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Pole-Amplitude Modulation

This method of pole changing has the advantage that the ratio of the two speeds
need not be necessarily two-to-one as in the method of consequent poles.

Consider the sinusoidally distributed mmf waves of one phase of the stator,

F(Ɵ)=F sin

Where P is the no. of poles and Ɵ the mechanical angle.

Also remember that F varies sinusoidally with time as it is caused by a

sinusoidally-varying phase current.

Let this mmf wave be modulated by another sinusoidal mmf wave of Pm poles

The modulated mmf wave is then given by,

It is found from the expression of Eq. (9.80) that the modulated mmf waves is equivalent
to two mmf waves, one having P1= (P-Pm) poles and other P2= (P+Pm) poles. This
indeed is the suppressed-carrier modulation which implies that the name pole-amplitude
modulation is a misnomer.

Since the stator is wound for P poles, the angle between phase axes is r (2π/3)
elect.rad, r being integral nonmultiple of 3. The phase axes angle for modulated poles is

Where r=integer, nonmultiple of 3.

To suppress one of the poles, say P1,the angle between its phase axes must be
multiple of 2π, i.e
Since r is selected to be an integer nonmultiple of 3,the angle in Eq. (9.82) is integral
multiple of (2π/3) and hence the rotating field corresponds only to P2=(P+Pm) poles.
Similarly P2 poles could be suppressed and P1 poles developed.

For example ,let P=8. Then from Eq. (9.81) if the values n=1 and r=4 chosen

In practice the modulating mmf used is rather crude; a rectangular wave of amplitude
M=1. This modulation is simply achieved by dividing the complete winding of each
phase into Pm groups and reverse connecting alternative groups.

Fig 9.54 shows the eight poles of one phase for the example in hand. It also indicate
the 2-poles (Pm=2) rectangular modulating function symmetrically located with respect
to p=8 poles .the value of m= -1 means reverse connecting poles groups 5,6,7 and 8
resulting in sign reversed doted poles. On this fig, P1=6 poles are identified by circled
numbers but P2=10 poles aren’t evident this can only be visualized from equation 9.54
where in modulating function is fundamental of the rectangular space wave. The
harmonic components of the rectangular wave create their own modulated poles but
these can be ignored .it has already shown above that in this example P1=6 poles get
suppressed resulting in P2=10 pole field, when the groups 5,6,7 and 8 are reverse
connected. The motor can therefore, run corresponding to 8 [original] and 10
[modulated poles ]

Pole amplitude modulation technique Permits two speeds to be obtained which

needn’t be in the ratio 2:1. It also allows great reduction in size and cost of the machine.
Frequency Control

The synchronous speed of the induction motor can be controlled in a step less
way over a wide range by changing the supply frequency. As per Eq. (9.1) the resultant
air-gap flux per pole is given by,

Therefore, in order to avoid saturation in stator and rotor cores which would
cause sharp increase in magnetization current, the flux Ɵr must be kept constant as f is
varied. To achieve this, it follows from Eq. (9.83) that when f is varied, V must also be
varied such that (V/f) supply can be arranged by the converter-inverter arrangement
shown schematically in Fig. 9.55 (a) which employs SCR circuitry (refer to sec.11.12).
Fig 9.55 (b) shows an alternative speed control scheme using a converter and DC
Shunt Motor. The chief attraction of employing induction motor for speed control is its
ruggedness, low cost and maintenance free operation as compared to DC motor.
Because of the cost of inverter involved in the induction motor speed control scheme,
the DC motor scheme as of today is more economical. However, the induction motor
scheme is a strong candidate for speed control and is likely to take over in the near
future with further improvement and cost reduction in SCR technology.
Torque-Slip Characteristics-Variable f1 Constant v/f

V0=nominal Voltage

F0=nominal frequency

Neglecting the stator impedance, from Eqs. (9.29)-(9.31)

It is easily concluded from Eqs (9.84)-(9.86) that slip at maximum torque
decreases with f increasing.

For low values of slip, using the approximate expressions of Eqs (9.34) and
(9.35) one can write

It is seen from Eqs (9.87) and (9.88) that current and torque both increase with f at a
given slip.

From the above conclusions the Torque-speed characteristics of the motor can
be sketched at frequencies above and below the nominal as shown in Fig.9.56. Fig
12.38 may be referred to for torque-speed characteristics.

The torque-speed characteristics of (v/f) control of induction motor are presented

in Fig.9.57. For speeds less than ω0 (corresponding to base frequency f0 ) (V/f) is kept
constant, so that the maximum motor torque remains constant and the motor can drive
a constant torque load as indicated in the figure. For speeds higher than the base
speed, V needed to keep (V/f) constant is more than the rated value which cannot be
by the inverter (Fig.9.55). So (V/f) in the speed region is allowed to reduce and the
motor torque reduces proportional to the (V/f)2 (this corresponds to ɸ2max). This region of
speed control can then drive constant-kW loads (torque demand reduces with speed).
This method of speed thus produces overall torque-speed characteristics just like that of
Ward Leonard speed control of Dc shunt motor. With rapid strides made in power
electronic devices and circuits combined with the ruggedness and higher efficiency of
an induction motor, motors with this type of drives are replacing DC motors in several

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