1 Complete The Text Using The Correct Form of The Words Below. There Are Three Extra Words Which You Do Not Need To Use

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1 Complete the text using the correct form of the words below. There are three extra
words which you do not need to use.
delegate benefit exercise evolve consist vote
bring join hold pass remain particular official
The UK (1) _____________________ of four member states, England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland. The English and Scottish parliaments (2) _____________________ laws
called the Acts of Union which created the United Kingdom of Great Britain in 1707. In 1801
Ireland (3) ____________________ the union, and by 1927 it had (4) __________________
into the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as it is (5) ________________
known today.
However, in the late 1990s National Assemblies were created in Northern Ireland, Scotland
and Wales. Over time, Parliament has (6) _____________________ powers of governance
to the individual states.
There is a growing call, (7) _____________________ in Scotland for full independence from
London. Although many Scots believe that (8) _____________________ within the UK
brings clear economic and political (9) __________________, the Scottish government
intend to hold a (10) ___________________ on complete independence in 2014. There are
factions in both Northern Ireland and Wales who would like to see the same there.

a) Rewrite the following sentences so that the meaning remains the same.

E.g. “Why don’t we stay here?” Silvia asked.

Silvia suggested staying here.

1. You shouldn’t enter the building under any circumstances.

Under no _________________________________________________________________.
2. She demanded to go as soon as we arrived.
No sooner________________________________________________________.

3. I don’t like having to work for others.

I wish ____________________________________________________________________.

4. I regret not studying medicine when I was at university.

I wish __________________________________________________________.
5. I recruited the right people so my business is highly successful.

6. I didn’t know about the railway strike so I didn’t come by car.

Had ________________________________________________________________________.

7. I arrived late so I wasn’t able to meet him.

Had I __________________________________________________________.

8. You’d better go to bed. You look exhausted.

It’s time you ________________________________________________________________.

9. The Academy awarded her an Oscar for lifetime achievement.

She ___________________________________________________________.

b) For questions 6-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use
between two and five words, including the word given.

e.g. The pond isn’t deep enough to swim in. TOO

The pond is too shallow to swim in.

6. It is thought that he is hiding somewhere in the city. BE

He is ___________________________________ somewhere in the city.
7. The ladies wore evening dresses, but it wasn’t necessary. HAVE
The ladies ____________________________________ evening dresses.
8. She only left her job because she wasn’t earning enough money. MORE
She wouldn’t have left her job if she _______________________________ money.
9. Why don’t you ask Mary – she probably knows where you left it. TRY
You ____________________________________ Mary - she probably knows where you left it.
10. They’re getting married next month, so some people are saying. RUMOURED
______________________________that they’re getting married next month.

11. It’s essential that you come to a decision about what to do. MIND
You have to ___________________________ about what to do.
12. Although he saw the warning sign, he didn’t slow down. SPITE
He didn’t slow down ____________________________________ the warning sign.

Zach plans on spending some time in Madrid to improve his Spanish before university.
“Well done – you passed your driving test!” said Valerie. (CONGRATULATE)
2 1st written task solutions adv IV2

Choose the best answer, A–D to complete the sentences.

1 Well, I think in light of the latest facts, we can dismiss that _______ out of hand.
A dispute B argument C conflict D row

1 5. zadatak cumm 1-5 SOLUTIONS ADVANCED

According to my __________ of the incident, it was already snowing when we left the
A reminisce B hindsight C recollection D memorise
1 Once your eyes have ___________ to the darkness in the cave, you’ll see the ancient
A altered B modified C transformed D adjusted
It’s a tool. It would come _____ handy for chopping wood, for example.
A out B for C to D in


3 Choose the correct option A–D to complete the sentences.

1 He knocked at the back door to avoid __________ by the neighbours.
A seeing B being seen C to be seen D having been seen
2 By this time next year, I hope __________ computer science at university.
A to study B studying C to be studying D it to study
3 The campaign against animal testing was successful, the company decided __________.
A doing away with B to do away with C do away with it D to do away with it
6 They’ve known each other for years; it would be a shame __________ touch.
A for them to lose B that they lose C for they to lose D for it to lose
7 Do you think your sister will get engaged soon? She ___________ with Kyle for years.
A is going out B goes out C had been going out D has been going out

