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University of Engineering and

T h l
Technology P

Lecture 13: Plate Girder

By: Prof Dr. Akhtar Naeem Khan

Plate Girders
A girder is a flexural member which is required
to carr
carry hea
heavy loads on relati
el long spans

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Plate Girder

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Plate Girder
y Plate ggirders are typically
yp y used as long-span
g p
floor girders in buildings, as bridge girders, and
as crane g girders in industrial structures.
y Commonly term girder refers to a flexural x-
section made up of a number of elements
y Theyy are generally
g y considerably
y deeper
p than the
deepest rolled sections and usually have webs
thinner than rolled sections.

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Plate Girder
y Modern plate girders are normally fabricated
by welding together two flanges and a web

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Plate Girder
y Plate girders are at their most impressive in
d b
id construction
t ti whereh main
i spans off
well over 200m are feasible, with corresponding
ti ddepths,
th hhaunched
h d over th
supports, in the range of 5-10m.

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Plate Girder

y Because plate girders are fabricated

p y, each mayy be designed
individually to resist the applied
actions using proportions that ensure
low self-weight and high load

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Plate Girder
Changes in X-Section

y There is also considerable scope for variation

of cross-section in the longitudinal direction.
i may choose
h tto reduce
d th
the fl
thickness (or breadth) in a zone of low
applied moment
y Equally, in a zone of high shear, the designer
might choose to thicken the web plate.

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Plate Girder
Changes in Material

y Alternatively,
y higher
g g
grade steel might
g be
employed for zones of high applied moment
and shear, while standard grade would be
usedd elsewhere.
l h S
ll d "hybrid"
"h b id" girders
with different strength material in the flanges
and the web offer another possible means of
more closely matching resistance to

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Plate Girder

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Plate Girder

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Plate Girder
y Any cross-section of a plate girder is normally
subjected to a combination of shear force and
bending moment.
y The primary function of the top and bottom
flange plates of the girder is to resist the axial
compressive and tensile forces arising from
the applied bending moment.
y The primary function of the web plate is to
resist the applied shear force.

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Plate Girder
y Plate girders are normally designed to support
heavy loads over long spans in situations where it
is necessary to produce an efficient design by
providing girders of high strength to weight ratio.
y To produce the lowest axial flange force for a
given bending moment, the web depth (d) must be
made as large as possible. To reduce the self
weight, the web thickness (tw) must be reduced to
a minimum
y As a consequence, in many instances the web
l t is
i off slender
l d proportions
ti and
d iis th
prone to buckling at relatively low values of
applied shear
CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 13
Plate Girder
y For efficient design it is usual to choose a
relatively deep girder, thus minimizing the
required area of flanges for a given applied
moment, t Msd.
y This obviouslyy entails a deep
p web whose
area will be minimized by reducing its
thickness to the minimum required to carry
h applied
li d shear,
h Vsd.
y Such a web mayy be quite
q slender ((i.e. a high
d/tw ratio) and may be prone to local buckling
and shear buckling.

CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 14

Plate Girder
y Web buckling does not determine the
lti t strength
t th off a plate
l t girder.
y Plate elements do not collapse
p when they y
buckle; they can possess a substantial post-
buckling reserve of resistance.
y For an efficient design, any calculation
g to the ultimate limit state should take
the post-buckling action into account.

CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 15

Design Criteria
Criteria for design of plate girder may be
based on
y Elastic bend-buckling strength
y Elastic
El ti shear-buckling
h b kli strength
t th
y Post-bend-buckling
Post bend buckling strength
y Post
shear buckling(Tension field)strength

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Design Criteria

y The designer has the choice of following four

1. Elastic bend buckling
g + Elastic shear buckling
(conventional flexural behavior)
2 Elastic bend buckling + Post shear buckling
3. Post bend buckling
g + Elastic shear buckling
4. Post bend buckling + Post shear buckling

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Elastic Bend Buckling
y The extreme fiber
f bending stress at which a
perfectly flat web buckles is given by

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Elastic Bend Buckling
Using a FOS of 1.25 w.r.t service load bending
stress fb gives an eqnuation which is AASHTO
slenderness limit for plat girders webs

y Using AASHTO allowable stress fb=0.55Fy

“ h/t=165
h/t 165 ffor A36 steel
t l “
CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 19
Elastic Bend Buckling
y The bend buckling resistance of beam webs can be
increased considerably by reinforcing the slender webs
with Longitudinal stiffeners.
y Means webs thinner than those given by the equation can be

A typical longitudinally stiffened girder is shown after failure

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Web Stiffeners

y They usually consists of rectangular

bars to welded to web.
y Transverse stiffeners may be in pairs,
one on each side of web, or they may
placed on one side of web.
y Longitudinal stiffeners are usually
placed on one side of web.

