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Block 1/A Lesson Plan

Teacher(s): Erin Lindgren Grade Level: 3rd grade Date Taught: 11/29/2017

Lesson Title: Pizza Fractions Subject: Math – Fractions Approximate Time Length: 10 minutes

KCCR Standard 3.NF.1. Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is
partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a
parts of size 1/b.
Lesson Objective (Blooms Students will be able to identify different fractions when taking away slices of a pizza
Level) from a whole pizza.

Essential Question  What is the numerator?

 What is the denominator?
 What do you think the line that separates them is called?
 How are the numerator and the denominator related?

New & Familiar Vocabulary  Fraction

 Numerator
 Denominator
 Part
 Whole
 Divisor
Assessment/Criteria- (What Students will use their pizzas to help them fill out a pizza fraction worksheet.
evidence will you use to see
how fully students met your
Materials Materials
Technology  Paper pizzas for each pair of students
Resources (include any links)  Construction paper for the pizzas
Setting  Small pizza boxes
 Power point
 Fraction song:
 In the classroom

Est. Lesson Activities

Time Write out detailed lesson procedures. Be sure to include important questions you will ask during the
of lesson. Your plan should be detailed enough for another teacher to teach it without having to ask you
Task any questions. Numbering and/or bullets are encouraged.
What will you say? Name the strategies you will What will students do? Must have a variety of
use. What questions will you ask? engagement strategies.

2 1. Teacher will hook the students into the 1. Students will watch a video of a song about

mins lesson with a video of a fraction song. fractions to help them understand the
2. Teacher will tell the students to take note basic vocabulary associated with fractions.
of the vocabulary they here in the song.
6 1. When the song is over, the teacher will ask 1. Students will respond with Numerator and
mins the students What is the top part of the part of something. And Denominator and
fraction called? and What does it the whole of something.
represent? And What is the bottom part of 2. Students will ask any questions they may
the fraction called? and What does it have if they are not understanding the
represent? vocabulary and what they mean.

2. Teacher will do some researching if 3. Students will be put into pairs and use their

necessary so that everyone understand the paper pizzas inside pizza boxes to
new vocabulary introduced. demonstrate different fractions. They will
3. Teacher will tell students they are going to take away a certain amount of slices that
use fake pizzas to practice understand the teacher tells them to. With
fractions and how to form them. scaffolding/questioning from teacher they
will figure out what fraction of the pizza
they took away and what fraction of the
pizza they are left with. They will do this
several times.
2 1. Teacher will give students a work sheet. On 1. Students will receive a pizza fraction
mins the work sheet they are asked to take worksheet where they will do the same

away a certain fraction of their pizzas and exercise they were doing before, but now
then identify what fraction of the pizza they will work independently. They will

they are left with. have to take away a certain fraction of

their pizza and then identify and write
down what fraction of the pizza they are
left with.

Adaptations: What could ELL Teacher could offer the vocabulary and their definitions on a hand out in the
YOU DO to adapt to help students native language.
students with learning
disabilities, students with
learning exceptionalities, Attention Allow these students to dance (with in reason) while the song is playing at the
&/or ELL students with issues beginning so they can get energy out and be more focused during the activity.
this lesson?

Below Above: allow these student to try the activity in terms of adding and
and/or subtraction equations.
Above Below: allow these students to do a work sheet with simpler fractions or a
grade level worksheet that has pictures as the fractions instead of numerical fractions.
Modalities: What Visual: seeing the visual aids on the power point and their pizzas.
modalities did you utilize Auditory: the fraction song at the beginning of the lesson.
in this lesson? How? Kinesthetic\Tactile: moving the pizza slices around the create the different fractions.
Strategies: What Technology integration, cooperative learning, discussion, and hands on strategies.
instructional strategies did
you utilize in this lesson?
(Ex: graphic organizer,
cooperative learning,
discussion, technology
integration, etc.)
Pizza Fractions
Take away the number of slices shown from your
pizza and write down the fraction of the pizza you
are left with.

1. Take away 3 slices, what fraction are you left with?

2. Take away 1 slice, what fraction are you left with?

3. Take away 2 slices, what fraction are you left with?

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