Screencapture Qntmpkts Keybase Pub 2018 05 17 14 - 50 - 20

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type mer s Anonymous QUE 235255 ex ou Aare Sees oo Oe or Moyiracte rae re) See nats he common treme when bad news Is about to break (gazinst them? Say vila. @ pierecusne| aus ED Bayesian hava bethart come general ceciare-io God Bless the United Slates of America. 05 a jomobet BL Anonymous QUREOSID sss oo Aare Panes O° Currently scroling through Rolling Stones iyrics toname ‘ournext spying op. Any requests? ‘This has probably akeacy been posted ‘Thought vas funny recs aus Moraes ‘The hard par for uss having to wal forthe publ to know what we've known fora very long ime ‘There sno bigger treat oem than the publc beng awake and thinking for themselves. ‘Why are we here? a QuecReLACRE se op Moyirzue roeeco en a “Bipereyo moma 2a. SSG eaten se or nipsitmoble utes comariclelamolUSKCNIG2KH? @ peomnai assured es fore ees ‘tmow hat oo Picts Presoentaletigence Check Uist PICKLE = lew and. Pai col jut be are decison te Rronmaly Just an odd theory | had arepaunowe| asses Seyoaness B Think Pickle Factory. a Anonymous eed 140012 Be ee Nor taot8 201 Sa8 ES) ss14aoca7 pores ‘THE SOURCE OF THE UNSEALED WEINER INDICTMENT IS PACER SERVICE CENTER, FOUND AT Nip pacerlogin uscours goviesclogviogn ft ‘See the blue text at the top? That's the standard Header that Appears on all documents fled nthe U.S. feral cours. Wie cannot ink arety because access to ese les in PACER is ‘granted only to PAGER account elder, et legal professionals ihe mys. |HAVE AN IDEA FOR PACER ACCOUNT HOLDERS: LETS ‘START DOING RANDOM SEARCHES USING ONLY THE PHRASE "UNSEALING ORDER’ FOR 2016, ‘This search wl pull up ay and al unsealed incictmens in any hen federal court in which we do that search. NOTABLE: if only so that thors wih PACER accounts wil got on ‘ara wah me. Sueeuo6 REED Maytozntess ene pee 400% authentic @ eo Anonymous QUIERED ssc" wo ferret Sees a © tank you for your service to he great awakening baker! QiercUARe MMIEED. fiat eee ee aiereunoRe st wos Seftoaore rio Sn auecurae feyezore poet oss Broly Image search for fee tuck engine. Ltr common in ont ot #2 Post 7. Coindence? US. Fla [post Caste LOCK’ - pointed ref? Comms understood? a QheRcuRCRE set a SUPEatian aa ey [nip independentco.unews!uora/amercasius: olicsiconspiesytheondonauumgaaear-cnone | [ATTACKS WILL ONLY INTENSIFY] ‘Ask yoursel, WHY? @ ieeeusOBe 12 ss May iezate trae 7) unsaLounane¥en’ 9 IMPOR LANE NO private comms past/presentfuture. NO comms made outside of this platform, Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE NEWS. and disregarded immediately. WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL. PATRIOTS. Q avenue Tet wp we Rapaoiean Tor en Facebook stenng 0 you 247/968, tteraty [F9 algorthen) ‘Are they recorting/sate-nousing? Weladata cotecton? Bulging 8 ARPS ICHINA-CHINA-CHINA] a aeRO Tr Sapateas Hee en, ww Rank & File DOU. FBL.C_A Sate feycatecd | {sis Geog) Not Forgaten. Overcome: a ateReLAORE Zee Mayozoeaiaaa0 en Fellow Patrits: ‘What you are about te lear should nt ont sear you, but intenty your reslve fo take back contol [Freedom]. The iformation tt wi become pubte wil fuer demonstate the cin & coup! [pure ‘evil abuee of power hal fe Husson aeminisvaton undertook i fat ‘eflerts w domestic an foreign digntaries. The snowball has begun Toling- tere sno stopping now. DS. Stay the course and tus the plan. Protective measures are in place, Romain BRAVE. ‘We knew th dy wouls came. hissy United We Stand ON). GINGA We FIGHT. Conspiracy no more. a pxapeoe Ba aueRcunORE 72h op ws Sapiiatiers a an aieercunone 2st wp Saye aote tesba0 et) ‘We made a mistake on fresearch exposing the password. ‘We id rot nput "G # Inthe beginning uhich exposed the password. ror eowected. sate. @ izes et By wes faye arses) TRIP Update aizsrvim ret ws fayesowe 20 eH, Review Tine. Not seeking re-election. [Senate Bob Gotker-Repubican Jeff Fake - Republican Onn Hatch -Repubican NoName~ Republican (Departure Soon] House} Bil Shutter-Repubican Bob Goedlale- Republican Cal Shea-Porter« Democrat CGhaes W. Dent - Repubican Darrel iss - Republican Dave Reteher -Repuican Dari Tot - Republican Dennis Ross Repubican ward Royce - Repubican Elzabeth Ey Democrat Frank Losiondd -Repubican ‘Gene Green - Democrat Gregg Harper - Reputican leana Ros-Lehtinen -Repubican Jeb Hensaring - Republican Jim Bridenstne - Republican ‘oe Barton - Republican ‘olin Delaney - Democrat ‘ohn J. Duncan, dr. Republican Lama smi - Repubican Ls V Gutlsrez- Democrat Linn Jenkins -Repusican Ni Tsongas - Dernocat Paul Ryan - Repibiean Rex Nan - Democrat Robert Brady - Democrat Rodney Freinghuysen - Republican Ruben Kinuen - Democrat Ryan Castelo - Republesn ‘Sam Johnson - Republican Sandy Levi - Democrat Ted Poe - Republican Thomas Rooney - Republican Trey Gowdy - Republican Resigned} ‘AlFranken - Democratic US. Senato Blake Farethold- Republican U.S. House Jason Chafel - Republican U.S. House ‘John Gonyets, dr» Democrat US. House Louise Siaughier- Democrat U.S. House Patrick Meehan -Repubican US. House Panok J. ben - Republican U.S. House Thas Cochran - Republican US. Senate Tim Murphy = Republican US. House ‘Trent Franks - Republican U.S. House Xavier Becera = Democrat Atomey General of Cafornia + Bo +EBI Geos Conspiracy? Notning nappening? GGoodlatte& Gowdy tmportant. (Charman of he House Commitee onthe Jucary. CChaiman of he House Oversight and Government Reform Commie, ‘Why Is he NY AG resignation important? ‘what pastcurent high prof’ FB investgatons are within the Junsatson of NY? Define roadbiock, You have more than you know. Dorota vit to Stdothe fakefalse narrative pushes. STAY THE COURSE rss ize set By Bayona et) wa