Christ University, Bangalore-560029: Sub: Pd236-Professional Development - I Answer All The Questions. 5 X 20 100

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End Semester Examination March - 2014

Bachelor of Technology
Code : PD236 Max. Marks : 100

Answer All the Questions. 5 X 20 = 100

1 (a) What are the elements of communication? [5]

(b) What is the need for upward communication? [5]

(c) What do you understand by ‘Grapevine’? [5]

(d) ‘How does group communication differ from mass communication. [5]
2 (a). “Do you accept that perfect communication is just an assumption and not a practical possibility? [5]

(b). Discuss the important barriers in the communication process? [5]

(c ). ‘Communication is vital to every part of business’. Elucidate. [5]

(d). Describe the Linear Concept of Communication. [5]

3 (a) “Most readers prefer to read short paragraphs”. Comment.[5]

(b) Write brief note on clarity, completeness, correctness and conciseness?[5]

(c) Bring out the importance of ‘Courtesy’ in business letters. [5]

(d) Why is communication important in management?[5]

4 a)How is Group Discussion a better technique than interview ?[10]

b)Discuss some of the important rules for writing effective business e-mail messages .[10]
5 a)Revise the following sentences so that there are no misplaced or dangling modifiers. [10]

i. Scurrying around with long and hairy legs Silvia tried to kill the spider.

ii. Concerned about the inclement weather, the cruise was postponed.
iii. A double bed is required for an elderly lady with wooden head and foot, wire springs, and mattress.

iv. I have read the letters that my sister wrote many times.
v. The musician’s wife wore a diamond pin in her hair which had been bought in Paris.

b)Write the correct form of the verb in the space provided. [10]

i. Neither of those hairstyles-------------------------the shape of your face.(suit , suits)

ii. somebody without much sensitivity always ---------------------------------my birth mark. (mention,

iii. One of these earrings constantly------------------------------ off my ear.(fall, falls)

iv. The use of metal chains and studded tires --------------------- highways by chipping away the paved
surface (damage , damages )

v. Neither of the main dishes at tonight’s dinner ---------------------------any meat.(contain, contains)

6 a) Rewrite each fragment so that it is a complete sentence.[10]

i. early morning a time of peace in my neighbourhood

ii. the grey mist covering up all but the faint outlines of nearby houses

iii. the shapes of the cars in the streets and driveways

iv. to sit and look out the window

v. holding a streaming cup of coffee

b) Supply the past form or the past participle for each verb in parentheses [10]

Medical researchers have-------------1----------------(seek) a cure for the common cold , but so far they
have -------2-------(fight) without success. The cold virus has -----------------3--------------(spread)
throughout the world , and the number of cold victims has ------------4---------------(rise) every year . Past
experience has ------------5--------(teach ) us that people who drink plenty of liquids and take aspirin get
over cold more quickly than those who do not, but this is not a good enough remedy.

One communication technology rapidly growing in popularity is e-mail, the system whereby individuals
send on another messages over a computer network. The e-mail recipient can at his/her leisure, display
the contents of his/her e-mail box (which typically lists the sender of each message and some indication
of each message content), and some indication of each message to read. This method of communication
can be extremely convenient. The sender can transmit messages whenever he/she wishes; the recipient
can read messages and write responses as time allows. However, the privacy of such messages has
become a source of some controversy. In 1993, for example, Macworld published a survey showing
widespread eavesdropping by employers. Based on responses from 301 business employing over 1
million workers, the magazine estimated that as many as 20 million Americans might be subject to
electronic monitoring on the job. The Macworld survey found that more than 21% of the respondents
had searched their employees’ computer files, electronic mail, voice mail, or other networking
communication. Of those who admitted to snooping, 74% had searched computer work files, 42% had
searched voice mail. Why had those searches been conducted? To monitor workflow, investigate thefts,
or prevent industrial espionage, some said. But, whatever the purpose, there are no legal limits placed on
employers ‘spying’ on their employee in their workplace. They are free to view employees on closed
circuit television, tap their telephones, search their e-mail and network communication, and rummage
through their computer files with or without employee knowledge or consent, twenty four hours a day.

Georgia Jones learned this lesson the hard way. An e-mail expert, she was hired by a hi-tech computer
software firm in California to assist with the installation of a new e-mail system and to provide training
to the company’s 350 employees concerning how that system should be used. After she had taken the
job, she met with officials of the company to plan e-mail installation and training. Among the may
questions she asked was, ‘will employees e-mail messages be confidential?’ ‘absolutely’ she was
assured. During the training session, she repeated this information for the company’s employees; she had
been told that e-mail messages would be kept confidential, so employees need not worry about the
information they sent to one another. A few months after the e-mail system had been installed and all
employed had been trained, two first line supervisors were fired by management. The rumour mill said
they had been fired for being ‘insubordinates’, and that the e-mail messages they had sent to one another
strongly criticizing the management had somehow ended up ‘in the wrong hands’. Because she was
concerned about this rumour, Georgia decided she should meet the company’s President. When she
entered the President’s office to keep their appointment, she noticed a stack of computer printouts on the
credenza located along one wall of his office. A closer look revealed the contents of these printouts:
employees e-mail messages. When she asked, ‘what are those?’, the President answered, ‘none of your

a. If you were Georgia, what would you do?
b. What breaches of ethics, if any, occurred in this case?
c. In your opinion, should employers have the right to inspect employees' e-mail files, voice mail
messages, computer files, and so on? Why or why not?
d. If you were going to develop a code of ethics to address this issue, what rules and guidlines might
you include?

8 The Farewell Speech
The farewell dinner was on. The vice president was being given a farewell by the employees with whom
he had worked for more than 25 years. comaraderie, reflections, sharing of thoughts and memories, lots
of wine, and plenty of food could sum up the mood of the party. Then CEO walked in to join the party
and he was soon requested to deliver a short speech looking at the mood and spirit of the occasion. The
CEO, an eloquent speaker, stood up and delivered a great speech, marked with touches of gentle
humour, about life after retirement, what the vice president meant to the company and to him personally,
how he had reached such heights and yet never compromised his values, and that exit would be difficult
space to fill in. As the CEO spoke, all eyes were fixed on him. Most employees were serious, watchful,
and paying full attention. Some were clearly indifferent. A few pro active listeners, however enjoyed
every bit of what the CEO said, which was quite evident from their body language. Their smiling faces,
twinkling eyes, and occasional head nods, in agreement with what the speaker said, were indicative of
their level of involvement and enjoyment. In other words, they had tuned themselves to whatever the
CEO was saying. However, midway through the speech, the CEO sensed that his speech was becoming a
little too stretched, so he cut short his speech and wished the vice president all the good health and

(i)What has happened here? Explain.
(ii)Did everybody receive the message the same way? Why?
(iii)How should a CEO approach his speech preparation for such an occasion?
(iv)How do listening skills differ according to place, person and time?
9 Write a five paragraph essay. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Indicate the
thesis statement in the introductory paragraph to establish your point of view. Proof read your essay to
check for and correct any mistakes in logic, orgainisation, grammar, mechanics, spelling and vocabulary.

When people need to complain about a product or poor service ,some prefer to complain in writing and
others prefer to complain in person. Which way do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to
support your answer.
10 Write a five paragraph essay. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Indicate the
thesis statement in the introductory paragraph to establish your point of view. Proof read your essay to
check for and correct any mistakes in logic, orgainisation, grammar, mechanics, spelling and vocabulary.

Write an essay in which you divide and classify love into three different types.

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