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Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to
form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the
beginning (0).

These days it is (0) impossible to open a newspaper without reading POSSIBLE

about the damage we are doing to the environment. The earth is being
(1)_____________________ and the future looks bad. What can each THREAT
of us do?
We cannot clean up (2)__________________ rivers and seas POLLUTE
overnight. Nor can we stop the (3)_________________ of plants and APPEAR
animals but we can stop adding to the problem while
(4)___________________ search for answers, and laws are passed in SCIENCE
nature’s (5)_____________________. DEFEND
It may not be easy to change your lifestyle (6)__________________, COMPLETE
but some steps are easy to take: cut down the amount of
(7)_____________________ you do, or use as little plastic as DRIVE
possible. It is also easy to save energy, which also reduces
(8)___________________ bills. We must all make a personal HOUSE
(9)___________________ to work for the future of our planet if we DECIDE
want to (10)___________________ a better world for our SURE

Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets.

Before setting out on a journey to some (0) __unspoiled____ (spoil) place far away from civilisation, it is
wise to consider the following advice. First, your luggage. Remember to take as few things as possible;
when the scales in the airport show excess weight, it will be too late to (1) ______________________
(pack). Another important thing is the right kind of (2) ______________________ (prepare). Remember
that a badly (3) ______________________ (organise) traveller is an (4) ______________________
(responsible) traveller, too. Many wonderful destinations are wasted and lost if you are not aware of what
they have in store, and how their wonders can be discovered. It is also very important to check which
types of activity are (5) ______________________ (legal) in the area you are going to visit. (6)
______________________ (experience) travellers often get in trouble if they happen to (7)
______________________ (agree) with the local policeman or another person in power. (8)
______________________ (final), take care never to get (9) ______________________ (patient) with
local people. Your primary aim in getting there is to have a nice and interesting time, and irritation is not
only counterproductive, but it can also cause major cultural (10) ______________________ (understand).

Success upper end of book test A

Complete the text with the correct forms of the words in brackets.
Well, here I am in prison. It seems 0_inconceivable_ (conceive) that someone as law-abiding as I was
could end up here but I’m afraid it’s true. It all started when I gained 1_______________ (member) of the
mysterious club in Stanley Street. It seemed such a 2_______________ (peace) place that I thought it
would be perfect to relax in after work. The rooms were beautifully decorated and 3_______________
(space) and everyone was friendly, although a little suspicious of 4_______________ (outside). It was
only when I had been there for several months that I discovered the 5_______________ (exist) of illegal
activities being carried out in the club. When I demanded to know what was going on, I was given an
_______________ (explain) but it wasn’t convincing. I had a feeling that I was being 7_______________
(deceit) but, instead of going to the police, I asked to be allowed to join them. I wanted to gain their
_______________ (approve) I suppose. It wasn’t anything violent, nothing 9_______________ (drama)
at all, just some fraud. Well, we got caught in the end and here I am in prison. It’s a wild,
_______________ (anarchy) place. I am scared for my life.

Success upper end of book test B

Complete the text with the correct forms of the words in brackets.
Well, the first week is over. The university is a lively, 0___energetic___ (energy) place. Most of the other
students are pleasant enough although one or two are a bit 1_______________ (predict). Amazingly, for
supposedly intelligent people, they can become rather 2_______________ (destroy) at times, especially
after a party.

My room is nice, very 3_______________ (air). It’s a bit empty though so I hope you will be able to bring
some more of my 4_______________ (belong) at the weekend. The main problem here is the lecturers
and the rules which are a bit 5_______________ (tire). They don’t treat us like adults at all. They seem
quite 6_______________ (judge) as well and one or two lecturers seem to have decided they don’t like
me. They came to that 7_______________ (conclude) after the first lectures when I was late (I got lost).

Another problem is a lack of 8_______________ (modern) especially in the computer room. The
university seems to be 9_______________ (oblivion) to the fact that the computers don’t work half the
time. We should have done an internet project this week but the connection wasn’t working so no one did
it. Of course, the lecturer came to the 10_______________ (assume) that we were just too lazy. Ah well,
maybe things will change.


