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Indep Rev Oct-Dec 2013;15(10-12) IR-297


Muhammad Shuja Tahir

Key Contents

Pathology of obstructive jaundice

Causes of obstructive jaundice
Investigation of obstructive jaundice
Management of obstructive jaundice

Learning Objectives

To explain pathology of obstructive jaundice

To explain investigation for obstructive jaundice
To describe management of obstructive jaundice

Key words: Obstructive Jaundice, ERCP, MRCP, Bismuth classification

Article Citation: Tahir S.M, Obstructive Jaundice. Indep Rev Oct-Dec 2013;15(10-12): 435-445.

Correspondence Address:


Professor of Surgery
Independent Medical College / Independent University Hospital

Indep Rev Oct-Dec 2013;15(10-12) 435-445. 435

Obstructive Jaundice 3

Jaundice is the yellow discoloration of the skin (direct reacting bilirubin). It is water soluble.
and mucous membranes due to increased
serum bilirubin level caused by the obstruction The bile is produced in the liver and is
to the normal out flow of the bile. (normal serum transported via intrahepatic biliary canaliculi to
bilirubin level is 17 µmol / litre or 0.2- 0.8 mg / the right and left hepatic ducts. These ducts join
100 mls). It is also called as surgical jaundice. together to form the common hepatic duct which
carries bile to the gall bladder through the cystic
Obstruction of any type caused by any reason duct and to the duodenum through the common
such as stone, stricture, tumor, secondary bile duct.
deposits, pressure from outside, ligation or
injury anywhere in the biliary passages leads to The bile is stored in the gall bladder where it is
obstruction to the flow of the bile. concentrated and evacuated mainly under the
Liver Spleen
effect of the fatty meals. Jaundice or
Bilirubin and globin
hyperbilirubinemia occurs due to following
Glucoronyl transferase

Bilirubin glucuronide
reasons ;
Bile duct  Pre-hepatic (Haemolytic)
 Hepatic (Hepato-cellular)
reabsorbed  Post Hepatic (Obstructive or surgical)
Urobilinogen Bilirubin glucuronide


It occurs due to excessive breakdown of red
blood cells and excessive production of bilirubin.
Urobiiln in faeces
The production of bilirubin is much rapid than its
excretion leading to increased serum levels and
Bilirubin Metabolism clinical appearance of jaundice. It is also called
prehepatic jaundice. Mainly indirect bilirubin is
PHYSIOLOGICAL BASIS OF JAUNDICE raised in this type of jaundice.
Bilir ubin is a breakdown product of
haemoglobin. Free bilirubin combines with HEPATIC JAUNDICE (Hepato-cellular)
plasma albumin which is carried to the liver It occurs due to ;
through its circulation. This is also called  Defective uptake of bilirubin by the liver
unconjugated bilirubin. It is water insoluble. cells.
(indirect reacting bilirubin).  Defective conjugation by hepatocytes
(absent enzyme).
The albumin separates from bilirubin in the liver  Defective secretion of conjugated
and circulates in the plasma while bilirubin enters bilirubin to the biliary passages.
the cells (hepatocytes).
Bilirubin combines with the cytoplasmic proteins It occurs due to the obstruction to the outflow of
in the liver cells. This combination is acted upon bile. It may present due to obstruction in the
by the glucuronyl transferase (enzyme present in lumen of the biliary duct or in the wall of the duct
the hepatocytes) and bilirubin glucuronide is or by pressure from outside the duct.
formed which is excreted into the biliary
passages. This is called conjugated bilirubin

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Obstructive Jaundice 5

WITHIN LUMEN pouch) and inflammation, resulting edema and

 Gall Stones extrinsic compression of the common bile duct
 Parasites or common hepatic duct. It is an uncommon
complication of cholelithiasis .
 Congenital atresia
 Strictures
 Cholangitis
 Cholangiocarcinoma

 Pancreatitis
 Tumour of head of Pancreas
 Tumour of ampula of vater
ERCP showing dilatation of CBD & common duct stones
Obstruction in the hepatic ducts and common
bile duct leads to progressive rise of serum
bilirubin level and appearance of the jaundice
while obstruction of the few intrahepatic biliary
canaliculi doesn't cause clinically obvious