1. MATURA 2007
If you’ve got flu, you … go to work.
A had better not B had better not to

C would better not D would better not to

2. I wouldn’t want to work for him … nice he may seem when you first meet him.
A nevertheless B however C yet D if

3. He heard on the morning news that a family of 6 … in an explosion.

A were being injured B had been injured

C had injured D have been injured

4. The family had just had a new gas cooker … in their kitchen.
A installed B be installed C to be installedD installing

5. You … have worried because the test wasn’t difficult, was it?
A could B must C needn’t D wouldn’t

6. I was … if you’d like to spend the weekend with us.

A hoping B thinking C wondering D expecting

7. If you insist …, you must pay my fare.

A me to come B on my coming

C on me to come D my coming

8. I would also like to … my Spanish after my proficiency exam.

A pick up B take up C brush up D start up

9. John was … with murder.

A accused B arrested C charged D sentenced

10. Let me congratulate you … your success.

A for B to C on D about

11. When Sarah saw Sue’s new boyfriend, she was … with envy.
A yellow B green C red D black

Don’t mumble! I can’t __________ what you’re saying.
a) make up b) get through c) get over d) make out
2. He easily gets upset – he is rather ____________.
a) sensible b) sensitive c) insensible d) insensitive

3. I told ____________ Head of Department that I had ____________ bad cold and
couldn’t go to ____________ meeting that day.
a) the, a, the b) a, a, the c) the, / , the d) a, / , a

4. ____________ Sun, which is ____________ tabloid, is ____________ daily

newspaper with ____________ highest sales figures.
a) the, a, a, the b) /, the, a, the c) the, the, /, the d) /, a, a, the

5. He ____________already. He only arrived five minutes ago.

a) couldn’t left b) can’t have left c) mustn’t have left d) could have not left

6. I always do the housework on Saturday as I can never get ____________ it during the
a) out of b) over c) round to d) off

7. It’s a ____________ journey from here to the other side of the island.
a) three-hour b) three-hours c) three hour d) three hours


1. Nobody told you that, __________ ?

a) has anyone b) did anyone c) didn’t anyone d) did they
8. If you keep __________ the hard work, you will succeed one day.
a) at b) up c) in d) off
1. Tom admitted ___________ the money.
a) steal b) to steal c) stealing d) to stealing

2. He now has two ___________.

a) mothers-in-law b) mother-in-laws c) mother’s-in-law d) mother-in-law’s

3. While on holiday in Tunisia, I went ___________ food-poisoning.

a) through b) in for c) with d) down with


3 After the avalanche, the remote village remained cut down / off / back for days.
4 The teenagers were falsely blamed / accused / threatened of vandalising the train.
5 The last bus has just gone – you mustn’t / ‘ll have to / ought to give me a lift.
6 I needn’t / mustn’t / could have worried, the fire alarm was just a practice.
7 The man to who / that / whom you spoke on the phone was, in fact, the Prime Minister.
Read the text. Fill in the gaps (8.1–8.5), transforming the words in brackets to create a logical and
grammatically correct text.
In praise of ... domes
Today’s official (8.1) _______________ (open) of the campus of the University of Derby in Buxton,
which boasts a beautiful dome 150 feet in diameter, is a timely (8.2) _______________ (remind) of the
affection in which these semi-spherical artefacts are held all over the world. Domes are special. Whether
this is down to the simple symmetry of their shape or because they generate intimations of a universe
above, can only be guessed at. But there is something (8.3) _______________ (time) about them which
may help explain why they are revered the world over. Everyone has their own favourite. One of the best
of these grand domes in Britain is St Paul’s Cathedral, a (8.4) _______________ (monument)
masterpiece with enough glass to light up the interior and a 300 year-old whispering gallery which still
produces excitement in children in the Internet age. The more the world changes around it the more the
dome becomes an icon of (8.5) _______________ (stable).

