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J. Indian Soc. Remote Sens. (June 2009) 37:251–260


Demarcation of Palaeochannels and Integrated Ground Water

Resources Mapping in Parts of Hisar District, Haryana

B.S. Chaudhary . Sandeep Aggarwal

Received: 21 January 2008 / Accepted : 28 February 2009

Keywords Ground water . Data integration . Remote sensing . GIS . Palaeochannel

Abstract Present study deals with the demarcation demarcated in the area. The ground water prospects
of palaeochannels and mapping of integrated water of various geomorphic units have been assessed.
resources in parts of Hisar district, Haryana using Depth to water level and ground water quality maps
Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS-1D) LISS-III were digitized and put in to GIS format. Ground water
Data of December 21, 2001. The landforms identified prospects and quality maps were integrated and
are Sand Dune, Dune Complex, Aeolian Plain, Fluvio- depth to water level information was draped on it to
aeolian plain, Palaeochannel and Younger Alluvial prepare final integrated ground water resources map.
Plain formed by aeolian, fluvio-aeolian, and fluvial This map depicts ground water prospects, quality
processes. These palaeochannels are first time and depth together in a single map, which will help
in and ground water exploration.

B.S. Chaudhary ( ) . S. Aggarwal1
Department of Geophysics,
Kurukshetra University, Water is a dynamic renewable natural resource, its
Kurukshetra – 136119, Haryana, India availability with good quality and proper quantity in
Institute of Seismological Research, appropriate time and space is of significant
Gandhi Nagar – 382018, Gujarat, India importance for human life. As a result of population
explosion, urbanization and deforestation, there is
continuous pressure on water. Because of over-
drafting and inadequate recharge, water table is
email : declining at many places, even accompanied by
252 J. Indian Soc. Remote Sens. (June 2009) 37:251–260

deterioration in quality. In the recent years, satellite Description of the area

remote sensing (RS) and Geographic Information
System (GIS) are used in groundwater investigations. The Hisar district (28°53’45" to 29°49’15" N latitudes
GIS is useful in preparing different composite maps and 75°13’15" to 76°18’15" E longitudes) forms a part
by integrating data available in a variety of thematic of the Indo-Gangetic alluvial plain and occupies an
information layers. area of 3788 km2 (Fig. 1). Total area under study is
Although groundwater information through 844 km2 comprising of southwestern part of Hisar
satellite data and aerial photographs is an indirect district covered by 44 O/8 and 44 O/12 Survey of
approach and complex job, but when it is integrated India topographic maps.
with field data, one can get a fairly accurate idea The area is nearly flat, with imperceptible slopes,
about groundwater conditions of the area. Such except for the regions in and around the sand dunes
studies have been successfully used in India and locally called tibbas. Hisar district comprises of three
abroad by many authors (Roy, 1979; Roy, 1996; major geomorphic units i.e. aeolian plain, older
Chaudhary et al., 1996; Reddy et al., 1996; Ravindran alluvial plain and younger flood plain. Other
and Jeyram, 1997; Abdur Rahman et al., 1998; geomorphic features are sand dune, dune complexes,
Chaudhary 2003; Gopinath and Seralathan, 2004). plains and Palaeochannels, etc. The western and

Fig. 1 Location map of the area.

J. Indian Soc. Remote Sens. (June 2009) 37:251–260 253

southwestern parts are affected by aeolian activity, monsoon in the later half of September, the
comprising of sandy accumulations. The soils of temperature begins to decrease. December and
the districts are referred to as alluvial and aeolian January are the coldest months. The average rainfall
soils and fall into three categories – viz., Entisols, in the district is 334.4 mm. About 85% of annual
Inceptisols and Aridisols. The Entisols are immature rainfall is received during the short southwestern
and young soils that lack any diagnostic horizon monsoon period. The mean monthly relative humidity
and are encountered in aeolian and recent flood ranges from 38% in the month of May to 94% in the
plains. These soils are classified as Ustipsamments. month of December. Hot winds and high velocity
The inceptisols are characterized by an ochric dust storms are quite common during summer
epipedon and cambic/calcic sub-surface horizons. months (District Gazetteer, Hisar district, Haryana).
These are the most common soils occurring in the
area, which are mostly classified as Haplustepts.
Aridisols are usually dry soils and are found in Materials and methodology
the study area are classified as Camborthids/
Torripsamments (District Gazetteer, Hisar district, Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS-1D), LISS-III,
Haryana). digital data of December 21, 2001 Path: 94 and Row:
Hisar district experiences sub-tropical climate 51 was used in the present study. Survey of India
which is influenced by westerly winds in summer Toposheet Nos. 44 O/12 & O/8 covers the area on
months raising temperature as high as 48°C, whereas, 1:50,000 scale. Satellite Image of the area is shown
in winter north-westerly cold winds provide low in Fig. 2. Ancillary data on depth to water table and
temperature touching even 0°C. May and June are quality was collected from Ground Water Cell,
the hottest months. After the withdrawal of Department of Agriculture (Govt. of Haryana), Hisar.