Generalized multiple obstructions of the

intrahepatic canaliculi such as sclerosing
cholangitis also lead to obstructive jaundice.
Obstructed distal bile duct (MRI)
It is the most common cause of obstructive NEOPLASTIC LESIONS
jaundice. Usually one or few of the smaller and Primary or secondary tumors of biliary passages
multiple gall stones slip into the common bile and of viscera lying nearby may cause
duct through the cystic duct and cause obstructive jaundice. The fungating growth may
obstruction to the flow of bile. It leads to obstruct the lumen from inside or pressure of the
obstructive or surgical jaundice. tumor outside the biliary tree may obstruct
lumen from outside leading to obstructive
The jaundice caused by calculi is usually jaundice. Tumors of the gall bladder may lead to
intermittent as the stones allow passage of obstructive jaundice due to extrinsic common
accumulated bile inter-mittently by changing bile duct compression. It is very uncommon
their position. entity4.


Mirizzi's syndrome is the condition presenting Strictures of the biliary passages may be;
with obstructive jaundice due to pressure of an  Multiple.
impacted gall stone in the cystic duct (hartman’s  Single.

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Obstructive Jaundice 6

Obstructive Jaundice


Dilated bile ducts Non-dilated bile ducts

Gall Stones
Parenchymal liver disease
or Ductal disease
Present Not Present

(MRCP/Liver Biopsy)


CT Scan
Stone in CBD

Mass Lesion

Staging of Tumour
Endoscopic sphincteropapillotomy
Endoscopic sonography
Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
/ Laparoscopy

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Obstructive Jaundice 6

These could also be ; infestations with Ascaris Lumbricoids and Liver

 Inflammatory. fluke. Both these worms lead to fibrous stricture
 Neoplastic. and multiple stone formation in the biliary tree.
 Iatrogenic
BISMUTH CLASSIFICATION FOR STRICTURES These are the strictures due to primary or
Type I Low common bile duct; stump >2cm secondary malignancies. Carcinoma of the head
Type II Middle common hepatic duct; stump> 2cm of pancreas and peri-ampulary carcinoma also
obstruct the lumen of the lower end of the
Type III Hilar- confluence of right and left duct intact
common bile duct leading to the obstructive
Type IV Right and left ducts separated jaundice.
Type V Involvement of the intra hepatic ducts.
Bile duct neuromas also cause surgical jaundice.
BILIARY ATRESIA Biliary obstruction due to bile duct neuroma
It is a progressive sclerosis of the extra hepatic typically occurs after previous cholecystectomy.
biliary tree that occurs within the first three
months of life. It is one of the most common IATROGENIC STRICTURES
causes of neonatal cholestasis. It accounts for These are the strictures which occur accidentally
50%-60% of the children who undergo liver during surgery of the biliary tree. If the ligature is
transplantation. It is seen in 1 in 8000 to 1 in applied after pulling the cystic duct during
15000 live births . cholecystectomy, the lumen of the common bile
duct is also partially ligated and stricture
It could be the manifestation of sclerosing
cholangitis which is a non malignant condition of
Injury to common bile duct and its improper
the biliary passages leading to multiple stricture
repair may result in stricture due to cicatrization
formation in the intrahepatic and extrahepatic
and fibrosis. Stricture formation is more
biliary passages. Sometime cholangio-
carcinoma also presents as multiple strictures of common after exploration of the common bile
the intrahepatic passages leading to jaundice. duct and after emergency operation on the biliary
tree. Stricture of common bile duct may also
SINGLE STRICTURE follow use of electrocautery in close vicinity of
It is usually present either in the common hepatic common bile duct during laparoscopic
duct or common bile duct. The single stricture, cholecystectomy .
when present in intrahepatic biliary canaliculi or
in one of the hepatic ducts does not cause FEATURES OF OBSTRUCTIVE JAUNDICE
jaundice. The symptoms and signs are very important and
useful in the diagnosis of jaundice and its nature.
INFLAMMATORY STRICTURE  Yellowish discoloration.
It is very rare and occurs secondary to collection  Dark colored urine (due to presence of
of the bile or pus around the biliary passages. water soluble bilirubin).
These strictures also present secondary to  Clay colored stools (due to lack of

