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Reagan: 1981-1989

Claimed the govt was the problem, not the solution

Conservative Resurgence - liberal v conservative values
Religious groups in politics; Moral Majority
Supply Side economics to reboot economy; Reaganomics
War on Drugs: Just say No!
Poverty/Injustice: wealth gap, crime/drugs, inner city poverty
AIDS ignored

Bush 41: 1989-1993

Economy slows - Stagflation, high deficit
American with Disabilities Act 1990 (Expansion of Civil Rights
Raises taxes to solve deficit

Clinton: 1993-2001
Reduce Deficit; “Contract With America”
Health care reform: Family Medical Leave Act
Gun control, Brady Bill; NRA becomes politically active
Welfare Reform Act
Whitewater Scandal, impeachment and distrust

Bush 43: 1993-2001

Major tax cut failed
Domestic terrorism
Patriot Act; NSA and domestic surveillance obstructs privacy
Reform social security
Hurricane Katrina - lack of sufficient government funding/response
Economic recession of 2008

obama: 2009-2017
ACA (Affordable Care Act)
The great Recession And Recovery, American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act To stimulate the economy
BPA Oil SPill (2010) - environmental damages
Cautious of environmental  - emphasis on green technology, energy
Homosexuals gain civil rights

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