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Nixon: 1969-1974

Preferred negotiation over military containment of communism

Campaigned to draw the US out of Vietnam
Implemented “Detente” with Soviet Union; SALT 1
Began economic relationship with China

Ford: 1974-1977
Helinski Accords: recognized borders in Eastern Europe
Eased tensions with Soviets

Carter: 1977-1981
Advocated for humans rights and preservation
Returned Panama Canal to Panama
Challenged the Soviet Union
Boycotted Olympics bc they were based in a Russia
Conducted Camp David Accords and established peace between
Egypt and Israel
Caused the Iran Hostage Crisis, allowed the Shah of Iran come the
US for medical treatment

Reagan: 1981-1989
Increased military spending - “Peace through Strength”
Started the Strategic Defense Initiative
Iran-Contra Scandal: Aid to the Contras
Star Wars place pressure on Soviets
Helped end the Cold War through relationship with Gorbachev
Facilitated Fall of Berlin Wall

Bush 41: 1989-1993

Managed collapse of the Soviet Union, fall of Berlin Wall
Persian Gulf War - Removed Saddam Hussein from Kuwait
Iraq War - organized international coalition against Iraq
Removed Noriega from power in Panama

Clinton: 1993-2001
Normalized trade with China
Humanitarian intervention with ethnic cleansing; Dayton Accords
Attempted peace with Israel & Palestine
Focus on international trade and global interdependence
Limit nuclear proliferation
Kyoto Protocol

Bush 43: 1993-2001

Strategic Defense
9/11 terrorism, al-Qaeda; War on Terror, Office of Homeland Security
Afghanistan War
Iraq War - Weapons of Mass Destruction, captured Hussein

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