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Leonard 1

Russell Leonard
Mrs klimas
English pre Ap
29 September, 2017

Raymond Barrio’s excerpt from Plum Plum Pickers depicts the life of a migrant worker

struggling to maintain his humanity. Barrio’s use of visual imagery, declarative syntax, and

desperate tone creates a moment of epiphany in a man’s life

In Plum Plum Pickers, the visual imagery Roman Barrio writes, “to replenish his brute

cells and animal pores and stinking follicles and pig gristle, a truly refined wreck of an animal”

(Barrio 1). As if the migrant worker was an animal there's a documentary explanation of what

animals do. This visual imagery is what shows the desperate tone and declarative syntax.

The declarative syntax in Plum Plum Pickers is a main point for Barrio’s message. Barrio

writes, “but they wouldn't give a damn, It was bread” (24). Barrio, being extremely blunt gives

this detail of how the owners don't care about the workers, and all they want is their “bread” thus

giving a distinct syntax.

Working in the hot sun and tiring conditions Manuel becomes extremely desperate. Bario

writes, “the endlessly unending piling up of bucket upon box upon crate upon stack upon rack

upon mountain.”(2). As Manuel works through the day everything becomes harder and more

dragging on his spirit. This goes so far as to Manuel falling asleep during work. This developes

the desperate tone in Plum Plum Pickers.

Raymon Barrio’s Plum Plum Pickers included visual imagery, declarative syntax, and

desperate tone. In doing so, Barrio creates a universal truth which shows the hard work and

terrible conditions some workers are working under.

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