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The Pisgah Post

Pisgah Presbyterian Church Our Mission: to worship God,

Woodford County, Kentucky study the Scripture, practice the
March 2008 teachings of Jesus.

Thoughts from Ground Level

with that great announcement that changes everything:
He is Risen!
Why Universal? This story belongs to the whole

or several weeks now I’ve been noticing a banner at
church and no one can claim to have the “correct” way
the entrance to St. Leo Catholic Church on
of believing in this story. It is also true that we belong to
Huntertown Road. It’s a very nice, bright banner. It
this story. We belong to its message of redemption and
hangs on their fence. Some of you may have seen it.
new life.
In large letters it reads, “Why Catholic?”
Why Universal? Right now many of the youth and
This banner promotes a faith formation opportunity
their parents in Woodford County need the hope of this
for adults at the parish. I am always happy to learn about
story. Families in Illinois trying to cope with the
adults wanting to grow in faith by reading, studying
senseless violence on a college campus need the hope of
together, and exploring faith questions. Jesus
this story. In the face of great sadness over the
commands us to love God with our whole
tragic death of any person—athlete, student,
selves and this includes our minds. One
spouse, parent or soldier in combat—we need
thousand years ago, Anselm, a church leader,
to be reminded of the one who brought
put it this way: our faith seeks
resurrection life out of death and defeat.
Why Universal? Because the world knows
When I drive by St. Leo’s church and see
too much about division, conflict, war, and
that banner, I actually see a message, not just
loss. There is a more excellent way.
for St. Leo’s, but for the whole church. First
Why universal? Because it is God who is
of all, I am reminded that the word catholic
at work in us, enabling us to will and to work
means universal, and so I read the banner as,
for God’s good pleasure.
“Why Universal?” I also read it as a
Did you know that the Woodford County
question. This month as we prepare for our
Chamber of Commerce lists fifty-three
great celebration of Easter, here’s what that
churches in the county? Would you have
banner says to me: the whole church shares
guessed that there are so many? We drive by
the same, universal message of God’s
churches every day as we go to work, to the
commitment to the world in the death and
gym, to the library, to the store, or to our own
resurrection of Jesus Christ.
church, and I plan to start praying for churches
This message forms the foundation on
as I drive by them.
which the body of Christ, the church, is
As a church, I want to begin a season of prayer for
built. It connects denominations, churches,
all of the churches in Woodford County. These are our
congregations, pews, and people. I really value that
sister churches, our neighboring churches, and I shared
because there is within this human enterprise a tendency
with the session that we should be praying for one
to see our differences before we see what we have in
another. This isn’t meant to exclude praying for the
common—if we ever get that far. Two people might
churches in our own Presbytery or in the counties
agree on nine things but if they disagree about the tenth,
surrounding Woodford, it’s simply meant to be a starting
that’s what they’ll focus on. Why is that?
point for prayer. When so much seeks to divide us, I
Are we somehow wired to see the differences in
want to begin something that unites.
each other? Maybe it’s a survival instinct left over from
Of course, whenever we pray for the work of God
long ago. Maybe it’s a symptom of our brokenness.
in the world, we are praying for these fifty churches—
Maybe it’s coded deep within our DNA. Maybe it’s just
including ours—but God’s goodness in Jesus Christ
easier to see differences than commonalities. And we
challenges me to begin praying more specifically for
humans too often prefer the easy path of life. Not even
what God is doing in our midst. I invite you to join me
the church is free from this human tendency to divide,
in this in the weeks ahead and by this demonstrate
and so it is good to lift up what is universal in the church
Resurrection Life.
of Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace, Jon
Why Universal? The banner on Huntertown Road
reminds me to look for what we have in common with
the whole church. In these last weeks of Lent as we
approach Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and finally Easter
Day, we journey through what is universal for us all: the
story of the death and resurrection of Jesus, and the
impact that event has on us. It’s where we all began—

