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Compiler Design Important Questions

13 and 15 Marks:

Unit 1:

1. Phases of Compiler (13)

2. Errors Encountered in Different Phases (7 or 6 Marks)
3. Grouping of Phases (7 or 6 Marks)
4. Compiler Construction tools (7 or 6 Marks)

Unit 2:

1. Role of Lexical Analyzer and issues in lexical analysis (7)

2. Define Token, Lexeme and pattern. (6)
3. Input Buffering (13)
4. Problems on NFA to DFA and DFA to NFA (may be asked in part c)
5. problems of DFA reduction (may be asked in part c)

Unit 3:

1. LALR problem (may be asked in part c)

2. SLR problem (may be asked in part c)
3. LR (0) problem
4. Predictive parser problem
5. Context free grammar, ambiguous grammar, top down parsing (theory)

Unit 4:

1. Different storage allocation strategies

2. Specification of simple type checker (6 or 7 marks)
3. Parameter passing (6 or 7 marks)

Unit 5:

1. Principal sources of code optimization

2. A Simple Code Generator Algorithm (6 or 7 marks)
3. Issues in Design of a Code Generator
4. Global Data Flow Analysis

If you have studied all the above questions well you will be able to answer most of the two marks.

------- All the Best -------

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