formar bandas de músicos en distintos estamentos del Estado.

La primera actividad que se logró fue la famosa retreta en las plazas públicas (plaza
Italia, la más recordada), allí la Banda ejecutaba pequeñas obras sinfónicas, minuets,
oberturas, suites, marchas sinfónicas, mayoritariamente de compositores italianos.

Podemos asegurar que en el curso de la historia cultural de nuestro país,

principalmente en lo que se refiere a la Música, la Banda de Policía se constituyó en un
verdadero pedestal del que se sostuvieron el origen, desarrollo y formalización de la
música paraguaya, y fue la institución musical vínculo y producto de acontecimientos
culturales gloriosos de nuestra historia. Incluso algunos de nuestros grandes compositores
han identificado a las bandas de músicos con el militarismo, lo que tiene algo de verdad,
pero no se percataron de que estas fueron las instituciones profundamente insertas en las
costumbres populares, profanas y religiosas, compartiendo sus penas, alegrías, esperanzas
y sus danzas.

Actualmente, la Banda de Músicos de la Policía Nacional cumple un rol muy

importante dentro de la sociedad, ya que demanda cuantiosas actividades culturales de alto
nivel, tanto culta como popular, que le permite interaccionar con sus ciudadanos a través de
la Música, trasmitiendo esperanzas, optimismo institucional y resaltando las presentaciones
artísticas, debido a la juventud y energía de sus integrantes, quienes han sido preparados
por la Escuela de Aprendices con un perfil académico profesional a nivel Nacional e
Internacional, lo que les permite ejecutar grandes obras sinfónicas, oberturas, suites y otras
composiciones contemporáneas con la Banda Sinfónica; además de obras populares con
aire jazzístico y fusiones con la música paraguaya, de arreglos totalmente modernos,
interpretados por la Jazz Band, en la cual los Músicos talentosos demuestran su capacidad
técnico-musical de alto vuelo, situándose a nivel de las orquestas extranjeras más

En agosto del año 2014, se crea la Orquesta sinfónica de la Policía Nacional.

El evento del día de la fecha, cuenta con el apoyo de;

 EL TEATRO MUNICIPAL “Ignacio A. Pane”.

The band of musicians since its inception in the year 1912 by the Italian masters
Nicolino Pellegrini and Salvador Déntice, has been a training institution of great musicians
such as José Asunción Flores (creator of the Guarania), Remberto Giménez, Carlos Lara
Bareiro, Darío Gómez Serrato, Gerardo Fernández, and others.
Since its inception it embarked on the task of forming suitable young people, who form
part of large national orchestras, and other musicians who triumph abroad.
This institution became the core of the academic of paraguayan musicians directed
by the Italian masters who came to our country with the mission to form bands of
musicians in various sectors of the State.
The first Italian directors, cited above, had an interactive cultural policy, which consisted in
create a link between society and the police and, through it, with the State. At the
beginning it was very difficult, but with the effort of teachers and musicians they managed
to establish a space very open to the exchange of all kinds of opinions, without taking into
account any political organization, color, race, or religion. Through the Music, the
universal language of mankind, they made artistic activities of any kind.
The first activity that was achieved was the famous “retreta” in the public squares
(plaza Italy, the most remembered), there the band played small symphonic works,
minuets, overtures, suites, symphonic marches, mostly of italian composers.
The first impression of the people was very effusive and this encouraged the artists to
develop other presentations more eye-catching and more complex. They began to do more
intense rehearsals that forced musicians to develop their musical intuition best, there were
born several works of music, especially our polka Kyre'y, glad the feel of being
Quickly, the band of musicians took a role featured in the Paraguayan music
society, and gave enhancement to the police force, making the massive turnout of citizens
to the “retretas” carried out by the same.
Elapsed times, the institution, now better organized, was opening the field for other
types of activities, which led to performing concerts of season at the historic Teatro
Municipal de Asunción (Municipal Theatre of Asunción) by insistent request of
paraguayan society, who were already reserved time to attend the presentations being
conducted by the police band.
It was and is currently an institution par excellence, provider of professional
musicians for community.
Sporadic concerts of the Paraguayan Institute and the Paraguayan Ateneo could not
take place without musicians of the police; most of the popular orchestras were integrated
by musicians of the institution. The Opera Companies that visited Asunción, necessarily
had with musicians from the police. The most enthusiastic promoters for the foundation of
the Association of musicians of the Paraguay were the musicians of the police band, also
for the creation of the Symphony Orchestra of the city of Asunción, the majority of its
members were and are so far the police band musicians; the Band of Musicians of the
National Police is the mainstay of the symphonic orchestras of Paraguay (Symphonic
Orchestra of the city of Asunción OSCA, National Symphony Orchestra OSN, and other
orchestras and popular ensembles). Several teachers at the National Conservatory of
Music, in the Municipal Conservatory of Asunción IMA, and other related music schools,
were trained in National Police.
We ensure that in the course of the cultural history in our country, mainly in what
refers to the music, the police band became a real pedestal held the origin, development
and formalization of the Paraguayan, music and it was the musical institution link and
product of glorious cultural events in our history. Even some of our great composers have
been identified to the bands of musicians with militarism, which has some truth, but not
realized from that these were deeply embedded in popular, profane customs and religious
institutions, sharing their sorrows, joys, hopes, and their dances.
To explain the reason why the Decade of 20 can be considered the time of the
Renaissance of the national culture, there was a very significant fact and that has probably
been the tonic of that era and the Renaissance: the active role in the promotion of culture in
the urban area of Asunción of musicians very popular extraction, from almost all rural
In this regard, should be noted that by a remarkable coincidence, all these
constituted in its highest exponents were gathered in the Police Band, José Asunción
Flores, Félix Fernández Gómez Serrato, Herminio Giménez and others. This situation was
the promoter conscious or unconscious of the trend towards the search for the
“paraguayización” of culture in opposition to the Eurocentric ideology.
In the musicians and poets of that decade was born with force the idea based in
TEETÉVA" (we can also create what elsewhere, a product properly our).
Based on this great idea and decision, José Asunción Flores created the Guarania from the
police band and demonstrated that the paraguayan is a being thinker and creative, able to
defend their cultural roots and make known to others.

Currently, National Police band of musicians plays a role very important in society,
since demand hefty cultural high-level activities both cultured and popular, that lets him
interact with its citizens through the music, transmitting hopes, institutional optimism and
highlighting artistic presentations, due to youth and energy of its members, those who have
been prepared by the Apprentices School with a professional academic profile at national
and international level which allows them to perform major symphonic works, overtures,
suites and other contemporary compositions with the Symphonic Band; in addition,
popular works with Jazz Air and mergers with the paraguayan music, arrangements fully
modern, interpreted by Jazz Band, in which the talented musicians show theirs technical
and musical high flight capability, settling at the level of the best-known foreign

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