KLINGER Expert 5.1: Powerful Sealing Calculation

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KLINGER expert 5.


Powerful Sealing

The KLINGER ®expert 5.1

gasket design program is a versatile piece
of software to assist users
in the selection of
non-metallic gasket materials.

KLINGER – The global leader in static sealing

KLINGER®expert 5.1
Powerful Sealing
The KLINGER ®expert 5.1 gasket Installation 1. New Calculation
design program is a versatile piece
of software to assist users in the After inserting the CD into the 1.1 Menu and Toolbar
selection of non-metallic gasket CD-ROM drive it is possible to
materials. choose either to start the KLINGER ® The following Icons will guide clear-
The program uses European product catalogue or to start ly though the many possibilities
industry standard calculations to KLINGER ®expert 5.1. which KLINGER ®expert 5.1 offers:
generate all information involved A installation wizard will
with selection of suitable materials. guide through the set-up process File
and install KLINGER ®expert 5.1 on New
Among the range of functions the computer. Create a new gasket
that can be performed are: After starting KLINGER ® calculation
Identification of the best expert 5.1 an information window
will appear. Open
gasket material for specific
If this message is confirmed Opens an existing calculation
with ‘Accept’ a new window will file
Design of gasket assemblies appear in which the following Close Analysis
Checks of chemical and possibilities can be chosen: Closes the actual calculation
temperature suitability
Calculation of bolt torque Open calculation Saves the actual calculation
Save as
Will open an existing Will save the actual
calculation file calculation under a defined
Preferences Print
Prints the actual calculation
Here you can change the default Print settings
values (i.e. language) Changes the settings for the
Beginn new analysis Exit
Exit the program
Starts a new gasket calculation
Exit KLINGER expert
® Opens the settings

