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The Pisgah Post

Pisgah Presbyterian Church February 2006 Versailles, Kentucky
Our Mission: to worship God, study the Scripture, practice the teachings of Jesus

Thoughts from Ground Level Quaker where he, sadly, died nine days later from his

L ast month at the dinner table, Katherine proudly

shared with Susanne, Jonah, and me that she was
learning about George Washington in school.
Since February is the birth month of our first president,
The oak tree became well-known as the site from
which General Mercer conducted the battle of
Princeton. It came to be known as the Mercer Oak.
Susanne and I have visited the site of this famous
I want to share some of the events from the
battle. I can remember a real sense of awe being there.
Revolutionary War involving this founding father and
It was the first Revolutionary War battle site for this
one of his generals.
California native, and an important part of studying at
On Christmas Day 1776, General Washington
Princeton. I wonder if any of the seven Revolutionary
crossed the Delaware River from Pennsylvania into
War veterans buried in Pisgah cemetery fought in that
New Jersey to surprise and defeat the British and
battle or knew any of the soldiers who did.
Hessian forces at the Battle of Trenton. Remember the
An historical marker tells how the events of the
famous painting depicting the Delaware Crossing that
battle unfolded, and how General Mercer was able to
preceded this victory? After winning the Battle of
stay on the battle field even while wounded.
Trenton, Washington’s forces headed north toward
To me, the image of General Mercer wounded and
Princeton hoping to add to their military success and
leaning against this oak tree is a powerful image of
drive the British out of New Jersey.
bravery, sacrifice, and dedication. Similar events are told
During the night, the American army moved quietly
about people in every
from Trenton to the
outskirts of Princeton.
This image is also a
They wrapped the
reminder that because we
wheels of their canon in
have all faced challenges
cloth to keep quiet and
in life—some more
marched all night. The
difficult than others—all
roads had frozen and
of us are, in some way,
this made the march
wounded and broken
easier (and certainly
people. Battles come in
colder). They got to the
all kinds.
outskirts of Princeton on
As Christians who
January 3, 1777, and
face challenges in life, we
found the British rear
believe there is a sturdy
guard under the command of Major General Lord
place to lean for support. We can lean on the strength
Cornwallis, who thought Washington and his army
of Jesus Christ to help us endure life’s struggles.
were still in Trenton. The battle on that cold day was
Nothing we face can undermine the sturdy support of
initially fought in an apple orchard owned by a Quaker,
Christ and His church, for the two are not separable.
but moved to a wide open meadow in which stood an
In Acts, Peter preached these words: We are witnesses
oak tree. The Continental Army was victorious over the
to all that Jesus did both in Judea and in Jerusalem. They put
British that day.
Him to death by hanging Him on a tree, but God raised Him
The Battle of Princeton was a turning point in the
on the third day… (Acts 10:39)
war for independence. One of Washington’s generals,
Take hope in the power of God to provide a steady
Brigadier General Hugh Mercer, and his 350 men were
place in all the battles of life. This steady place is the
the head of the spear in that battle and were the first to
cross of Jesus Christ, a mighty tree and the power of
meet British forces on the battle field, two regiments
God made visible. (1 Corinthians 1:18). Lean against
and a mounted unit.
this tree. It will hold you. Trust in the freedom, new
During the course of the battle, General Mercer
life, and community of faith this tree provides to all the
was wounded by British bayonets. Not wanting to leave
world. Announce the good news of this tree wherever
his men or the battle, Hugh Mercer was placed against
you go.
the oak tree while the fighting continued. When the
Grace and peace, Jon
battle ended, he was taken to the house of a nearby

Mission and Evangelism Committee “Seasoned

Project Linus March 12:00pm
To all of you who have come to love the Project
Citizens” Lunch
Linus luncheon and work day-–mark March 12 on your Friday, February 9th
calendar. Bring a yard of fleece (available at Wal-Mart, Topic: Emergency
Terry’s, Fabric Stores, etc.), and a good pair of scissors. Preparedness for Seniors
No sewing skills are required. Lunch will be provided.
Call Willa if you plan to
The fellowship is fantastic as we work together. Our
attend. (873-8904)
goal this year is to make 30 blankets on the March 12.
For those of you who do not know about Project
Linus, it is an organization that provides home made
blankets of any type to children as they enter the
hospital or are in need of special “comforting”. For
example, Project Linus blankets were offered to young
people as they returned to Columbine High School after
the shootings there. Locally, our blankets are usually
sent to Central Baptist Hospital, Cardinal Hill and U.K.
5th Sunday Thank You
Thank you to all who gave so generously to the 5th
Sunday Offering on January 29. Thanks to you $655.00
was raised to help bolster lagging federal funds and Valentine Fellowship Dinner Update
hopefully keep the Woodford County Senior Citizen’s
Saturday, February 11, 2006 at 6:00
Center/Meals on Wheels Programs and others
Hosts will learn who is in their group on 1st, 2nd, or
functioning fully in 2006. “Pisgah Power” is amazing!!!!!
3rd of February, in order to have to have plenty of time
Concert of Prayer-Winter Time Change for making arrangements. Coffee/hot tea provided. If
During these dark and cold (?) winter months we questions remain unanswered after seeing sign-up
thought those of you who enjoy the Concert of Prayer sheets, e-mail Becky or Jim Nelson at
might enjoy it even more at 4:00 p.m. The old 6:00 or phone 502 867 7575…or
p.m. time had us all out after dark. So come at 4:00 catch a Fellowship Committee member anywhere.
p.m. and enjoy the sun on Sunday February 12 and Sponsored by the Deacons Fellowship Ministry.
March 12.
Peace & Quiet
Are you searching for some peace and quiet? Try
our sanctuary. Every Monday morning the sanctuary
will be open from 8:30-9:00a.m. for you to center
yourself for the week ahead. Let us know if a mid week
evening time would be of value for you and we will try
to make it happen. Sarah Cox
Pisgah Postings!

