Spell It Literacy Game Lesson Plan

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A Literacy Game
Erin Lindgren
Standard: W.3.11 – Demonstrate command of the conventions of English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing.

Objective: Students will be able to correctly spell words from their spelling lists by
playing a board game with their peers that has them use their spelling list words.

The general idea for this game came from The Measured Mom: Tools for
Teaching. The website has ideas for educational activities and games that can
be done with kids at home and in the classroom.

Resource: https://www.themeasuredmom.com/spell-it-a-printable-spelling-game-for-any-

To create the game you will need a poster board to draw the game board on
it. On the game board there needs to be a pre-decided number of tiles, I chose
to do 30 spaces, along with a start and finish tile. Around those tiles needs to
be space to write the directions of the game and two spaces to place the
playing cards before and after use. The playing cards can be made using
index cards. The number of playing cards is determined by however many
spelling words you want to include in the game. You will write one spelling
word on each playing card. For game pieces you can use pieces from other
games or have students make their own game pieces.

Game Directions:

1. Each player will place their game piece on start.

2. Players will take turns rolling the die to see who goes first, the player with the
highest roll will go first.
3. The person to the right of the first player will draw a card and read the spelling
word on it out loud.
4. The first player will attempt to spell the word on the card.
5. If the player spells the word correctly they will roll the die and move forward the
number shown, if they spell it incorrectly they stay where they are.
6. Continue this pattern with all players until someone reaches the finish.
7. The first person to reach finish is the winner.


 Poster for game board

 Markers to draw/write on the poster
 Index card for playing cards
 Game pieces
 List of spelling words
 Scrap paper for students to write on

Differentiation: To differentiate the instruction of this game for different students, you
could use different level spelling words, either mixed in together or with different groups.
For what I am doing, I am using a mix of different levels of third grade spelling words. I am
dong this because the groups I am going to be working with will be a mixed level of
students, some will be at a higher or lower levels then others in the groups. Another way of
doing this could be to groups the students based on their developmental spelling level.

Teacher(s): Erin Lindgren Grade Level: 3rd grade Date Taught: 04/04/2018

Lesson Title: Spell It Board Game Subject: Literacy Game Approximate Time Length: 10-15

KCCR Standard W.3.11 – Demonstrate command of the conventions of English capitalization,

punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Lesson Objective (Blooms Students will be able to correctly spell words from their spelling lists by playing a
Level) board game with their peers that has them use their spelling list words.

New & Familiar Vocabulary o Nicer o Fountain o Button o Questions

o Equator o Dropping o Fingers o Quicker
o Swimming o Changing o Thankful o Faster
o Planned o Joking o Useful o Smaller
o o o Playful o Larger
Assessment/Criteria- The assessment for this lesson will simply be watching the students play the game
(What evidence will you and taking note of their success.
use to see how fully
students met your
Materials and Resource o game boards
o game pieces
o playing cards with spelling words on them
o print outs of directions
o Resource: https://www.themeasuredmom.com/spell-it-a-printable-spelling-

Lesson Activities
each task
Time of

Write out detailed lesson procedures. Your plan should be detailed enough for another
teacher to teach it without having to ask you any questions. Numbering and/or bullets are
Teacher will explain to the students that are going to play a spelling board game, called
Spell It!, using the words from their spelling list. Teacher will split the students into groups
of 4 or 5. Teacher will then go through the directions of the game with all the students.
8. Each player will place their game piece on start.

9. Players will take turns rolling the die to see who goes first, the player with the
5 mins

highest roll will go first.

10. The person to the right of the first player will draw a card and read the spelling
word on it out loud.
11. The first player will attempt to spell the word on the card.
12. If the player spells the word correctly they will roll the die and move forward the
number shown, if they spell it incorrectly they stay where they are.
13. Continue this pattern with all players until someone reaches the finish.

14. The first person to reach finish is the winner.
Teacher will make sure all the students understand the directions before letting them move

Students will go through the game. Students will be kind and respectful to their peers as
they take turns playing the game. Students will ask teacher for help when needed. Teacher
Play time
10 mins

will assist when necessary.

If the students finish a round of the game before the allotted 10 minutes to play are up,
the 10 mins is
game before
finishes the

they may continue to play more rounds of the game. This allows for continued engagement
If a group

in the content and allows the students further practice of the spelling words.


Adaptations/Accommodat ELL For ELL students the teacher could provide game materials in their
ions: What could YOU DO native language/s.
to adapt to help students
with learning disabilities,
students with learning Attention For students with attention issues the teacher could assign them a job
exceptionalities, &/or ELL issues for throughout the whole game. For example, these students could be
students with this lesson? in charge of reading the playing card for all turns except their own.

Below To accommodate students performing at different levels, the spelling

and/or words could be a mix of literacy levels. This way all students in the
Above groups have a fair chance of succeeded, while still challenging them.
grade level
Modalities: What Kinesthetic: students are hands on while playing the game; moving their pieces,
modalities did you utilize drawing cards, spelling.
in this lesson? How? Visual: students who are visual learners will have the chance to look at the spelling
words on the cards as they are reading them to the other players.
Auditory: students can listen to the words being read.
Strategies: What Cooperative Learning and Graphic Organizer (the game itself)
instructional strategies did
you utilize in this lesson?
(Ex: graphic organizer,
cooperative learning,
discussion, technology
integration, etc.)

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