Exits KLINGER®expert 5.1 Help

KLINGER ®expert Help
Opens the
KLINGER ®expert 5.1 Help
Shows information to the
Read Disclaimer
Shows the disclaimer
Other Toolbar Icon’s 1.2 Flanges The calculation goes out from
Info a permanent allocation of the bolts.
Opens the Info dialogue KLINGER ®expert 5.1 contains the The areas required are the ”Stressed
gasket dimensions and bolting gasket area” and the ”Total area” to
Gasket catalogue
information for a range of standard be entered.
Shows the corresponding
product datasheet to the flanges, including DIN, EN, JIS and ■ Stressed gasket area
chosen Gasket ANSI standards. KLINGER ®expert 5.1 Area of the gasket which will be
can also be used to calculate varia- subjected to compressive load.
Select flange bles for non standard user defined
Shows the flange selection flanges. ■ Total area
dialogue Area subjected to compressive with
1.3 Gaskets the addition of the enclosed
Select gasket dimension
pressurised area.
Shows the gasket dimension
selection dialogue The dimensions screen can be
used to confirm the dimensions of
Restore initial calc. the gasket. When using standard
Will restore the initial designs most of these values are
calculation fixed, with the only variable being
Figure 4 – Complex shape
Quick Help the material thickness. The diagram
Opens the KLINGER ®expert 5.1 shows the inner and outer diameters The type of pressure loading is
Quick Help of the gasket and also includes the selected from this screen:
dimensions of the raised face area
where applicable. At user-defined ■ Internal pressure relieved
flanges the type of gasket has to be The most common type of applicati-
chosen. on, when the internal pressure is
The first six options for non applied it has the effect of reducing
standard flanges require relatively the compressive load on the gasket.
straightforward variables such as ■ Internal pressure loaded
inner and outer diame- The option is sometimes required for
ters, bolt hole sizes and boiler man way joints for which the
lengths and widths for lid of the flange is on the inside of
rectangular gaskets. the vessel and the internal pressure
The final option increases the compressive load on
”Complex Dimension” the gasket.
requires the area of the
gasket to be entered for 1.4 Bolts
more complex shapes.
Again, like the ‘Dimensions’ screen
most of the bolt details are entered
according to the standard and do not
Figure 2 – need to be altered. The two values
Flange selection
that can be changed are the bolt
lubrication co-efficient and the bolt
For non-standard flanges the
type of bolt can first be selected
from the option box, this will then
alter the available options in the
dimension combo box in the ‘Bolt
characteristics’ area of the screen.
The number, size and quality
of bolt can be identified in their
appropriate boxes; the friction
Figure 3 –
coefficient can also be entered.
Gasket dimensions
1.5 Medium 1.6 Gasket material selection 1.7 Calculation results –
The analysis screen
The specification of the medium is On the material selection screen
the same for both standard and non- there are two main options, The analysis screen is split in to a
standard flanges.The medium can be ”Automatic choice” and ”Material number of areas:
selected from the drop-down list as input”:
shown in figure 5. It is also possible ■ Bolt characteristics
■ Automatic choice
to choose the medium via the ■ Bolt Forces
The program selects the correct gas-
chemical formula. ■ Gasket conditions
ket based on the given application
The temperature, pressure and ■ Gasket stresses
and the pre adjusted values.
concentration of the application can ■ Service conditions
Afterwards please carry out the
be typed into the relevant boxes. The ■ Leakage
gasket calculation.
aggregate state can be selected from ■ DIN Leakage
the option box. The required leak ■ Material Input
rate can be selected; the selection of Selecting of the gasket material suit- 1.7.1 Bolt characteristics
a medium will select a standard leak able for the given application from
rate classification according to the the material table. The chemical This area displays information
DIN standard. resistance and the maximum per- concerning the bolts of the flange:
missible temperature of the selected
■ Bolt number
gasket material gives a first indica-
The number of bolts. This number
tion for the suitability of the gasket
will be set in calculations involving
standard size flanges.
Afterwards please carry out the
gasket calculation. ■ Bolt quality
A range of bolt materials are
available for selection.
■ 0.2% creep limit
The stress applied to the bolt
material to attain a permanent
deformation of 0.2%. This value is
a property of the selected material
and cannot be independently edited.
This value is used in the calculation
of the percentage of bolt yield.
■ Size
The size of bolts. This will be set
Figure 5 – Medium selection for applications involving standard
size flanges.
■ Friction
The friction co-efficient of the
currently selected bolt material, the
lower the value the greater the amo-
unt of energy transferred into stret-
ching the bolt and not "wasted” in
overcoming the friction of the bolt
■ Torque
The level of torque currently

