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Rafael Aguilar

1800 Buhach Rd

Atwater, Ca 95301

November 16, 2017

To whom it may concern:

It is with the utmost pleasure and honor to recommend Manal Akil. She is a bright, hardworking,

intelligent compassionate young lady with a bright future ahead of her. She has been able to maintain a

3.9 g.p.a during her academic endeavors at Buhach Colony High School. This is a true testament of her

desire to succeed. Such consistency demonstrates strong character qualities of hard work, persistence and


While addressing her academic responsibilities, she has involved herself in extracurricular

activities such as: Culture Club, HOSA, and MRWERC. Her sincerity for helping others is recognized

and admired by her classmates and teachers, where she has been involved with the school’s Kindess Club,

Model U.N. program.

I have witnessed first hand the growth and maturation of this extraordinary young woman. There

is no other student that exemplifies the prior traits aforementioned like Manal. A top student with the

character and dedication to excel not only in college, but in everything they attempt; Manal is one who

will rise to, and beyond the occasion. She will be the first in her family to attend college in the U.S.

Manal’s desire to become a Nurse and later pursue a doctorate shows that she has a plan for success; one

that I know she will accomplish.

It is without question and reservation that I recommend Manal in any and all of her endeavors that

she may pursue.

Rafael Aguilar

Buhach Colony High School

English/ ELD Teacher

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