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2017-2018 Science Fair

Assess how you conducted your experiment.

● Please move this document to your ​shared Biology folder.

● To complete this, you will need to refer to your project proposal.
● After you answer all the questions, remember to ​submit the document in Canvas​.

Sample size
1. Below, put what you planned for sample size and/or repeated measures (#9 in experimental proposal).

2. Below, put the actual sample size and/or repeated measures you completed by the deadline (February

3. If there are differences between your initial plan and what you completed by the deadline, explain
a) why they are different, and
b) what you could have done differently to reach your goal on time.

4. Below, paste a copy of your planned steps from your project proposal (#15).

1) Obtain a series of modified and unmodified potato plants (consisting of Russet and Atlantic potatoes), a dozen of
each. I will choose my crop based on the label of the manufacturer to identify modification status.
2) I will set up two containers of potatoes, within a space of 4 feet in length, and divide the modified and
unmodified crop into a respective set, then separate them into rows by species. Each container will have two rows
of potatoes, and each row would be separated by 12 inches for each plant in the row. Both containers will receive
the same set of soil, and the same amount of water and sunlight.
3) After the first planting and initial watering, return every week on the day and time of the planting to record
results. Take notes on how the plant is developing, emphasizing growth, health, presence of insects, visible
diseases, and (at the end of the experiment) total yield and weight.
4) After collecting data, compile in a spreadsheet. Test data against hypothesis.

5. Carefully look over your initial plans. In a numbered or bullet-pointed list below,
a) identify in detail things you actually did differently, and
b) explain why you made each change.

1: I was unable to make them 4 feet across, so I instead stuck them into a set of 4 feet grow beds. This
would ensure that the respective batches would not be contaminated.
6. In your proposal, find your standardized (#8) and extraneous variables (#10) and list them in the table
Standardized variables Extraneous variables
Water amount Possibility of Disease

7. Standardized variable review:

Did you successfully standardize all the variables you planned to?
If not, explain why not.
I did.

8. Extraneous variable review:

Were there other factors (that you did not originally list) that you think could have affected your results?
Identify them and explain your answer.

The presence of mold was unforeseen, and though they did lead to the removal of some of my sample
size, it ultimately demonstrated another portion of the test.
Impact on Results
9. Think about all the ways the implementation of your experiment differed from your initial plans (your
answers to questions above).
Discuss how these changes may make your project stronger and/or make it weaker (i.e. make your
results more reliable or less reliable).

I would say that downsizing the spacing aided in my project, as there was fewer soil to tend to.

Reflection on learning
In August, y’all shared your thoughts on what the point of school is. Many of your responses involved
building skills. You may recognize some of them in this list below, which has a few of my top priorities for
skills to build in this class.

10. Read over the skills and indicate (with an X or a comment) where you feel you are with each, at this
point in the year.

I think I have I’m making progress. I’m struggling: I see This is a very weak
very strong I feel pretty good some improvement area for me. I don’t feel
skills in this about it. but it’s really hard. I’ve improved at all.

Design X

Manage​ time & X

long term work

Work​ ​well X
with focus,
self-reliance, &

Own ​your own X

learning: take
responsibility for
your work;
know when you
need help and
ask for it.

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