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Memory Card Name

Lexical Sets:
STAGE Learning Standards: Malaysia, country, tradition,
2.2.2 (a) culture, costume, celebrate,
Word 2.3.1 (b) cheongsam, samfoo, saree,
jippa, baju kebaya, baju
Learning Outcomes:
melayu. Malay, chinese,
Phrase Able to read for information
indian, next to, beside,
and enjoyment with guidance
near,sirat, ngepan, Iban
Sentence (b) non-fiction
festival, Deepavali, Gawai,
Whole Text
Text, Costumes card (set),
Powerpoint (keywords)


Task Procedures:

1. Teacher enters the classroom wearing jippa.

2. Teacher calls all the pupils to the front of the class.
i. “Children, come here.” (point near you)
Classroom management : Teacher says, “Boys and girls”, Boys and girls”
Pupils reply, “ Yes, teacher, Yes, teacher”
Teacher and pupils say together, “Shhh.. Shhh”
( silent sign to get pupils to gather around you silently)

3. Teacher recaps the keywords from pervious lesson.

a. Teacher shows the powerpoint slides one by one.
i. “Children do you still remember this word?”
ii. “Children, say the words together.” (point to the word one by one)
b. Teacher asks the pupils to return to their place.

4. Teacher conduct a shared reading session as follows:

a. Show the powerpoint. ( text on Traditional Costumes) (refer to 10.3.1)
i. “ Children, look at the screen.” ( point to the screen )

b. Ask pupils :
i. “ What do you see on the screen?” Malay boy? Chinese girl?
ii. “ What costume is the boy wearing? ( is the girl wearing)
iii. “ Are they happy?”
c. Then teacher read the text with expression using the correct stress and
i. “ Children, now let’s read together. ( gesture inviting sign)
ii. “Children listen to me. (gesture hand to your ear) Then, you read.” (
point to the sentences while reading.)
d. Teacher distributes cards content simple text “ Traditional Costmes” to pair
(refer to 10.3.2)

Classroom Management:
For slow readers, assign a pair that is better on their reading skilssl to help.
e. Repeat step c. Ask any questions that are relevant to the text and revised the
f. Ask pupils:
i. Who is wearing a saree? cheongsam? baju kebaya?
ii. What type of costumes do Malay/Indian/Chinese wear?
g. Teacher conducts memory card game.
a. Teacher group the pupils into 4 groups.
i. “Children, stand up.” ( hands gesture)
ii. “Boys, line on my left. Girls, line on my right”
iii. “Now, children count 1,2,3,4. We start with the boys. Next, the girls.”
iv. “Whose number 1? Put your hand. All number 1 go to this side. (hand
gesture point near you. Continue until number 4)
b. Teacher gives instructions and demonstrates the game.
i. “Boys and girls, in your group come here.” (point near you)
ii. “Children, listen and watch” (hands gesture to ear and eye)
iii. “This is how we play the game. ( show the cards)
- Arrange the cards in few lines and rows.
- First player goes first. Play then proceeds clockwise.
- On each turn, a player turns over two cards.(one in a time)
- Keeps them if they match, (picture to word) That player also gets to
take another turn.
- When a player turns over two cards that do not match. Those cards
are turned face down again.
- It will be the next player’s turn.
- The player with the most matched cards wins.
Managing errors and mistakes:
a. If pupils read the text incorrectly/ poor pronunciation, “chupp” them. Get better
pupils to help them.
b. If pupils response in the first language, acknowledge their answer by saying “
good job” and say out the word/ sentence in English. Encourage pupils to repeat
a few times.

Reward and Feedback

a. Praise pupils when they answer your questions correctly. i.e. “ Well done” (with
two thumbs up)
b. Get pupils to clap, once they have finished reading the text or playing the
memory cards game.

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