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The Pisgah Post

Pisgah Presbyterian Church Our Mission: to worship God,

Woodford County, Kentucky study the Scripture, practice the
March 2010 teachings of Jesus.

Experiencing Lent and Easter Scholarships are awarded one year at a time for a
maximum of four years for the purpose of
Each year I find myself becoming more thoughtful undergraduate studies. In order to be considered the
and pensive as we move into the shadow of the Cross! applicant must have all application materials submitted
And though we know the by the deadline. Please return your application, essay
outcome was Resurrection and and transcript to the church office at the attention of the
new life in Christ, I am Trustees. If you have any questions, please contact
overwhelmed at the love that Michael Jones at 859-494-5193.
compelled Christ to suffer the
shame, rejection and brutal
torture he endured for me!! For
us! For YOU!
Holy Week Worship Schedule
I hear these words from a Gospel hymn that George
Beverly Shea often sang: Palm Sunday, March 28
9:45am Sunday School
“O can it be upon a tree,
11:00am Morning Worship
The Savior died for me
My soul is thrilled, my heart is filled
To think he died for me.”
That often produces words from another hymn
Maundy Thursday, April 1
7:00pm Communion Service
resonating through my heart and mind:
“What wondrous love is this, O my soul
What wondrous love is this that caused the Lord of
Bless Easter Day, April 4
To bear the heavy cross for my soul, for MY soul!! 7:00am Sunrise Service
I am forever held and claimed by His love as I move 7:45am Breakfast
to Easter. And the wonder and incredible reality is that 11:00am Morning Worship
the story of Christ does not end on a Cross!! Christ has
risen!! He is alive!! He is nearer than breathing!! And
He’s promised never to leave us or forsake us! And B.A.M.
suddenly – all the grief and sadness of the cross and my
sin are swallowed up by Hallelujahs of joy and boundless Burnamwood Appalachian Ministry
gratitude!! This summer, Pisgah’s youth will experience an
And to me that is the incredible experience, that is exciting, new ministry being sponsored by the Presbytery
new every year, moving through Lent to Easter!! through Burnamwood. During the months of June and
A joyous Easter!! Christ is alive! Hallelujah!! July, Burnamwood will host groups from all over for
Faithfully, week-long mission projects in Estill County and the
Vic Priebe surrounding areas.
Pisgah’s Light in the Attic youth group will stay at
Burnamwood and venture out each day to work on
projects ranging from manual labor to food distribution.
Pisgah Scholarships This mission trip will give our kids a unique insight into
Attention 2010 graduating high school seniors and the economic challenges and limitations experienced
college students: Scholarship applications are now daily in Appalachia.
available in the church office. The submission deadline In preparation for their mission trip, the youth will
is April 15, 2010. Persons who are presently members be undertaking several fundraising events. The first of
of Pisgah Church and who are supporting, nurturing and these, the annual pancake breakfast on Easter weekend,
participating in the fellowship and life of the Church are is just around the corner.
able to apply. Those seeking aid from this scholarship The group will be asking for your financial support,
must be anticipating attending an accredited college, but, more importantly, please pray for the success of this
university or post-secondary vocational school as a full- new Burnamwood ministry. The need in this part of our
time student for the 2010-2011 academic year. state is great, but God is far greater. We look forward to
sharing this awesome experience with you.
A Note from the Administration Easter Flowers
Committee If you are interested in ordering an
It is hard to believe we are beginning another year; Easter Potted Plant for the Sanctuary
time sure seems to fly by. Our financial situation for the in honor, memory or thanksgiving for
new year looks good. The Treasurers Report for an individual or family, please check
February shows that we are in pretty good shape. We the pew rack for an envelope/order
are thirteen percent of the way through the year and our form to fill out. The cost of each plant
pledged income is at nineteen percent of budget. Total is $7.50. If you have any questions,
income is at eighteen percent of budget which is good. please call Jane Pryor (873-8861).
One thing we will need to keep an eye on is our
unpledged income which is at nine percent of budget. It
is possible that given the increase in families who Thoughts from Mission & Evangelism
pledged this year verses last year we may see a shift in
In reflecting about Vic’s sermon and the path Pisgah
these two areas. Our committee did make an adjustment
is on in searching for a new Pastor, the following
by reducing the amount of unpledged income we
question popped into my mind: How do we speak about
budgeted for 2010 anticipating that this might happen.
our church and our religion outside the walls of Pisgah
We will just need to keep an eye on it in case we need to