For Questions 1-10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of
each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example
at the beginning (0).

Sob Story

Margaret Thatcher wept after her (0) resignation as Prime Minister. RESIGN
When did you last cry? Did it cause you any (1) ____ _______________ ? EMBARRASS
After all, it can seem a bit (2) ____ _______________ to cry. CHILD
Babies do it all the time because it’s their only way of catching people’s
(3) ____ _______________ . But sobbing actually helps get rid of the ATTEND
(4) ____ _______________ substances which tend to build up in your HARM
body when your life is (5) ____ _______________. STRESS

Researchers say the tears we produce when we feel (6) ____ _____________MISERY
are different from those caused by an (7) ____ _______________ in the IRRITATE
(8) ____ _______________ tears contain a substance which makes us EMOTION
feel depress. If we cry, we get rid of it and feel better!

So it can be (9) ____ _______________ to hold back tears. HEALTH

If you don’t express your (10) ____ _______________ , you risk FEEL
becoming more upset and this can even have an effect on the body’s immune
system making you more likely to get ill.

For questions 1 to 10, read the text below. Use the word at the end of some of the lines to
form an appropriate word to fit in the space on the same line.
There was a loud (0) explosion when they detonated the explode

As we all know, (1) ____________________ can be appear

very (2) ____________________, and Paolo was deceive
certainly no (3) _____________________ to this. except
When he ran onto the football pitch, he had the look of
a lost young child. But this was a dangerous (4)
___________________ to make, particularly for
players on the (5) ____________________ side. All
the (6)____________________ about his age and
lack of experience, far from (7)
_____________________ him, had made him a
young man hungry for (8) ____________________,
with a degree of (9) ______________________ which
caused (10) ______________________ even among
those who knew him.
D Complete the text with appropriate words. Use only one word in each gap.

Being a boss in a busy transport firm, I am used to making (0) __it_ in business, even if it means difficult
discussions with my employees. Yet some of these contacts can be rather unpredictable and surprising.
For example, last week an employee of mine asked for a pay rise. Although she came (1) _____ as a very
intelligent person, I had to (2) _____ down her request because she hadn’t been with the firm long
enough. As a rule, I don’t (3) _____ in for talking with people in such situations for long, so she left
immediately. By the way, she didn’t appear terribly disappointed. Still, imagine my surprise when next
morning she turned (4) _____ an hour early for our regular staff meeting and asked to see me. She entered
my office carrying a parcel wrapped (5) _____ in coloured paper. She was all smiles and said, ‘Please
accept this thank you gift. Thanks to you, I know now what I really want to do in my life, and I’m sure
I’ll (6) _____ to the top one day!’ Inside, there was a book of her poems.

E Read the text and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.

/ 11
My friend Tom is very keen (0) ________on________ travelling. In fact, he has already travelled to the
four corners of the (1) _______________ . Five years ago he came (2) _______________ with the idea of
going to Africa on his own, even (3) _______________ he realised it was not a particularly safe thing to
do. ‘The (4) _______________ is the limit to where you can go if you are prepared to take risks,’ said
Tom and then he got (5) _______________ to work. He bought a plane ticket to Khartoum, collected all
the necessary equipment, mapped out his route and was ready to set off. In (6) _______________ of all
his preparations and enthusiasm, the trip finished soon after it began. In one of the Sudanese villages Tom
(7) _______________ down with malaria, one of the tropical (8) _______________ very common in this
part of the world. It was obviously his fault since he had forgotten to have several vaccinations before
going to the tropics. This trip has certainly (9) _______________ its mark on Tom. (10)
_______________ of his medical record, he has to be examined at least once a year. He also plans all his
journeys well in advance (11) _______________ that he can be sure he hasn’t overlooked anything

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