Think LOGICALLY. Mass exodus in 6? Mass exodus - corporate CEOs? way? ‘Wh hae the POWER? ‘Who as the CONTROL? I-POTUS Was NOT IN CONTROL would ey be retreating? ‘Whois he AG? Who MUST approve the fringiismissal of DO oficials? Re. read DOJ org change (open sourve - more in pipe) ‘Whos he FB) directo”? ‘Who MUST approve the fringiismissal of FB agents? Re_ read FBI org change (open source «mere in pipe) I'SESSIONS & WRAY are DC SINAMPIDEEP STATE why ae thoy ‘leaning ther respective Nouses? Use LOGIC. ‘why are they slow walking unvedacted cata? ‘Why are they slow vatking doe disclosures? ‘whys he WH backing up DO? ‘What the same datas beng used by other investigators? ‘What does it mean Ia gran jury is mpanelied? ‘Why ae confusing questions askad aa fo outcome re: Mualer? ‘What would be the purpose of ereaing contusion? ‘What Was Sessions Senate coniematon le? ‘What was BR's Senate conimaton vie? ICE fs ity Mueller must also be cr. If Mueller is cry, BB must also be ary. CCommen denominator ‘Why dd Sessions px RB? Everyone nas an opinion, Few have the foci Few know the plan Matern [save & pushy? ‘Suing voters to retake House/Senate? Impeactenent proceedings (open source) inated? Power at al costs? Blue wave? Use LOGIC. ‘Why must the DOV & FBI be cleaned FIRST? ‘Whats tha Pa responsible for? ‘Whats the FBI responsibie for? ‘Why did HRC geta tee pass? Use LOGIC. Define single shooter. ‘hols HUBER? Define is. ‘When Goes SESSIONS step back in? Already is? ‘Why cd SESSIONS secrety engage HUBER? Why dd SESSIONS reveal HUBER? “Taning severing. Department of Justice des not escuss ongoing vestigations of ‘conti spectic mars, ‘What about the act investigation nto leaks? "Horowitz oversees a natonuike workforce of more than 40 special agents, auditors, inspectors, atiomeys, and support sa whose mission sto detect and deter waste, aud, abuse, and misconduct in ‘DOJ programs and personne), an to promote economy andeffciency In Deparment operations.” ‘Why did slap into the C._A pio to Sec of State? “They ae deeply connected “Think Onshore. IML INTEL providing support during this tne? Why are sete E0' aggressive Belng wren and put into law? SialeiC_A next? Thin logical. No outside comms, ausmice. a izsroms eset By Bayona ey, on AanTanths =a et raster Nast Re sead crops, “Today ran Important context for future news. ‘Why Is Hussein traveling IN and meeting w frelon heads of stale (some enemies of te US)? HRCIBC fying under he radar sernetunreported - why? (2) former presenisisec of sates (out of powerauthoriy) racing und the weed pre/pest POTUS - why? UNPRECEDENTED? ‘The Worl Cannactes ‘The Worle Watching, a aiseroaine er By tevez wert ean ‘ARigged Sytem - They don't want to turn ‘ver Bocuments to Congress. What ae they Said of? Why s0 much tedacting? Why such ‘Unequal justice?” At some point! wll Rave fo choice but to use the powers granted aizsroainxs 208 oo Baya to 19d EST . ‘TRIP CONF a abowsrezva ss Berarane aes test a ‘Who ese was atthe meeting in China? LIVE from CHINA, Operation, Window. Cissn, Purpose. Future proves past. Everting has meaning. a Srarioesateas ehh o { arowsrezsva sot Bara ate ast et Why did Kim travel to China? ‘Why as travel impossbe Inthe past? ‘What changed? ‘What onetfutes the need fora F2F meeting v. secured eal? ‘What US public raced co, previously entered N. Korea in estab ‘comms? Think ooicaly. WHY DID 006 VISIT N KOREA? WHY VWOULD THE FORNER CHAIRMAN & CEO [HIMSELF] OF |GOOG/ALPHABET PERSONALLY ATTEND? ‘WhoIs Sergey Brin? ‘Where was Sergey ban? “Tak the FAMILY - IMPORTANT. ‘Think COLD WAR. “Think KGB. US, China N Korea [. FACEBOOK data dump? ‘Who made t publ? {Who soi shares -90 days from announcement? ‘You cart imagine the magnitude ofthis, Consttutons’ CRISIS. “Tatar coming e000, 2006 coming scan, ‘AMAZON coming soon. MICROSOFT coming S000, a2 Current censorship a relates to push for power [me-terms}. LAST STAND. Elecon FRAUD cases OPEN - 2O4 tmany Follow the FARILY. Follow resignations [BusineselGov'. BIDENICHINA VERY IMPORTANT MARKER. ‘Who made i pubic? ‘Who realy made itpubie? ‘Who Is making fall pubic? WE ARE THE GATEKEEPERS OF ALL [BY ALL WE MEAN ALL] INFORMATION. Ul» CAN-EU>RUSSIA>IRAN-NK>SYRIAPPAK>>> IRANNEXT, STO0E - MILITARY [THIS YEAR}. WHY IS THE MILITARY SO IMPORTANT? RE_READ ALL. NATIONAL SECURITY, NATIONAL SECURITY, ‘These people are STUPID, Aof the Deal ‘TIDAL WAVE INCOMING. BUCKLE UP a abowaraesva st Renna ote o Glock actuated RED_CASTLE GREEN CASTLE. Sage 5501 @ Sarai ce Er) a Tipeode update @ RISERS By How bas the corupsion? Blosser # 2 =29 (16) BON pastpresert) a 2 “6. STAT (pastpresen * ot Remora sth least of ther problems. Projection. Russia>DIRC. “Ther Bots*GO0G operated (not RussiayNaralve & Poltcal SLANT BIDEN / CHINA BIG DEVELOPMENT. TRAITORS EVERYWHERE, [AMERICA FOR SALE. FLYNN. ‘Targeted. wy? ‘Whe knows where the bodies are tured? CLEARED OF ALL CHARGES, TRUMP ADMIN v2?" Election thet. Last hope, Congressional focus. Impeach, ‘They tink you ste STUPID, “They Pink you wl flow the STARS. “They openly call you SHEEPICATTLE. ‘THERE WILL COME A TIME NONE OF THEM WILL BE ABLE TO WALK DOWN THE STREET. BIGGEST FEAR. PUBLIC AWAKENING, a ive neta sett eo a Reeser asso Do you tust ne MSM? Bo you ust Facebook? Do you rust Googe? Do you rust Youtube? Do you ist Titer? Naratve. Cansorship. Donot binaly believe, FAKE. “They want you DNADED, TOGETHER, YOU ARE STRONG, ‘APART, YOU ARE WEAK, ORGANIZE. (CHALLENGE, FIGHT. 