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Week Thirty-Six May 18th, 2018


a weekly look into the lives of the students of B124

Important Dates
5-18 Rodeo

5-22 Awards (8:30)

5-24 Last Day (Half Day)

Weekly Objectives

Math Third Grade Review/Fourth


Social Studies/Science - Content

Songs and Country PowerPoints

Weekly Reminders
Week thirty-six was the last full week of school. It is
Check Red Take Home Folder Daily hard to believe that this year is almost over. I have really
Check Vanilla Behavior Folder on enjoyed being their teacher, and I am excited about the
Friday and Return on Monday
chance to have them again in 5th grade. When there is
Important Messages only one full week left, you have to let loose a little bit
The last day of school is and that’s exactly what we did. The students had their
Wednesday, and it is a half big “end of the year” party with different stations in
day. every third grade room. The students sung karaoke, ate
Third grade awards (honor ice cream, made blankets, played games, and even did
roll and perfect attendance) is Xbox! Another highlight of the week was watching the
on Tuesday at 8:30 in the students play each other’s Kahoots which are online
quizzes about themselves. To wrap up the week, the
students worked on their country PowerPoints.

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