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Digital Notebook Template

Team Members listed with contact information

John Deffry:​​, 10th grade, ladue student.
amosc johndadfry. Instagram:john.deffry
Krishna S: ​
Avery Bespalko: ​​ (I’m not giving my cell phone number)
Derek R: ​
Sophie Havranek: ​​ (Senior, Clayton)
Josh Cui: ​

● Code of conduct: Professionalism.
A. Do your work on time
B. Be respectful
C. Don’t send potentially annoying or unproductive things
D. Follow team rubric
E. Don’t do things that could ruin the project
F. Communicate through email/comments only
● Communication
○ Frequency: ​12 hours of communication at most
○ Method: ​email, or comments within the digital notebook.
○ Check once at 8:00 every night
● File Management
○ Naming system:​name by (initials_hole#_date_version#)
○ Revision: ​change version number
○ Comment on this document when you add new things to the folder and when you finish
a hole
● Team Decisions
○ Process for making decision: ​taking a vote
○ Process for dealing with differences of opinion/conflict:​ Take a vote.
Team Norms read and understood by: Krishna S​ ​on 4/12/18
Team Norms read and understood by:​ Avery Bespalko​ on 4/11/18.
Team Norms read and understood by: ​Derek Raymond ​on 4/11/18.
Team Norms read and understood by: Josh Cui on 4/11/18.
Team Norms read and understood by ​John Deffry​ on 4/12/18.
Team Norms read and understood by: Sophie Havranek on 4/13/18

Step 1: Define the Problem

Client​ : Mall of America Target Consumer​ : Mall patrons 6-75 years old

Problem Statement​ : The Mall of America in Minneapolis, MN has designated an area of mall space to
construct an indoor mini-golf course. Mall of America executives have placed a call for design concepts
from the leading design firms across the United States. Your design`` team will be one of several teams
who will pitch a design concept to MOA execs. The winning concept will receive the contract to design
and build a state of the art mini-golf course in the MOA.

Design Statement​: Competing design teams will submit 9-hole mini-golf course design concept
illustrating the team’s overall idea for a mini-golf theme that will attract mall patrons.

1. All holes within a group must have a consistent theme.
2. Entire mini golf course cannot exceed 12,000 square feet.
3. Holes can have elevated features up to 5’, but appropriate safety precautions must be taken.
4. All components of the hole must be less than 5’ tall.
5. Pathways as needed to move from hole to hole must be a minimum of 36” wide.
6. Each hole assembly must use a base, tee-off pad (provided by the Project Manager), and scoring
podium (provided by the Project Manager).
7. Each hole assembly will include a walking path part file that provides access to the previous and
next holes, also all other part files needed for the design of the whole.
Remember when transferring files, it is ESSENTIAL you know what version of Inventor is being used AND
8. All 3D modeling should be done to FULL SCALE. ​Be mindful of scale and units!

Step 2: Ge​nerate Concepts

Preliminary sketches from all team members ​(Be sure to include annotation or descriptions as necessary
to be able to fully communicate your ideas)
● Kiss (the band)
● Maze
● Firefighter
● Burning of the witches
● Lion’s insides
● Werewolves
● Carnivore
● Carnival
● Herbivore (Only eat Herbs)
● Pirates (Not the sea kind)
● Pirates (Sea kind)
● Lost in the ocean
● Avengers
● Monty Python and the Holy Grail
● Mickey Mouse
● Coca-Cola
● Farm
● Memes
● Video Games
● College Admissions (the course is unnecessarily hard, it’s impossible to get a hole in one on the
last hole, it’s just too hard)
● TSA (people with blue golf balls have to take of their shoes and walk through metal detectors
and random stuff like that)
● Where’s Waldo (all the holes are hidden very well and you have to find waldo in order to win)
● Politics (you must answer topical political questions accurately to play each hole, there will be a
red and blue hole and your shot is your vote
● Fire Hazards (your must be careful not the create sparks by hitting the ball too hard or the whole
place will burn down)
● Voodoo (you must give them a strand of your hair at the beginning that is attached to a voodoo
doll, if you get a hole in one on hole 9 then you may keep the voodoo doll, if not then you will
just live in fear)
● Paintball (you can shoot whoever is golfing (it encourages quick play), your accuracy with your
golf score determines the winner, you must be on the walkway to shoot)
● Sweatshop (if you have not made a shirt by the time that you leave the golf course you
automatically lose)
● The high school experience (you just sit in desks and only have a few seconds to actually play
● Arctic (the indoor area is really really cold and some of the courses are made of ice so the golf
ball rolls unpredictably, the whole place smells like the penguin exhibit at the zoo)
● Hospital themed (everything is super sanitary and has bright fluorescents and gurneys as
● Warm themed. It's really warm
● Clowned theme
● Memes
● Time travel
● Bear theme
● Money
● Water
● Maze
● Automobile
● Business
● Engineering themed
● Toy themed (For the little kids)
● Golf themed
● Glow in the dark
● Water those
● Plants
● Electronic
● Basketball
● Garfield theme
● Fast and Furious (at hole 9 if you get a hole in one, a dodge challenger explodes.)
● Gods of Olympus (Lightning may or may not strike you.)
● Old man (old guy yells at everyone)
● Versace (For the fancy people of Mall of America)
● Microtransactions Sponsored by EA (You have pay to play each hole)
● Monster (Guy in Monster suit chases through each hole)
● Jail Themed (You must dodge security guards and escape from prison,. If you hit the security
guard you must start the hole over.)
● Ultimate frisbee
● Game of Thrones
● Harry Potter
Sophie’s Idea:
Step 3: Develop a Solution
Roles Responsibilities +
Project Manager: Sophie Create base, scoring pad, central figure, equipment rental
Design Engineer: Avery Holes 1-2
Design Engineer: John Holes 5 and 6
Design Engineer: Krishna Holes 7 and 8
Design Engineer: Josh Hole 9 and Pro Shop
Design Engineer: Derek Holes 3 and 4

