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NOTICE Students of LLB. (Hons.), Semester-I (Session: 2016-19} under CBCS shall submit the Written Assignment for each subject to respective teachers. Students with Roll Nos. from 001 to 100 shall submit Assignment either on 18” or 19" Nov. 2016. Students with Roll Nos. from 101 to last shall submit Assignment either on 21° or 22 Nov. 2016. Candidates are to follow the instructions while preparing the written assignments failing which the same shall not be accepted and Internal Marks shall not be awarded. Instructions (1) Written Assignment shall be neatly typed on A4 size paper on one side with margins. (2) Font shall be Times New Roman and Font size of the body of Assignment shall be shall be 12. (3) Index shall be displayed on a separate page before the body of the Assignment. (4) Last page of the work shall bear the candidate’s signature. (5) The standard rule of footnote, end notes and bibliography in their work shall be followed. (6) Candidates shall cite the work of other people when using or discussing in their work. (7) Allthe pages shall bear a header containing Class Roll No, (8) Written assignment shall have spiral binding. (Or. 5.5. Chattopadhyay) Principal Written Assignment on {name of the subject) Submitted by:- (Candidate’s name) LLB, (Hons.), Sem.-I (2016-19) Class Roll No. University Roll No. : Law College Dhanbad Answer any three questions:- 1. Analyze the characteristics of the Indian Constitution. 2. Discuss the formation of an organization of Union Parliament. What are the privileges enjoyed by a parliamentarian. 3. States the powers and position of the President of India. 4. Discuss the role of the indian Prime Minister. 5. Write short notes on: A) States and Concurrent List B ) Doctrine of Territorial Nexus. 6. Discuss the procedure regarding enactment of legislation. 7. Explain emergency provisions under Indian Constitution. 8. Write an analytical description of basic structure of the Indian Constitution. 9. Discuss the pardoning power of the President of India. 10. Write briefly on A) Doctrine of Pith and Substance B) Doctrine of Colourable Legislation. Law of Contract 1. Define a proposal. What are its essential i 2. Acceptance is to an offer what a lighted match is to a train of gunpowder. Explain. 3. An agreement made without consideration is void. Are there any exceptions to this Rule? 4, Explain with illustration the doctrine of Privity of Contract. Is there any exception to this rule? 5, Whoisa minor? Explain the nature and effects of Minor’s agreement, 6. Define undue influence. Briefly explain the circumstances with suitable illustrations in which consent to a contract is said to be induced by undue influence. 7. Discuss briefly the various mode of discharging of contract. 8. No one shall enrich himself unjustly at the expenses of another. To what extant does the Indian Contract Act give effect to this principle? 9. State the circumstances under which a contract is discharged by impossible of performance. Give leading cases. 10. Explain the various remedies for breach of contract, Torts — including Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 [Semester-) — (VBUL-113) 1. Define Tort and how it has been defined by various Jurist? Distinguish between contract and crime, 2. What are the various kinds of defence which can be taken in action for Tort? 3. What is vicarious liability? Discuss the Master's Liability for act of servant with relevant case law. 4, Discuss the rule laid down in Rylands V. Fletcher, 5. Define nuisance, Discuss it various kinds. Distinguish between Public nuisance and Private nuisance. 6. Explain the principle of absolute liability. 7. What do you understand by the Tort of Negligence? Discuss its essential ingredients. Explain the role of Res Ipsa Loquitor. 8. Define tort of false imprisonment and discuss its essential ingredients. 9, State the salient features of Consumer Protection Act,1986 and discuss with relevant case law. 10. Discuss the Insurer’s Liability for third party risks with the help of relevant case law. LAW OF CRIMES — I (INDIAN PENAL CODE} [Semester-I) — (VBUL-114) ANSWER ANY THREE QUESTIONS. 