Interpretation of Results

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Activity 4 of Numerical Methods Laboratory is titled “Roots of

Non-Linear Functions: Polynomial Functions”. In this particular
activity, from the title itself, introduces us to two methods in solving
for the roots of non-linear polynomial functions which are the
Bairtsow’s Method and the Muller’s Method. Same as the previous
experiments, we used the MS Excel to apply these methods for the
polynomial functions that were provided by our instructor. For an
overview, we define Bairstow’s Method as an iterative method used
to find both the real and complex roots of a polynomial. While
Muller’s Method is a generalization of the secant method, in the
sense that it does not require the derivative of the function.

To begin with the procedure, we initially prepared two

spreadsheets, one for each method. First for the Bairstow’s Method,
we provided columns devoted for the following parameters; initial
values (r and s), computed change in values (∆r and ∆s), new values
(r* and s*) error criteria (εr and εs) and a remarks column. Found in
the manual are the formulas necessary for the method in which we
followed to program the Excel such that it would automatically
compute for the synthetic division process applied to determine the

coefficients for linear equations. Also, we made sure that the Excel
will program the worksheet to automatically compute for the system
of linear equation generated from the synthetic division using
determinants and compute for the changes of ∆r and ∆s, the new
values, too, for r* and s*, along with their respective error criteria,
εr and εs. Our terminating conditions were set to εr and εs <0.001,
therefore program will terminate once this is satisfied. These
iterations made the function convergent in the specified initial
conditions. For the next sheet was the Muller’s method. This time we
provided columns devoted for the following parametes ;
intial/previous values (x1 , x2, and x0), the curve fitting parameters
(h0, h1, δ0 and δ1), the computed quadratic function coefficients (a, b,
c) and the discriminant D, along with the root estimate x3, and a
remarks column. The same terminating condition was programmed
for this method. Just like what we usually do, we followed the
formulas of the method provided by the manual and programmed the
Excel to automatically solve for the parameters mentioned earlier.
The iterations made the function convergent in the specified initial


 Bairstow’s Method is an iterative method used to find both the

real and complex roots of a polynomial.
 This method is based on the idea of synthetic division of the given
polynomial by a quadratic function and can be used to find all the
roots of a polynomial.
 Since r and s are coefficients of the quadratic factor f2(x) then
both variables should satisfy the condition to terminate the
iteration. The computed values of r and s are then used synthetic
division of the next iteration.
 Muller’s a generalization of the secant method, in the sense that
it does not require the derivative of the function. It is an iterative
method that requires three starting points.
 It can be used to find real or complex zeros of a function and can
be programmed to use complex arithmetic.
 Muller’s Method is actually a variation of the secant method in
which converges faster than the secant method and almost as fast
as Newton's method.

 In this method, a parabola is constructed that passes through the

three points; then the quadratic formula is used to find a root of
the quadratic for the next approximation.

 Muller’s uses 3 initial values and determines the intersection with

the x axis of the parabola which is done by finding the root of an
explicit quadratic equation.

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