Fig. 2 Satellite image of the area (IRS 1C LISS III Dec. 2001).
254 J. Indian Soc. Remote Sens. (June 2009) 37:251–260

The methodology consists of pre-field geo- Geomorphology of the area

morphological interpretation of the digital data after
Geomorphologically, the area has been classified into
preprocessing, geo-rectification and stretching. Main three main units based on the genesis and
emphasis was to enhance the ground water worthy characteristics. They are formed mainly due to
features such as palaeochannels. Pre-field geo- alluvial, fluvio-aeolian and aeolian activity. The
morphological map was prepared with the help of geomorphic sub-units mapped are alluvial plain,
monoscopic interpretation of satellite imagery and on fluvio-aeolian plain, aeolian plain, dune complex,
screen digitization by demarcating various land- sand dunes and palaeochannels. The unit fluvio-
forms. Critical and ambiguous areas inferred during aeolian plain is result of both fluvial and aeolian
prefield interpretation, were selected for field checks. activity where as aeolian sand is deposited on
Post field corrections were carried out by alluvial plain as a result of migration of sand by wind.
incorporating the field data. Final maps of geo- The Geomorphological map of the area is shown in
morphology, ground water prospects, ground water Fig. 3.
quality and depth were prepared. These maps were
Hydrogeomorphological description of various
digitized and put in to GIS environment after error units
removal, editing, topology building and labelling.
Ground water prospect map was integrated with Hydrogeomorphologically the area exhibits varied
water quality map. Attributes were attached to the conditions due to its location, geology and
units and dissolve command was carried out in GIS topography. The major part of the study area is
occupied by aeolian plain and dune complexes.
to remove common boundaries between similar
There is no perennial river in the study area.
polygons. Depth to water table map has been draped
Availability of ground water in fluvio-aeolian plain
on this map, leading to Integrated Ground Water
and aeolian plain is good to moderate (Table 1).
Resources (IGWR) map. Ground water prospects map is shown in Fig. 4.

Depth to water level map

Results and discussion
The area is facing problems related to use of ground
Geology of the area water due to poor quality and at places due to
greater depth of ground water. The water table in the
Geologically, the Balsamand area has been area varies from 3 meters to >25 meters below ground
considered as a major zone of aeolian plain, dune level (BGL) in various parts. The major part of the
complex and younger alluvium belonging to the study area comes under 10–25 meter (BGL) and
Drishdawati River. Quaternary formations comprise occupies almost the entire central portion. Water
of fluvial and aeolian deposits covering the entire table in the east and northern part varies from 3–10
region. The aeolian deposits, which are characterized meters. The depths to water level maps for June and
October 2003 of the area are shown in Figs. 5 and 6,
by sand dunes, are confined to the southern part.
respectively. The maps show two zones in June and
Calcareous concretions (nodules) are also found at
three zones in October. The rise of water table in the
places but in minor proportions. The alluvial zone of 3–10 meters in June to 1.5–3 meters in
sediments are heterogeneous in character. The October is due to recharge of ground water in some
quaternary alluvium is deposited on a basement of pockets during rainy season (in monsoon period).
metamorphic and igneous rocks of the Precambrian The area under different zones in both seasons is
age. given in Table 2.
J. Indian Soc. Remote Sens. (June 2009) 37:251–260 255

Fig. 3 Geomorphology map.

Fig. 4 Ground water prospects map.

256 J. Indian Soc. Remote Sens. (June 2009) 37:251–260

Fig. 5 Depth to water level map (June 2003).

Fig. 6 Depth to water level map (October 2003).

J. Indian Soc. Remote Sens. (June 2009) 37:251–260 257

Table 1 Description of hydrogeomorphological units

Geomorphic unit/ Description Ground water Area % of

sub-units prospects (km2) total area
Aeolian origin
Sand Dunes Isolated sand dune comprising of wind blown sand Poor 1 0*
Dune Complex Colony of sand dunes comprising of recent wind
blown sand under cultivation Poor 264 31
Aeolian Plain Unconsolidated fine to coarse sand and silt spreading
over vast area having light brown to tan-buff colour Moderate 240 28
Fluvio-Aeolian origin
Fluvio- Fluvial deposits of fine to medium size sand, silt Moderate to 186 22
Aeolian Plain and clay along with wind blown sands Good
Fluvial origin
Palaeochannel Abandoned river channels buried under aeolian/ Excellent 58 7
alluvial sand which are slightly low lying having
sinuous pattern and surrounded by eroded low
height natural levees
Younger Alluvial Gently undulating plain consisting of clay, silt, Good 95 11
Plain fine to coarse sand with intense cultivation
* The actual percentage of this category is 11% which has been rounded off.

