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15 jan 2018
Things I know
- Guinea pig is a rodent.
- Guinea pig is larger that hamster.
- Guinea pig can be train by
- Animal can be learning by practicing.
Things I know that I don’t know
- What does guinea pig eat?
- How long will it use to train Guinea pig?
- What’s Guinea pig’s lifespan?
- Can it be train in other way?
- How can we know when they’re stress?
- Is there any physical factor that effect the performance of guinea pig?
16 jan 2018
Things I know
- Guinea pig eats mostly fruits and vegetable rich in vitamins.
- Guinea pig can be trained by using counter conditioning, flooding, graded exposure
and desensitation.
- Guinea pigs are fast learner and it takes short time to train them.
Things I know that I don’t know
- Is guinea pig color blind?
19 jan 2018
Things I know
- Age gap did not effect the guinea pig’s performance in the Morris water maze.
Things I know that I don’t know
- Does rodent have short and long term memory?
- How does guinea pig memories?
- What improves the guinea pig memorization?
- How to improves the rodents’ visual?
- How many types of maze are there and how each one is different from another?
22 jan 2018
Things I know
- Guinea pigs can be trained and they can do cues.
- By eating the right food can improve rodents’ visual.
- Cage color and effect rodents’ level of stress.
Things I know that I don’t know
- What is spatial learning?
- What is cueing, and can guinea pig do it?
26 jan 2018
Things I know
- Both male and female guinea pig have same ability.
- Spatial learning is the ability of learning and observing environment.
- Cueing is the sign or signal that was given so the animal can follow them.
Things I know that I don’t know
- How effective can the training be?
- Can the guinea pig really do the cueing?
26 april 2018
Things I know
- The guinea pig can do the cue maze.
- The guinea pig is a fast learner and it is also good in memorizing things.

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