1-5 scale, 1 being the worst, 5 being the best

Course layout Complexity Uniqueness Favorite Marketability Total Score 1-5
Ideas (Highest is

Avery’s 4 ​5 4 ​5 3 ​2 3 ​2 67
4 ​4 ​4 3 ​4 ​5 2 ​2 ​3 2 ​2 ​4

Sophie’s 3 ​4 4 ​4 4 ​4 4 ​3 76
3 ​4 ​4 4 ​4 ​4 4 ​4 ​5 3 ​4 ​3

Krishna’s 4 ​2 4 ​2 3 ​1 4 ​3 60
3 ​3 ​4 3 ​2 ​4 1 ​2​ 4 4 ​3 ​4

Derek’s 3 ​3 3 ​3 3 ​3 3 ​3 58
2 ​3 ​3 3 ​4 ​3 2 ​4 ​3 2 ​2 ​3

Josh’s 5 ​5 4 ​5 4 ​5 5 ​5 98
5 ​5 ​5 5 ​5 ​5 5 ​5 ​5 ​
5​ 5 5

John’s 3 ​3 3 ​3 3 ​4 5 ​4 74
4 ​4​ 5 4 ​3 ​3 4 ​4 ​4 4 ​3​ 4

This is the color the Artist Known as Derek Uses for Ranking
I used this color/Avery
This is the colour that ur dude named john used
Krishna used this colour
Sophie used this color
Josh used this color

Step 4: Construct and Test Prototype

Avery: Establishing team norms
Avery: Brainstormed my sketch
Created the decision matrix
Avery: Continued on decision matrix
Avery/Did decision matrix, filled out surveys about theme, etc...
Sophie: Did decision matrix, tabulated results of survey
Avery: Started working on inventor, sent emails, etc…
Avery: Asking for base plates
Avery: Trying to figure out dimensions for name plates
Sketched holes

John: Sketched holes.
Krishna: Sketched and built holes (finished 7 w/ walls, only hole design left)
Avery: Did all my hole designs and started on inventor
Sophie: Made Equipment Rental base/template on Inventor
Sophie: Finished Equipment Rental, uploaded to folder

John:worked on inventor work w/ walls and obstacles.
Krishna: Worked on inventor, started designing hole designs

John: Finished holes 5 & 6, implemented paintball theme
Krishna: Finished holes 7 & 8, midway through implementing paintball theme
Derek: Worked on holes 3 and 4

Avery: Tried to make my base plates but couldn’t because the dimensions are wrong on the original
Derek: Worked on hole 3 and 4. I need the starting platform, the flag, and the hole number thingy.
Sophie: Finished podium, troubleshooting the problems with moving inventor files to google drive

John:actually finished holes. Worked on tech. Drawings for hole 6
Krishna: Finished holes and paintball theme, working on drawing files for hole 8

Derek: finished holes 3 and 4

Krishna: Finished everything in inventor and working on weebly
John: Finished drawing files and working on weebly

John:uploaded files to presentation and added files to classroom.
Step 5: Evaluate Solution
● Each member will complete an individual project evaluation/reflection and submit it to your
specific teacher. Ladue will submit via weebly and Clayton will submit via canvas.
● This section on the digital notebook will ultimately say “See individual group member
Consider the following prompts to help guide your reflection. Be sure to provide ​insightful ​comments.
There should be at least one paragraph reflecting on each topic below.

Topic 1​: Engineering Concepts Learned/Applied

● What is a Gantt chart and how can it be utilized for large projects? Was it beneficial for
this project? How so? If it was created and then never looked at again by you and your
teammates why? How could it have been beneficial?
● Describe why professionals will utilize a decision matrix to make important decisions?

Topic 2: ​Teamwork, Organization, Work ethic, Communication, Team Norms

● How did this project go for you overall? Did you and your partners work well together?
Why or why not?
● Did establishing team norms prior to beginning the actual work of the project help build
understanding of expectations for each other?
● What is at least one thing your group could have done better in this project?

Topic 3: ​Your Solution

● How does your design compare to the other groups? Do you see something that you
wish you would have added into your design?

Step 6: Present Solution

● Link to group presentation

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