1DO YOU THINK ANTIEA WAS GROWN ORGANICALLY? Purpose? ‘Waleh the news this week a aiveyyetnossset ea wa SereBior soe ipsa youtube comwatch2v=G2qxXXaOOt Usten carey ‘TRUST. {WE ate FIGHTING tex YOU. (GOD BLESS YOU ALL, @ Axerymous QUEGEIED 7820502 a Fests assets) om Cheek cede ine 1183, Embed added 7.03pm EST. Embed sting active In SATRREC. Waning alerts $12, Bre tere il be necessary 2 warning. a RSI Bne as en a DELTA [8] CONF. covils Goon. GPERATIONAL a PSone Rae en os rata Pati 4a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and ts Interests wih devon. 2. a person who regards himself r herself asa defender, especialy of indvialights, against presumed interterence by te federal ‘government Teton 1-2 person who betrays another, a cause, oF any ust 2 person wo commits treason by bevaying hs or er county. a aw yetho 0 Fea weno 2001 Sn) FOR GOD & COUNTRY. ANSWERS Pas ase ery CLEAN ACTION APPROVED, HIGHEST AUTHORITY POISE SS By RECEIVED. CONFIRMED. 000, a AMER S By SNOWDEN WHERE ARE YOU? NOT RUSSIA EYES ON] YOU ARE NOW A LIABILITY, HELPING: PROJECT DEEPOREAMVZA WE WILL NEVER FORGET. ESFAILED. WHEREIS ES? JOHN PERRY BARLOW. DEFINE THE END? THE DAY OF RECKONING IS UPON US, JOHN 3:16 a PMWISUR SE By ‘TRUST SESSIONS ‘TRUST WRAY. 2018 WILL BE GLORIOUS. a auuveyerno scot Ea Fro wee deo EST) oo WARNING UK LONDON POSSIGLE_CAR_ATTAGK 2¢ STRIKE PACKAGE 6:7 WARNING. UK IMM CHATTER XRAY T CHATTER‘*s0ane DELTA Reine teva esr os Lo cog aww fos eine att ne ioaesstesr) o jgence senate goulsescefaubMles Meats S5mkut tapate B Read very careful. Unreleased [CLAS-HIGHEST] Abiity to use frequencies (incoming sig mociy/cade/rogram over evod {designate} noble phone to ‘contol target subjec. (OP conducted/ORIG outside of IS. Ear canta? ‘nos 1 YgaSPUMPoet Statement bythe civer? Faintale? ‘AS THE WORLD TURNS. THIS IS BIGGER THAN ANYONE CAN IMAGINE. @ aww) Pro's | sunny comustchv=62a il KE ED etn at ne reesoTesT) a ium yetten sot ba Feb teébieaozs44 est) @snomcen ‘Thank you for showing the word how Clowns pass the narrative to Journals @ am Re ea cubs Ye: SecuteDrop, Joti Pery Barlow. ri ium yetten Sort ba Feb wibie esses esr) = WARNING UL _BIL POSSIBLE CAR_ATTAGK 72 STRIKE PACKAGE 8:7 WARNING UK IMM CHATTER XRAY_T DELTA aiuto pa Feb wibie eoszr est) a MILITARY INTELLIGENCE TEAM MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BATTALION (STRATEGIC SIGNALS. INTELLIGENCE) MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BRIGADE (STRATEGIC SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE) DESIGNATION: _ MILITARY INTELLIGENCE TEAM, “=NILITARY INTELLIGENCE BRIGADE (STRAT SIGINT) ‘92596AA00:_ Ml Th (UTAHYSTRAT, ‘92596800: _ Ml TM (OCMC)STRAT 925008000: _ MI-TM (DET A)(STRAT sigtNT) siciut) siGiNt) a aww) Pro's tno art? neosraoTesT) ss “The ner Cie ia Breezinsk. Background, Famiyeareers McLean, iaiia The age of tech has hurt thelr ability to hidelconiol Majority today were bom in othe crcl. Investigate thas in font ofthe camera who scream the loudest. “These people ate realy stupa Ena's nea, “The meda cleanse. a aww) po 8502 Fa TaSsOSTEST se United Aitines to Guantanama Bay? ‘What ane checkin courter @ PVS [72] is ocated @ TET? ‘What was the location of [Epie posted other board}? ‘whys this relevant? a >osaosay 22325370 You wll cease to exist “Tenestam eam. a >>340605 CCoineldence "Tut To Power"? Coincence Barlow? Lean. ‘What f Snowdon was sill a Clown? ‘Why would tbe important he was in Russia? LEARN a iw yetno sz Foon Ste ee EST on ‘SEC_TEST a imei 9102 pa co Sno Biscoz fen APACHE. a aww) a) eine 1 aaa etESN or res) a npvideofownews.convisssa622538001/2#speshow-clnstt E May 17 2018 ee ayes ” Raat Seen SiR DCE MIN e517 Naira asses ‘What had to tappen rst? Think oalaly. Think DOV & FB Think cleaning 08 Puzze coming together? ‘We have reached our eusing attade of 40,000 eng aga. AS we prepare to land, please fasten your seatbel and make sure your seal back and oidg trays ae in thei ful upg poston @ Mae ene “The Nad part for uss having to walt forthe public to know what weve kon for avery long tne. ‘There sno bigger treat to hem than the publ being awake and thinking for thersetes. ‘hy are we here? a Moncunone| sent faire heen ‘Whats the common theme when bad news is about to break (against them)? Sty vont Opncunane ast ep Bay anie toot ST) wo May 16 2018 a w Sores SES Se ee en = FL supet ly codename costo fren ood of OW aed ‘See fordat fe by setae trom woul nal ve barn the Roaeisteck tent mesagos rgirated in 201 as dared Tt does a me (eo OFROOS “They ust keep yn: Not surprised Its all coming soon, They wot be able to conta the narrate anjmore. OvpReR0ne GREED ses0 Ba hofisanezssoee eo) ‘Bomb csposal team. Bomb(s) about to bow. When means? 1) They know 21 Thay ate tld (contrted) 3) Bann Coordinates Gowns wea masks. ° fy ta0t8 ST) oe “ Schnetderman gone Proper agen pace. 0 vonuo6e ERED sec w Sse Impresave, Azan. a kee QUE scsisct ex we Mafsaneze aes est MoRcunone a4 ox Nofsanie stor eS) You nave a chace. (Do what ih. ese yun coma PeOVE SAE May 14 2018 Moneunoge a oy aera Ey [hey] are tai. ‘hey are sing contol ofthe message. wonisniNgat @ [They] are afi. ‘They r@losing contol ofthe message WHIGTGal May 12 2018 May 10 2018 eupraunooe 77 ep ~ Maffozmezsassr EST) Example} Sinton Foundation Post Election Lose Layots No Access / Contict = No Donations Today. [Nz Donation Restart, Ofers? wy? 1) Seling Secrets? 2) Seling Future’ Access [regain controlipower]? 