INSIGHTS TEST SERIES 2018-Corrections and Clarifications (Tests 1-25) Clarification: Test 1

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INSIGHTS TEST SERIES 2018- Corrections and Clarifications (Tests 1-25)

Clarification: Test 1

Q 7. Clarification: A whip isn’t generally issued both for Presidential and Vice-Presidential elections,
because electors need not necessarily follow party lines here.

Q 27. Update Justification: Know India Programme does not include NRIs. Rest is fine.

Clarification – Test 2
Q1. S1 cannot be defended based on the present question. Being non-polluting isn’t a necessary
criterion for a source to be called renewable. Question should mention both renewable and sustainable.
It will be correct then.

Q86. Correct answer is A. It is a gene-editing technique. There is a technical glitch in the uploaded

Clarification: Test 3

Q 4. The answer should be C, as also in our draft and as per the explanation.

Q 43. Uraiyur was famous for both for cotton and pearls.

Q 93. Prakrit is a language, not a script. Its incorrectly mentioned as a script.

Clarification: Test 5

Q 10. Latitude determines precipitation as well. Answer is correct.

Q 19. Species diversity and genetic diversity are highly interconnected. There can be more species only
when there is genetic diversity in the ecosystem. Rest of the explanation falls in line. Answer is correct.

Q 24. This was a glitch. Swap both the keywords in the question. Rest is correct.

Q 32. Answer will be D, statement 2 is correct as well. Unlike CO2, which can remain in the atmosphere
for centuries, black carbon has a relatively short life span (and thus is known as a “Short-Lived Climate
Forcer” (SLCF)). It remains in the air just a few weeks before deposition and removal.

Q 63. Chinook winds are known as föhn winds in Europe.

Clarification: Test 7

Q 75. RCEP is between all countries in the options except Russia. Explanation is correct. Answer should
be 1, 2, 3 and 4 only.

Q 86. There is some concern that moneylenders are the largest source of credit in rural India. But, let us
consider NCERTs to be an authentic source here. When you combine both cooperatives and commercial
bank credit, it surpasses the credit given by moneylenders.

Clarification : Test 8

Q 16. Answer will be 2 and 3 only, as also clear from the explanation.
Q 33. There is a typo there. Both options B and C are correct, as also given in the PDF.

Clarification: Test 11

General note: In the syllabus, NIOS chapters actually refer to Modules. There are totally 8 modules.

Q 10. Some believe that paik system was not a form of bonded labour as it involved some remuneration.
But, it was indeed a bonded labour system (curve system) because the conditions attached to the paiks
were mandatory and not voluntary. Check

Q 27 - Statement II - There is an assumption that it has been proven that the orders were illegal which
can only happen in a court of law. Nonetheless, a writ of Quo Warranto can be issued against the DM
determining under what authority were the orders being passed. Statement III - It is already proven that
the MP is ineligible to host public office then a writ of Quo Warranto is not necessary to inquire into the
claims of holding that office. Also, no order has been issued arising out the illegal office as per
statement. Only Statement 2 should be correct

Q 28. Rules committee is constituted in both the houses. The Committee on Rules is to be nominated by
the Chairman and consists of sixteen members including the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman. The
Chairman is to be the Chairman of the Committee.

Q 48 - Statement III - Once confidence has been lost as the option says, the Lok Sabha has to be
dissolved. The President does not have any discretion in the matter as dissolution has to be issued under
any circumstance. Therefore Statement III is incorrect. Correct Answer should be C - 2 and 3 only.

Clarification – Test 14

Q 5. Clarification: V-shaped valleys are formed in the early stages of a river. But, even if they form in the
youth stage, they are usually formed in the lower reaches of the mountains where the river has gained
sufficient silt/rocks and velocity to erode the hard terrain and form such a v-shaped valley. It may be
incorrect to say that they belong to early youth phase, they may be ascribed to later youth stage or
marking the transition to the mature stage leading to flat valleys (which are formed in the mature

Q 28. Answer should be B, instead of C. It is a typo.

Q 45. Hyderabadi Biriyani failed to receive GI status. It will not be included in the answer.

Q 66. Clarification: The question should mention only tributaries rather than Himalayan tributaries.
Viboa and Sangar originate from Sulaiman ranges. Kabul is a Himalayan tributary.

Q 78. We regret the mistake made. Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers National Parks are in UNESCO
World Heritage Site List.

Clarification – Test 20

Q 1. It is true that Mosses can also be an indicator of air pollution, but that does not invalidate the given
answer. Also, the options are not actually confusing because all others were incorrect matches. You
should get used to it, you would encounter such matches in UPSC.

Q 20. North Sea comes within the quadrilateral zone. Answer is D.

Q 24. In economics, every individual is assumed to be an unskilled labourer (with or without experience),
unless we assume him to be a skilled labour. In this way, every addition in population will contribute to
the pool of unskilled labourer and thus add to the productive capacity of the economy. You can draw the
analogy of human capital to the physical capital that we have. Addition of new wired poles to the
National Electricity Grid will be considered an increase in the physical capital of the nation even if they
do not start functioning immediately.

