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Prepared by Kasha Wheat ,Kieran Murray

Clout pictures


Concept outline:
A teenage boy around the age of 16 names Leo Michaelson is walking
home from college at around 7:40/8:00, when he stumbles across a
creepy underpass he sees a male figure in a dark coloured hoodie, so
he can't see his face. The guy in the hoodie sees another person
walking past him, the guy then pulls out a knife and stabbed the person
walking past him. The teenage boy witnesses this happen and runs
away back home. When he gets home he doesn't call the police as he's
worried the murderer will come after him. When the boy gets home he is
picturing blood on his hands. The next day Leo begins to get paranoid
and keeps picturing the events of last night in his head, so he can't focus
at college. Leo also keep seeing the guy in the dark hoodie, which
makes his paranoia worse.
The next day he decides to go see the college counsellor about his
problem. During the session, we learn a lot about the character's
backstory with is when he was little his father was a very abusive man
towards him and his mother. As a result of this his father ended up
murdering his mother when he was only 6 years old, so his father went
to prison and he was left all alone with no family and had to go into
foster care. He now lives with a foster family, but he doesn't get along
with them much. Because of his severe trauma as a young child, he was
diagnosed with Dissociative identity disorder which is when you have
different personalities and sometimes you can't remember what you
have done. Leo has another personality Elijah called but he hasn’t been
let out in a long time.
After his therapy session, he begins to walk home when he comes
across the same underpass and he begins to picture what happened
again that night and starts to have a panic attack. After his panic attack
finishes he walks home. The next day when Leo is in college two
undercover police officers take him in for questioning as they found his
badge at the crime scene. When he is in questing they shown him CCTV
footage of what really happened that night - which was that Leo killed an
innocent person. we then see what happened through Leos eyes which
is when he was walking through the underpass he saw the person, but
he pictured the person to be his dad and his other personality comes out
and wants to get payback for what he did to his mother and stabbed him
but it turns about seeing his dad was a figurative of his imagination as a
result of having Dissociative identity disorder he didn't know it was really
him how was the murderer all along. Leo then ended us going to juvie
and finally comes to teams with his condition and learns to live with it.

Character Briefs:
Main character- Leo Michaelson, white British 16 years old, skinny,
average Hight, dark hair, always where a dark cooled hoodie has
dissociative identity disorder, no family or friends, goes to college,
doesn't speak much.
Figure in hoodie- white British 16 years old, skinny, average Hight,
Victim- age 16-35, male, white, average Hight, any clothing
College counsellor- female, white British, 30- 40s, average sized, dark
hair, any clothing.
Police officers- 30s-40s, male, undercover, any clothing
Father- male, in his 40s-50s, looks scruffy, has a resembling look to
Leo, old clothing.
News reporter 1- female, 30-40s, any ethnicity, smart clothing well
News reporter 2- male, 30-40s, any ethnicity, smart clothing well

The underlying message of the story:

You could suggest that the underlining message of our film is that you
shouldn't take things for face value so basically not to stereotype people
just as our main character Leo might looks fine but deep down he isn't
fine. You could also suggest that people don’t always get the help they
really need and keep their emotions inside and that if you talk to
someone you can get help.
The genre we chose for our short film is thriller we chose this because
we all thought it would be a good genre to do as we don’t really have a
budget and by doing a thriller it wouldn’t be too costly to produce. We
also chose thriller for the genre because we all liked the idea of doing
something with an unexpected twist at the end of the film. One last
reason we chose thriller was because we had all thought of a good idea
we could do for a film.