23) Saling Silence? ‘Read below sow and caratuly FveY. Why do ‘Former Digntares StL Hold SEG Ciearance? US toUS. = LoggecFiaggesRecoraes USS n] NZ= No LogsiNo Flags/No Recor AUTHPVEY VIEW + Doc Take Read above slow and caretly, WHY DO WE ALLOW [FORMER] DIGNITARIES SEG CLEARANCE? ‘Welcome tothe Deep Stata, Future to prove past a 8. Sec Clearance MoRcunose 75 ex Nopfoamiezztoz eS) eo ssaomang castle Lock. @ MpReunooe 22 oy Movozmiezoa900 Sr) May 8 2018 vpncunose 20 Royanre rear es ‘TRIP confirmed, a zee B Raa o Today, EVIL ost control /leverage of an, ‘Today, POTUS took contol of ran. ‘Tosay, wi pending sanctions and malay action(s), BOTUS wil gain ‘more ammunition intl against THEM. ‘Suicide watch The deal kept iran quit. ‘The goal was to Keep POTUS in ut impeactenent /tem end. Bigger than people can imagine, Treason 1/100, Ask yourself nity re they panicking? ‘Ask yourself y's UK, France, and Germany so involved? ‘Trpat the a? ‘What ate they ning? ‘Why is HRC InNZ7 ISNz par of5 Eyes? Why is tat etevani? Sule watch. ° May 7 2018 May 42018 omsroomscstt ep Stared dy oo sce 140 + owaT423V0 94TH Fx) 204001 TO, S000 No 21847 izle mS) soi? ez Focus onlyon te FI (fr now Sim Ryo, chin sa and terior counselor - FIRED. ‘ames Bakar. genera counsol- FIRED. ‘Andrew MeGabe, cepuy decor -FIRED. dames Comey, drestor "FIRED. ‘it Presta, Head of Counerreigerce ana sizes boss. ‘Cooperating nites [ower remeved Peter Sr2ok Deputy Assistant Director of the Courentetigence- coperatng wines [power removed. Usa Page, atomey wih the Fe Oe of te General Count cooperating winess [power emeaved). Conseracy? rink bout be above. Oniy the above | Gatine pee? ie [pastes dames Saker - FIRED [epores today «resigned [flee] removed “JavFIRED 421 Usa Pane - FIRED [reports today resigned alse] {Added Mike Kortan, Assistant Decor for Pubic fats - FIRED [cooperating under ‘resigned! ttle) oan Campbell, Special Assstant ts James Comey FIRED David Lautan, Chie of the Justice Departments Counternetigence and Export Gontol Secton [NAT SEG - HR email invest] - FIRED FORCE. ohn Carin, Assistant Atiomey General - Head of 20 National ‘Securty Duisien - FIRED/FORCE Sally Yates, Deputy Atiomey General & Acting Attorney Genera - FIRED Mary McCord, Acing Assistant Atorney General Acting Head of ‘Das National Secunty Divsion -FIREDIFORCE Bluce Ohy, Assocate Deputy Alcmney Genera Demoted 2x cooperating wittess [power removed] Rachel Brand, Assodale Allorney Genera — No.9 ofl behind Deputy AG Rosenstein - FIREDIFORCE ‘Gross against House/Senate resignationsinal term announcements + CEO departures. GONSPIRAGY? FAKE NEWS? ‘THE SVIAMP IS BEING DRAINED. TRUST THE PLAN. JUSTICE, a emsroomecse Ayde eaes ey o {Future comms} Frevstage oly re_stage seo) re_stage dy Pre stage cap y fooRend ObowaTazva se ee Moye 3389968) TRIP UPDATE. Mar 27 2018 Ovowatazsva st By Barbra ae eS) o What does he nouse cleaning represent? Wie atways knew, Fal stage, ‘What does NK represent? Tweet Saleguard. Insurance POOF! KIM TO CHINA REPRESENTS SOMETHING VITAL [KEY] ‘Many wil be buted before exposed them/se) FE DISTRACTIONS, @ evowatazava wot? Marz aovezs0ss (eS) STAY STRONG! STAY TOGETHER! We STAND WITH You" OFFLINE FOR A REASON. ENJOY THE SHOW, @ Mar 23 2018 Ovowatazsva watt By Bardi teu eS) = Updated Tripcoce @ Mar 17 2018 Mar 3.2018 Qi yette set ex MarasBieorae6 es BOOM. @ Feb 23 2018 ‘ney 4752200 ep co feeas i Phase 2) No Goineldences? tonne eee poet No coincidences. Ear your kg, Feb 21.2018 Qui nerne 7 ee Fen2t Ryo bs EST Lae omen Feo 2018, 173405 = SEO Test 1 SAT_SEQ_1X.G00D SAT-REC_GOOD SATCRELAY.GOOD SAT-PING GOOD. SAT_SIG_ GOOD. SSAT_LINE_GOOD. ‘SAT-HOLD_CONE HOLD_NOW CONF SAT HOLD DED_1_X YES SAT HOLD_DED_1-X CONF 600 ‘SAT_HOLD_DED_OPT60D+ ‘AUTH_HOLD_REL_GGOD Feb 18 2018 wUmnetie 1o0e ee Foote Sowers eS) FOR GOD & COUNTRY. um yerne sort ex se Foote Sosa tise sn) GOWITH Goo, THE CLOCKS ACTIVATED. @ Queries ee oo Fae Sowsosrst een "For know he plans 1 have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not lo arm you, plans te ve you hope anc a future" Protect 146 ‘Protect 61645 or wm petie 103 ee on PSR eres Bey Hilary Clinton should have been prosecuted and should be In Jal. Instead she is running for president in what looks ike ‘a rigged election “Thoughts ofthe feurent] President of he United States, a wmpetie 101 ee wo Paar Ey "Never goten over the fact that Obama was able to send $1.7 Biion Dotan CASH to ran and nobody in ogress, the FBI or Justice called fran investigator" Reread cums, Whats the reason tis is being brought backup? ‘There isa purpose for every eet and crumb cropped Fallow the money. Foturs The Great Auakening, NO ESCAPE, NODEALS, TRUST THE PLAN. HAPPY SUNDAY, @ Feb 16 2018 anny Bot be set nearer EST) ow a stay Aer. @ PO RRO arse “There sno allegation inthis indctment hat any American was a knowing paricjpant inh legal activi.” Rosensiein sal. "Thee is ro alegation inthe nice hae charged cond sered the futeome ofthe 2016 election” Future proves past: Inanefon to preserve the Integy of al US. elections, as ordered by {he Present he Unter State, afr an extensive nvesiaton Select counties the samping) the DHS has eonclded at whe Fussin ens (ag outned win Muoers vestigation wee empictin aternpting to urdrmine te pescenial econ of 2010) edn dtoct impact bearing onthe outcome 3th president tlecon, nr were any US. petson(s) known pat of such an Stem io sabotage a restes tothe Russian vestigation, U.S. and she foreign ee (a uth deserbed ihin DHSPOORX), acing fuse of Russian agets, ca ateret on numerous oocasions, and ‘were sucesful Fn eretng whe prestetalelecbon of 2018 Senate cess of sy 2 electors, whereby severa mon of Hlegl nor-eskent bats (he regulates) were courted, wie loge Galols were improper abled ancorMtetonalyrichandled ‘ipbotove tse sclons were a cccinaes tack agalae he emoctacy ofr county. ‘The DHS wil be submitng a fal eport to the WiDOvlother state and local agencies outing ou fangs a8 eary a8 March [ J, 2078. ‘lets report ony encompasses a samping of twenty-Wo (2), ‘counties acoss the US. is song suggested, based onthe ‘evigence provided that a mandatod countywle investigation begh Under the rocommenced USSD-EI0 guidelines as st fh in Secon \Vilr the fin report Furnermoce, sed on ur ined we recommend the adoption of 