Perceiving Social Housing Through Matrix Structural Analysis - A Threshold Between Theoretical Research and Practical Applications 2015 PDF

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CONFERENCE: Obsolescence and Renovation – 20th century housing in the new millennium

CONGRESO: Obsolescencia y Regeneración – viviendas del siglo xx en el nuevo milenio

Architecture_MPS; Universidad de Sevilla, Spain: 14—15 December, 2015





The current adopted research methods for rehabilitation of social housing projects face lots of
challenges to address the complexity of socio-cultural, environmental and economic aspects. Hence,
the research discusses matrix structural analysis method that aims at bridging the gap between
theoretical and practical approaches for more sustained social housing rehabilitation projects. It acts as
a simplified analytical and decision making tool that is capable of structuring the huge range of data,
categorized into various scales; starting from urban to architectural solutions, and scopes; discussing
building energy performance and management process. The research applies the proposed matrix on a
case study project entitled: Interventions in Obsolete Residential Neighbourhoods: Manual of Best
Practices (ORRN-MBP) (Promoted by Junta Andalusia, University of Seville, Spain). The project
studied eight neighbourhood plans built between the 1950 and 1970 with potential cultural values but
suffering incompatibility with contemporary users’ demands. The proposed matrix presents a
comprehensive toolkit for decision makers and set a datum for sustainable social housing
rehabilitation plans.

Keywords: Matrix structural analysis, decision making process, social housing rehabilitation projects


Rehabilitation of social housing projects is considered among the main challenges that face
preserving cultural heritage neighbourhoods especially due to the increasing incompatibility of
existing buildings to respond to contemporary users’ needs, demands and life styles. The research
presents a review of literature that discusses the definition and evolution of a matrix in urban and
architecture research arena. Then, it discusses obsolescence and rehabilitation of social housing
projects. The research method cites a case study in Seville, Spain for eight defined neighbourhoods to
develop the proposed matrix structural analysis and decision making tool in order to bridge the gap
between theoretical approach and practical application for dealing with rehabilitation of social housing

Matrix structural analysis has been used as an analytical tool to demonstrate interrelationships and
dependencies between elements to provide insights into how to manage complex systems or projects.
Then, it has evolved to be used as a decision making tool by weighing up and scoring different factors.
CONFERENCE: Obsolescence and Renovation – 20th century housing in the new millennium

CONGRESO: Obsolescencia y Regeneración – viviendas del siglo xx en el nuevo milenio

Architecture_MPS; Universidad de Sevilla, Spain: 14—15 December, 2015

Matrix as an Analytical tool

The research uses two terminologies to describe a matrix as an analytical tool. First; ‘Matrix’ can be
perceived as a sort of an ‘Assemblage’ combining together different elements within certain bonds and
frameworks, and it could be composed of fragments of different times and scales aiming at
interpreting an identified message. It embodies a field of interrelationships concerning dependent and
independent variables, explaining connections between them. From this perspective, it has been used
on the urban analysis scale by Giovanni Battista Piranesi within his scenography of Campi Martii,
Rome, 1762. Also, Aldo Rossi used this method in his Analogous city collage (Venice Biennale in
Matrix can also be perceived also as a ‘Threshold’, in the sense of acting as a gateway or an interface
separating two fixed principals to introduce a new way, direction, principle and idea. Hence, it can be
considered as a powerful interpretive tool and analytical method that Leads experimental
transformations for different scales and scopes of problem solving to increase the capability to build
up a critical comparative analysis for the problem and proposals.
Matrix Structural Analysis is not a new methodological technique, where the term was introduced
within the scientific discourse in the early 20th century when Werner Heisenberg formulated the
theory of Matrix Mechanics. Also, Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand used the method on the building
analysis scale in the late 18th and early 19th century, in order to systematise architectural knowledge,
and form a kind of “typological atlas of architecture”1

Matrix as a decision making tool

The transformations of the social structure and the need for mass production for housing after the first
and second post-war eras, focused on the production process itself to find a model suitable for social
housing, determined by new standards for housing to ensure existence of minimum occupants’ needs
in relation to low costs. Hence, this context fostered the use of matrix not only for structural analysis
but also as a decision making tool that could rule the housing construction process. 2

Alexander Klein, in 1928 used matrix of successive increments to describe an analytical

comparison for different typologies of social housing projects, followed by a numerical analysis using
the scoring method, then a graphical expression of spaces, relations and connections..Klien’s research
was a threshold that introduced afterword a series of experimental applications, e.g. the Gross-
Siedlung at Bad Dürrenberg housing project in Leipzig in 1930 for 1000 lodgings between Loggia
house typology, apartment blocks, and single family houses.