Mission and Evangelism Notes Project Linus

Greetings from the M&E committee! Vange Lear, a After a delicious lunch of sloppy joes,
representative from Baby Health, spoke at our February homemade soup and a variety of
meeting and we were all impressed with the scope of the sandwiches, we spread throughout the
mission of this organization. Baby Health provides free Academy Building to cut and tie blankets
health care to approximately 4000 uninsured children together. Pisgah’s Project Linus yielded 21
(infant – 12 years) in Fayette and surrounding counties beautiful blankets for sick infants and
each year. They cover laboratory and x-ray expenses as children. May God Bless and comfort all
well as seek surgical help for those who need it. As a who receive them.
working board of directors, each member works 2 days a Mission and Evangelism Committee
month in the clinic. Although you must be a board
member to work in the clinic, volunteer opportunities are
available and include: building maintenance, clothing and
diaper drives, and rehabbing toys and books for in-clinic
use. Donations of new toys and books are also welcome. A Light in the Attic Youth Group
For more information please contact Baby Health or one
of your M&E members. We were pleased to present At the beginning of the month the Youth Group
them with a $200 donation from Pisgah Presbyterian participated in the Souper Bowl Sunday event and raised
Church in support of their work. money and canned food items for the Woodford County
In March our designated local charity is the The Food Pantry. We raised $327! Then, for the rest of the
Chrysalis House, Inc. On March 3, Monday night, month we learned about, talked about and participated in
Jennifer Stamper from The Chrysalis House, Inc. will activities focusing on World Hunger to prepare for the
join the M&E committee meeting for the first 15 30 hour Famine.
minutes to give a brief overview of the services they We ended the month by participating in the 30 hour
provide to our community. Please join us for this chance famine. Before and during the famine, we raised $1000
to learn more about this important resource for women for World Vision. We learned about how people in
in recovery and their children. poverty feel by taking on new identities and disabilities
The 5th Sunday Offering on March 30 will go to a for the whole event. We had a midnight candle
global mission project. ceremony with 300 candles being blown out every few
May God bless and keep you through this seconds to represent one child’s life lost every 3 seconds
miraculous Easter month, to hunger. The second day we collected food items for
the Woodford County Food Pantry and then we played a
Your Mission and Evangelism Committee barter and trade game with Pisgah members where we
showed up at their homes with an item and asked them
to trade us for something bigger and better. We ended
up with a TV, cabinets, games, movies and a George
Forman grill as well as many other items. We broke our
fast with a quiet communion service up in the attic led
by Pastor Jon and served by Elders Jennifer Chandler
and Don Schmidt. We then ended the famine with a
progressive feast at the homes of Bobbi and Dave
Sweeny, Dottie and Don Schmidt and Lisa and Joe
Spring Cleaning Johnson. Thanks to all of you for the meal. It was
Save everything for the first annual Pisgah Andrew Johnson
Presbyterian Church Yard and Craft Sale, April 19,
2008, from 8:00a.m.-1:00p.m., to benefit the mission and
evangelism work of our church. We promise if you

A Note from the Stewardship Committee

donate an item you will not have to take it home with
you! A Yard and Craft Sale committee is being formed
so if you are interested in volunteering, please join us for
our next meeting on March 10 at 7:00p.m. in the One Great Hour of Sharing
Academy Building. All volunteers are welcome!
Easter Sunday falls on March 23 and the
Stewardship Committee will be receiving the One Great
Hour of Sharing Offering. There will be special coin
donation boxes (in the shape of a fish) given out the 3
weeks prior to the offering.
our checking account balance is $27,296 and our
investments are $61,812. This doesn’t include funds
You are invited! invested by the Trustees. Our income to date is $47,099
or 20.9% of budget and our expenses are $29,537 or
13.1% of budget. We believe that income is ahead due
It’s a Chain Saw Party! to payment of pledges early in the year. The good news
is that our unpledged offering is on track at 15.5% of
Event: Removal of brush along the fence rows budget.
Where: Pisgah Church Farm Our committee is also responsible for staff
When: Saturday, March 8, rain date March 15 developmental reviews. This year we plan to do this by
committee for our pastor and D.C.E. The committees
Lunch will be served: Pizza and soft drinks have been formed and the reviews will be conducted in
the near future.
Attire: Jeans, work boots, gloves, safety glasses, hearing If you have questions or would just like to discuss
protection. Pisgah’s finances or the developmental review process
please talk to any member of the administration
Please bring tools if you have them: Chain saw with committee or of the session.
gas and oil, heavy loppers, pickup truck and/or open
trailer, a bottle or two of water and anything else that Don Schmidt
might help with the job!
We will have extra protective gear and tools, but due
to the risks chain saws should be operated only by their
Pisgah Community Club Annual Meeting
If you do not have a saw, there will be plenty for you The annual meeting for the Pisgah Community Club
to do. All of the cut brush and dead trees must be will be Monday, March 24 at 7:00p.m. in the Academy
loaded up, hauled to the burn pile and unloaded. Small Building. This group organizes Saturday evening picnics
bushes can be lopped and there is always clean-up to do. throughout the summer between Memorial Day and
Labor Day. Members of Pisgah Church and neighboring
families who are not members of the Church join
together in fellowship around the potluck table.
Pisgah College Scholarships Dues are minimal: $20 for a single person, $35 for a
family and tennis players pay an additional $15. In
Attention 2008 graduating high school seniors and return, the club maintains the tennis courts, buys the
college students: Scholarship applications are now chairs and tables that the church frequently uses and
available in the church office and on the church’s annually contributes to ground maintenance. At the
website ( The submission annual meeting w will decide the schedule, expenditure
deadline is April 15, 2008. Persons who are presently of funds and elect officers. Everyone is welcome!
members of Pisgah Church and who are supporting,
nurturing and participating in the fellowship and life of
the Church are able to apply. Those seeking aid from Holy Week Worship Schedule
this scholarship must be anticipating attending an
accredited college, university or post-secondary
vocational school as a full-time student for the 2008-
Palm Sunday, March 16
8:45am Early Worship
2009 academic year.
Scholarships are awarded one year at a time for a 9:45am Sunday School
maximum of four years for the purpose of 11:00am Morning Worship
undergraduate studies. In order to be considered the
applicant must have all application materials submitted Maundy Thursday, March 20
by the deadline. Please return your application, essay 6:30pm Simple Supper
and transcript to the church office at the attention of the 7:00pm Communion Service
Trustees. Questions, please contact Sue Fosson at 859-
873-7582. Good Friday, March 21

