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1. Warm up activity: Discuss the differences between Education in poor and rich countries.
2. Video: The education Crisis in the developing countries (hasta el minuto 7.22)
3. Listening comprehension: write the correct answer for the following question or select the correct

 What are the three distinct dimensions explained in the video?

a. A lot of kids are getting into school but there is still a number of very marginalised groups
who are not
b. Kids are not learning foundational skills
c. Kids who progress are not learning the relevant skills they need for their own lives, for their
future jobs. They have been trained in an old way.
 What do you need to learn/know at school to be well prepared for real job opportunities?
a. Critical thinking
b. Teamwork
 Marrying their girls… (there are two correct answers)
a. A mechanism that leave girls at the bottom
b. A way of making them happy
c. A strategy chose by their parents not to pay their education
d. A strategy chose by families who are just desperately poor
 Apart from these dimensions, what are the two other problems explained in the video?
a. Girls education
b. Money spent on education is less than the one spent on military services
 The more educated poor people are the greater demand the have from America.
a. True
b. False
 Education is helpful to tackle some of the following global challenges.
a. Preventing diseases
b. Gender inequalities
c. Reducing child mortality
d. Protecting the environment
e. Improving maternal heath
f. Security

4. In pairs: Taking into account the information of the previous video, give a critical speech of about 6
minutes explaining the following statement and your agreement or disagreement with it.
Learning should be the end goal rather than an access to the end goal.

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