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Obstructive Jaundice 8


 Itching (due to irritation by the crystals of Urine contains bilirubin but no urobilinogen in
bilirubin which is excreted in sweat). obstructive jaundice.
 Yellowish discoloration of sclera,
mucous membranes and skin. BLOOD EXAMINATION
 Scratch marks on skin (due to itching)  Haemoglobin estimation.
 Shiny nails (due to itching the nails  Total leucocyte count.
become shiny when patient scratches  Differential leucocyte count.
skin).  Sedimentation rate.


 Bilirubin level is raised (direct more than
 Enzyme assays help to assess damage
to liver parenchyma
 Alkaline phosphatase level is raised.
 Prothrombin time needs correction if
 Serum proteins help to assess overall
liver’s synthetic capacity.
Looking at the sclera for jaundice Diagnosis of Jaundice
Test Pre-hepatic Hepatic Obstructive
Urine Urobilinogen Urobilinogen No urobilinogen.
Serum bilirubin Unconjugated bilirubin Conjugated and Conjugated bilirubin
 Liver may get enlarged due to biliary ALT (SGPT) Normal
Raised Normal or moderately
congestion/ metastatic spread. AST (SGOCT)
ALP Normal Normal or moderately
 Palpable gall bladder (indicates Blood glucose Normal Low if level failure Sometimes raised if
pancreatic tumour
malignant obstruction) Reticulocyte
Raised in haemolysis Normal Normal

Haptoglobins Low due to haemolysis Normal Normal

Prothrombin Normal Prolonged due to poor Prolonged due to
time synthetic function vitamin K
PALPABLE MASS malabsorption; corrects
with vitamin K
 Mass may be palpable in epigastrium in Ultrasound Normal May be abnormal liver
texture, e.g. Cirrhosis
Dilated bile ducts

case of carcinoma head of pancreas

causing biliary obstruction. TUMOR MARKERS
 Ascites (Signifying peritoneal  Serum Carcino Embryonic Antigen
metastasis or cirrhosis) (CEA)
 Mild CA 19-9 elevation during jaundice
Both of these features are very reliable and have or cholangitis is notnecessarily
sensitivity of 92% and specificity of 86%7. indicative of cholangio carcinoma8.

These are performed to confirm the diagnosis Intrahepatic problems leading to obstructive
and plan the management. jaundice are best picked up by ultrasound, CT
and MRI scan5. All three types of scanning are

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Obstructive Jaundice 8

complementary to each other.

MRS (magnetic resource spectrometry)
ULTRASONOGRAPHY probably will be best of liver function tests in
It is used as first line investigation for obstructive future .
jaundice. The ultrasonographic examination
 Size of bile ducts It is the use of ultrasonography through
 Defines the level of obstruction endoscope. It is useful in the diagnosis of bile
 Identifies the cause (in some cases) duct and proximal pancreatic pathology. Recent
 Gives other information related to the advancement is use of intra ductal
disease (e.g. hepatic metastases, gall ultrasonography (IDUS) in which the ultrasound
stones and hepatic parenchymal probe is introduced into bile duct or pancreatic
changes) duct while performing ERCP2.

Ultrasound scan is very helpful as one can see E.R.C.P

the site of obstruction and cause of obstruction. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatico-
It is non invasive investigation. It has almost graphy helps in finding out the obstruction
replaced other invasive investigations. It can be specially in the lower parts of biliary passages. It
performed in severely jaundiced and ill patients is an excellent investigation for lower bile duct
at bed side. obstruction.

