Pre-Self Assessment Reflection

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Name: ________​Karen Aldaco​__________

Journal 1: Pre Self-Assessment & Reflection

Getting On Course to Your Success


Read the following statements and ​score each one according to how true or false you believe it is about you.​ To get an
accurate picture of yourself, consider what IS true about you (not what you want to be true.) Remember, there are no
right or wrong answers. Assign each statement a number from 0 to 10, as follows:

Totally False ​<​–​ ​0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 –> Totally True

1. __10__ ​I control how successful I will be.

2. __1__ ​I’m not sure why I’m in college.

3. __9__ ​I spend most of my time doing important things.

4. __9__ ​When I encounter a challenging problem, I try to solve it by myself.

5. __8__ ​When I get off course from my goals and dreams, I realize it right away.

6. __1__ ​I’m not sure how I prefer to learn.

7. __10__ ​Whether I’m happy or not depends mostly on me.

8. __3__ ​I’ll truly accept myself only after I eliminate my faults and weaknesses.

9. __0__ ​Forces out of my control (such as poor teaching) are the cause of low grades I receive.

10. __9__ ​I place great value on getting my college degree.

11. __4__ ​I don’t need to write things down because I can remember what I need to do.

12. __10__ ​I have a network of people in my life that I can count on for help.

13. __5__ ​If I have habits that hinder my success, I’m not sure what they are.

14. __5__ ​When I don’t like the way an instructor teaches, I know how to learn the subject anyway.

15. __9__ ​When I get very angry, sad, or afraid, I do or say things that create a problem for me.

16. __9__ ​When I think about performing an upcoming challenge (such as taking a test), I usually see myself doing well.

17. __10__ ​When I have a problem, I take positive actions to find a solution.

18. __2__ ​I don’t know how to set effective short-term and long-term goals.

19. __9__ ​I am organized.

20. __5__ ​When I take a difficult course in school, I study alone.

21. __5__ ​I’m aware of beliefs I have that hinder my success.

22. __2__ ​I’m not sure how to think critically and analytically about complex topics.

23. __9__ ​When choosing between doing an important school assignment or something really fun, I do the school

24. __0__ ​I break promises that I make to myself or to others.

25. __5__ ​I make poor choices that keep me from getting what I really want in life.

26. __10__ ​I expect to do well in my college classes.

27. ​__​5​__ I lack self-discipline.

28. __9__ ​I listen carefully when other people are talking.

29. __2__ ​I’m stuck with any habits of mine that hinder my success.

30. __10__ ​My intelligence is something about myself that I can improve.

31. __9__ ​I often feel bored, anxious, or depressed.

32. __9__ ​I feel just as worthwhile as any other person.

33. __9__ ​Forces outside of me (such as luck or other people) control how successful I will be.

34. __9__ ​College is an important step on the way to accomplishing my goals and dreams.

35. __0__ ​I spend most of my time doing unimportant things.

36. __8__ ​I am aware of how to show respect to people who are different from me (race/religion/sexual orientation,
age, etc.).

37. __4__ ​I can be off course from my goals and dreams for quite a while without realizing it.

38. __9__ ​I know how I prefer to learn.

39. __10__ ​My happiness depends mostly on what’s happened to me lately.

40. __6__ ​I accept myself just as I am, even with my faults and weaknesses.

41. __3__ ​I am the cause of low grades I receive in school.

42. __0__ ​If I lose my motivation in college, I don’t know how I’ll get back.

43. __0__ ​I have a written self-management system that helps me get important things done on time.

44. __7__ ​I seldom interact with people who are different from me.

45. __6__ ​I’m aware of the habits I have that hinder my success.

46. __2__ ​If I don’t like the way an instructor teaches, I’ll probably do poorly in the course.

47. __4__ ​When I’m very angry, sad, or afraid, I know how to manage my emotions so I don’t do anything I’ll regret later.

48. __0__ ​When I think about performing an upcoming challenge (such as taking a test), I usually see myself doing
49. __2__ ​When I have a problem, I complain, blame others, or make excuses.

50. __9__ ​I know how to set effective short-term and long-term goals.

51. __1__ ​I am disorganized.

52. __8__ ​When I take a difficult course in school, I find a study partner or join a study group.

53. __2__ ​I’m unaware of beliefs I have that hinder my success.

54. __9__ ​I know how to think critically and analytically about complex topics.

55. __6__ ​I often feel happy and fully alive.

56. __10__ ​I keep promises that I make to myself or to others.

57. __8__ ​When I have an important choice to make, I use a decision-making process that analyzes possible options and
their likely outcomes.

58. __0__ ​I don’t expect to do well in my college classes.

59. __9__ ​I am a self-disciplined person.

60. __4__ ​I get distracted easily when other people are talking.

61. __8__ ​I know how to change habits of mine that hinder my success.

62. __0__ ​Everyone is born with a certain amount of intelligence, and there’s not really much you can do to change that.

63. __2__ ​When choosing between doing an important school assignment or something really fun, I usually do
something fun.

64. __1__ ​I feel less worthy than other people.

Transfer your scores to the ​Self-Assessment Scoring Sheet ​on the next page.
1. For each of the eight areas, total your scores in columns A and B.
2. Then total your final scores as shown in the sample.
Self-Assessment Scoring Sheet


6. __​8​__ 29. __​3​__
14. __​5​__ 35. __​3​__
21. __​6​__ 33. __​6​__ Score #1: Accepting Personal
73. __​9​__ 49. __​2​___ Responsibility
A B Score #2: Discovering
__​28​__ + 40 – __​14​__ = 54 Self-Motivation
1. __10___ 9. ___0__
17. _10___ 25. __5___
10. __9___ 2. __1___
41. _3___ 33. __9___
26. __10__ 18. __2___
Score #3: Mastering 57. __8__ 49. _2____
34. _9___ 42. __0__
Self-Management __​31​__ + 40 – __​16​__ = _55__
50. __9__ 58. __0_ __
A B __​37​__ + 40 – __​3​__ = _74__
3. __9__ 11. __4___
19. __9__ 27. __5___
43. __0__ 35. __0___ Score #4: Employing
59. __9__ 51. __1___ Interdependence
A B Score #5: Gaining
_​27​__ + 40 – __​10_​ = __57__ Self-Awareness
12. __10___ 4. __4___
28. _9___ 20. __5___
5. __8__ 13. ___5__
36. _8___ 44. __7___
21. __5__ 29. __2___
Score #6: Adopting Lifelong 52. __8__ 60. ___4__
45. __6__ 37. __4___
Learning __​35​__ + 40 – __​20​__ = __55__
61. __8__ 53. __2___
A B __27__ + 40 – __​13​__ = __54__
14. __5___ 6. __1___
30. _10___ 22. __2___
38. _9___ 46. __2___ Score #7: Developing Emotional
54. _9___ 62. ___0__ Intelligence
A B Score #8: Believing
__​33​__ + 40 – __​5​__ = __68__ in Myself
7. __10__ 15. __9___
23. __9__ 31. __9___
16. __9___ 8. __3___
47. _7___ 39. __10___
32. __9__ 24. __0___
55. __6__ 63. __2___
40. _6___ 48. ___0__
__​32​__ + 40 – __​30​__ = __42__
56. __10__ 64. __1 ___
__​32​__ + 40 – __​4​__ = _68___

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