Table 2 Area under various ground water depth zones Integrated ground water resources map
June, 2003 October, 2003 Ground water prospects map has been integrated
Depth BGL Area % of Area % of with ground water quality map in the first instance.
(in meters) (km2) total area (km2) total area The categories have been decided based on the
1.5 – 3.0 ----- ----- 22 3 prospects and quality. Depth to water level map has
3 – 10 281 33 283 34 been draped on this map, thereby resulting in to
10 – 25 563 67 539 63 Integrated Ground Water Resources (IGWR) map
(Chaudhary, 2003). The final map shows eight
categories and are given in Table 4. Category No.8
Ground water quality map
is the representative of poor quality irrespective of
The ground water quality assessment is as important prospects. IGWR map basically represents both
as prospects in the areas, facing the problem of prospects and ground water quality. Depth to water
ground water quality. The usability of available level map has been draped on it thereby giving an
ground water depends on its chemical, physical and idea about prospects, quality and depth in a single
bacterial properties. The criteria given here is the one map. This map is shown in Fig. 8.
used by the Ground Water Cell, Department of It is found that about 64% of the area is under
Agriculture, Haryana and is basically suited for poor or marginal quality with poor prospects. This
irrigation ground water quality. The map is shown in area is along almost north–south direction and also
Fig. 7. The area under different quality zones is given in southern part. Most of the area in northern part
in Table 3. Total area has been divided in to four shows good quality. The palaeo-channels shown in
categories based on the electrical conductivity (EC). the study area in central portion can prove very
258 J. Indian Soc. Remote Sens. (June 2009) 37:251–260

Fig. 7 Ground water quality map.

Fig. 8 Integrated ground water resources map.

J. Indian Soc. Remote Sens. (June 2009) 37:251–260 259

good source for further ground water exploration, of the area (about 64%) falls under marginal to poor
which can fulfill the requirements of the nearby ground water quality, which makes it more pertinent
villages for drinking as well as irrigation purposes. to manage the good quality water resources of the
It seems that the saline/marginal water from the area in a proper manner. An attempt should be made
surrounding areas has intruded even the palaeo- for rainwater water harvesting to recharge ground
channels in eastern and southwestern parts which water. Efficient irrigation methods coupled with
need immediate attention for detailed investigations. massive mass education and awareness programs
about water conservation practices be opted in the
area even by engaging NGO’s. The Palaeochannels
Table 3 Area under various ground water quality
categories demarcated in the area will also prove very useful
for ground water recharge, as recharge from a single
Electrical Quality Area % of point can recharge the entire Palaeochannel zone.
conductivity (km2) total area
The study area shows the presence of palaeo-
(micro mhos/ cm)
channels, which seems to be of the Saraswati or
0–2000 Fresh 271 32 Drishdawati rivers. To ascertain the relation, some
2000–4000 Marginal 281 33 innovative methods of age determination of the water
4000–6000 Saline 23 3 samples should be adopted. Extensive geophysical
>6000 Highly saline 269 32 resistivity survey should be conducted at closely
spaced places across the palaeochannels for
identifying under ground geological structure. These
Table 4 Zones of fresh water availability
will help in understanding the ground water regime
Descriptions Area % of and its dynamics in detail. Therefore, it needs
Quality Prospects (km2) total area integrated approach of RS, GIS, GPS, Geophysical
Good Excellent 21 2
Resistivity and Radio Isotope dating.
Good Good 9 1
Good Moderate 241 29 Acknowledgements The authors gratefully
Good Poor 1 0.0 acknowledge Jitendra Prasad, the then Chief
Marginal Excellent 32 4 Scientist, G.P. Saroha and Manoj Yadav, HARSAC,
Marginal Good 21 2 Hisar for providing facilities and help during this
Marginal Moderate 227 27 work.
Poor Any 292 35
Total Area 844 100.00 References

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only about one third area is having good quality Applications of remote sensing and geographical
water including even the poor prospects. Majority information system in ground water investigations in
260 J. Indian Soc. Remote Sens. (June 2009) 37:251–260

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management in southern part of Haryana using remote Reddy PR, Vinod Kumar K and Sheshadri K (1996) Use
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(Unpublished) Roy AK (1979) Landsat MSS Imagery interpretation: a
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