When jaundice is due to malignancy, CT scan is
best investigation to diagnose9. It is an excellent
investigation to pickup the site of obstruction and
cause of obstruction to the biliary passages. It
may not be available at every hospital and is
expensive. Thin-cut spiral CT scan predicts
resectability in about 70%-80% of patients with
carcinoma of the head of pancreas. The ability of
dual phase CT scan to identify vascular Stones
involvement has eliminated the need for (E.R.C.P.) Endoscopic retrograde,
angiography . cholangio-pancreaticography

MRCP (MAGNETIC RESONANCE CHOLECYSTO It is invasive but it is one of the most accurate and
PANCREATICO GRAPHY) essential investigations for obstructive jaundice.
It is an expensive investigation. It may not be It is most helpful when the obstruction is benign
available at every center. It offers excellent soft and extra hepatic. It has an advantage of being
tissue definition. It can image in all planes therapeutically useful as well9,10.
without moving the patient. It avoids radiation
exposure. It is non invasive and does not carry
any biological hazard. Proximal bile duct stricture
can be imaged well with MRCP.

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Obstructive Jaundice 8

cause cholengitis as well. The patient must be

admitted and kept under observation for at least
24 hours after the procedure.

It is performed when biliary or pancreatic cancer
is suspected. It provides most sensitive and
reliable means of assessing, staging and judging
the operability of biliary and pancreatic cancers,
especially when combined with endoscopic
ultrasonography. It also helps to palliate the


Different causes of obstructive jaundice are to be
PERCUTANEOUS TRANSHEPATIC differentiated from each other. History,
CHOLANGIOGRAPHY (PTC) examination and above mentioned investigations
Chiba needle is used under x-ray control and dye help to differentiate between all types of
is injected into the biliary canaliculi and x-ray obstructive jaundice.
pictures are taken. This shows the site of
obstruction and dilatation of the biliary MANAGEMENT
passages. This is an excellent investigation as it OBJECTIVES OF MANAGEMENT
shows proximal biliary passages very clearly.  To understand pathophysiology of
 To establish the cause of jaundice.
 To identify the patients with obstructive /
surgical jaundice requiring relief of
 To plan appropriate surgical procedure
(treatment of cause of obstruction)
 To understand the principles of
management during peri operative
period (before, during and after
surgery) .
(PTC) Cholengiography
It is extremely helpful as it drains the cholestasis The aim of treatment is to restore flow of bile into
and offers not only diagnostic but therapeutic gastrointestinal tract and correct any metabolic
help as well. It is not used as a first line or other complications due to biliary obstruction.
investigation because of its invasive nature. Treatment of obstructive jaundice has two main
components as given below;
It can lead to intra peritoneal bleeding and  Conservative
leakage of bile into the peritoneal cavity. It may  Definitive

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Obstructive Jaundice 8

It is used to prepare the patient for surgery as the Basic caloric requirement of patient should be
definitive treatment for obstructive jaundice is met. Enteral route is the preferred route. Large
surgical. amount of glucose (carbohydrate) are required
to replenish the glycogen content of the liver.
FLUID AND ELECTROLYTES (Rule out diabetes mellitus before giving
Fluids and electrolytes are given intravenously in glucose).
calculated amount.
URINE OUTPUT MONITORING This is the definite treatment of obstructive
Urethral catheter is passed to collect urine from jaundice and it varies with the cause of
the bladder and to monitor hourly urinary out put. obstruction and condition of the patient. Surgery
It has to be kept > 30ml/ Hour to prevent is performed in physically fit patients to minimize
hepatorenal syndrome. morbidity. Surgical resection is performed in
patients with operable disease in fit patients.
Vitamin K has to be given intravenously as there Various surgical options are available depending
is deficiency of this vitamin due to lack of upon the cause and site of obstruction.
absorption of fat soluble vitamins leading to
bleeding disorders. (Prolonged PT). GALL STONES AND BILE DUCT STONES
The principle of treatment is;
Fresh frozen plasma is infused if Vitamin K  Removal of stones from CBD
injection fails to bring down the prothrombin time  Removal of gall bladder
to normal limits.  Following combination of procedures is
performed for treatment of obstructive
PREVENTION OF INFECTION jaundice due to stone disease.
The obstruction in the biliary tract leads to  ERCP and Laparoscopic cholecystec-
cholangitis and severe infections and tomy is performed. Stones from the bile
septicaemia. If the patient is pyrexial, appropriate duct are removed.
antibiotic is started prophylactically which will  Open cholecystectomy and exploration
cover gram negative bacteria. 2nd/ 3rd gene- of the common bile duct is performed
ration Cephalosporin and quinolones are and stones are removed.
commonly used.  Laparoscopic cholecystectomy and
exploration of the common bile duct and
PREVENTION OF HEPATO-RENAL SYNDROME removal of stones is done.
Jaundiced patients are likely to suffer from renal
failure (hepato-renal syndrome). Loop diuretics Per-operative cholangiography is performed to
or Mannitol 500 ml is given intravenously within ensure complete removal of the stones. T-tube
15-30 minutes just before the operation or during drainage of the bile duct is performed.
operation to clear the nephrons by causing
diuresis to prevent renal failure. MALIGNANT OBSTRUCTION OF BILE DUCT
Different options of resection depending upon