8()(-)(G)H) be made immediately to ‘contbat sources & methods curently being deployed 0 ‘The remainder of this page is Intentional eft blank. Feb 152018 anny Bote @lack Gan Puppet. Piayetin the game? We play for KEEPS, Need ip sleeping? How was your meeting w! Pelos’? Protection offered? Le Lessan: Be smarter tan those contig you Teinus [12:34] o 9035 na war eesT) we oun Rot poset ja sos EST) om They wilt to dscrect. They are sup They bring more eyes. ‘The’ roof' are important. ‘Proofs’ provide new eyes abit to question, ‘This boardin he coming months willbe spread & Gscussed across ALL PLATFORMS, {important o be prepared. ‘Wel hap. TRUTH ways wins. a Feb 142018 um yetto sit? oo Fe Sostoor ores) SEPT7, 1776, um yettc sort en Fo Sosteat 23s) = 2084 7292820_Br0282exAB NZ braleo202H0.20120, ILL_CHAIN, ‘Where we go one, we go ALL> a aimee sr Snare ea ESN ss qiumetten 9506 Sue iseriags esr os ‘ntpssim youtibecom/vatehv=G2qhXXabeoOtt Ba aim yetnosset Sina Seaver ESN ey 1. XCounci on Foreign Relations! nse media ceatniibembers. ofthe Counc on Foteign_ Seance envio nie m ques, = CONFIRMED, him oes complies 20180125) Aer cena. backlash himid 6 = Why dé HUSSEY eal ead ct POTS? “mp uit be ares rg, sugjestng ne cous be ota year Revead crumbs. Futur unlocks past a ai yyetne sae Sn Mie soaretesT sr qimnette sre Snare esr we nsw youtube comwatchv=G2qXXabCOt aimee set Snzeiese aoe esr) se ‘SEC_ATTAGK, FALURE-TEST 4 a aim yeine set Sona eiae sr as eaT) Py Drones over LS, ‘Tracking ony. a aiumyette sit Sanat Sistesrsztesy Saar 30 saaotesr) ot THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD. THE GREAT AWAKENING, AWEEK TO REMEMBER. a aimee soe Snare seaban EST so ‘THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD. THE GREAT AWAKENING. AWEEKTO REMEMBER a qiumnette se SNe Sei as ar) 6 Wil SESSIONS crop the harnmer? raz. fem shits naratve #Mfomo reinstates SESSIONS' author re: RussiafALL. fem actualy demonstrates ecllusion a highest ovis. ‘#Memo factual demonstiates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaporized INTEL ‘omni fo ensure D victory insurance] “Avena factialy demonstates knovtoghy false tel ptovied 10 FSA, Judges to obiain warrants). THEY NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD LOSE. [he 16 Year Plan To Destroy America) Hussein Install rogue_ops Leak Canta assets CCuttunaing to Mi ‘Comnmand away trom generals ‘Launch 'goed guy takedown (intemal remove - Valerie Jaret (snr) SAP set-off ‘Snowden open source PismMeysoore (catastrophic to JS Nl. bad actors (NN) +Cloums/-No Such Agency) Targetveaken conservative base (RSIMSM) (Open border (food llegals: D win) ISISMS13fundinstal (ear, {aigetinghemora, domosti-assets et) Br.eye Nc [uke bull] [ekaset, 2.3) Bnd-ye ran [fund and supply] Biind-eye [CLAS 23-41) Stage SC (AS [18711 U1 Tundisuppiy RANINS fsreduce US capacity] KILL NASA (prevent space domination alow bad actors to take down [MIL SATS secure conmanstall WWDs) - FISK OF EMP SPACE ORIG (HELPLESS) [Las 1.09], ‘RG [6] VI [death & weapons realNWAR FAKE & CONTROLLEDIIpopulation growth controvpocketbillons) Eliminate ral rogue_ops within Gov¥uM, KILL economy [etarveineed/ensiave] ‘borders Open Revise Constuton Ban sale of earms 2nd amen removal) Inetal'on teat 20 stone lagal wins} across spectrum of ‘calongers (AS 187) Remora of eecioral college [pop vote “easier manipulaton/iegal VotesiSoros machines] Univemove uncing of ML CCosure of US MIL istlations WWW {Germany 4st] Destrucion of opposing MSNoiner news outlets (censoring), CLAS 1- 59 a Naat ropa Setsonenes Russa OFS oyu dono ato eve Muse ROTUS ee pass} Shubom rary Reasons Soraet Weaken mitay asses, Inc tlegel votes, Black voters abandoning. "Keep them starved" Fig, Flot, Fight cy aimee sot = Snw ew a2stesn £5 ve in fear rom toy foward, ‘Thank you for visting the INE a iumyetteo sult Sante Bistesscoesy Why are we here? Why are we providing crumbs? Think NEMO. BUILDING THE ARMY, Not corvinoad this spreading? You, the PEOPLE, nave THE POWER. You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY. ‘TOGETHER you are STRONG. [APART you ae weak. THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED. THEY WANT RACE WARS, THEY WANT CLASS WARS, THEY WANT RELIGIOUS WARS. ‘THEY WANT POLITICAL WARS. ‘THEY WANT YOUDIVIDED! LEARN! FOR GOD & COUNTRY - LEARN! STAY STRONG, STAY TOGETHER, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT. This s more important han you can imagine. Qa qwumnette 20 Sop eiewazaresn MSW is FAKE NEWS, Propaganda. Talking points [4am] - private eral adcresses Padeonractors, JUDGEMENT DAY, a ium yeti sort Saw aisezssas esr HUSSEIN CABINET/ STAFF Who used private emal accresses? What was the purpose? L ar BEBFERSS! Why was ES in NS? What private network did ES set up in NK? ‘What private network da. oe up in NK? ‘Who else was in NK during this ime? ‘What pinata emai address cd Hussein use whl in ofce? ‘wy would the Chaman of GO0G travel o NK? WHY WOULD Nk ALLOW ACCESS TOES? Nothing fs ever truly erasedideleted. ‘These people are STUPID. DECLASS-POTUS THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD. @ a iuwetten 3008 pa Sop Bisco sees CNBC Bomb Aiport? NEWS CREDENTIALS FAILED @ SEC. False Flag Atempr? JSIS on LIFE SUPPORT? CLOWNS FAILED. Q aim nett 360 Sew eieaseztesn Qi nette 408 patie aiumyetno 2202 Sant ieazo4s1 57) on Qiu yerie 24 Snr Ree 100% 23% 0% cae LAr ed Do you tnst your black leacors? How much are mey wort? Reconsie, um yene 20 oa, Snr Bae ooo EST) 20 bites youtube comwatch’v=xZ)E2vatee? Ba Qu yette 200 Sn2r Bawso033teS1) @Soowdeo. ‘The alata king. Hows Russa? [Mr. Contractor] Froadom othe Press. dob Pery Barlow. bitesteacom press SecuteDrop (Whisteblowers]? SecuteDrop>-Cioms In Aretca NOBODY 15 SAFE