Letter of Recommendation

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Customer Assistance Center
Maastriciit N.V.
A Daimler C o m p a n y

Phone: Fax
+31 43 3 5 6 2 6 0 2 +31 43 356 2181

Your reference Our Reference Name Date

MC2018-003 M.Cromheecke 26.01.2018

Subject: Letter of reference Mateusz Garbacz

To whom it may concern,

Mr Mateusz Garbacz, born the 21 s* of August 1994, has been worl<ing for Mercedes-Benz
Customer Assistance Center Maastricht N.V. as intern/student from the of March 201 5 until
t h e S P t of January 2018.

Mateusz carried out the following tasks:

• Data science activities like automatic classification/clustering and regression

• Text mining for multiple languages
• Supporting the CRM test team with automated and manual system (integration)
test execution

In his job Mateusz demonstrated to be able to work in a structured and well organized way
making appropriate use of time and resources. Furthermore, Mateusz is an appreciated member
of the team, supporting colleagues while contributing to the overall results.

Following the above, we feel confident Mateusz will be an asset to any organization, and have no
hesitation to recommend him to any future employer. We would like to wish him all the best in his
future career and private life.

Yours sincerely,

Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance Center Maastricht N.V.

Rik Goedhart
Lead Service Architect DWH HR Business Partner

VAT-Nr, NL001437380B02, Comm. Register K.v.K. Limburg 33014909 Mercedes-Benz

BNP Paribas, BIC BNPANL2A, IBAN NL5ÜBNPA0227676971 Customer Assistance Center Maastricht N.V.
PO. Box 1456, 6201 BL Maastricht
Phone +31(0)43 356 22 22
Fax +31(0)43 356 24 22
Email; mbcac@daimler.com

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