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School of Illusion: Hypnotic 
Illusion and its possible 
Year 32 
Richard Mondaine 
Magus of Stormwind 



In this book I want to share the results of my study on Hypnotic Illusion Spells with my dear 
fellow Mage’s. Perhaps you are familiar with Archmage Runeweavers works on the subject, or from 
several other famous ones like Magus Roharison. This Book is aiming to take a similar approach on 
the Topic. Various application options are described in detail, from the application to the effects 
and risks. This is only the first of several planned Books i’m looking forward to publish. As you are 
reading this, i will be probably working on the next one, which will be focused on the School of 
Transmutation, and it’s Time-Space influencing capabilities. I have to excuse my bad name giving, 
since this is really not one of my specialities, so i’m aware that some Spell given names could seem 
quite… ‘’unoriginal’’. All mentioned test objects volunteered for the experiments. No one was harmed 
in any way.  

I. Share possible applications of Hypnotic Illusion Spells with the Reader. 
II. Explain further Risks and Effects based on Experiments with living Subjects​. 


I. Spells based on inserting Hypnotic Spells through Physical Contact 

II. Spells based on inserting Hypnotic Spells without Physical Contact 

III. Studies on living Test Subject’s. 



Spells based on inserting Hypnotic Illusions through Physical Contact 

I've spent a lot of time experimenting with hypnotic spells through physical contact. The spells 
listed below have been found to be the most efficient, they allow for easy execution and require less 
skill than spells performed without physical contact. However, some of them pose serious risks, 
which I will also attribute to the associated Spell. They obviously require a certain proximity to the 
target, and are best executed when the target does not expect it. 

I. Two-Finger Hypnosis 
The Two Finger Illusion is performed by, as the name implies, two fingers. The two fingers (I have 
mostly used the index finger and middle finger) are placed on the forehead of the target. This is 
the simplest of all the listed spells in this book. For the Spell to work, the Mage must send a feeling, 
or state of mind in the form of arcane energy through the nerve pathways of the body to the 
fingers. This is eventually the basis of all Spells listed in this Book. With the placement of the 
fingers on the forehead, the only thing left to do would be inserting said energie into the opposites 
mind directly. 
The Spell is not as effective and long lasting as the ones that will be mentioned further. About ten 
to twenty minutes, ​always depending on the Targets state of Mind and Willpower. 
Risks/Side Effects 
There have been subjects that felt one or several of the following side effects after being under the 
- slight nausea 
- Headache 
- Short-time amnesia 



II. Palm Hypnosis 

This Spell is executed by, as the name also suggests, using ones Palm to insert the Illusion. ​But 
that is not the only difference to the Two Finger Illusion. If, with the same principle as the 
two-finger illusion, the whole palm is filled with arcane magic, and it hits the surface of the body, 
the illusion can also be passed on by the arms or the legs, or any place on the targets body, which 
means there is no need for contact with the head directly. The reason being the amount of Arcane 
energy being higher and more widespread, enough to get to the mind even over longer nerve paths. 
The Spell has been shown to be rather effective, lasting up to about an hour, depending on the 
Risks/Side Effects​ ​for the Target 
There have been subjects that felt one or several of the following side effects after being under the 
- nausea 
- Headache 
- Vomiting 
- Short-time amnesia 



III. Two Handed Hypnosis 

The most effective of all the mentioned Spells is this one, It requires more concentration on 
charging ones palms with the arcane energies containing the information that should be processed 
to the targets mind. But the results are even better. It doesn’t matter where the target is 

Do not use this Spell directly on ones Head! The consequences can be 
This Spell can last up to a whole Day or more, depending on the individual and it’s mental state 
and Willpower. There are subjects i’m not quite sure if they are not still under the influence… 
Risks/Side Effects for the Target 
There have been subjects that felt one or several of the following side effects after being under the 
- Strong Headache 
- Vomiting 
- Amnesia 
- Strong Confusion (lasting up to several Days) 