a Qn yetto seer Sar Bawa ssstesn) £0 TEST ao Qu perio see SmarBnen ase esn) ou Time t play, Dopey. Black Forest, Jan 26 2018 Ow pette s4e SORRB e Een m Po A us “an 18 USC 400%a fet a Son tba Read slowly an careful. ‘ll become aticalimeartantin coming weeks. ‘Continue to tack those who are resigning across al platoons Winer tere was once darkness, there wi now be UGHT. ps attehouse govpresksena-actonsexecutve.orde- ockng-prope-nersonesmvohverssenoushuransnghsausee scunone 7 30 van 25 2018 See Pe oeaTeST x DEMS: #RELEASETHEMEMO IS TIED TO RUSSIAN BOTS “Tank you F&F! Coinidence? -ATET>No Such Agency [contrac ATST=GOOGIFBIetc. revert unfair censorship! PUSH. Inzeret Blof Roms @ an 24 2018 Sad “TODAY, former Prescent Barack HUSSEIN Obama formaly retained counsel SN). ‘GOD'BLESS YOU ALL. ° pe S868 meee EST) a van 222018 SE Es Drones over US. Tracking only 0 ° Qu yeme set Seabee tess EST) oa ‘S60 TEST a Jan 21 2018 Quy yeti soc Sanat Baa tese33te5T) iy fame a SEBO saat a (tack, MZ, ES, JB, EM, SHSM, 1Do you know iat we know? Do you know that we see al? Bo you know that we hear? aurora. St Mae Boao (@iack, MZ, ES, JB, EN, SH, MSW, ec Do you know that we know? (Do you know that we see all? ‘Bo you know that we hear al? FEAR the STORM, NOBODY PLAYING THE GAME GETS A FREE PASS. NOBODY. Q 7 7 van 19 2018 qm yerne ss. See Bee Countersnarratve went out @ 4am to MSH contractors ike ‘clockwork. Resaian bol, “These people ate REALLY REALLY STUPID. Desperation. Feat. Wien does a bia sing? NOBODY is sate, NODEALS, MSM contractors #Goosbye Fight, Fah, Fight a 7 a Qumyette tt Sane Bawisoese(esT) Remember THIS DAY. @ Qui etie 1 Sete Riacan a esr) ‘Why are American taxpayers susidzing Tela? Weare for ther, wny? Prwvate mals: GOOG: NK: Tesla ‘The MEMO ONLY THE BEGINNING> ‘THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD. a Jan 18 2018 Qu yerme zee a. Santo Bascoasos EST) “Timing everyting STATE_OF_THE_UNION, ° am yette 7 or Sa eReato ese EST) The TELL. How can we Isten i, ack, and morior American clzens Poad U actors} [We hear you) [We see you} ‘What must we LEGALLY demonsrae In order to gain such warraris? ESA? (Do We TRUST the FSB judges? ‘MIL INTEL? Slaie Secrets? hy i his relevant? Expand your thinking @ SRR Sita ey Senate vote count IRR? Sera vote oount [Sessions]? Reconcie, Wy was BR chosen tobe asst AG? Wy dc caf a eter supporting JC termination? Wy cl use fal weight of hs ofice to attempt to block release of oc to Congress today? Contused? News unocks past. Ds cannot sunive. ‘THE BEGINNING OF THE END> ‘DWS FAILED to FLEE. Q ERE TEs Quer 2 a. Sa e2aez ozs es aimee sae Smee an EST 0 aim nett 2006 Soe Riosabear esr er qiumnette 2005 SMe einen esr os Fight, Flot, Fight DEMAND public dsciosure BE LOUD, BE HEARD. “Tiss fat he begin 2078 WILL BE GLORIOUSHmnn @ aiumnette 2005 Sow eon ai esr = Ae you flowing the news today? WHAT ABIG NEWS DAY. “These people are REALLY spi ‘This ibe the END ofthe D pty. “This ile the pat forwara (pubic outrage) to JALL many so-called ‘uoucnables. You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER. DOWN SHE GOES, a ai yyeine 2508 Sn Reso OtEST = [BEWARE of MAJOR FALSE FLAG alerts his week. KNOW you suroundings. CHANGE OF NEWS CYCLE WILL BE NEEDED, ABILITY to ATTACK LinaTED)SIS on LIFE SUPPORT] Tacics shit threats and hostages to obtain rogue_ops. SILENCE [187] «no rs [no capture «dead on arrival] SILENCE BY? SILENCE ILV witnesses)? ium yyetne 2608 Sis ieziw031 57 ‘Ase you flowing the news today? ‘WHAT ABIG NEWS DAY. “These people ate REALLY sti ‘This be the END ofthe D party. This wi be the path forward (/ pubic outrage) to JAIL many so-aled ‘uouenables" You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER. DOWN SHE GOES, @ aiuto 2208 Sno woaw teST s BEWARE of MAJOR FALSE FLAG ater this week KNOW your suroundings CHANGE OF NEWS CYCLE WILL BE NEEDED, ABILITY to ATTACK LintTED> SIS on LIFE SUPPORT] “Tectcs shite threats and hostages to obinreque ops. SILENCE [187] nor [no eapture - dead on areval] SILENCE [LM]? SILENCE ILY witnesses [al above represent PRIMARY indicators. [SEC ingiators = Posts Tweets:Time REMAINDER below. START HERE. WILL GUIDE: a aimee so wa Sn Sieoomastesn 2 [MSW Fake News Auards. ‘Ae you prepared? MEMESPOSTS, (Organized and coorcnated? BOTUS may reTWEET one or more READY FOR LAUNCH? SHOW the WORLD. SHOW the WORLD the TRUTH. OPEN THEIR EvES. DONT LET FOTUS SUFFER FROM THE SOROSILOSER BOTS THAT CONTINUALLY FLOOD. MAKE THE FAKE NEVIS AWARDS YOUR 1ST ORGANIZED TWEET STORM DAY, MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! @ aint yetio 2 Sn Siena astesn 2 Be READY. [MSM coming -BIG WAY. We see al We hear al FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT. ‘CONSPIRACY push comin. MEN LOST CONTROL. DLOST SLAVE GRIP. DLOST CENTER VOTERS. LBS ate MINORITY. MSM PROJECTS AS BIG MOVEMENT. FAKE NEWS, 4.0% LOST FOREVER, HELLO GEORGE. @ aww yetho set ma Sn Sree ESN ad IwonDay] Newt Week - BIGGER. PUBLIC. We LISTENED [20/80 40/60) a aimee 308 San Saoabon ESN a m0, Targeted Kas Poet Ou. Fight resoutes. Fight retus. Running. Public awakening, Message spreading wide & fr Goodbye quack a aim yess 2, Sone ies esr) a CCHECKMATE. a qiumnetto 9c eo See ee esr 0 \We are FIGHTING for LIFE We ate FIGHTING for GOOD. We are at WAR Tal. NOT EVERYTHING WILL BE CLEAN, NECESSARY EVENT. Doyou TRUST the US Miltary? Dp you TRUST the Chain Of Command? Have FAITH WE ARE IN CONTROL. PATRIOTS. PATRIOTS DAY, HAVE FAITH, ‘YOU WERE CHOSEN FOR A REASON. YOU ARE BEING PROVIDED THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF INTEL TO EVER BE DROPPED PUBLICLY IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. USE I~ PROTECT AND COMFORT THOSE AROUND YOU. WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL ‘anwyetbo Ie ea SniB Biases “ SEOTEST. aise ‘aim yetno set ep Snot ae eT) 38 Future dumps here. Secured Interaction to continue on dedicated research boars Suggest new board create. Curent BOs claiming private comms and set promoting Patriots point-we wil folow. a quem set oy ne ea aeteST se IMPORTANT: NO pate comms pastpresentmute. NNO fomme made autsie of his platform, “any claims that conrad the above should be considered FAKE NEWS and dstegarded mmedlatey WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL PATRIOTS. @ auntie Osea 205 SNE cromaeen om DEECON does not refer to Defense r Cnalton w! regards o prev ost “Thought dear. Now eryta lear ‘Ancoymous (ESHDBT 2155102 C2 oe iene ssom en) McCabe? 