During the 1960’s, new challenges faced social housing projects to plan for the dynamics of growth
practiced in the informal slums. This promoted the project of PREVI (Proyecto Experimental de
Vivienda in Lima, Latin America) 3 as a pioneering housing project that aimed at creating low-rise,
high-density housing of 1,500 dwellings with a view to expansion and adaptation for each residential
unit. Later, a research work entitled ‘Time builds’ elaborated by 4 EquipoArquitectura (EqA),
Fernando Garcia-Huidoboro, Diego Torres Torriti, Nicolas Tugas, had been concluded with a final
matrix charting the lifespans and modifications of 14 housing models over forty years. This frame
work had been the main idea of the Chilean practice Elemental's "half a house" model.

Hence, the research develops a synthesis for using matrix as an analytical & decision making tool for
building design optimization and rehabilitation of social housing projects as shown in Figure (1).
CONFERENCE: Obsolescence and Renovation – 20th century housing in the new millennium

CONGRESO: Obsolescencia y Regeneración – viviendas del siglo xx en el nuevo milenio

Architecture_MPS; Universidad de Sevilla, Spain: 14—15 December, 2015

Figure 1 showing time line evolution for using matrix as an analytical and decision making
tool for social housing projects

Obsolescence and rehabilitation of social housing projects

Political strategies for housing renovation policies in European countries are changing to emphasise
the following sustainable issues; (1) improvement of physical performance, (2) correspondence to the
needs of the elderly, (3) improvement of energy efficiency and, (4) social cohesion and area
revitalization, Baek and Park (2012)5. The study shows that comparing Spain to other European
countries, shows that it has relatively low ratio of house renovation investment occupied in total
houses (30.4%), while it has a medium ratio of public housing support in percent of state budge.

Obsolescence indicators
Obsolescence results from the factor of time, which implies change and most often degradation of
performance, usability, occupant satisfaction and the end of the service life of built facilities6 7, and
also due to the mismanagement of the physical assets of social housing over time. Obsolescence
presents a serious threat to the built property as it rarely accounts for its societal and cultural
significance. Hence, minimizing obsolescence and extending building life cycle by improvement,
renovation and renewal is a better and more sustainable solution8. This requires a systematic analytical
and predictive model for identification, prevention, diagnosis and cure of obsolescence indicators 9.
Different kinds of obsolescence can be classified, characterized and distinguished according to a
variety of theoretical/conceptual models. A study by Thomson and Flier (2011)10 and GOETZ (2012)11
classified them into physical factors (related to material processes) and behavioural factors (related to
human actions) and the interactions between them12. Then, numerical methods can be developed to
measure/evaluate degradation in the physical and socioeconomic context. This also calls for
developing appropriate life cycle management plans to consider the building’s spatial and structural
flexibility to accommodate future changes13. Synergy arises from economies of scale when sites are
combined to increase their development potential.
CONFERENCE: Obsolescence and Renovation – 20th century housing in the new millennium

CONGRESO: Obsolescencia y Regeneración – viviendas del siglo xx en el nuevo milenio

Architecture_MPS; Universidad de Sevilla, Spain: 14—15 December, 2015

Sustainable rehabilitation indicators

Rehabilitation addresses obsolescence of a building in its existing use. Strategic approaches for
rehabilitation may include: restructuring, diversification and regeneration14. Sustainability and more
particularly energy efficiency, is a new (additional) input and has become a growing importance for
the market position of the built property15. It includes social, economic and physical rehabilitation.
Hence, a recent study by Vehbi and Hoskara, (2009) proposed a model for measuring the
sustainability level of historic urban quarters and to indicate an appropriate strategy for their
rehabilitation. It introduces the characteristics, role, selection process and scaling method of
sustainability indicators, which are numerical tools used to measure changes in the physical, economic
and social structures of a defined urban area. It also shows an inversely proportional relationship
between type and the level of obsolescence (revitalization) and the level of sustainability in the
physical, economic and social structures of a particular area.16