Circle the correct answers.
I 0_____ three people for the job of sailing instructor. The one I was most impressed by was Sam Jenkins.
He 1_____ as a good communicator, able to 2_____ a conversation and friendship with anyone but also
able to gain 3_____ by his firm but friendly manner. He admitted that he 4_____ on a yacht before but he
has done a lot of other training and has got his sailing instructors certificate as well as a lot of swimming
and life saving awards. He 5_____ at the moment but, by the time our summer school starts, he 6_____
what he is doing and be available.

0 a) interviewed b) have interviewed c) had interviewed d) have been interviewing

1 a) gave away b) took on c) came across d) held back

2 a) start off b) set off c) burst out d) strike up

3 a) respect b) respectful c) respected d) respectfully

4 a) has never worked b) never worked c) had never worked d) never works

5 a) has been working b) is working c) works d) has worked

6 a) will finish b) will be finishing c) will have finished d) is finishing


Circle the correct answers.
Tomorrow we 0_____ out interviews for three positions in the company. These vacancies 1_____ by staff
leaving to companies which pay more money. According to the Personnel Department, another 30 people
_____ by the end of the year.

We are looking for people who can take 3_____ extra work and responsibility when needed, who are
_____ to their superiors and who 5_____ as good communicators. We also need people who think before
they speak and are able to 6_____ back negative comments, even when under stress.

0 a) carry b) will be carrying c) will have carried d) will carry

1 a) had been caused b) were caused c) have been caused d) are caused

2 a) will have left b) will be leaving c) will leave d) are leaving

3 a) back b) on c) off d) away

4 a) respected b) respect c) respectable d) respectful

5 a) come across b) strike up c) take off d) start up

6 a) keep b) hold c) give d) take


Read the text and circle the correct answers.
Helen rose from her bed at seven. She wanted to 0_____ a start on her new article. She 1_____ about it for
several days but nothing was on paper yet. Eyes still bleary from sleep, she 2_____ on the way to the
bathroom but stopped herself from falling. The noise 3_____ her husband, Ken, who yawned loudly. In
the bathroom, Helen gazed 4_____ her reflection in the mirror and 5_____ why she had ever married Ken.
They were a completely 6_____ couple; she was thoughtful and sensitive, he was only interested in the
darts team at the local pub. She was 7_____ and always keen to try new things. He, 8_____ once been to
France, had decided to stay at home from that day on.

Leaving the bathroom, she noticed Ken already eating breakfast but there was no plate or even a cup of
coffee for her. She held 9_____ from making a comment knowing that it would only lead to an argument
and she didn’t have time for that. She 10_____ start writing soon or she would miss her deadline.

0 a) make b) give c) have d) do

1 a) had thought b) had been thinking c) was thinking d) has thought

2 a) strolled b) wandered c) limped d) stumbled

3 a) has woken b) woke c) was waking d) had been waking

4 a) at b) on c) in d) over

5 a) found out b) thought c) wondered d) imagined

6 a) infantile b) inferior c) indicative d) incompatible

7 a) dull b) cautious c) adventurous d) timid

8 a) having b) has c) had d) would have

9 a) off b) back c) over d) down

10 a) would b) could c) must d) needed


Complete the text with the correct forms of the words in brackets.
Class Power is not a very 0__convincing___ (convince) tale of one man’s fight to turn a bunch of
troublemakers into model students. One reason that people are praising the book is that the author is
supposed to be very 1_______________ (know) about the topic, having taught in an inner-city school
himself. However, I think it would be more 2_______________ (assure) if I knew that he had actually
been a good teacher and had 3_______________ (success) in controlling his own students. Apparently,
though, he left teaching because he was no good at it. That may be explained by the 4_______________
(infant) methods used by Jed, the hero of the book, to gain the trust of his students. Other, more
traditional, teachers are shown as being a 5_______________ (heart), uncaring bunch who won’t accept
any new ideas. The most 6_______________ (believe) thing about the book is that a 25-year-old with no
experience, assumes he knows more than anyone else.

This is a common feeling amongst our poorly educated, almost 7_______________ (literate) younger
generation. The teachers in the book, just as in real life, are 8_______________ (forbid) from giving their
opinions. This book is 9_______________ (indicate) of the trendy, politically correct views being given
all over the country. The 10_______________ (tragic) is that people still listen to them.


