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I voLUME e tssuEr wtNTER ?008


af 2047 "GRM'Saved'My tife!"
"I* ffimej #e tfue, #f*rry flerrfifi efos'F-ftirrgs Fd*; fu#s,{}#{-r*

Markeith Gaither, 36, is one tencing and the judge agreed changed his life around. He is
of the many awesome success on a sentence that allowed now building helpful and benefi-

;:H:f-n fi;'"J:ffi: ff#lfil;^1lild]$

stories of Gospel Rescue

and drinking between the ages

Min- him to enter GRM's Trans- cial relationships and has a bet-


with friends and family. He He will celebrate three years

was now facing what he'd like Morkeith Goither of sobriety this summer. He is
to call, "mojor joiltime!" currently the CDL Instructor in
Mr. Gaither's family sought forming Lives Ministry. GRM GRM's School of Tomorrow.
help for him by contacting an was the first treatment center
""'fo' l wos hungry ond you gave
organization called Grace of that Gaither had received
God, who in rurn contacted treatment from. He didn't [:!",;!J;ffiT::'r"ri:rl;:,
Chaplain Carlton White. He know God, but as a result of andyou tookMe in; Iwosnoked
spoke on his behatf at a sen- ioining GRM's prosram he has ';i"r;:-!:'irZ!,!_2,t,:;;,::'jffi

L ooseeond
Chance'o Success Storv !;;':'i':':;;'#i;'i,

tr Albert Brooks, a GRM place that God used to ,0.; with himself' develop a
a spiri-
alumni, was recently asked to him from the consequences of
tual life' and leave life of
shame behind'
t share his thoughts about how a lifestyle that was leading him
GRM provided supporr for the nowhere. His brother-in-law,
Albert now encourages
employment success that he is Chef James Jones, Director of
every client to maximize their
now enjoying during the re- Food Services at GRM, en- stay at GRM and shares his
covery phase of his life. cur- couraged him to make the thoughts which can be univer-
rently, he is a New Car Sales commitment to come into the lally applied' When asked
Consultant for Pohanka Auto- full-time recovery program
"How did GRM PrePare you
motive Group, Marlow and make rnu.n 'n"Id"d to re-enter the job marlcet
Heights, Maryland. He has changes that he desired. This and contribute to your cur-
been employed there since was one of the best decisions rent job successl", his re-
March 2006. that he has ever made because sPonse was'
"The WorkNet
In 200s, cRM became the he was able ro re-connec. "'o'3J;:::flTJr"T"'
Greetings lrom the Hxecutive lfirector

Dear Friends of GRM, resources necessary for us to our doors. GRM's spiritual pro-
We want to thank Don Melvin help others. grams will continue to be the
for his faithful service as Executive 2008 will be a year of special foundation of our ministry as we
Director for over three years. He challenge for GRM due to a ma-
continue to strive for excellence in
feels led by God to move into the jor
shortfall of income during our therapeutic drug recovery, edu-
Director of Aftercare position 2007 and the need to incur some cational, job placement, relationship
where he will work more closely debt related to this shortfall and restoration and aftercare support
with graduates of GRM's various with the new transitional housing service programs.
programs and supervise GRM's facility. I would ask you to con- In reminiscing the past, I would
transitional housing, alumni and sider helping us in a special way like to share an excerpt of an article
supportive services. during 2008. We pledge to be I wrote in 2000- "lt is our desire
The Board of GRM has asked me good stewards of all the gifts re- that the ministry of GRM be honor-
to serve again in this capacity for ceived and hope to eliminate all ing to God and responsive to the
the immediate future. I count it a of our debt by year-end. needs of those who enter our
privilege to serve God in this capac- GRM staff are committed to doors. Many men and women have
ity. Having served on the Board for running all of our programs and made life changing decisions while
over l2 years and as Executive Di- related activities in a quality fash- at GRM and truly can be called
rector for over 4 years , I feel very ion, continuing the message of "trophies of God's grace." Thank
confident that God will continue to "Help, Healing & Hope to all of you for your continued prayers,
bless our ministry and provide the the men and women who enter volunteerism & financial support.

"Lambert House Transitional Home ls Ready to Go!"