MBP project for Rehabilitation of Social housing neighbourhoods

The research presents the practical application of comparative matrix that took place as a concluding
frame work for the IORN-MBP project (Intervencion en Barriadas Residenciales Obsoletas: Manual
De Buenas Practicas), Junta Andalusia, University of Seville-Spain. The project aimed at studying the
current situation of the social housing neighbourhoods built between 1950 and 1970, which were built
following the recommendations of the Athens Charter at the end of the Franco dictatorship,
responding to a high demand for housing and addressing issues related more to quantity rather than
quality. The project defined Eight neighborhoods as shown in Figure (2), and discussed their measures
of obsolescence in order to propose strategies for rehabilitation plans in the form of Manual of best

Figure 2 shows geographical location of the eight neighbourhoods under study

Indicators of obsolescence
The IORN-MBP project defined a set of weighted obsolescence indicators divided into physical
indicators (70%), and socio economic indicators (30%).
The project defined seven physical indicators for obsolescence and assigned weighting for each to
express different ranges of obsolescence from a total 70 points as shown in Table (1). Hence, by
comparing the obsolescence indicators for the eight predefined locations as shown in Figure (3), it is
CONFERENCE: Obsolescence and Renovation – 20th century housing in the new millennium

CONGRESO: Obsolescencia y Regeneración – viviendas del siglo xx en el nuevo milenio

Architecture_MPS; Universidad de Sevilla, Spain: 14—15 December, 2015

shown that most neighbourhoods are suffering from problems in building accessibility, while least
problems occur due to urban complexity and public transport.

Table 1- physical obsolescence indicators and their weighting, IORN-MBP project

Accessibility of open spaces Possibility of use of EL Public transport coverage Coverage of equipments Urban complexity Building condition Buildings accessibilty Total
10 10 5 5 10 20 10 70
14.29 14.29 7.14 7.14 14.29 28.57 14.29 100.00

Figure 3 Comparing the physical obsolescence indicators for the eight neighborhoods.

Also, the IORN-MBP project defined six socio economic indicators of obsolescence with equal
weighting, as shown in Table (2). By comparing the eight neighbourhoods as shown in Figure (4), it is
shown that most socio economic obsolescence indicators are education level, population age and price
of housing unit.

Table 2 Socioeconomic obsolescence indicators and their weighting, IORN-MBP project

Empty units Occupation Population age Immigration Education level Price of housing unit
5 5 5 5 5 5 30
16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 100.0

Figure 4 comparing the socio economic obsolescence indicators for the eight neighborhoods.

Then, the IORN-MBP project used logos to provide recommendations for the studied area as shown in
Table (3), and provided interpretations which combine together the previous three phases in a
comprehensive diagrammatic design.
CONFERENCE: Obsolescence and Renovation – 20th century housing in the new millennium

CONGRESO: Obsolescencia y Regeneración – viviendas del siglo xx en el nuevo milenio

Architecture_MPS; Universidad de Sevilla, Spain: 14—15 December, 2015

Table 3 Using Logos to indicate recommendations, IORN-MBP project

IORN- MBP matrix representation

The IORN- MBP is represented as shown in Figure (5);
CONFERENCE: Obsolescence and Renovation – 20th century housing in the new millennium

CONGRESO: Obsolescencia y Regeneración – viviendas del siglo xx en el nuevo milenio

Architecture_MPS; Universidad de Sevilla, Spain: 14—15 December, 2015

Figure 5 The IORN-MBP matrix for Poligono del Valle-01

CONFERENCE: Obsolescence and Renovation – 20th century housing in the new millennium

CONGRESO: Obsolescencia y Regeneración – viviendas del siglo xx en el nuevo milenio

Architecture_MPS; Universidad de Sevilla, Spain: 14—15 December, 2015

Matrix structural analysis

The research develops a structural analysis matrix that demonstrates the composition of elements in a
legible and structured manner. The matrix is structured over an orthogonal grid to express the relation
regarding scales and scopes of action on the vertical axis, while sequential steps of structural analysis
and decision making process are expressed on the horizontal axis. The language used resembles an
assemblage of hybrid cultural, social and physical conditions. It varies according to the data
composition in the form of maps, photos, numerical charts, written texts, logos and illustrative
diagrams. In order to make an in sighted decision, matrix should demonstrate the following points:
criteria of assessment, options or alternatives, weights assigned to each criterion based on its
importance in the final decision, and scores used to rate each option on a ratio scale.

