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The Pisgah Post

Pisgah Presbyterian Church Our Mission: to worship God,

Woodford County, Kentucky study the Scripture, practice the
December 2009 teachings of Jesus.

The Wonder of Incarnation On Sunday, December 20, Pisgah Presbyterian

church will collect money for the Christmas Joy
In the busyness and often frenzied rush (even by the Offering. Adults and children alike are encouraged to
church) of this season, it is easy take home the coin boxes (available in the Academy
to lose sight of the central reality Building and Narthex). Fill up these boxes over the next
of Christmas. few weeks and please bring them back on December 20!
Think of it! The God of the
Universe, who created all we Stewardship Committee
see, and much more that we
can’t see, that God chose to
come among us as a helpless baby so he could show us Please come join us
his heart of love! Incredible! for "Light of the
Henri Nouwen describes the wonder of Incarnation World" - a special
this way: “God, in total freedom, has decided to love us. Christmas play at
This may not seem very inspiring, but if you reflect on it 6:30p.m. on Sunday,
deeply, this awareness can affect and influence your life December 13. This
greatly. Jesus is the revelation of God’s unending, traditional re-telling
unconditional love for us human beings. Everything that and celebration of
Jesus has done, said, and undergone is meant to show us Christ's birth - led by
that the love we most long for is given to us by God— the Children's Sunday
not because we’ve deserved it, but because God is a God School classes, Pisgah
of love…Jesus is God’s most radical attempt to convince Youth Group and
us that everything we long for is indeed given us. What Pisgah Choirs - will
God asks of us is to have faith in that love. When Jesus showcase the many talents of Pisgah Church. A
talks about faith, he means first of all to trust reception will follow the performance in the Academy
unreservedly that you are loved by God.” Building. For more information or to get involved,
My Christmas wish for each one of you is that you please contact Larry Jones at 873-6491.
will take some time to realize and rejoice that YOU ARE
Vic Priebe

Christmas Joy Offering

Presbyterians have long celebrated the birth of Jesus
Christ by giving generously to an Advent offering. The Friday, December 11th. Pizza and soft drinks
Christmas Joy Offering dates back to the 1930s when provided at 6:00p.m. with a one hour practice starting at
churches began an offering to supplement inadequate 7:00p.m. All Sunday School classes and the Pisgah
retirement income and provide supplemental medical Youth group are needed for this short rehearsal. Thank
insurance for retired ministers, missionaries, church you.
workers, and their families. This was called the Joy Gift.
In 1960, another Christmas offering was started
called the “White Gift”. Its purpose was to donate Christmas Program Reception
funds for general mission and world relief specifically to
support health and welfare concerns related to children. There will be a reception in the Academy Building
In 1974 racial ethnic education support was added and in following the Christmas play on December 13 and we
1979 nursing home care assistance was also included. are looking for volunteers to bring refreshments. We
In 1989, all of these funds were joined into one plan on serving finger food only, i.e. mini sandwiches,
offering and named the “Christmas Joy Offering”. cookies, candy, nuts, cheese, crackers, fruit, etc. There is
Currently 50% of the funds collected go to the Board of a sign up sheet located in the kitchen so let us know if
Pensions and 50% of the funds go to the Presbyterian you are able to bring something or give Jan Botkin a call
racial ethnic schools and colleges. at 253-1067.

If you are interested in ordering a Poinsettia for the

Sanctuary in honor or memory of an individual or family,
please give Jane Pryor a call at 873-8861. The cost is
$7.00 each and payment may be made by cash or check
to Pisgah Presbyterian Church or Jane Pryor. You can
also check the pew racks in church for an
envelope/order form to fill out. The poinsettias will be 5:30p.m. Family Candlelight Service
placed in the sanctuary for worship beginning on
December 20 and will remain there till after the morning 11:00p.m. Communion Candlelight Service
worship service on December 27.