March 12, 2006

Pisgah Church will recognize everyone involved
with the Girl Scouts of America during both worship
services on Sunday, March 12. (This Sunday falls on the
Wanted: Phone Volunteers for a few weekday annual Girl Scout birthday celebration.) All Girl Scouts
mornings in February. Call the church office. are encouraged to wear their uniform to church
Ushers for one or more Sunday mornings this
winter. Contact Maggie Howard or sign up The Pisgah Post is published monthly by the Pisgah
on the sheet in the narthex. Presbyterian Church, 710 Pisgah Pike, Versailles,
Needed –Your news! Tell us what’s going on in KY 40383. The deadline for the March 2006 issue
your life so we can share it with the church of the newsletter is February 17. Please submit
family. articles to the church office or email them to

Happy Birthday to You in February Session Notes

1 Debbie Martie, Steve Cox The Session met in the Academy Building at
2 Patrick Hayes 7:00pm on January 24, 2005.
5 Erika Clark, Kelly Hill, Tara Humphreys • Elected Don Schmidt to serve as Treasurer and
6 Ramsey Easley Phil Bisbee to serve as Clerk of Session. Both
7 Constantine Budovsky terms are for one year.
8 Catherine Davidson • Approved the 2006 Session Committee
9 Charlotte Gilbert assignments and structure. This is posted on
12 Mary Alice Clark, Margaret Shropshire the bulletin board in the Academy Building.
14 Quin Broadbent
• Approved a request from the Session of the
16 Page Dunlap
Georgetown Presbyterian Church for a Session
17 Bill Busby, Anne Davis
retreat at Pisgah Church on March 4.
18 Carolyn Snipp
20 Lynda Clark, Rachel Baston • Approved a request from the Sacred Harp
21 Lauren Gilbert Singers to spend Saturday, May 20 at the
22 Robbie Stilz church for their spring shape-note singing
23 Becky Wilder, Joel Thomas workshop.
25 Daryl Easley, Mary Lee Jones, John Baston • Approved a request from the Lexington PEO
26 Rhonda Ball for an event on May 15.
27 John Walker • By request, transferred Graham family to the
Troy Presbyterian Church.
…and in early March! • By request, deleted Sunny and Betty Dunlap
2 J.P. Stilz from church roll.
4 Courtland Johnson, Andrew Ryan
• Called a congregational meeting for Sunday,
5 Jon Martin
January 29, 2005 to approve the terms of call
6 Anna Gerrow
for the pastor.
7 Lantz Kindred
The minutes of all Session meetings are available
11 Hannah Kindred, Don Schmidt
for anyone in the congregation to read. The Session
16 Peg Wilds
Committee chart and monthly financial report is posted
on the Session bulletin board in the Academy Building.
If we have not included your birthday,
please accept our apology and let us know so Session Assignments
that we can update our files.
Elders and Committees
Foodbank Thank You’s Administration Committee:
Frank Snipp and Don Schmidt
Thanks so much to the following people who Christian Education Committee:
volunteered to assist with the Food Bank. Pisgah will Jamie Gilbert and Becky Prater
again be responsible for helping in a few months. Please Mission and Evangelism Committee:
keep this in mind. Pam Stilz, Jane Pryor (two days), Sarah Cox and Art Ortenburger
Rhonda Fister, Carlee Miller (two days), Emma Property Committee:
Mitchell, Beth McDaniel, Tessa Dole, Dale Wolfram, Phil Bisbee and Martin Fister (Deacon)
Susanna and Leon Creek. Stewardship Committee:
Ann Ortenberger Lisa Johnson and Abe Fosson
The Senior Men’s Study Group Worship Committee:
The following is the revised February and March Lesley Kindred, Daniell Hill, and Maggie Howard
schedule for The Senior Men’s Study Group. The group
continues to meeting Saturday mornings at 8:30- A Couple Thank You’s!!!!!
10:00a.m. in the Academy building Dave Shropshire wishes to thank everyone who
February 4 Galatians 1-3 (David Shropshire, moderator) prayed, sent a card, visited, and expressed their concern
February 11 Galatians 4-6 (Art Ortenburger, moderator) for him during his stay in the hospital.
February 18 Why Christianity Must Change or Die (Judson
Ted Bendis sends this note also. “Hello, Pisgah
Mackby, moderator)
Presbyterian Church. Thank you for all your thoughts,
February 25 Mere Christianity, Book One
prayers and Christmas gift. I can not express what it
March 4 Mere Christianity, Book Two
means to know there is someone thinking of you during
March 11 Mere Christianity, Book Three
these trying times”.
March 18 Mere Christianity, Book Four