Matrix Scales of action

Sustainable rehabilitation plans require defining a scale of action which facilitates setting targets and
defining appropriate indicators for obsolescence and sustainability. The matrix defines two scales of
action which are the ‘Urban scale’ and the ‘Building scale’.

The Urban scale

Urban Analysis takes two steps; documentation and defining obsolescence indicators. Documentation
requires gathering general data related to geographical location, urban and housing housing patterns,
connectivity, public transportation and land-uses, and then determining the preservation value for the
urban context and the development dynamics status and rate. While, obsolescence indicators are
defined according to problems of connectivity and accessibility of urban pattern (e.g. Chana and
Bami), lack of mixed uses and recreational areas, scarcity of street furniture, and shortage of public

Decision making process takes two steps; ‘Recommendations’ for sustainable rehabilitation, and
‘Interpretation’ for strategic action plans. Sustainability indicators focus on 7 aspects that include the
following; compactness, connectivity, inclusiveness, green, multifunctionality, creativity and safety as
shown in Figure (6). Finally, the research uses the classification of strategic approaches found in
Vehbi and Hoskara (2009)17 to define levels of action for the urban scale and accordingly its time
plan and output. The shortest interference level is ‘functional restructuring' with immediate physical
output, then promoting ‘functional diversification’, and finally when the neighbour is self-sustained
and begins its role as a regeneration agent within its community-‘functional regeneration’- this
requires the longest time plan and provides both physical and socio economic outputs as well.

Figure 6 Functional regeneration plan for Poligono del Valle-01, IORN-MBP project
CONFERENCE: Obsolescence and Renovation – 20th century housing in the new millennium

CONGRESO: Obsolescencia y Regeneración – viviendas del siglo xx en el nuevo milenio

Architecture_MPS; Universidad de Sevilla, Spain: 14—15 December, 2015

The Building scale

Building analysis takes two steps; documentation and defining obsolescence indicators.
Documentation requires gathering general data related to building heights, condition, construction type
and year, ownership type, occupants’ density, ages and needs. Obsolescence indicators are related to
limited housing typological diversities, incompatibility of housing unit vertical circulation facilities,
dimensions and distribution with occupants’ current needs.

Decision making process takes two steps; ‘Recommendations’ for sustainable rehabilitation, and
‘Interpretation’ for strategic action plans. Sustainable indicators focus on 6 aspects; attractiveness of
social housing typologies, diversity of mixed land uses, accessibility, flexibility, and safety. The
research uses the classification of housing rehabilitation strategies proposed by Baek and Park (2012)
into extension type, individual type, combined type and integrated type depending on the rehabilitation
objectives and house characteristics as shown in Figure (7). Time plan and economies vary according
to the type of adopted strategy with the least budget for the combined and integration plans so as to
benefit from the economies of scale, while the most expensive are the individual and extension plans
where each building unit is discussed individually.

Individual type rehabilitation plan

Extension type rehabilitation plan

Combination type rehabilitation plan Integration type rehabilitation plan

Figure 7 Building scale- rehabilitation plan to solve the problem of improving vertical circulation,
author’s elaboration after IORN-MBP project
CONFERENCE: Obsolescence and Renovation – 20th century housing in the new millennium

CONGRESO: Obsolescencia y Regeneración – viviendas del siglo xx en el nuevo milenio

Architecture_MPS; Universidad de Sevilla, Spain: 14—15 December, 2015

Matrix Scopes of action

The matrix defines two scopes of further action related to the ‘Management’ and ‘Energy’. The term
management can include variety of scopes. Yet, the IORN-MBP project focused on assessing and
improving social, community and shared management process, and on the energy performance of the
building envelope.

Sustainable Management indicators

Management analysis takes two steps; documentation and defining obsolescence indicators for both
urban and building scales. The scarcity of street furniture, lack of accessibility of the streets and
buildings and the decline in business activities represent the most serious physical obsolescence
indicators, while, number of uneducated, unemployed, and/or high percentage of old aged occupants
represent the socio-economic indicators, like that in Valle and San Pablo or even cases of high
percentage of immigration like that of La Chana.