Mary Shepherd Circle

Administration and Pledge Update
WE NEED YOUR HELP! The Mary Shepherd
Circle is once again providing a treats-and-nibbles Well another year is coming to a close and it has
buffet for the client families of The Nest, a crisis day been a good year for Pisgah in many ways. Our financial
care center. Once a year near Christmas time The Nest position is still looking good both on the income and
hosts a program called expense sides of the ledger.
"Reindeer Express" The November 15th Treasurers Report shows us
where client families 88% of the way through the year with 95% of our
come to "shop" for budgeted income already in, pledged income is 87% of
Christmas gifts for their budget and unpledged income is 110% of budget. Great
children. Agencies such job everybody!
as the police and fire The expense side of the ledger shows our expenses
departments donate new at 73% of budget with a little over a month to go in the
toys for children ages infancy to five and six-year-old. year. Our Elders, Deacons and committees continue to
The parents sign up to come on Friday, December 11 do a great job holding down costs as they have all year.
from 9:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. and from 1:00p.m - 4:00p.m. We are having a good Stewardship season this year.
to select (shop) for toys for their children. While the So far we have received pledges totaling $131,450.00 and
parents shop they can also socialize and partake of our asking budget is $142,116.00, which means we only
goodies and punch provided by the Circle. Last year need an additional $10,666.00 to meet our budget for
about 350 families were served. I have been assured by 2010!
Ginny Blackson, the new director of The Nest, that If you have turned in your pledge for this year we
there will be more this time. This is a very popular and thank you. If you have not, we encourage you to do so at
much appreciated program. your earliest convenience. If you did not receive a
Bottom line, The Circle would so appreciate it if pledge packet we have placed some on a table in the
members of the congregation would contribute a plate Narthex of the church.
of nibbles such as cookies, brownies, cake, etc. We will We have had a good year in 2009, let’s hit our
be taking the treats to The Nest on Thursday, budget of $142,116.00 and make 2010 even better!
December 10. We know this is the very busiest time of Jud Davis
the year, and none of us needs those "little extras" to
take up our time. However, if you could manage to
make or purchase a plate of baked goods it would be so A Note from the Bookkeeper
appreciated. Please call Anne Davis at 255-8259 to
arrange for pick-up. If more convenient, goods could Contributions to the church for 2009 should be
be left in the Academy kitchen on December 10th by received by December 31, 2009.
noon labeled for the Nest. Our thanks to each and Ted Bendis
every one of you for your contributions.
Jeannette Priebe’s Delightful Carrot Cake
2 c. flour
1 tsp. baking powder
¼ tsp. salt
2 c. sugar
2 c. grated carrots
1 tsp. soda
1 ½ tsp. cinnamon
1 ½ c. salad oil
4 eggs
Do you like to eat? Do you like to have fun and Sift together the flour, soda, baking powder,
fellowship? Do you like to support worthy causes? If cinnamon and salt. Combine the salad oil and sugar.
you answered yes to any of these questions, we need Add to the oil and sugar, the eggs, one at a time.
you! We’re fishing for some good ideas for a new Gradually add dry ingredients. When well blended, add
fellowship group. This group (ages 18 to 118) would the carrots. Pour into three 8” cake pans sprayed with
gather quarterly for fun, fellowship and a good cause! Pam and bake at 350° for 30 - 40 minutes. Frost.
Please contact Aimeé Baston at 251-4010 or by email at to give your ideas on: Cream Cheese Frosting
 Fun activities (plays/movies, sporting events, 8 oz. cream cheese
etc.) 2 tsp. vanilla flavoring
 Fellowship activities (progressive dinner, etc.) 2 tbsp. soft butter
 Good causes (God’s Pantry, Habitat for 5 c. confectioners’ sugar
Humanity, Christmas Shoeboxes, etc.)
Pisgah’s Bicentennial Scholarship
Award Winning Recipes
We recently received a letter from the Louisville
The Stewardship Fair on November 1 was a great Seminary notifying us of this year’s scholarship recipient
success with lots of good food and wonderful and wanted to share this good news.
information regarding the mission and ministry of For those of you who may not be aware or
Pisgah Church. Our Chili and Cake Baking contest remember…this fund was established at the time of the
winners, Abe Fosson and Jeannette Priebe, have 200th Celebration of Pisgah’s founding in gratitude for