217 dom Seas eee zs se ‘Anonymous (DEBBI 2165102 sr Serranie soe nes ‘Thank you fo contrmation so tat we may rave fe wlth esiabishe comms, au yerne zs wera Snr Bao pier Graphic form for each correlation a MUST. “This tbe the AUTH tool you ue uten Sl ofthe becomes public to provide tends, tami, oars. Do you ink POTUS resesied MAGA PILL fr no reason? ‘We hase his BOARD fora very sped reason. ‘We believe in you a QW eho aR 202120 ea Sarena Marker] Contes, Contd: 15, 10,5, 1 o @ Cigna 15) min ‘BEFCON [1] CONF Revised [1] min CComneidence? o 10 onset = Meee anu yarn aut BD Snr ae ee Cigna sing "a" Reed inducing "a" Coincidence? a eo pers: 1] Contes TRCTION DBFSC2-BSY.1_y FOR GOO a COUNTRY. SKY FORTRESS ENGAGED> @ ssn wo Oe “ tine btw trump tweets today 15. ‘conseuential -- consensual ee eee we Do you believe in coincidences? Pra chapters a qumyet ssc Sn aie o ‘Soon [wiayanen ra & InraRieeesy “ santa tte House invesigaton into Planned Parenthood mu. gop. govscuton_contentiplannedparenthood! auneyestn omar Sn? Bicone mT Mark as graphic mate a ‘cymes a5 ED o serra ere) ‘Then ne need to dg Ptanned Parenthood. Whatever hey" doing to bablesietaltssue might be more sinister than ever Imagined! aim yeti Snr Biases soos Ree te Congressional investigation on PP. Be prepared for what you lea, Nest question - now ae they alowed to operate? ‘These people are SICK! a Snr Sas See How are Senators worth many millon of dolars? How does MW ive na 84mm home? How many paste palilans have foundations or institutes? CoRRUPT. BROKEN. ‘TRAITORS! JUSTICE. sa. Dear. a 20 oo aiwyetto 508 Snr ieee US taxpayers are paying fr tal Pas aceers = scam (ons) Red Cross = scam ollns) Foreign Ald = scam (lions) WAR = seam (lions) RAN Ah Who audits where the money actualy goes? Who actualy receives the money? The LS taxpayers incing the very peope we are engaged in tking own. ‘Slush funds everywhere ‘Think GS pays for Ana out of his cnn pocket? ‘The now Is deep. Feel six yet? a QW yo SN 1515702 Lae eee “ God bess Patios a ncoymeus, sie “ ier ieee 0, fe is >warurautrs comvaritetususa pakistan aids. Sispends-atieast-eOO.millonin-seculyat-ospalstane IGUSKENTETZOX Tiedt the AWAN scandal? Sie -a13104 CoMncicence? Who received the stotn inte? ‘Who paid who? a some Snr Scr Sane HusseivR (8 many more) must be teed! Anmadineje talking, Where dé ALL tat money 90? How many planes? ‘Where did the pines lnc? ‘Why were Clomna/pivate contactors escorting? ‘wy cash? ‘yotshore cash? ‘Wy wasnt Congress noted for approver? ‘Where di the bank ites originate fom? Cofnicence al donations to the CE terminated post defeat? What dig AUSSUK obtan in exchange for al hat money? Where do majonty of Rotrschiks reside? ‘Why is Hussein traveling the globe and vsking major fnancal Inabuone? [5115,00,000) ‘iho are the Musim Brotnernood? ‘whois AWAN? ‘Whots Huma? Whois Mar Who created isis? Who contoted i557 ‘What was the purpose of SIS? Whois MSI? ‘Why were known MS3 members released ater capture? ‘Who conto M3137 | ‘Who FUNDS MSI5? Hara to sation. Wate the news. Stages, a soe ame we serene 7008 IP_Pere] = POTUS PERSONAL? ai yerne seein 22238 Snoabte te seoresT aim yette Sansa eorssrest) DO NOT LOSE FOCUS ON LOOP CAPITAL, a sos Satie estan See ” Wy Is BOTUS refering othe Black pop now? Refer back io curs, a aim yette Snsaiessaaesn Marker misseo? nat os RR-out] POTUS Tweet -RRout Whyis tis relevent? @ Beet 1 ald “THEY Divide WE Conquer. Anicipated ~ human rate. Aniclpated —inienuptons by others, Matlock meant o become PUBLIC ‘THIS IS NOT A GAME, AD thank you for IDEN vertiatin, (CA now cana secure read only’ board be setup whereby the message can be Safty deveted? Ira board was ceated you verified IDEN, and contol was w! yous, ‘hat wold elminate cofision aso [DENAUTH comec? Nomod management ~ ony ifo dumps Factandng, aching, dscsion et. can then be done ona ‘designated folow up board Meazage oa that matters ‘THE GREAT AWAKENING. “Tre is Savery tea, a aim yerne sour = Snoabieor Gane “There wil be no further posts on this board under tis ID. ‘This very the tipi safeguarded and in our contre ‘This at ven ti Boorse samproeised God bess eath and everyone O you. Fh, gh ight @ Ider Seach eon RIND zest cz Not Q. ts second tip has been cracked as | thought might be. Snciene ep es = Fase Did they get 1 you? Board compromised a aim yetn zsi8080 Sno oe ws “Tap ane fake, IP teal is same as always and secured Iemads are stating othewse board is compromised. Qa au yetne Sno Tea, CCodetonkey pl og and conti IDEN. asic wo Seen ws Cone post today. No ther platforms used. Nocomns privately w anyone Don't get ot a Seipiatoees « mo a ye ee ze ex Sea eee “ What makes a movie GOOD? GREAT actors? @ Saeureeoeey we “ 10,110.91 Cperatonal windon( 5.9) Foetac25-25 Secured For fs yours. Twiter BW Titer Ql rogue) CCONF_WHITE WHITE, a seo Rs . Merry Christmas Qt Qiuvyet90 a 1275162 Beer sare MERRY CHRISTMAS! Celebrate this SPECIAL day in a B1G way, (God Bess you al. a eae eee ce st “ fest Beceeart f 90 2608 ea oTeST se SRS Botesy Bs ‘THE GREAT AINAKENING. @ SPR eaten me iat 1] pope re crerymectingin ast'oom realy guarded) ‘Why did everyone leave ther phonesial other electronke devices in Room 230? ‘Why does I take the information gaing PUBLIC before JUSTICE ie seed? ‘Why is he D parly MAKING EVERY EFFORT TO BLOCK THE RELEASE OF THIS FISA CNFO? \WHY DID BR PLEAD TO RYAN MOMENTS AGO TO PREVENT THE RELEASE OF THIS INFORMATION? WHERE IS AS? [BI FIRED. DQ JALED. Pocsbie SUICIDES, 41+ Tick TOCK, @ van 14.2018 qm yore 20 SeteMipieaar es a TRUST SESSIONS. TG ceparture PHECL Nor totes NOT needed to testy, Think gical. NONEED to step dow needed to TESTIFY. DONOT chase MISINFO. ‘What ROLE mich! 76 be walking nto? falFiReD. (Bd JALED. Passbie SUICIDES, B57 Tick TOCK, @ van 14.2018 ouMperse 20 oo Seapets o TRUST SESSIONS. 