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Does Education kill.

Today was my PP2 group presentation. It was suggested I work on the PowerPoint, as this is
my forte, and naturally I was very keen when asked to fulfil this role as my strengths are
creativity plus I assumed I would be rewarded in higher grades for my efforts. The
preparation on the morning of the presentation took much longer than any of us had
anticipated. The whole morning was taken up tweaking and organising. Finally, we had a
very rushed rehearsal and although we were not ready we had no choice but to plough
through the presentation.
Each person had their role, and I ensured the presentation would flow seamlessly with the
images coordinating with each other. The table was displayed with literature collaborating
my slides, pens were available, comment forms were strategically placed, and I compiled
badges that displayed our Tuckman roles. Due to lack of time my presentation was clipped,
and I was unable to reiterate everything I wanted to. I did however believe that having a
handout would be my back up.
In assembling all the images, I wasn’t concerned with being wrong! I was researching each
and everybody’s literature and attempted to visualise their concepts in image format. I was
not frightened of being wrong I was being original. When compiling the information from
everyone I thought that part of my grade would be enhanced by my visual aids, the creation
of slides which were imaginatively presented, the display on the tables, my idea to use my
microphones to enhance the game show and by coordinating my colleagues but this was not
to be. I have a talent so why in education is my talent being squandered, squashed, and not
having academic awards?
Ken Robinson (TED: 2006) describes intelligence as being diverse, dynamic, and distinct, he
judges that intelligence is interactive cannot be put into one compartment. Creativity he
believes comes about through communication of diverse punitive ways ‘My contention is
that creativity now is as important in education as literacy and we should treat it with the
same status.’
I do not wish to outgrow creativity but, the Education system claims I made a mistake, my
creativity was not rewarded, I did not receive any accolades for being creative, in an
educational degree. I’m I not allowed to be original? If we must re think the fundamental
principles on which we are educating our children, why are we not rethinking the
fundamentals on which we are educating everybody.

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