8 Read the text and choose the correct answers a–d.

Travel to certain parts of the world and you 0_____ hear a strange humming sound. Not everyone can hear
it and microphones have problems 1_____ it up. One place in 2_____ it has been heard is Taos in Mexico
and so it 3_____ the Taos hum.

The hum is said 4_____ like distant traffic 5_____ traffic isn’t thought to be the cause of it. Many people
have heard it, not all 6_____ experience the same thing. Some have claimed that it is worse during the
night than the day or worse inside than out. Others have been said 7_____ vibrations in their bodies
_____ hearing the noise. 9_____ about the hum since the 1990s, scientists have tried to find out where it
comes from. 10_____ many investigations being carried out, no answer has been found which can explain
the hum. It remains a mystery.

0 a) ’d better b) may c) are supposed to d) may as well

1 a) pick b) having picked c) to have picked d) picking

2 a) which b) where c) that d) what

3 a) calls b) is called c) called d) has called

4 a) sound b) sounding c) to sound d) it sounds

5 a) despite b) whereas c) whilst d) although

6 a) of who b) who c) whom d) of whom

7 a) of feeling b) to feel c) feel d) they feel

8 a) apart from b) despite c) in spite of d) as well as

9 a) Known b) They know c) Having known d) They have known

10 a) Despite b) Although c) Even though d) Whilst


8 Read the text and choose the correct answers a–d.
Everyone knows that Agatha Christie was one of the best ever mystery book writers but not everyone
knows about her own, real-life, mystery. In 1926, 0_____ in love with another woman, her husband asked
for a divorce. Agatha Christie decided to go to Yorkshire. Before 1_____ off, she left a note for her
secretary 2_____ sending a letter to the local police in 3_____ she claimed that she 4_____ for her life.

Later, 5_____ her car by a lake, the police, remembering her letter, became concerned about her.
However, 6_____ searching the lake and surrounding area, they found nothing. Eleven days later, a guest
at a hotel in Yorkshire called Mrs Teresa Neele, was found 7_____ none other than the famous writer.
Two doctors examined her, both 8_____ agreed that she had lost her memory, 9_____ which she could say
nothing about the missing eleven days. Her disappearance was said by some 10_____ a publicity stunt or
perhaps a way to get revenge on her husband, hoping that he would be suspected of killing her.

0 a) having fallen b) he fell c) he had fallen d) fallen

1 a) set b) setting c) being set d) having been set

2 a) apart from b) despite c) as well as d) whilst

3 a) which b) that c) where d) what

4 a) fears b) is fearing c) feared d) has feared

5 a) they found b) having been found c) found d) having found

6 a) despite b) in spite of the fact c) although d) even though

7 a) to be b) being c) she was d) have been

8 a) that b) which c) of whom d) of who

9 a) as well as b) as a result of c) the extent to d) in spite of

10 a) that it was b) to have been c) having been d) being


8 Read the text and choose the correct answers a–d.

As the number of people travelling has 0_____ dramatically in recent years, the government 1_____ to
make some decisions on long-term travel facilities in Britain. 2_____ they have to do is to decide whether
to expand existing airports to allow them to take more passengers, or to build new, high-speed train links
between Britain’s major cities. 3_____ they to decide on the latter idea, it would be much better for the
environment. However, it is highly 4_____ that this is the course of action that will 5_____. Why?
Because new rail lines are 6_____ expensive to build compared to the price of airport expansion and it is
cost, as everyone knows, which is the most important consideration for a government worried 7_____
popular now rather than the long-term future of this planet. No sooner 8_____ the possibility of airport
expansion been raised, however, 9_____ a petition was organised by environmentalists. It is hoped that,
by the end of next month when it is handed to the government, over one million people will 10_____ it.

0 a) risen b) raised c) rose d) rise

1 a) has forced b) was forced c) has been forced d) had forced

2 a) Now b) What c) No matter what d) Whatever

3 a) Had b) Should c) If d) Were

4 a) certain b) improbable c) indefinite d) inevitable

5 a) choose b) be chosen c) have chosen d) be choosing

6 a) extremely b) totally c) simply d) absolutely

7 a) to be b) of being c) about being d) for being

8 a) was b) has c) did d) had

9 a) than b) that c) when d) as

10 a) sign b) be signing c) have been signed d) have signed

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