graciously agreed to share their award winning recipes Mike Ward and his service to our Church. He is a
below: graduate of the Louisville Seminary.
As of May 31, 2009, the market value of the Pisgah
Abe Fosson’s Sensational Chili Bicentennial Scholarship Fund was $12,364.44. The
4 lbs. hamburger (20% fat from Kroger’s) historic value (reflecting gifts only) was $5,955.00.
1 40 oz. can kidney beans This year’s scholarship recipient is Walter Canter.
1 28 oz. can crushed tomatoes Walter is a first year Master of Divinity student from
1 28 oz. can diced tomatoes Silver Springs, MD. His home church is Cook’s Creek
1 12 oz. can tomato paste Presbyterian Church, Harrisonburg, VA. Walter is a
3 large bell peppers 2009 graduate of James Madison University in VA with
2 large hot banana peppers a TSC in Online Publication and a minor in geography.
1 medium onion Walter chose Louisville Seminary as the result of an
4 tbsp. chili powder alumni contact, a faculty contact, and a campus visit.
3 tbsp. kosher salt Dale Melton, V.P. for Seminary Relations says, “The
4 cloves garlic generosity of the congregation through this fund allows
Walter and the many other past and future recipients to
Brown hamburger in large skillet with 2 tbsp. of pursue their calls to ministry without incurring a
chili powder. Mix in a large post, browned hamburger tremendous amount of debt. What better way to go out
(undrained…yes, the secret is in the fat!) with beans, into ministry than knowing you can go where God calls
tomatoes, coarsely chopped bell peppers, coarsely you to serve instead of having to settle for a way to pay
chopped onion, finely chopped banana peppers, finely off your educational debt. We thank the good people of
chopped garlic, salt and remaining chili powder. Bring Pisgah Presbyterian Church congregation for the
to a boil and then allow to simmer for four hours. Cool continued support of our students through this
and place in the refrigerator overnight. Heat up desired scholarship and through the strong and consistent
portion the next day and serve with crackers. advocacy of your prayers.”
Thank You!
Dear Pisgah Presbyterian Church,
Thank you for maintaining the Pisgah Bicentennial
Scholarship Fund. I appreciate the aid as I work toward
my Master of Divinity her at LPTS.
Thank you, Happy Birthday to You in December
Walter Canter
M. Div. Student, LPTS
1 Bill Gray, Carlee Miller
2 Joe Graddy, Chad Scott
Dear Pisgah Presbyterian Church, 4 Beth Straub
Thank you for your contribution to my education. 5 Jesse Smith
Awarding a scholarship to me allows me to take one step 8 Toland Lacy, Phil Lacy
further to complete my education. 9 Sue Fosson, Judy Simpson
10 Sally Dunlap
Thank You, 11 Albert Chandler, Mary Hinton, Doug Jones,
Patrick Hayes David Pryor, Elizabeth Shropshire
12 Nancy Florence
A word of “Thanks” to my Pisgah family for the 15 Branham Chandler, Dee Harper
support you gave me during my recent surgery and 17 Sarah Kindred, Cary Jacobson, Ted Jacobson
recovery. The cards, calls, prayers and food you sent my 18 Leon Creek
way were very much appreciated. 19 Tonya Budovsky
23 Hart Gay James
Sincerely, 25 Jesus, Patsy Field, Art Ortenburger
Jennifer Chandler 27 Leslie James
28 Jud Davis
29 Martha Prewitt
WANTED: Bible Camp Director 31 Jessica Garrett, Jackie Prewitt, Katherine Ball
If you would consider serving as the Director of
And in early January…
Bible Camp this summer, please contact Jennifer
Chandler or Lesley Kindred as soon as possible. The 1 Louise Lagrew, Herb Marting
Christian Ed. Comm. is in the earliest stages of planning 3 Charlotte Easley, Willa Thomas
now, but we must find someone who can lead this week 4 Todd Graddy
of kid-friendly, Christ-centered fun. Tentative dates: 8 Jac Britton
evenings, Mon-Thu, first week in June. 9 Jamie MacLeod

Please help us keep this list up to date!

The Pisgah Post is published monthly by the Pisgah

Presbyterian Church, 710 Pisgah Pike, Versailles, KY
40383. The deadline for the January 2010 issue of
the newsletter is December 18. Please submit signed
articles to the church office or email them to

Sundays at Pisgah Church

9:45a.m. Sunday School
11:00a.m. Morning Worship

The Staff Email


Presbyterian Web Sites:

Presbyterian Church (USA):
Transylvania Presbytery:
Presbyterians Today:

Pisgah Church Staff

Vic Priebe, Interim Pastor
Linda Jones, Organist
Lynn Davis, Secretary
Ted Bendis, Bookkeeper
Bob Keller, Groundskeeper
Rhonda Ball, Nursery Worker

The Pisgah Post

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December 2009
Pisgah Presbyterian Church
710 Pisgah Pike
Versailles, KY 40383

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