Spells based on inserting Hypnotic Illusions without Physical Contact 


This Chapter is going to be based around a few Hypnotic Spells that don’t require Physical 
Contact with the Target. An important point to mention is that, these Spells need a certain level 
of Skill to use. Since the Information holding Arcane energie will have to travel through the Air, it 
has to be stabilized and controlled. Imagine it like a Paper plane, which is meant to deliver a 
message to your Friend that stands in a certain Distance away from you. If he’s close, the plane 
doesn’t have to be pleated all too well, it would reach him anyway. But if your friend is standing 
rather far away from your Position, only a well pleated Paper plane would reach him. The Spells 
are, quite similar to the ones mentioned in the Chapter before in they’re Effects on the Target. 
I. Two Finger Hypnosis Bolt (TFHB) 
The TFHB Spell is only similar to the Two Finger Hypnosis in the way that its also casted with two 
fingers. The Caster is required to Physically form the Arcane energie with the containing Spell, 
and send it towards the Target, preferably in form of a Small Bolt. Always aim for the Head, it 
wouldn’t be effective on another part of the Body, same reason as with the Two Finger Hypnosis. 
Also the easiest ranged Hypnosis Spell to perform. 
Same as the Two Finger Hypnosis, up to twenty minutes, always depending on the Targets state of 
Mind and Willpower. 
Risks/side effects for the Target 
(The same as with the Two Finger Hypnosis) 
- slight nausea 
- Headache 
- Short-time amnesia 


II. Hypnosis Blast 

This Spell requires a quite skillful Caster to perform. There is also a larger amount of Arcane 
energie needed, and therefore more control over it. The Palm acts as the medium to send the Spell 
towards the Target. Best used as a wave of Arcane energie, that can hit any party of the Targets 
body, to put it under its influence. Don’t underestimate its difficulty to perform, an unstable wave 
would not have any effect on a Target. 
Similar to the Palm Hypnosis, up to an hour, also depending on the Targets Willpower and state of 
Risks/Side Effects for the Target 
(Same as with the Palm Hypnosis) 
- nausea 
- Headache 
- Vomiting 
- Short-time amnesia 



III. Hypnotic Wave 

At the core of this Spell is the administration of a Strong Arcane Wave, containing the 
Information of the Hypnosis that should be transferred. Best executed by using both Hands to 
cast it and send it towards the Target. Long lasting effect, as with the Two Handed Hypnosis. 
Also not suggested to hit the Targets head (as stated on Page 4). This requires a high level of Skill, 
a failed attempt wouldn’t have any effect. But, if used correctly, any Body Part can be hit. 
Similar to the Two handed Hypnosis, a whole Day, or even more, depending on the Targets 
Willpower and state of Mind. 
Risks/Side Effects for the Target 
- Strong Headache 
- Vomiting 
- Amnesia 
- Strong Confusion (lasting up to several Days) 



IV. Hypnotic Explosion 

The most difficult one to master out of all, this Spell still offers great potential in usage. The 
Explosion the Name suggests is meant to be taken literal, it’s similar to an Arcane Explosion Spell, 
the difference being that it doesn’t apply Physical Damage, but inserts the Hypnotic Spell into the 
Minds of several Targets at once. Creating enough Arcane Energie with the needed information 
within one’s body, and blasting it towards all directions. I cant mention enough how hard it is to 
master this Spell.​ T​ his Spell is more effective the closer the Target stands to the Caster. My own 
maximum Range was approx. ten meters.  

Subjects standing at a distance of only one meter away, can be put under the influence up to an 
hour, every other individual standing in a further distance would only experience its effects for 
around twenty minutes. 
Risks/Side Effects 
Also dependent on the positioning of the Target. 
Targets quite close -could- Experience Side Effects similar to the Hypnotic Blast or the Palm 
Hypnosis. All others standing at a further Distance -could- show Side Effects similar to the Two 
Finger Hypnosis or the TFHB. 


Studies on living Subjects 

Test Subject I: 
Name: -Hidden- 
Race: Human 
Age: 24 
Gender: M 
Subject I (I will adress them as S1, S2 et cetera. from further on) Has volunteered 
to my experiments 
Test one: Two Finger Hypnosis. 
The Spell was meant to give the Subject an urge to eat Pie. After the Spell was completed and the 
Hypnosis inserted into her, she showed, as expected, an urge to eat pie. After about fifteen 
minutes, the Subject came back to its senses. It stated that it couldn’t remember what happened 
at the time it was under the influence, a common thing to happen. No other Side Effects. 
Test two: Palm Hypnosis 
As the Hypnosis was inserted, with the same type of goal as the first one, the Subject showed, yet 
again as expected, an urge to eat pie. After only half an hour, the Subject came back to it’s senses. 
The short duration maybe hints towards a growing resistance within an Individual being exposed 
to a Hypnosis several times. This Test was done about fifteen minutes after the First one. Yet 
Again, Short time Amnesia. No other Side Effects. 
Test Three: Two handed Hypnosis: 


The Book would go on about fifteen Pages, containing data about several Subjects and them
being Tested on all Spells mentioned in the Book...


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