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Web Stiffeners

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Web Stiffeners

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Web Stiffeners
y The main function of the longitudinal stiffeners is
to increase the buckling resistance of the web
t respect
with espect o of bot
both sshear
ea aand
d be
d g loads.
oads An
effective stiffener will remain straight, thereby
sub-dividingg the web p panel and limiting
g the
buckling to the smaller sub-panels. The resulting
increase in the ultimate resistance of the girder
can be significant.

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Web Stiffeners
y Efficiency of stiffener is a function of its location
in the compression zone
y The optimum location for a longitudinal stiffener
has been determined to be at least h/5 from
compression edge.
In this case k
129. The corresponding allowable web
slenderness is h/t=330 as compare to 165

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Web Stiffeners
y Stiffener acts as a beam supported at the ends
where a vertical stiffener holds the web in line
y Stiffener acts as a beam column and hence must
b proportioned
be ti d iin tterms off x-sectional
ti l area and
moment of inertia.
y AASHTO specifies Is as

y Stiffener acts as a beam supported at the ends

where a vertical stiffener holds the web in line.

CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 26

Web Stiffeners
y The stiffeners must also be proportioned to
resist local buckling.
y For p
plates supported
pp on one longitudinal
edge AASHTO require b/t<1625/√fb
y Multiple longitudinal stiffeners are used for
large depth webs.
y As longitudinal stiffener is also acting as a
column so it must be satisfied for critical
stress (Fcrs>0.6Fcrf)

CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 27

Post buckling bending

y If bending
g strain increases after Fcr,, the upper
edge of panels shortens and bottom edge
y If web were to remain flat there will be increase in
y Because the web has buckled, the increase in
stress is non

CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 28

Post buckling bending
y A
As variation
i ti iin post-buckled
t b kl d state
t t iis nott kknown,
simplify assumptions are made.
y Non-linear compression is replaced with linear
distribution acting on effective depth be.

CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 29

Post buckling bending
y Point A gives point that enables a girder to reach its full
yield moment(925 /√Fy=154).
y If stiffeners at h/5 is provided gives point B.

Considering the
post buckling A B
strength, the 0.94
0 82
point where M/My
reduction in web 0.4
effectiveness 0 18
begins s taken to
154 315 360
be 980/√Fy=170.
980/√Fy 170.
CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 30
Post buckling bending
y Equation connecting the revised point A
ith points
i t corresponding
di tto h/t
360 iis

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Post buckling bending


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Compression Flange Vertical

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Compression Flange Vertical
y If plate
girder web is too slender
slender, the compression
flange may buckle in vertical plane at stress less
than yield stress
y The compression
p flange
g is a beam-column
continuous over vertical stiffener as supports
y Its stability depends on stiffener spacing and
relative stiffness of the flange and the web. Fcr is

CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 34

Compression Flange Vertical
Slenderness of webs with vertical stiffeners is taken conservatively

it the
th h/t by
b the
th given
i equation
ti with
Aw/Af =0.5

CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 35

Shear buckling of beam webs
y Shear buckling is seldom a determining
f t in
factor i design
d i off rolled
ll d section
ti b butt
plate girders have much larger h/t so it
mustt be
b considered.
id d

CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 36

Shear buckling of beam webs
y Transverse stiffeners are used to
increase th
the bbuckling
kli strength
t th b
increasing factor k through a reduction
in aspect ratio a/h.

CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 37

Transverse Stiffeners
y Transverse stiffeners play an important role in
allowing the full ultimate load resistance of a
plate girder to be achieved.
y In the first place they increase the buckling
resistance of the web;
y Secondly they must continue to remain effective
after the web buckles, to p
provide anchorage
g for
the tension field;
y finally they must prevent any tendency for the
flanges to move towards one another.

CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 38

Transverse Stiffeners
y The satisfactory performance of a
transverse stiffener can best be illustrated
by comparing the girders shown,
shown after

g 2
Figure 1
CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 39
Transverse Stiffeners
y In Figure
g 1 the stiffeners have remained straight.
y In Figure 2 the stiffener has failed and has been
unable to limit the buckling to the adjacent sub-
panels of the girder; instead, the buckle has run
g the stiffener p position extending
g over
both panels. Consequently, significant reduction
in the failure load of the girder occurred.
y In Figure 1 One can also see the effect of aspect
at o, e greater
ratio,i.e g eate a/
a/h less
ess k a
d ssmall
a Fcr.

CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 40

Transverse Stiffeners
y The stiffener must be of adequate
i idit in
i th
the di
ti perpendicular
di l tto
the plane of the web to prevent web
buckling. This condition is satisfied
provided the stiffener has a second
moment of area Is that satisfies the
following empirical formulae:

CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 41

Transverse Stiffeners

y AISC/LRFD Moment of Inertia of

tiff is:


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Transverse Stiffeners

y Transverse stiffeners spacing can be

determined from the following

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Tension Field Action
y The resulting shear stresses on an
l t off a web
b are equivalent
i l t tto
principal stresses, one Tensile and one
Compressive, at 45 to the shear stress.

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Tension Field Action

y Once a web p panel has buckled in shear,, it

loses its resistance to carry additional
compressive stresses.
y On the other hand tensile pprincipal
p stress
continues to increase in strain in the
diagonal direction.
Such a ppanel has a considerable p post bucklingg strength,
g ,
since increase in tension is limited only by yield stress.

CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 45

Tension Field Action

y In this post
b ckling range
range, a ne
new load
carr ing
mechanism is developed, whereby any additional
shear load is carried by an inclined tensile
membrane stress field. This tension field anchors
against the top and bottom flanges and against the
transverse stiffeners on either side of the web
panel. The load-carrying action of the plate girder
than becomes similar to that of the N-truss
y In the post-buckling range, the resistance offered by
the web plates is analogous to that of the diagonal
tie bars in the truss.

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Tension Field Action
Phases of behavior up to collapse of a typical panel in shear

Prior to Buckling Post Buckling Collapse

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Tension Field Action

y The load-carrying
load carrying action of the plate girder
than becomes similar to that of the N-truss
y In the post-buckling range, the resistance
offered by the web plates is analogous to
that of the diagonal tie bars in the truss.

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Tension Field Action

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Tension Field Action

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Tension Field Action

ft V

Vt = ft ht cosφ sinφ T=ft ht cosφ

Vt = (1/2)ft ht sin2φ φ

Vt =(1/2) ft ht φ=45
Vty=(1/2) Fy ht………….(1)
CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 51
Tension Field Action
Vty =(1/2) Fy ht = Fy

Vy Fvy ht 2Fvy
Vty = √3 Vy = 0.87 Vy

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Tension Field Action

The angle φ for which Vt is max

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Tension Field Action


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Tension Field Action


Taking inelastic and strain hardening range



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Tension Field Action
y Codal equations are derived from

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Tension Field Action



CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 57

Combined Bending & Shear
of Webs

y Interaction diagram is based on Tension-

fi ld off webs
field b
y If the web is completely yielded in
shear,any accompanying moment must
b resisted
be i t d entirely
ti l b by flflanges.

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Combined Bending & Shear
Bending & shear Interaction Curve


E 1/√3

0.75 0.83 1.0 1.07 1.12 M/My

CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 59
Combined Bending & Shear



LRFD Interaction
I t ti Curve


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Vu/φVn

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Web Proportioning

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Web Proportioning

y Depth of girder is influenced by many

z Headroom
z Clearance for high water in deck bridges
z Traffic passing beneath the bridge

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Web Proportioning

y Depth: Overall girder depth, h, will

usually be in the range
z Lo/12 ≤ h ≤ Lo/8,
z occasionally lighter loads may be
accommodated with Lo/20./20

y Flange:

z The breadth, b, will usually be in the range

h/5 ≤ b ≤ h/3,

CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 63

Design Procedure
1. Maximum Moment & Shear for Factored Load
2 Web
2. W b Design
D i
1. Assume depth girder L/12 ≤ h ≤ L/8
p of g
2. Depth of Web hw=h-2tf
3. Web slenderness
1. For a/h <5 …………….
2. and for a/h > 5 ……………………
3. hw/tw= 970/√Fy
4. Select optimum tw

CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 64

Design Procedure

4. Flange Design
1. Find Af
2. Select suitable tf and bf
3. Flange slenderness
1. bf/ 2tf < 65/√Fy …………….Compact

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Design Procedure
5 Check trial girder section
1. Web local buckling limit state
1. hw/tw< 640/√Fy…………………..Compact
2. 640/√Fy< hw/tw < 970/√Fy……Non-Compact
3. hw/tw > 970/√Fy…………………..Slender
2. Flange local buckling limit state
1. bf/ 2tf < 65/√Fy …………….Compact
3. Lateral Torsional Buckling
1. Calculate Iy
2. A=Af+Aw/6
3. ry= √Iy/A
4. Find Lb/ry
5. λp= 300/√Fy ………….. λ< λp ______Compact
CE-409: Lecture 13 Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan 66
Design Procedure
6. Bending strength
1. C l l t Ix
2. Calculate Sxt
3. .

4. .

5. φMn≥ Mu

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Procedure for Design
6. Bending strength
1. Calculate Ix
2. Calculate Sxt
3. .

4. .

CE-409: Lecture 13
φMn≥ Mu Prof. Dr Akhtar Naeem Khan

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