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# SAP Specific Agent Properties #


# if this property is not present or the value is false,

# the host agent will not start

# Agent Properties #

# Enterprise Manager Connection Order
# ================
# The Enterprise Manager connection order list the Agent uses if it
# is disconnected from its Enterprise Manager.


# Enterprise Manager Locations and Names
# (names defined in this section are only used in the
# introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.connectionorder property)
# ================
# Settings the Introscope Agent uses to find the Enterprise Manager
# and names given to host and port combinations.
# You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take

# The following connection properties enable the Agent to tunnel communication

# to the Enterprise Manager over HTTP.
# WARNING: This type of connection will impact Agent and Enterprise Manager
# performance so it should only be used if a direct socket connection to the
# the Enterprise Manager is not feasible. This may be the case if the Agent
# is isolated from the Enterprise Manager with a firewall blocking all but
# HTTP traffic.
# When enabling the HTTP tunneling Agent, uncomment the following host, port,
# and socket factory properties, setting the host name and port for the
# Enterprise Manager Web Server. Comment out any other connection properties
# assigned to the "DEFAULT" channel and confirm that the "DEFAULT" channel is
# assigned as a value for the "introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.connectionorder"
# property.
# You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take
# The following properties are used only when the Agent is tunneling over HTTP
# and the Agent must connect to the Enterprise Manager through a proxy server
# (forward proxy). Uncomment and set the appropriate proxy host and port values.
# If the proxy server cannot be reached at the specified host and port, the
# Agent will try a direct HTTP tunneled connection to the Enterprise Manager
# before failing the connection attempt.
# You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take

# The following properties are used only when the proxy server requires
# authentication. Uncomment and set the user name and password properties.
# You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take

# To connect to the Enterprise Manager using HTTPS (HTTP over SSL),

# uncomment these properties and set the host and port to the EM's secure https
listener host and port.

# To connect to the Enterprise Manager using SSL,

# uncomment these properties and set the host and port to the EM's SSL server
socket host and port.

# Additional properties for connecting to the Enterprise Manager using SSL.

# Location of a truststore containing trusted EM certificates.
# If no truststore is specified, the agent trusts all certificates.
# Either an absolute path or a path relative to the agent's working directory.
# On Windows, backslashes must be escaped. For example: C:\\keystore
# The password for the truststore
# Location of a keystore containing the agent's certificate.
# A keystore is needed if the EM requires client authentication.
# Either an absolute path or a path relative to the agent's working directory.
# On Windows, backslashes must be escaped. For example: C:\\keystore
# The password for the keystore
# Set the enabled cipher suites.
# A comma-separated list of cipher suites.
# If not specified, use the default enabled cipher suites.

# Properties for SAProuter support
# put the complete router string except for the port in the host property

# Logging Configuration
# ================
# The following property, log4j.logger.IntroscopeAgent,
# controls both the amount of detail
# that is logged and the output location.
# Replace the text 'INFO' with the much longer text shown below -
# ''
# to increase the level of detail.
# Replace 'console' with 'logfile' (without the quotes)
# to send the output to a log file instead of the console.

log4j.logger.IntroscopeAgent=INFO, console,

# If logfile is specified above, the location of the log file

# is configured with the following property,
# log4j.appender.logfile.File. Full paths can
# be used if desired. Log4j expands system properties,
# so constructs such as
# log4j.appender.logfile.File=${}/IntroscopeAgent.log
# are valid


########## See Warning below ##########

# Warning: The following properties should not be modified for normal use.
log4j.appender.console.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{M/dd/yy hh:mm:ss a z} [%-3p]
[%c] %m%n
log4j.appender.logfile.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{M/dd/yy hh:mm:ss a z} [%-3p]
[%c] %m%n

# Custom Process Name
# ================
# Specify the process name as it appears in the
# Introscope Enterprise Manager and Workstation.

introscope.agent.customProcessName=SAP HostAgent Process

# disable some services
# ================


# Agent Extensions Directory
# ================
# This property specifies the location of all extensions to be loaded
# by the Introscope Agent. Non-absolute names are resolved relative
# to the location of this properties file.
# You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take

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