Decision making process takes two steps; ‘Recommendations’ for sustainable rehabilitation, and
‘Interpretation’ for strategic action plans. Recommendations focus on 9 aspects underlining the main
management approaches that include; political, financial, structural, instrumental, digital, shared,
social, and community management, which aim at enhancing the neighbourhoods with better social
actions improving the training of the inhabitance in collective social work in order to stimulate social
cohesion and responsibility. This shall lead to improvement of the housing quality and the image of
the neighbourhood within the city which would enhance the real estate market.
Sustainable Energy performance indicators
Energy Analysis takes two steps; documentation and defining obsolescence indicators for energy use
on both urban and building scales. Documentation requires gathering general data on the urban scale
for; climatic zones and weather files, annual average temperature and humidity range, prevailing wind
direction and speed, as well as solar radiation range. While for the building scale, the type of data
should cover the monthly energy consumption, type of fuel used for energy production, type of
artificial lighting and HVAC mechanical systems used, occupants’ operational schedule, as well as the
type of building insulation. Discussing energy obsolescence indicators on the urban scale indicates
increased energy consumption due to the increasing demands of occupants’ comfort. While for the
building scale, shows a significant deficiency in the building energy performance of the thermal
envelope and building facilities, as a result of the high thermal transmittance of building envelope.

Decision making process takes two steps; ‘Recommendations’ for sustainable rehabilitation, and
‘Interpretation’ for strategic action plans. Sustainability indicators can be retrieved by using green
rating systems. The addressed recommendations for sustainable rehabilitation plan aim at obtaining
comfortable, efficient, healthy, and protected indoor environment. This is by improving the thermal
and acoustic insulations of the building envelope, including the facades, external windows, and roof.
Finally, interpretations provide detailed building plans and sections for improving building envelope
as shown in Figure (8).
CONFERENCE: Obsolescence and Renovation – 20th century housing in the new millennium

CONGRESO: Obsolescencia y Regeneración – viviendas del siglo xx en el nuevo milenio

Architecture_MPS; Universidad de Sevilla, Spain: 14—15 December, 2015

Figure 8 MBP Interpretations for improving building energy performance for Poligono del Valle-01,
IORN-MBP project

Matrix representation
The research further develops the following decision making matrix using weighted indicators for
obsolescence and sustainable rehabilitation as shown in Table (4). The value of (Y) should be equal to
or exceed the value of (X) to achieve a successful sustainable rehabilitation plan.

Table 4 Proposed MBP matrix representation

A: is the total sum of scores for physical obsolescence indicators
B: is the total sum of scores for socioeconomic obsolescence indicators
CONFERENCE: Obsolescence and Renovation – 20th century housing in the new millennium

CONGRESO: Obsolescencia y Regeneración – viviendas del siglo xx en el nuevo milenio

Architecture_MPS; Universidad de Sevilla, Spain: 14—15 December, 2015

X=A+B: is the total sum of scores for obsolescence indicators

C: is the total sum of scores for physical sustainability indicators
D: is the total sum of scores for socioeconomic sustainability indicators
Y= C+D: is the total sum of scores for sustainability indicators
The value of (Y) should be equal to or exceed the value of (X)


The research develops a matrix structural analysis and decision making tool to present various sets of
alternatives for sustainable rehabilitation of social housing projects. The main aim of the matrix is to
build up a critical comparative perception of the problem and research phases, presented through a
process of selection, abstraction, prioritisation and interpretation of data processing. The matrix is
structured to adjust the relation regarding different scales and scopes of action. It acts as a simplified
interpretive tool that is capable of structuring the huge range of data obtained.
The research applies the research method on a case study project entitled: Interventions in Obsolete
Residential Neighbourhoods: Manual of Best Practices (MBP) (Promoted by Junta Andalusia,
University of Seville, Spain). The project studied eight neighbourhood plans with potential cultural
values but suffering incompatibility with contemporary users’ demands. The proposed method
presents a comprehensive toolkit that acts as an analytical and decision making tool for sustainable
rehabilitated plans using weighting and scoring of defined indicators. This shall set a datum for
sustainable social housing rehabilitation plans that would be considered as minimum requirements
asked from professionals where they are free to extend their creativity in design beyond these guiding
The structure of the matrix is flexible to respond to different contexts according to the selected
obsolescence and sustainability indicators, and also to add more scales and scopes of action depending
on the required research. It is also more readable; pointing out levels of strategic plans and timeline of
action, and achieves better communication with different decision makers to enable evaluation and
comparability for sustainable rehabilitation strategies.
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CONFERENCE: Obsolescence and Renovation – 20th century housing in the new millennium

CONGRESO: Obsolescencia y Regeneración – viviendas del siglo xx en el nuevo milenio

Architecture_MPS; Universidad de Sevilla, Spain: 14—15 December, 2015

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