To reflect a generous healing to persons in recovery in and individuals to come and support
gift and ongoing opera- the Washington, D. C. area. We our residents. There is presently
tional support from the thank them so much for their and opportunity for you to have
Lambert Foundation, generous suPPort. your church or loved one memori-
GRM's transitional facility Residents of the house will par- alized by naming a room at the
has been named after ticipate in our aftercare program Lambert House in their honor.
Bruce Lambert. Bruce which includes the living in bal- Don't hesitate to get involved.
was a long time GRM ance curriculum with many re- You may contact Don Melvin,
board member and sup- lapse prevention segments, budg- Aftercare Director, 202-842-1731,
porter of the ministry eting, and other life skills. We if you're interested in supporting
here to bring hope and are looking for our churches the Lambert House.
;l '., :i-;1

A "Second Chonce" Success Story

Frrom Page I have to have a desire, however, to hobits hove to be formed to overcome
Pro rid, me the pursue the development of a spiri- former lifestyles."
too s that I needed
cols tual life and grow. Initially, it may Mr. Brooks will be joining the
)r aISsuccessful inter-
for not be easy, but the results are noon day School of Prayer begin-
iewtaand to conduct
viev worthwhile in maintaining focus ning in March as a volunteer as
ryself professionally
mys and sobriety." part of his desire to give back.
n the job.
on1 He also shared how one's pri- Mr. Brooks 3-5 year goal is to
)uestion: Why is a
Qu mary focus as far as the client is become a motivational speaker
spi r life very im- concerned should be on full recov- and to get married.
Por ery. A spiritual life and aftercare is
Res "A spiri- a very important component in "Yesterdoy I dored to struggle.
.ral life equips you to
tual staying connected. He also stated
Today,l dare to win!"
xercise your will to
exe that "Ihis is o doy to doy bottle and
ursue God's
PUrr plan chollenges continuously orise. Focus-
and purpose. You ing is not olwoys eosy becouse new

The President's Call to Service Award

community and country. He ies. wherever he could be of
was congratulated and received service. This Award recognizes
the President's call to Service Deacon Lyttle's dedication to
i iit' it',r}
award on behalf of President volunteer service and signifies t,tti't1 t;i

George Bush. This award is that he has served and contin- {'t}f i.,,r t'it J ttlil ! t.' i ! | tt r
given to individuals who to serve his communitY and
through service to others dem- country with distinction. riirlj'{' i jiriff i{.r rjt'rr; c

onstrate outstanding character Through his volunteer efforts, tsI itil i t ti ! t.:lJ',r';';.'it ;'r
The GRM FamilY, Board of and have provided more than he demonstrated values that
make our nation strong and has I jli.:, i, j ! tti lf i i ll
Trustees and staff aPPlaud the 4,000 hours of service over the ;' r !;' t1 |

volunteer commitment of one course of their lives. Deacon helped to build a culture of .i;trf {. {1,'liiJl'll irtltl
of their very own, Deacon GarY Lyttle has provided service to citizenship, service and resPon-
Lytde. Deacon LYttle was hon- GRM for over 30 years. He has sibility, not only at GRM but in r'1'a'li;',"{ tlti ii {i'ti l tl tttt

served GRM in manY caPacities America.

ored during a Press conference i,i'! tt s I i' rtl !:' rt, i i! r' tt I

at the CoPitol Hill Pursuit Drive unselfishly and stood in the gaP Congratulations again, Dea-
held in June 2007 at the for many absences throughout con Lyttle, on receiving this t)ittt:ii' iitr';!t.
Rayburn building for his dedica- the years, particularlY during President's Call to Service

tion to volunteer services to his our chapel services, bible stud- Award.

Moving to the

Next Level!

Join the GRM

Family lst 2008
trainee in the ized. Thelong sought after skills, employment coaching, job -
DC Central Treatment Choice and Medicaid searching, and spiritual suP- graduation of our
Kitchen 70th Program awards granting reim- port)' GRM Clients on
CuIinary buriement for APRA-referred TLM & Fulton House of Hope
Arts training individuals has been signed and expect to use this funding to Saturday, March l,
program which began on Janu- will be in place beginning March make definite advancements in
'^ry 2008 @ l0:00 a.m.
Zt. James is on his way to 2008. Also, the Access to Re- the services GRM offers.
achieving his career goal of covery (ATR) program will be-
Chef and restaurant owner. gin reimbursements in a more

2OOB \fioluNrneR DAYs three (3) scheduled in 2008.

March | 5

A special thanl< you and heartfelt

GRM welcomes many volunteers
luly 26
gratitude is extended to all of our November 22
GRM volunteers who attend to throughout the year. lt is our
the many needs of the mission hope to open the doors for our
from time to time. God blessed chapel servers to become a Part
us with an overwhelming number of this area of service evangelism.
of volunteers in 2007. Since vol- Thanl<s again for always lending a
unteers are an essential comPo- helping hand to bring helP, heoling
nent of our operation here at and hope to GRM residents. For
Worletr's Group from Bell Shoals Baptist
Church in Florida blessed GRM & the Ftrlron GRM, we have now instituted a more information contact 202-
House of HoPe. "Volunteer Doy." There are 842-173 | x238.

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