Church and outside our personal comfort zone? How
take further action. The good news is that our total
do we invite friends and people into the ministry of
income is five percent ahead of budget. Great work
Jesus, without being too pushy or scaring them away.
Well, if you want the answers to such tricky
Our expense side looks good as well. Our total
questions, please join the Mission & Evangelism
expenses are ten percent of budget at thirteen percent of
committee for we will be exploring answers to these
the way through the year. This means our committees
are continuing to do a good job holding down expenses
In the interim, the following might provide some
as we go into the new year.
I am happy to report that we are tracking well as we
go into this year. If we all continue this level of support 1) Talk About the Sermon with Your Friends on
for Pisgah 2010 could be a good year. Lets make this Monday
Pisgah’s best year ever! On Monday morning when everyone else is talking
If any of you have any questions about our budget about how they wish they were somewhere else, talk a
or financial situation please feel free to contact myself or little bit about the sermon you heard on Sunday
Mary Hinton. We will be happy to answer any questions morning. Mention how the preacher made a really good
you might have. point about a specific topic.
Jud Davis 2) Invite Your Friends to Special Events at Your
This one should be easy for all of us. If your church
has a special event then ask your friends to come along.
3) Invite Your Friend(s) to Your Home for Dinner
SAVE THE DATE… We all enjoy having our friends over for dinner
talking and laughing together. If you are like most
Christian families then you say a prayer of thanksgiving
before you eat your meal. This simple thanksgiving
prayer can sow a seed in your friend who may or may
not know the Lord. Who knows where the discussion
may lead.
4) Write Your Friend a "Hand Written" Invitation
In today's technological age not many people still
write notes or letters. Sure, we send Christmas cards and
Who: A Light in the Attic Youth Group such. We'll also send emails, faxes, voicemails, text
messages and write a letter on Microsoft Word.
What: 30 Hour Famine
However, when was the last time you actually sat down
When: April 23-24
pen and paper and wrote an invitation or letter to one of
Where: Pisgah Church campus
your friends? When was the last time you received a
hand written letter from a family member or a friend?
5) Talk About Jesus
Just by talking about Jesus regularly you are
"planting seeds" and you may not even realize it.
PPC’s Lenten Warriors
So it was a little cool last Saturday
morning, and there was that fresh
blanket of lovely white snow on the
ground outside, and you felt all
snuggly and warm in your fussy bunny
slippers and fake sheep's-wool robe
sipping on a hot cup of Folger's finest.
You think a little nip in the air Dear Pisgah Congregation,
would stop the U. S. Navy Seals?!!
Thanks to everyone for their prayers and cards and
Maybe a little snow would slow the U. S. Army's concern in the recent illness and death of my father,
Delta Force?!! Emmit Tilghman. And a special thanks to Reverend Vic
Au contraire!! And the Special Forces of PPC for always being there.
always show up! In FACT, last Saturday we had: Sincerely,
Dan 'Chainsaw' McHatton Cornelia Ethington
John 'Bastille' Bastin
Anne 'Curly' Hayes
Phil 'Electrode' Bisbee Thanks to Pisgah!
Stephen 'Wrench' Hayes
Chad 'Eggman' Scott The Fossons just returned from their 12-day Mission
Sandy 'Bro' Bromagen trip to the Bible Institute in the Patagonian region of
Ken 'Mushroom' Scott Argentina. The trip was very successful as we
Martin 'Shorty' Fister accomplished the goals we had to complete; sewing,
landscaping and painting projects. We met wonderful
Each volunteered knowing full-well that they might new friends and added to the legacy of Pisgah's support
never see their loved ones again. And yet, the call to of the Bible School. We thank you for the $1,000
duty was so great in their hearts that they could not say support that went toward the materials used on the
'No'. Alas, they could hardly think the word. Alone, projects. We will have a presentation when the pictures
they each ventured forth into the early morning blizzard get organized. Thanks again for your good work in
hoping that they might somehow rendezvous at 0930 helping spread the word of Jesus.
hours at Jobsite Pisgah. Miraculously, each would arrive Abe and Sue Fosson
safely and with enough remaining energy to fight the evil
forces of flora and termites and mildew....... The battle
raged for hours..... The ground was virtually covered
with sawdust........ The stench of burnt fuel was heavy in
the crisp, wintry air..... Although every effort was made, On Sunday, March 14, Remember to…
some collateral damage was inevitable and the Blue
Room of the Academy Building shall forevermore bear
the scars of that horrendous fight.
It is said that in the truly great conflicts, there are no
victors...... only survivors. And survive we did!! Next
Saturday we hope to start all over again!
See you Saturday!!??