Q 79. Option B is a typo, it should actually be "2 and 4 only". Everything else is fine in its place.

Q 82. The question asks about a possibility, in which case A is clearly correct. A larger country will tend
to have either a larger latitudinal or longitudinal extent and if it has a large latitudinal extent, there will
be multiple time zones. We cannot make a statement that area of a country has nothing to do with its
time zones. So, A is more appropriate than D.

Clarification - Test 22

Q 96. Please replace option D by Manipur. Rest remains the same.

Test 23 - Clarification

Q 10. There is a typo. Correct answer will be None of the above.

Q 30. It is a 3200-kilometre long highway of which the 26.5-kilometre Myawaddy-Thinggan Nyenaung-

Kawkareik stretch of the Asian Highway is now operational and has been inaugurated.

Q 57. Please omit Tamil Nadu from the options.

Tribal habitations in the states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Jammu
& Kashmir have not been brought under the Fifth or Sixth Schedule. TN is thus NOT covered under PESA
Act. In the Q, rest remains the same.

Q 66. It is for the governance of civil population in cantonment area. Please note the typo in Statement

Q 70. The Returning Officer of a parliamentary or assembly constituency is responsible for the conduct
of elections in the parliamentary or assembly constituency and thus is to be ultimately held responsible
for the preparation of electoral rolls for a parliamentary or assembly constituency.

Q 91. Explanation was missing from the online version.

Crops suitable for green manuring are divided into two groups:

A. Non-legumes or Non-leguminous crops: The non-legumes used as green manuring crops provide only
organic matter to the soil. The non-legumes are used for green manuring to a limited extent.

Examples: Mustard, Wheat, Carrot, Jowar, Maize, Sunflower etc.

B. Legumes or Leguminous Crops: The legumes used as green manuring crops provide nitrogen as well
as organic matter to the soils. Legumes have the ability of acquiring nitrogen from the air with the help
of its nodule bacteria. The legumes are most commonly used as green manuring crops.

Examples: Sannhemp, Djainach, Mung, Cowpea, Lentil, Senji, Berseem, Guar etc.
Q 94. Correct answer will be B. It is a typo.

Clarification Test 24

Q 6. Kangchendzonga National Park is already a World Heritage Site. The data on MoEF website was

Q 13. The question actually asks the nations that lie completely to the North of the Equator i.e. entirely
in the Northern Hemisphere. Some parts of Malaysia and Indonesia lie in the Southern Hemisphere and
thus they are not the right answer.

Q 19. Some aspirants argue that the theme of dignity of women also features in FRs. We understand
your line of reasoning and agree that the interpretation can be a bit subjective here. However, in the FRs
whatever applies to women also applies to other groups as well. For e.g. right against exploitation is
available both against child and women trafficking, or the Right to equality is available to all groups alike
and not only women. So, there is nothing women specific in FRs that would make us agree with this as
the answer. Given answer will be correct.

Q 44. Statement 3 will be incorrect. The data we had from India trade portal,30,50,168 was a bit old. The update data says that Bangladesh is the largest importer.

Q 21. It is the net receipt that should be considered in such a case. The additional receipt received by
the government is not its income but a liability. Please do not consider the tax refunds that remain with
the government for some part of the financial year as the revenue of the government. It is not.

Q 29. There can be different laws for different gender based on the Right to equal protection of laws
which stipulates that laws apply similarly to similarly situated people. For e.g. transgender and men
cannot be governed by the exact same legal provisions or women do not necessarily follow the same
laws as men. This remains the case even if UCC is implemented.

Clarification - Test 25

Q 1. There are important differences between carbon sequestration and carbon injection. The former is
an end in itself - whereas the latter is a means to an end - which is to enhance oil output and not
actually to store carbon.

When you sequester carbon you would want to store it permanently so that it does not come up to the
atmosphere again.
But, CO2 Injection projects for oil recovery resemble a closed-loop system. Here the CO2 is injected,
mixes with the oil and “releases” the oil from the formation, thereby freeing it to move to production
wells. CO2 that emerges with the oil is separated in above-ground facilities and re-injected into the
formation. So, in this case the CO2 is not actually being sequestered rather injected for a specific

Q 40. Answer should be A. Base effect domination would translate as either too high or too low a base
which would erode any real rise or fall in commodity prices. Statement 1 is thus correct.

Q 71. Statement 2: A356 uses the word "may" in place of “shall”. However, the context of the use of this
power is not optional but obligatory. The President cannot NOT delegate this power to the Parliament in
the case of a constitutional machinery failure in a state.

Q 84. Statement 1 will be incorrect. Answer should be B.

After reaching a point in the production curve, it'll no longer be possible to produce more and more
consumption goods with the same amount of capital goods. Hence, the inflation because the increased
demand will not be met by more goods. However, this point would occur somewhere in the long run.

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