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Course Name : Reading Fluency Online Course

Course Code : RFD 1012

Name : Goh Geok Cher

Moderators : Dr. Selva

Assignment Number :1

Due Date : 1st April 2018

The text for Assignment 1

i) Include the word count into the text

On Monday I dreamed I caught a fish. It was as big as a bird. On

Tuesday I dreamed I caught a fish. It was as big as a cat. On Wednesday

I dreamed I caught a fish. It was as big as a dog. On Thursday I dreamed

I caught a fish. It was as big as a man. On Friday I dreamed that I caught

a fish. It was as big as a horse. On Saturday I dreamed I caught a fish. It

was as big as a whale. On Sunday I really went fishing. I caught a little,

tiny fish.

(103 words)

ii) Listen and assess the student's reading fluency using the marking symbols
you have learned on the course.

dird Thursday

On Monday I dreamed I caught a fish. It was as big as a bird. On Tuesday I dreamed I

caught a fish. It was as big as a cat. On Wednesday I dreamed I caught a fish. It was as big

as a dog. On Thursday I dreamed I caught a fish. It was as big as a man. On Friday I

dreamed that I caught a fish. It was as big as a horse. //On Saturday I dreamed I caught a

fish. It was as big as a whale. On Sunday I really went fishing. I caught a little, tiny fish.

WCPM = 76

Calculating percentage of accuracy

1. Running words – total errors = score

76 – 2 = 74

2. Score ÷ Running Words x 100 = % Accuracy

74 ÷ 76 x 100 = 97.34

Thus, this is an easy text for the reader. When children read an easy text, they are able to read

for enjoyment and meaning. There are no decoding challenges. Easy texts are appropriate for

independent reading.

iii) Identify an area of concern in reading fluency.

The area of concern identified is the poor use of expression or attention to prosody

as the way the reader reads is quite monotone and word by word. Should improve

attention to features of texts that prompt expression (e.g. dialogue marks,


iv) Recommend an activity you would use to help the student overcome the

identified problem.

I would recommend fluency support through assisted reading. Modelled reading

with particular text features pointed out during shared reading.

v) Justify your choice of activity.

Assisted reading can take a variety of forms. One of the most common is a novice reader

sitting next to a more fluent partner reader, with both readers reading the same text

together. The fluent reader will guide the other reader. This will help the reader to decode

all the words in the text successfully, even those that they would not be able to decode if

reading on their own. By listening to a fluent reading of the text, the struggle readers are

provided with a positive model of an expressive and meaningful reading of the text for

them to follow. They will hear prosody in action (reading with expressions) while reading

the same text. The fluent reader is someone who uses their voice to help convey meaning

to a listener when speaking or reading orally. In this sense, prosody enhances and adds to

the meaning of a text. Assisted reading, then, essentially supports both word recognition

accuracy and automaticity as well as prosodic reading. The readers have to practice and

rehearse. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. Rehearsal is truly a form of repeated

reading where the rehearsal is aimed at developing a prosodic and meaningful oral

interpretation of the text.

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