7:00pm Tenebrae Service

A Note from the Administration Committee
We are now almost two months into the year and Easter Day, March 23
our 2008 budget. As you know this is a lean budget 7:00am Sunrise Service
when compared to previous years. As of February 15 7:45am Breakfast
11:00am Morning Worship March 22 Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Bring your
DCE Notes
own basket. The Light in the Attic
Youth Group will serve a pancake
breakfast before the Easter Egg Hunt.
It is SO NICE when someone tells you they were
See article.
trying to remember something you had said, or in this
March 24 CE Committee meeting at 6:30 pm
case, written a while ago. I was reminded of a little
inspiration I had shared my first Lenten season here. As
I had stated then, this piece was something I’ve had for
years. I pack it away with my Easter things and pull it Burnamwood Camp
out the next year. It has been so long that I do not
remember where I picked it up or who wrote it so Check out the Burnamwood Camp Poster in the
cannot give credit to the source—but continues to be a Academy Building. Burnamwood offers camping
good reminder. opportunities for children and youth beginning at the 3rd
Sue Grade level. Burnamwood fees have increased to
$240.00 per camp. With our current budget adjustments
What To Give Up For Lent this year, Pisgah Church is unable to offer 50%
camperships. Believing all children should have the
GIVE UP grumbling. opportunity to attend church camp, the CE Committee
Instead, “In everything give thanks.” will do what they can to assist with the expense for those
GIVE UP 10 to 15 minutes in bed. requesting financial assistance. Contact Sue Henry
Instead, use that time in prayer. before registering your child.
GIVE UP looking at other people’s worst points.
Instead, concentrate on their best ones.
Pancake Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt
GIVE UP speaking unkindly.
Instead, let your speech be generous and
The annual Children’s Easter Egg Hunt
GIVE UP worries.
will be on Saturday, March 22. Contributions
Instead, trust God with them.
of wrapped pieces of candy to be used for
GIVE UP hatred or dislike of anyone.
filling the eggs should be brought to the
Instead, learn to love.
Academy Building by Palm Sunday, March
GIVE UP the fear which prevents Christian witness.
16. Thank you in advance.
Instead, seek courage to speak of your faith to
On that morning, everyone is invited to
start the day by attending the Youth Pancake Breakfast
GIVE UP spending so much time with newspapers,
at 9:30a.m. Cash donations will
magazines or surfing the net.
be accepted for the breakfast.
Instead, use some of that time to study the
After we eat, the children will
gather to hear the Easter story at
GIVE UP buying anything but essentials for yourself.
10:15a.m before the hunt begins. Children are asked to
Instead, give that money to God’s work or
bring their own baskets to collect eggs. There will be
someone in need.
two areas designated for younger and older children.
GIVE UP judging by appearances and by the standards
The Easter Egg Hunt is great fun for everyone!
of the world.
Sunshine or snow, adults enjoy watching the children
Instead, learn to GIVE UP yourself to God.
search the grounds for eggs filled with candy and
treasures as much as the children do finding them. It is
great fun and fellowship for all. Hope to see you there.