The 2006 Community Lenten Services are

sponsored by the Woodford County Ministerial
Association. Each service falls on a Wednesday and Snippets
begins at noon, followed by lunch at the host church.
The final service during Holy Week falls on Good Amanda Howard has been accepted at the United
Friday. States Naval Academy for Fall.
Date Location Speaker Katherine Martin received a certificate for perfect
March 1 First Baptist Melissa Seviere attendance at Huntertown Elementary School for
March 8 Pinckard Baptist Jeff Douglas December and January.
March 15 Versailles Baptist Doug Simpson Jim Rodgers is directing the University of Kentucky’s
March 22 Versailles UMC Jon Martin Opera Theater in Rogers and Hammerstein’s
March 29 Versailles Pres. Coleman Howlett Carousel. The performances will be performed at
April 5 Woodford Christian TBA The Lexington Opera House March 31, April
1,7and 8 at 7:30p.m. and April 2 at 2:00. Tickets
Youth Ski Trip can be obtained by calling the Singletary Center at
February 19, 2006 859-257-4929.
Attention middle and high school students! You are Christian Torp has submitted an application to take
getting what you asked for - a ski/snowboarding trip to the Kentucky Bar in July.
Perfect North! Join us for fun and fellowship Sunday, John Walker, Jr. has been named 2006 team
February 19. Plan on attending early worship and coordinator for all the Relay For Life teams in
Sunday school and leaving the church at 11:00am. We Woodford County.
will stop for a quick lunch on the way and have the Michelle Welling’s grandmother will be celebrating
entire afternoon to attack the slopes. Plan on returning her 100th birthday in February.
to the church around 9:00p.m. Lift tickets are $40.00 Marlin Yawn and Joe Graddy will be away on a
and equipment rental $22.00. Bring extra spending mission trip to Patagonia, Argentina, February 11-
money for dinner at the chalet. Invite a friend! Contact 24. Please keep them in your prayers daily.
Maggie Howard or Sue Henry to sign up or if you have
questions. Check out the slope’s web site at We are so excited about this new addition to the Pisgah Post. Please send an email, a note, or call the
Wanted: Adult drivers and chaperones for the church with any news regarding your family that we can
youth ski trip to Perfect North on February 19. Contact share with all who receive the newsletter.
Sue Henry at church or Maggie Howard @ 873-4954.
Kids of the Kingdom February 12
Open to elementary children through the 5th grade
this afternoon’s activity will center around the Valentine
theme of loving others as God loves us. Lunch, lesson
and lively activities will be part of the fellowship time.
All children are welcome.

Women’s Bible Study

In Memoriam: Helen Woodside Schmidt Loved By God Women’s Bible Study is off to a great
February 29, 1916 – January 14, 2006. start. Fifteen women gather weekly for study, prayer
Sympathy is extended to Dottie and Don Schmidt, and fellowship using material written by Louisville’s Liz
Don and Karen Schmidt and T.J. and Cathy Curtis Higgs.
Johnson on the death of Helen Woodside
Schmidt who died Saturday, January 14 in
Lexington. Helen was 89 years old.
Sympathy is extended to Jim and Linda Kuder on
the death of Linda’s sister on Monday, January 23
in Savannah, Georgia.
Sundays at Pisgah Church!
8:45a.m. Early Worship
9:45a.m. Sunday School for all ages
11:00a.m. Morning Worship

The Staff Email


Presbyterian Web Sites:

Presbyterian Church (USA):
Transylvania Presbytery:
Pby. New Service:
Presbyterians Today:
Pby. Disaster Assistance:

Pisgah Church Staff

Jon Martin, Pastor
Linda Jones, Organist
Sue Henry, Director of Christian Education
Peggy Graddy, Secretary
Ted Bendis, Bookkeeper
Bob Keller, Groundskeeper

The Pisgah Post Non-profit (bulk rate)

U.S. Postage Paid
Versailles, KY 40383
February 2006 Permit No. 192
Pisgah Presbyterian Church
710 Pisgah Pike
Versailles, KY 40383

Address Service Requested

Web:, Voice and fax: (859) 873-4161, email:

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