Figure 6 – Gasket material selection

1.7.2 Bolt forces ■ Minimum surface pressure If this is not the case, meaning that
under operating conditions the expected tightness is less than
The maximum bolt load is calculated σBU/L desired, the installation surface
as a function of the material and the The minimum surface pressure pressure can nevertheless still be
bolt material. The yield is a product σBU/L is the surface pressure which adequate under certain circum-
of the torque applied to the current must be exercised on the effective stances.Take account of the DIN
bolt with the given friction co-effi- gasket area in the operating condi- Leakage.
cient.The total bolt force is the sum tion to achieve the desired leakage
of the bolt force for the number of class with the given medium, inter- ■ Hydrostatic end thrust
bolts given. nal pressure, temperature and pre- ∆σp
vious value of σV of the surface This value represents the maximum
1.7.3 Gasket conditions pressure, especially if it is higher. possible arithmetical reduction or
The actual value may not be less raise of the gasket stress as the
The current gasket material, than this value in operation in any result of the operating pressure
thickness, compressed area and case. during operation by this value.
total area is displayed and can The inner pressure can raise (+) or
■ Minimum surface pressure
also be edited. lower (-) the surface pressure during
under installing conditions
operation. (Additional reducing
σVU/L of the installation surface stress
1.7.4 Gasket surface pressures At least this surface stress must be
through the real operation conditions
reached on the sealing area through
The primary information for e.g. settling of the gasket and
the bolt forces during assembly to
checking the assembly is calculated reducing of the bolt forces due to
guarantee the leakage requirements
and displayed. The definitions of the temperature influences can not be
selected (DIN leakage) under the
terms are as follows: covered by the calculation and there-
defined operating conditions.
fore not be taken into consideration
■ Maximum surface pressure Because there are limiting
in this software).
under operating conditions influences not covered by the calcu-
σBO lation one has to take care that ■ Effective surface stress
The maximum permissible surface the real installation surface stress σeff
stress, given in N/mm 2, refers to the will be selected safe above σVU/L as (Important: Value for the installation)
gasket material and the stated a rule. This applies especially for The effective surface stress named
operating conditions. This value lower σVU/L values (< 10 N/mm 2). here was determined through the
may not be exceeded by the effective σVU/L is a material-specific calculation. It depends upon the
surface stress. index and does not yet take account entire bolt load which is made
of a possible higher necessary mini- available and the gasket area. Equal
■ Maximum surface pressure mum installation surface pressure surface stress is required over the
under installing conditions which will be required because of whole gasket. Using inner pressure
σVO the relief of the gasket through the loaded gaskets, the effective surface
σVO in accordance with DIN 28090 internal pressure (cf. σe min ) stress here determined by the inner
amounts to the value of σBO at pressure and bolt forces too.
room temperature. It is always equal ■ Minimum installing surface
This value is an approximated
to or larger then σBO and thereby pressure σe min
value, because there are some not
does not represent an additional The minimum installed surface
considerable parameters which have
restrictive -limitation in the calcula- pressure σe min is the surface pres-
an influence on it. Also we presume,
tion of the gasket. sure which should be reached with
that the bolts will be tighten up after
the installation of the gasket. It
applying the inner pressure. But you
ensures that adequate pressure/
should pay attention, that the bolts
adaptation of the gasket material is
receive no overload, when decrea-
achieved (cf. σVU/L), and that possi-
sing the pressure.
ble dynamic changes of the surface
pressure through the internal opera-
ting pressure are taken into account
(cf. ∆σp).
This surface pressure should
be reached by the effective pressure
in view of the necessary tightness.
1.7.5 Service conditions 1.8 Manipulating results The higher the maximum stress
capability of the material the higher
The currently selected service con- Possibly the most important factor in the internal pressure the gasket can
ditions can be viewed and altered, correct operation of a gasket is the withstand. Sufficient load has to be
the results of any changes will stress exerted on the gasket material, applied to the gasket to compress
automatically be calculated and this must be sufficient to counteract the material and also counteract the
displayed. the internal pressure and also retain force due to the internal pressure,
enough stress to compress the mate- generally as the internal pressure
1.7.6 Leak Rates rial to effect a reliable seal and also increases, the amount of stress
must be less than the maximum released also increases and the
The effective leak rate represents the stress of the material σBO . initial stress on the gasket must be
equivalent nitrogen leakage for the greater to cater for the releasing
current gasket arrangement by taking 1.8.1 Creating a seal effect of the internal pressure.
into account bolt forces, internal Once the material is subjected to a
pressure and the gasket dimensions. Materials such as compressed fibre, load greater than its maximum, the
The leak rate is calculated at room expanded graphite, modified PTFE gasket is unlikely to maintain a
temperature λ20 and the operating and some of the harder rubber mate- reliable seal, as the gasket could
temperature λT. rials all require a certain degree of undergo a large decrease in thick-
stress to reduce the porosity of the ness known as ”crashing”.
1.7.7 DIN leakage material matrix and deform the sur-
faces to accommodate imperfections 1.8.3 Attaining sufficient
The leak rate is calculated in accor- in the flange. The stress required to gasket stress
dance with DIN 28090 and DIN 3535 create a seal varies from material to
and the currently selected tightness material. The compressive load due to the
class (L= 0.01; L= 0.1; L=1.0). bolts must be sufficient to compress
KLINGER ®expert 5.1 program 1.8.2 Maximum permissible the material and also counteract the
automatically defines a leakage rate stress release of load due to the internal
based on the media currently selec- pressure. The torque of the bolts
ted. The value is calculated for a The maximum stress capability of a must be selected to ensure the effec-
gasket of dimensions 90 x 50 mm gasket is dependant on a number of tive gasket stress σE ff is greater
with the current internal pressure, factors such as the temperature, than σE min and less than σBO.
material and thickness. material, thickness and with graphite Typically the bolts should be
based materials in particular the torqued to equate to a utilisation
widththickness ratio. Materials figure of 60-80%. (DIN) ensuring the
designed for higher pressure duties bolt operates within its elastic region
have a much greater maximum and will not over-stress the bolt.
stress than other materials.

