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Hua Tan, Omar Abdullah, Nolasco-Hipolito y Taufiq-Yap

Department of Chemical Engineering & Energy Sustainability, Faculty of
Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
Problem Statement:


El objetivo principal de este trabajo es investigar la caracterización del catalizador y el

rendimiento de biodiésel de un biodiesel convertido a partir de una fuente de aceite de
cocina usada a través de catalizadores heterogéneos derivados de un tipo muy raro de
cáscara de huevo: cáscara de huevo de avestruz (Cao derivado del huevo de avestruz).
También tiene como objetivo comparar el rendimiento del catalizador de Cao derivado de la
cáscara de huevo de avestruz de desecho y la cáscara de huevo de pollo convencional, y
para encontrar las condiciones óptimas para la producción de biodiesel. Los catalizadores
preparados se caracterizaron entonces usando XRD, FT-IR, BET, SEM, TGA y CO2-TPD.
Se investigaron los efectos paramétricos sobre la producción de biodiesel, tales como
concentración de catalizador, relación molar de metanol a aceite, temperatura de reacción,
tiempo de reacción, velocidad y reutilización del catalizador. El resultado experimental
mostró que 1,5% en peso de catalizador 12: 1 M de relación de metanol a aceite, 65 oC de
temperatura de reacción, 2 h de tiempo de reacción con velocidad de 250 rpm dieron los
mejores resultados. Se encontró que el catalizador de Cao derivado de la cáscara de huevo
de avestruz muestra un área superficial más alta, una basicidad más alta y un tamaño de
partícula más pequeño. El rendimiento máximo de biodiesel es del 96% y del 94% para
avestruz-cáscara de huevo calcinado y cáscara de huevo de gallina, respectivamente. El
catalizador de Cao derivado de avestruz y cáscara de huevo calcinados y desechados
mantuvo una buena actividad catalítica incluso después de ser utilizado repetidamente
durante 5 ciclos con un rendimiento de alrededor del 70%, lo que implica un ahorro
potencial y posibilidades de producción de biodiesel asequibles.


- To achieve the objective, the research used natural hen waste, since chicken manure
has significant content of calcium components (calcium carbonates) that can be
easily converted to calcium oxide by simple calcination under high air temperatures.
The catalytic performance for the production of biodiesel from CaO catalysts was
evaluated by varying the calcination temperature. In addition, the effects of other
variables, such as the speed of mixing, the amount of catalyst added, temperature
and the reaction time, were also evaluated.


- The results obtained in the investigation, such as some combustible properties of

biodiesel produced under optimal reaction conditions (15: 1 molar ratio of methanol:
oil, 7.5 wt % catalyst, 65 ° C and 6h) and it was found that the properties of biodiesel
fuel correspond to European standards and ASTM.


- El presente estudio es una extensión de nuestro trabajo previo informado

anteriormente en julio por Satar, el estudio demostró que se puede lograr un
rendimiento de biodiesel de 90.03% con una proporción de aceite de 30.08% en
peso, proporción de catalizador a aceite de 3.79% en peso. y tiempo de reacción de
4 h para biodiesel producido usando catalizador derivado de desperdicios de huevo
de avestruz calcinado a 900 C. En los presentes trabajos, la producción de biodiesel
se llevó a cabo usando un proceso de transesterificación en dos etapas ya que el
aceite de cocina residual contiene alto contenido de ácidos grasos libres. Se
seleccionó aceite de cocina residual debido a su posible menor costo de producción
que puede reducir los costos de producción en un 60-90%, dependiendo de los
métodos de producción. También, en este trabajo, para fines de comparación, las
propiedades fisicoquímicas del huevo de avestruz y los catalizadores antes y
después de las calcinaciones, se determinaron. Posteriormente, el rendimiento de
biodiésel del aceite de cocina usado a través de los catalizadores se ensayó y se
comparó bajo las mismas condiciones de funcionamiento. a una relación molar de
metanol a aceite de 12: 1, 1,5% en peso de catalizador, temperatura de reacción de
65ºC y un tiempo de reacción de 2 h.


Maneerung, Sibudjing, Yanjun and Wang from the Department of Chemical and
Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore (2016), published an
investigation that aimed to develop cheap and effective CaO catalysts from natural waste
materials, that have not been previously used, such as chicken manure, and examine its
feasibility for the production of biodiesel from used cooking oil in order to promote an
economic and ecological process for the production of biodiesel.
To achieve the objective, the research used natural hen waste, since chicken manure has
significant content of calcium components (calcium carbonates) that can be easily converted
to calcium oxide by simple calcination under high air temperatures. The catalytic
performance for the production of biodiesel from CaO catalysts was evaluated by varying the
calcination temperature. In addition, the effects of other variables, such as the speed of
mixing, the amount of catalyst added, temperature and the reaction time, were also
The results obtained in the investigation, such as some combustible properties of biodiesel
produced under optimal reaction conditions (15: 1 molar ratio of methanol: oil, 7.5 wt %
catalyst, 65 ° C and 6h) and it was found that the properties of biodiesel fuel correspond to
European and ASTM standars.
The research concluded that the chicken waste was successfully used as a raw material for
the production of CaO catalysts with low cost and very efficient for the production of
biodiesel from the transesterification reaction of waste cooking oil and methanol (reached a
FAME performance of up to 90%). The use of chicken manure as a source of catalysis and
cooking oil used as a raw material for the production of biodiesel not only offers ecological
and profitable ways to recycle that waste, minimizing problems related to the elimination of
these, it also helps to reduce the cost of biodiesel production.

Farooq and Ramli from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Teknologi University
PETRONAS (UTP), Tronoh, Perak, Malaysia (2014), published an investigation that aimed
to develop heterogeneous catalysts of low cost and efficient derived from waste materials
(chicken bones ) for the production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil (WCO) to promote the
biodiesel production process friendly to the environment.
The catalysts are successfully prepared from raw chicken as an efficient heterogeneous
catalyst for the production of biodiesel by transesterification of cooking oil of low FFA
content. The physicochemical properties of the synthesized catalysts are being studied by
various techniques, such as differential thermal analysis / thermogravimetric analysis (DTA-
TGA), BET surface area, X-ray diffraction (XDR), programmed desorption by CO2
temperature, spectroscopy of x-rays of energy dispersive (EDX).
The results showed that the heterogeneous catalyst calcined at 900 ° C exhibited a good
catalytic activity in the transesterification of WCO, a maximum biodiesel yield of 89.33% at
5.0 g of catalyst, molar ratio of 15: 1 methanol to oil at a temperature of 65 ° C in reaction
time of 4 h. The best catalytic activity of the aforementioned catalyst in the biodiesel reaction
could be attributed to the presence of an optimum degree of density of the catalytically active
basic site on its surface. In addition, the catalyst was recycled successfully 4 times for the
production of biodiesel.
Based on the results, it is shown that the calcination temperature greatly influences the
transesterification reaction. Among the different catalysts tested, the C900 shows high
catalytic activity in the production of WCO biodiesel under the optimized reaction conditions,
such as the reaction time of 4 h, methanol molar ratio to an oil of 15: 1, reaction temperature
of 65 ° C, catalyst load of 5% by weight and stirring speed of 500 rpm. This suggests that the
C900 catalyst provides a good density of the catalytically active basic site for the
transesterification reaction for a maximum biodiesel yield of 89.33%. It is concluded that,
therefore, that the use of discarded chicken bones not only contributes to the proper disposal
of waste, but also provides a cheap catalyst for the production of biodiesel.

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