Examples of similar films:

An example of a full-length film similar to ours is 'Split'. The film 'split'
came out in 2016 and was directed by M. Night Shyamalan. The film is
about a man called Kevin Wendell Crumb who has 23 different
personalities and all are completely different which means he has
dissociative identity disorder.
In the film, it starts off with one of the personalities called Dennis who
kidnaps 3 girls and takes them to an unknown place and locks them in a
room together. Throughout the movie, Kevin visits his psychiatrist Dr
Karen Fletcher who is helping him control his personalities and it also
shows flashback of one of the girls past. The girls trick one of the
personalities with is a young boy called Hedwig to tell them information
in which they learn about a 24th personality. Having heard about the
new personality together they then try to escape from the place which
doesn't work. Towards the end of the film two of the girls get killed by the
24th personality and only one of them is left and manages to survive.
This film is similar to ours because the main character had dissociative
identity disorder and can't remember something that he's personalities
have done, and this is the same as our main character Leo. It is also
similar to our short film as we will have the flashbacks element in ours as
well. One more reason it is similar to our short film is because some of
Kevin's personalities are horrible and do bad things and Leo other
personality is very similar to them.
Another example of a film that like ours is a short film called 'Witness'
which was made by a guy called Joe Eastley who makes short film on
The film is about a girl from university who likes photography she goes
into to woods to take some photos and hears some weird noises she
goes to look but she suddenly sees a man in a black hooded mask with
a guy tied up trying to kill him. She takes some photos on her camera
and runs off but the man in the mask sees her and tries to get her, but
he failed.
When she gets home she calls the police to tell them what happened
when a police officer comes to her house and gets a statement she has
a flashback to what happened, she then realises he's not a police officer
he is the guy from the woods and she tries to leave but he shoots her.
but in the end, the real police come and kill the guy.
This short film is similar to ours as we have the element of flashbacks in
ours and also a witness to a murder.
One more film similar to ours is a film called 'My Friend Dahmer'. the film
came out in 2017 and was directed by Marc Meyers. The film is about a
teenage boy called Jeffrey Dahmer who is in high school. Jeffrey is a
very lonely boy and doesn't have many friends and his parents are very
unstable. Jeffrey is very interested in bones and he started to kill animals
until he, moved on to killing humans. Jeffrey Dahmer became a serial
killer and no thought he would. 'My Friend Dahmer' is based on a true
'My Friend Dahmer' is like our film because the main character in our film
is very lonely and doesn't have any friends and his parents were a mess
the main character is also around the same age as Dahmer in the film.
A TV show that's similar to ours is 'bates motel' the TV show is based on
the film by Alfred Hitchcock's and the book by Robert Bloch's called
Psycho. Bated motel came out in 2013 and was made by Carlton Cuse,
Kerry Ehrin. The show is about Norma and Norman Bates who by a
motel after Normans father dies. The first night they got there a guy
brakes in and sexually assaults Norma and Norman stabs the man to
death and they hide the body. We later find out in the show that Norman
killed his father, but he doesn't know he did he thought his dad just died
and throughout the sessions Norman does bad things without even
realising he is doing them for instant he tries to attack his older brother
who comes to town.
This TV show is similar to ours as our main character in the short film will
kill someone but not even know he's done it and also in the show, they
show flashbacks which we will also be having in our film.

Our short film is feasible because we have chosen something realistic
and easy to convey. Our idea and film are not using any special effects
in it or using characters that are not realistic and accessible to us. Our
short film is also feasible because we don't have funding for our short
film and the idea we have chosen won't really cost much we will only
have to buy fake blood and maybe a knife, but we can all chip in to buy
those things as there is seven of us in the group. One more thing that
makes our film feasible is that we will choose the locations that are
easily accessible to all of us as we do have a limited area we can film in
to make it fair for everyone. We may have some issues with feasibility
and that might be with filming the end with the police officers as we want
to make that realistic.
Target audience:
As the genre of our film is Thriller we anticipate our target audience to be
a large range of ages, so we have chosen 15- 50 due to having content
of gore and violence in our film, so our film will be more serious then
light-hearted because of this we will also have to consider the style of
filming and the camera angles we use.
Most Thriller films are targeted at both male and female. However, the
genre is more targeted at a male audience because of it being an action
style genre and men tend to be more attract to violent natured films. So,
our film would probably target more at a male audience, but we will also
hope a female audience will like it too. Thriller films are aimed more at
the middle class because of the way the film is made by giving you the
feel of suspense. it might also be more aimed at middle class because
they could relate to it.
One more thing is that people with dissociative identity disorder might
not want to watch our short film because they might get offended if we
don’t portray the condition properly. We have a responsibility to portray it
accurately and their fore we will heavily research it.
Overall our target audience would be males around the ages between
15-50 but we would hope our film appeals to more people.