Indep Rev Oct-Dec 2013;15(10-12) 435-445. 443

Obstructive Jaundice 8

stage and site of tumor are available. Surgery is adequate bile flow to the duodenum.
aimed at re-establishing reliable, long term
conduit for bile flow from biliary to the ENDOSCOPIC STENTING
gastrointestinal tract. Options for operative It is use of stents to bypass the obstruction of bile
repair may include; flow. It reduces the hospital stay and is
 Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy associated with lower procedure related
 Choledochojejunostomy morbidity and mortality. It is safe and effective in
 Choledochoduodenostomy palliation of major symptoms associated with
 End-to-end repair (controversial) inoperable pancreatic carcinoma and cholangio
 Mucosal grafting carcinoma.

Whipples resection is performed for operable Plastic, polyethylene or self expanding metal
carcinomas in case of carcinoma head of stents (SEMS) are used in various sizes
pancreas and tumors of ampulla. Previously its depending upon the size of lesion. The plastic
operative mortality used to be almost 22%. Now stents occlude early and metal stents remain
with the improvements in anesthesia and critical patent for longer period and are most cost
care, the mortality is reduced to about 10%. effective in patients who survive for 3-6 months .
Complications of stenting are;
These are performed when definitive and  Cholangitis
potentially curative resections are not possible.  Perforation
Palliation is provided by interventional  Stent Migration
endoscopy, radiology or open surgery .  Stent Occlusion
Following criteria is used to evaluate irresectable  Stent Fracture
These are recognized and treated on urgent
CRITERIA FOR IRRSECTABILITY basis . ERCP and stenting of proximal bile duct
 Extra hepatic metastasis. stricture adds little to diagnosis and
 Extra hepatic organ invasion. management of the non infected operable
 Peripheral hepatic metastasis remote patient.
from primary tumor.
 Major vascular involvement. CHEMO-RADIATION
Chemotherapy only offers marginal benefit.
OBJECTIVES OF PALLIATION Radiotherapy helps in some tumors.
 Relief of jaundice and pruritus.
 Prevention of recurrent cholangitis. INTRA LUMINAL BRACHYTHERAPY (ILBT)
 Prevention of post cholestatic hepatic It is offered for the palliation of irresectable
failure. cholangio carcinoma. It gives mixed results. It
can be per formed endoscopically or
If the stricture is due to inoperable malignancy percutaneously. Iridium-192 seeds implanted on
and by-pass is not possible, intubation of the bile a catheter are placed directly across the
duct with appropriate stent is performed to have stricture. Higher doses of radiation can be

Indep Rev Oct-Dec 2013;15(10-12) 435-445. 444

Obstructive Jaundice 8

achieved at local level. It helps to relieve the HIGH INTENSITY INTRA-DUCTAL

obstruction by downsizing the tumor. ULTRASOUND (HIUS)
Localized ablation of tumor cells by high intensity
PHOTO DYNAMIC THERAPY (PDT) ultrasound has been found to be effective in
It involves the intravenous administration of a experimental models as clinically in men with
photo sensitizer that preferentially accumulates prostatic cancer. It is performed by passing an
in neoplastic tissue. Activation of the photo ultrasound probe over a guide wire into the bile
sensitizer is achieved by endoscopically duct during ERCP. Several treatments are applied
applying laser light directly which results in the throughout the length of stricture and stent is
formation of free oxygen radicals in the tumor inserted after wards. It can be used as neo
cells leading to ischemic necrosis10. adjuvant therapy prior to performing potentially
curative resection .

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