Figure 7 – Analysis screen

2. Settings 3. Printout

The ”settings” screen can be acces- The calculation results as well as

sed through the ”Options” menu and some additional information’s con-
selecting ”settings”. cerning the gasket materials and the
flange connection will be printed on
the hard copy.
Figure 8 – Preferences menu There is also the possibility to
print out an additional text.
2.1 Language 2.4 Standard values

The current language used to display The ”Presetting” screen is used to

information can be altered by selec- select the preferred or most common
ting it via the pulldown menu. start-up requirements for the
following variables; bolt quality,
2.2 Price index co-efficient of friction, bolt utilisa-
tion, gasket thickness.
The price index in KLINGER ®expert
5.1 is formed as a ratio of the rela- 2.5 Display
tive prices on one side and on the
application frequency of the chosen The units for any calculations can be
material on the other side. altered from the ‘Screen’ menu by
The price index is variable and selecting either SInorm or US-Norm
influences the position table of the (imperial).
suitable materials at the automatic
choice. 2.6 Printing

2.3 Weighting Here you have the possibility to

enter an additional text. This text
Materials can be selected in two will also be printed out on the hard
main ways; Manual and Automatic. copy.
The Automatic option uses the
figures entered in this screen to
identify a material. The program
can evaluate materials according to
3 factors; Function, Price and
Handling. A balance can be struck
according to the opera-
tors requirements. The
function variable must
be in the range of 10 to
100%, the example in
figure 11 shows 100%
function and hence will
now select the tech-
nically best solution.

Figure 9 – Weighting
We have devised
a tried and tested method,
to guide you step by step to the right gasket
for your needs.

1. Applications overview:
The gasket characteristics compared
with the criteria to be met in typical

2. Product documentation:
A separate data sheet is supplied for
each gasket in our range.
The pT diagrams are an invaluable
aid to selecting the gasket most
suitable for a particular application.

3. Data on chemical resistance:

This section indicates the resistance
of the individual Klinger gaskets to
over 200 chemicals in common use.

4. Technical information by Fax:

Let us have the details of your
particular gasket requirements and
you will receive a prompt reply, in
some cases within 24 hours.

5. Sealing calculations
on your PC:
For the experienced specialist we
have developed a powerful program
which will answer all your questions
on gasket construction, design and
maintenance. We supply the software
with on-line help.

6. Ideally you should run your

own tests:
We will supply the materials you
need to carry out tests under your
own operating conditions.

7. On-sit advice:
With particularly difficult problems
we shall be glad to advice you
on-site. We can supply products
adapted from our existing range or
custom-formulated products.
Powerful sealing calculation with
online help on CD-ROM

Certified according to Rich. Klinger Dichtungstechnik

DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 GmbH & Co KG
Am Kanal 8-10
A-2352 Gumpoldskirchen, Austria
Tel ++43 (0) 2252/62599-137
Fax ++43 (0) 2252/62599-296
Subject to technical alterations. e-mail: mueller@klinger.co.at
Issue: January 2005 http://www.klinger.co.at

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