Resources needed:
 Director
 Producer
 Researcher
 Script writers
 Camera operators
 Editors
 Sound assistants

 Main character played by
 Guy in dark hoodie played by
 Person being killed played by
 College counsellor played by
 Police officers played by
 Father played by
 News reporter 1 played by
 News reporter 2 played by

 Fake blood
 Knife
 Sign to let the public know we are filming
 crime scene photos
 crime scene tape
 College I.D badge
 Hand cuffs

 A house
 Place for murder
 College
 Streets
 Office

 Lumix g80
 Nikon d3200
 Panasonic handycam
 Gopro
 Rode ntg2 x2
 Rode videomic go
 Rode boom pole
 Rode dead cat
 Xlr 5m x2
 Zoom h4n
 Xlr to 3.5m jack
 Maybe lav mics x2
 Maybe lavmic recorder x2
 Maybe videomic pro
 Manfrotto video tripod with fluid head
 Manfrotto slider
 Basic manfrotto tripod
 Mic stands x2
 Field monitor
 Possible skateboard
 Pistol grip x2
 Gopro headband
 Basic studio lights
 Lumix cam x3
 Nikon cam x2
 Field recorder x3
 Panasonic cam x2
 Field recorder x10
 Gopro x2
 Backpack (manfrotto fits most of the stuff)
 Tripod bag (manfrotto)
 Panasonic bag
 Field recorder bag
Other stuff:
 High vis x2
 Earbuds x7

Job roles:
Director - Kieran Murray
I was chosen for the role of director because I have a good knowledge of
different cameras and techniques, so I would be able to help the ground
crew, for example help the camera ops with the settings and stuff like
that. also, I have a good eye for detail and would be able to spot small
things in the production that do not look right. I have lots of ideas in my
head that I think will look good for possible shots. This is good because I
will be able to think of lots of different scene ideas and different angles,
also I’m good at editing so I will be able to help the editor, and this is
good because the director should work closely with the editor anyway
and another reason why is that I’m easy to talk to and people can come
up to me and ask about different shot ideas or help with things like this,
so that's was some of the main reason why I am the director.

Producer- Kasha Wheat

I was chosen for the role of producer because I have some of the skills
needed for it like organisational skills, time management and I'm also
good at keeping everyone motivated to do work. I was also chosen for
the job because I really enjoy doing all the paperwork side of things like
risk assessments, location recces things like that and I am also an easy-
going person and I'm happy to help anyone with work if they ask me to. I
am also production manager as we are a group of seven and there were
eight jobs and a production manager are very similar to a producer
which is the job I have anyway.

Researcher- Kate Gillard

Kate was chosen to be the researcher because it’s a job Kate could see
herself doing in the future. Kate was also chosen for the role of
researcher because she likes to do reaches into different elements, so
we can make sure are film is as good as it can be.

Script writers: Jasper Moore & Kiran France

Kiran was chosen for the job role of script writer because he has a very
creative imagination and has an extensive vocabulary. Jasper was also
chosen for this job because he has very good English skills and
grammar skills and he also has a creative imagination. Together their
skills work really well.

Main Camera operators: Ben Tidcombe & Louis Bastin

Louis and Ben were chosen to be the camera operators because it's
something they haven't done much off in the other projects, they were
also chosen to be camera operators because they both said they wanted
to build up of the camera skills.
Editors: Kieran Murray & Ben Tidcombe
Kieran and Ben have been chosen for the role of editors because Kieran
is very good at editing and as he is also the director he has a good idea
in his head of how it should be edited. Ben is also the editor because he
wonts to get better and learn more about editing.

Sound assistants: Jasper Moore & Kate Gillard

Jasper and Kate are the sound assistants because the both have good
attrition to detail, so they will be able to notice any sound issues when
we are out filming.

Research sources we could use:

Genre research-
To find about the mental health condition-
To look at and find different short film -
Find different locations to film at-
Research into different film festivals in the uk-
legal requirements for films-

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