CE Dates and Details

March 9 Youth Council Meeting at noon.
Life in the Church
March 16 Palm Sunday. Children will wave palm
branches at the 11:00 service. This will
be the last day to bring donations of
New Members:
wrapped candy to the Academy
On February 3, we welcomed Ken
Building for the Easter Egg Hunt.
and Heather Jones into Pisgah’s Church family.
March 17 “Easter Egg STUFF” 5:30-7:00 pm.
Youth and adult volunteers are needed
to fill plastic eggs for the hunt.
March 20 No women’s bible studies.

With all the recent snow days it is

nice to dream about those “lazy, hazy, crazy days of
summer” and included in those thoughts are BIBLE
CAMP. This year, Sandi Bromagen and Greg Lawrence Happy Birthday to You in March
will be the co-directors of BEACH PARTY: Surfin’
through the Scriptures. Save the dates: June 1-5. 2 J.P. Stilz
4 Courtland Johnson, Carolyn Ryan
5 Jon Martin
6 Anna Gerrow
7 Lantz Kindred
11 Hannah Kindred, Don Schmidt
16 Peg Wilds
19 Lucy Smith
20 Sue Henry, Mason Hill
22 Tamara Cassidy
24 Richard Holt
Snippets 25 Nicole Lake
26 Happy Broadbent
o Brion and Becky Welch are expecting their first
27 Tavner James
child (a son) in the latter part of March. For church
28 Sam Clark
family members who remember the “drummer boy”
29 Jim Cullen
and would like to say a word, their email address is
31 Lora Lea Dawson, Taylor Gilbert, Catherine or their snail mail address is:
Hines, Kelly Lake
SSgt. Brion Welch, PSC 80, Box 16408, APO AP
96367. Brian has made further commitment to serve
And in early April…
our country by recently re-enlisting in the Air Force.
They will be returning from a four year term in 1 Margaret Karsner
Japan in August. 2 Sunny Dunlap, Lucy Lagrew MacCarthy
o Did you know that Ben Chandler is a superdelegate 4 Shelia Baker
for the Democratic Party? 5 Jan Botkin, Lela Mitchell
We are always on the lookout for more “Snippets.” Help 9 Abe Fosson
us keep this column going by sending in any interesting Please help us keep this list up to date!
little tidbits you hear!

On Sunday, March 9, Remember to…

Dear Pisgah Family,
If you are out there in the winter doldrums and
thinking that God must be hibernating at Pisgah, think
This past Saturday night we were privileged to host
the Youth Group after their 30 hours of Fasting and
lessons on global hunger. Pisgah’s youth are a blessed
group of young, well-mannered, creative, joyful,
expressive, kindly, pleasant adolescents! They are the
living spirit of Pisgah, and God is not dead nor does he
sleep on his Pisgah watch! The Pisgah Post is published monthly by the Pisgah
The adult leaders of this band of young Christians Presbyterian Church, 710 Pisgah Pike, Versailles, KY
are to be smiled upon by all. 40383. The deadline for the April 2008 issue of the
Rejoice! newsletter is March 28. Please submit signed articles
Dave & Bobbi Sweeney to the church office or email them to

Sundays at Pisgah Church

8:45a.m. Early Worship
9:45a.m. Sunday School
11:00a.m. Morning Worship

The Staff Email


Presbyterian Web Sites:

Presbyterian Church (USA):
Transylvania Presbytery:
Presbyterians Today:

Pisgah Church Staff

Jon Martin, Pastor
Linda Jones, Organist
Sue Henry, Director of Christian Education
Lynn Davis, Secretary
Ted Bendis, Bookkeeper
Bob Keller, Groundskeeper
Rhonda Ball, Nursery Worker

The Pisgah Post

Non-profit (bulk rate)
U.S. Postage Paid
Versailles, KY 40383
Permit No. 192

March 2008
Pisgah Presbyterian Church
710 Pisgah Pike
Versailles, KY 40383

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Web:, Voice and fax: (859) 873-4161, email:

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