1 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) a 8) 9) ‘The fundamental principle of penal liability is“actus non facit reum , nisi mens sit rea” , that is, the act itself is not criminal unless accompanied by a guilty mind. Discuss. What are the various stages of crime? What do you mean by right of private defence? Mention the grounds under which death can be caused in the exercise of right of private defence. Distinguish between the approach of sections 149 and 34 of the IPC? Emphasise on the ingredients of each provisions. What are the essential conditions for conviction for an offence of abetment under the Indian Penal Code? Distinguish between abetment and criminal conspiracy. Define murder. When culpable homicide does not amount to murder? Discuss the offence of kidnapping. Distinguish between kidnapping and abduction Adultery is an offence against marriage. Discuss with referred cases. Define Robbery. Distinguish between robbery and dacoity. 10) Write short notes on: a). Sedition b) Rioting 0) Affray 10. International Law [Semester-1) — (VBUI 15) Trace the origin, development and basis of international law. Explain sources of intern: cases. nal law. Support your views with the help of decided Explain the inter relation between municipal law and international law. Critically appraise theories of ‘State Recognition’. International Institutions have been conceded immunity from the territorial jurisdiction, Explain. Discuss the various modes relating to acquisition and loss of territory. What is meant by asylum? Discuss the related provisions under international law. Describe the pacific methods of settlement of international disputes. Write a note on extradition. Explain with recent examples, Write short notes on- {a) Usages (b) Treaty {c) Declaration & Conventions (d) International Court of Justice {e) General Principles of law as recognized by civilized n: 10. Jurisprudence [Semester-|) — (VBUL-116) Answer any three ques Define the term ‘Jurisprudence’. Explain the definitions given by various jurists Explain the Imperative Theory of law. Laws are found not made. Explain. Explain Kelson’s pure theory of law. ‘Laws are not made in isolation, it has to been engineered socially. Discuss. Explain the features of American Realism. Trace the historical evolution of Natural Law. Discuss the Marxist approach of law. Critically evaluate theories of ju: The dual function of law has never changed. At times law initiates social change and some other times law responds to social change. Discuss. English Language {Semester-!) — (VBUL-117) Answer any three 1. State the various parts of speech as per English Grammar & Compo! 2. How many Tenses are there in English Language? Illustrate with a particular sentence, State the parts of Speech in connection with the words in the following sentence: Ram isa brilliant student of Law College Dhanbad. 4, State the meaning of any four of the following Legal Terminology with a sentence: (i) Abinitio. (ii) Ad valoram. De facto, (i {iv) Locus Standi. (v) Malafide. (vi) De Novo, (vii) Alibi. (viii) Ultra Vires. 5. Write a Letter to the Principal of your College regarding organising a Seminar on Womens’ Liberation. 6. Distingui between Direct and Indirect Speech with illustration. 7. Writean essay on any one of the following:- (a) Natural Justice {b) Independence of Judiciary (c) Legal Education in India (d) Juvenile delinquency 8 Correct the following sentences- {a) Childrens are fond of sweets. {b) He asked me that when | would return, (c) Sanjay loudly laughed. (d) Wait till the bus does not stop. {e) Agroup of persons were coming towards me. (A) Iwas writing by a pencil. {g) You cannot succeed unless you do not work hard. (h) A frog jumped in the well. (i) The book is missing which | received from you. (i) Fish lays egg on the water. 9. Translate following sentences from Hindi to English ato Was Wee wT UT 3 Reae 198 wt Rare Ss ares fora F ga om sieht gret age one aed oh) a aft ait & frarat ot yt wa a art Oy) eel ears wart Fafa arr fear ak oer BY ara F fare we an Ga Mwy a ames ara & wert EGR TI) 26 wea 1963 oT eror eetara et ra 10. Change into active voice to passive voice of following sentences (a) We use this car on special occasions (b) Ishall eat these mangoes tomorrow (c) We have produced a numbers of toys for the children (d) The customer had purchased all the books. {e) The man shot the dog.

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