Life in the Church

Pisgah’s Organ Fund
Sympathy was extended to:
Richard and Cornelia Ethington and Our wonderful organ was given to Pisgah in 1932
Dan and Lindsey McHatton on by Dr. A. J. Alexander. The organ was manufactured in
the death of Cornelia’s father and Lindsey’s uncle, 1890 and now its internal parts and pedals need to be
Emmit Tilghman, on February 17 in Midway. rebuilt. There has been an estimate of $20,000 tor these
repairs. When some members of the choir heard about
this they proposed to create an Organ Fund in memory
of David Shropshire. If you would like to contribute,
note on your check to the church "Organ Fund".

Happy Birthday to You in March

2 J.P. Stilz
o Congratulations to Matthew Fister for finishing 4th 4 Courtland Johnson, Carolyn Ryan
at the 41st District Governors Cup Competition and 6 Anna Gerrow
to the entire WCHS Academic Team for finishing 1st 7 Lantz Kindred
Overall. Matthew was one of only 2 freshmen who 11 Hannah Kindred, Don Schmidt
were asked to go to the Governors Cup…WAY TO 16 Peg Wilds
GO!! 17 Katherine MacCarthy
o Martha Prewitt’s Senior Recital will be held on 19 Lucy Smith
Monday, March 29 at 7:30p.m. in the Recital Hall at 20 Sue Henry, Mason Hill
the Singletary Center on UK’s campus. She will be 21 Emily Wolf
singing classical pieces in six different languages 22 Tamara Cassidy
(English at least once!). This performance is free to 24 Richard Holt
anyone who might be interested in attending. 25 Nicole Lake
26 Happy Broadbent
We are always on the lookout for more “Snippets.” Help 27 Tavner James
us keep this column going by sending in any interesting 29 Jim Cullen
little tidbits you hear! 30 Katie Graham
31 Lora Lea Dawson, Catherine Hines, Kelly Lake

And in early April…

Prayer List Update 1 Margaret Karsner
2 Sonny Dunlap, Lucy Lagrew MacCarthy, Matthew
As of Sunday, April 4 we will begin a new prayer list.
Please submit all prayer requests along with your name
4 Shelia Baker
and place them in the offering box. We will begin
collecting requests on Sunday, February 7 and continue 5 Jan Botkin, Lela Mitchell
9 Abe Fosson
through Sunday, March 28. The new list will appear in
the bulletin starting Sunday, April 4.
Please help us keep this list up to date!
Many thanks from Your Deacons

The Pisgah Post is published monthly by the Pisgah

Presbyterian Church, 710 Pisgah Pike, Versailles, KY
40383. The deadline for the April 2010 issue of the
newsletter is March 26. Please submit signed articles
to the church office or email them to

Sundays at Pisgah Church

9:45a.m. Sunday School
11:00a.m. Morning Worship

The Staff Email


Presbyterian Web Sites:

Presbyterian Church (USA):
Transylvania Presbytery:
Presbyterians Today:

Pisgah Church Staff

Vic Priebe, Interim Pastor
Linda Jones, Organist
Lynn Davis, Secretary
Ted Bendis, Bookkeeper
Bob Keller, Groundskeeper
Rhonda Ball, Nursery Worker

The Pisgah Post

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Versailles, KY 40383
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March 2010
Pisgah Presbyterian Church
710 Pisgah Pike
Versailles, KY 40383

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Web:, Voice and fax: (859) 873-4161, email:

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