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12 Alshaheed Ahmed Zaky str, 3marat Al3bour Mobile : 0105193723

Manshyet Elbabkry Phone: 2 26 28 096
Nasr City, Cairo – Egypt e.mail:

Mortada Mohammad Shendy

Webmaster, multimedia author, graphic designer and freelancer. German teacher &
supervisor. Run online courses at my website free lessons,
quizzes, & teaching resources.
Date of birth : 1/9/1974
Personal Data

Nationality : Egyptian
Military status : Exempted
Marital status : Married
Education: Faculty of AL-Alsun, Ain Shams University
Graduation: 1999
Specialization : German

5 years Supervisor for the National & International Section: American and
Work Experience

IGCSE in Cambridge Egypt Schools, from 2006 till now.

7 years teaching German in Cambridge Egypt Schools from 2003 till now.
2 years teaching German in Own Benha Private Schools, from 2000 to 2002
1 year Military Tour Guide in the Egyptian Army, from 1999 to 2000
2 years German Teacher in Own Heliopolis Schools, from 1997 to 1999
3 months teaching German in Future Languages Schools 2nd term of 1996

German: Excellent
English: Perfect
French: Good
Arabic: Mother Tongue

Available upon request

For more information visit my


1. Books for Learning German:

Linguistic skills

I have made 3 educational books two of them are dedicated for kids who learn
German in Kindergarten, the third one is for primary stage:
1. Mein Erstes ABC
2. Meine Ersten 50 Wörter
3. Deutsch Für Alle

2. Glossaries:
:I have translated 5 German educational books into 3 glossaries
Kairo-Frankfurt Und Zurück Band 2
• Deutsch Mobil Band 1
• Deutsch Mobil Band 2
• Deutsch Mobil Band 3
• Wer Ist Das Band 2

3.Work Books:
I have made 6 work books for the following German Curriculums:
• Auf In Den Zirkus
• Ping Pong Neu Band 1
• Ping Pong Neu Band 2
• Tamburin Band 1
• Tamburin Band 1
• Deutschmobil Band 1

4. Multimedia CDs.
I have made 1 multimedia CDs for kids.
I have made 1 multimedia CDs for adults.

I have translated 1 German Novel into Arabic called: Anjas Buch
Moreover I have a good experience in translating math & science curriculums into

I am designing a new website for German language to serve German teachers and
learners providing them with different resources and useful information, which called:
German Academy.

For more information visit my


I have created a an administrative school system called:

Mangerial Skills

Super 20 Administrative Tools

This system is designed carefully to meet and exceed the needs of teachers,
supervisors and coordinators.

This system is the best for international school and fits languages school.

This system appears in 3 versions: Free, Gold and Premium.

This system lets you manage all your tasks and organize them
more effectively than before to eliminate wasting of time.

This system contains the following

10 categories:
1. Pictorial lists
2. School Calendars
3. Curriculum Planners
4. Schedules and Timetables
5. Test Kit
6. Forms
7. Identities
8. Reports
9. Charts and graphs
10. Miscellaneous

For more information visit my


I have good experience in:

Computer skills

• Graphic Design using the most famous graphic design programs.

• Programming & Producing educational CDs for schools.
• Web Design creating eye-catching websites from scratch.
• Books & Booklets Designing, Producing and other related printouts as I
have done to myself before

:Mastering the following programs

Microsoft Word & Power Point
 Flash

 Dreamweaver

 Fireworks

 Corel Draw

Adobe Photoshop

:I have innovated new projects for my school in the last 5 years
.The Educational School Gallery: Magic Hands :2006
.The Educational School Gallery: Explosion :2007
.The German Magazin: Cool Deutsch :2008
.Cambridge Egypt Students’ Encyclopedia: 20,000 Questions & Answers :2009
.The German Club: De-Klub :2010

Drawing, painting, Graphic design & surfing, decorations, Handicraft, wandering
and shopping.

Participating in seminars and other workshops & activities held by
Goethe-Institute in Cairo.

For more information visit my

My Methodology
Fun With German
Fun With German, describes exactly my plan which I prepared and
have been developing for the last few years in order to create proper
methods for teaching & learning German from Kindergarten to the
highest grades, and this is easy to grasp through the following main
facilities and new ideas:

a.My School German Magazine

b.My School German Radio
c. My School German TV.
d.My School German Gallery
e. My School Online German Web Site

My German Club
This year 2009/2010 I have
established a language
Club for German, which is
the first one to be done in
all schools around. In this
club students should have
fun through the previous

For more information visit my

Below is my photo that has been published in KELMTNA
magazine, issue no. 113 1.6.2009

For more information visit my


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