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Thank you for your support and trust in Razer when using our products and services. To keep
pace with the new data protection laws taking effect from May 25, 2018 in the European
Union, we will be updating our terms of service and privacy policies. Do visit our General Data
Protection Regulation page for more information:
In the coming weeks, you may receive new updates to our software and services (such as Razer
Synapse, Razer Cortex and Razer zVault) that require your additional consent on use.
Additionally, we have made the conscientious decision to retire previous versions of our
software and services, and you may not be able to experience them in full after May 25, 2018.
To avoid any disruptions, please update to the latest version of your software where available.
We encourage you to review the new changes to our policies. By using our services on or after
the date, you will be agreeing to these updates. We seek your kind understanding as we
continue to empower our users to make the best decisions about the information that is shared
with us.

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Best Regards,
The Razer Team

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