1G ceparure [HECL NGF to testy NOT needed to testy ‘Tunkogtaly. NONEED to Slap doun I needed to TESTIFY. DONOT chase MISINFO. ‘What ROLE might. 72 be walking int? Wee peace Peake WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL. NOONE PERSON IS ABOVE ANOTHER WE, THE PEOPLE, ARE MAKING THE WORLD A BETTER PLAGE. WE THE PEOPLE’ ARE TAKING BACK OUR COUNTRY (& WORLD) FROM THE EVIL LOSERS WHO WOULD DO.US HARM (ALL FORA BUCK). NOMORE, STANDUP PATRIOTS. STAND UP AND DEFEND WHAT YOU KNOW Is RIGHT. GOD BLESS YOU AND GOD BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 4:10.20 aumpyerte set ox Sm i Reasr eS = ‘Side-by-Side Posts vs, Actual News, ‘Show: Fuure PROVES Past, BIGGER ne week o ata pen ct Sm Me seeeS = ‘YOU and YOUR FAMILIES ave SAFE. PROWISE. @ ati yetio wer or Sm Mees ees = ntesvien wiped craikiMarc_Mezvnsky Mezvinsky was bom in Phiadephia, Pennsylvania, and grew up ‘tending @ Conservative Jenish synagogue [2 Hs parents are both ‘ormier Democratic members of the U.S. House of Represertaives. Hs fate s Eduard Mezvinsky (b_ 1997), who embezzied more than ‘$10 milion from peope via both a Pon! scheme and the advance-fee Scams, and was ound gully of Yaud In 200 [EAE] His mothers Marore Margolis (b 142), who was 2 TV reporter and represented PPennaylvania's 13th Ostet fom 1995 to 1885. They declares bankupicy sporty before Mezvnskys conviction, ana dverced 0) FOLLOW HM ANO FAMILY DOWN THE HOLE TO FIND MORE. TRUTH, @ Stine EST a LOOP CAPTTAL. (CEOSBODS PAYING TO PLAY. Stun Fund >>Hussein [1] $29,000,000 SINGAPORE ae cont say his name [2] $18,000,000 SINGAPORE (Wy don’ we Say nisname?) >>HRGIBG (9) $15,000,000 Banco de MEX'CO 3M [a] $8,000,000 Deutsche Bark USA (ON. AND... >ON, FOLLOW THe MONEY, FOCUS on laudest voices in WASH. Net Wort? Reconale? @ Quem yerne toc, Satta aa ST oe -D_CaTBA_YES[AUTH_H7*pzBvTZ7202}1 ele TowLs} HOT-1 pre D HOT-2 pre_D Horse HOT-4_TERMAUTHC-TVFCAZD.837382x HOTS pre_D HOT pre-D HOT-7_porr_TAKU™2002 HOTS_preD HOTS pre_D HOT-10_pre_D HOTA pre_D. HOT-12_pre_D ‘AS THE WORLD TURNS. HAPPY HUNTING, PLPERS: WRWY [NILBYIFORC] stern 29:11 a SERRE babes on BiG news week? Future proves pas, ‘What news was unlocked? Do you beieve n coresdonces? aud ‘What pub disctosure cuted re: 111? >DEEGON 1 non-nuke FALSE] COUNAND? weve NECESSARY? NOSUCH AGENCY. ‘Where did POTUS si [post ASIA? TTWAS NECESSARY. FoR GOD & COUNTRY. TTWAS NECESSARY. NOOTHER VEHICLE TO REGAIN ENTRY. AGAIN dec pre-knowiedge AGAIN] wang ALERT. >How about a nce game of CHESS? “THE FLOOR IS YOURS_ EoNNAND? ‘wav? NECESSARY? WHO IS TALKING? THING BIG. THINK BIGGER THING BIGGEST. HAITI FOCUS Why ste evant? ‘what comes next? (GE_BOOM SHOCK BYE_ SADMR. [eLAS-2308_ tc) 5°. Because of the Democrats not being iteeste in fe and safety, [DACA has now tacen a big step backwards. The Dems vil threaten " shutdown,” but what they are realy doings shuting down our miltay, ata time we need it most Get smart, MAKE AMERICA GREAT ‘AGAIN WE ARE FIGHTING FOR OUR COUNTRYT" FOCUS on POTLS' Tweet above. NDS shutdown the goVt- whal happens othe US MILITARY? ‘What speciealy occurs? Think Budget Why iss relevant? [eLAS £0.12) PMissig 1 Siissing 2 issig 2 FIND mibsing F Future proves past NOTHING is a concidence, ‘The MAP isthe KEY. PLANNED for 3] years (CORRUPTION and EVIL DEEP WITHIN, EVERYWHERE. PATIENCE, THERE IS NO ESCAPE. THERE ARE NO DEALS. TREASON AT FIGHEST LEVELS. FOREIGN AGENTS WITHIN OUR GOVT, HIGHEST LEVELS, ‘THE PUPPET MASTERS HAVE BEEN REMOVED, ALL VEHICLES OF DELIVERY REMOVED, STRINGS CUT ‘7TH FLOOR IS NO MORE>ERISD WESEE ALL WEHEAR ALL, ‘THE HUNT CONTINUES. PRISON, DEATH. [eLAS_ciTwo_ J 29-4I(69) RED_RED_ IRON EAGLE. a Jan 8 2018 aumperno, ies Seb ob eS ou seataatenng ampere i Sas aezedszrfesn oe TRUTH belongs wi the PEOPLE, @ Jan 7 2018 Soria . mas ‘AVT21 BM PST POTUS tweeted 4st half concerning Gooduin article wih consequent" deiberatey misspeled a3 “Coneencush ‘N75 BM PST POTS teetedthe second halo te: Goodwin ate. tence ‘A825 EN POTUS tweets he 7:21 Tweet again withthe speling comecte, "consequential 'A¢824 Bh PST POTUS tweets he 2nd haf ofthe sentence, same as at 7:36PM PST. “Tiss meant o teach us how fo Interpret the coreaton between Bch posts and POTUS Twoets 277 Isat anons 77 Sota ee 208 MSSING POST RE: DEECON [1 Dect afer POTUS alters Tweets to 1] min interval and adds "0" - eo raps. tear o Sea ees ae * Wes perfect Plausble dently to te wore yet uitiate confimaton ous. The timing between tweets. The missngyrepianed ers “Thisierta game, Trump himse is speaking to ws. I mean We are th autitieueled engine the wade neces right now. act aneuted tobe apart ot Wis Quiero dan 7201823 1351 EST) oe sense anmyerno) 2360 Sat esse oe IMPORTANT: 1Do you undetsand wa just occured? BOTUS Tweets [19 min] between, BOTUS missing “On select wor ‘DEEGON [1] POST HERE POTUS mods Tweets 1 min] between POTUS accis"a" in select word ‘This was not meant to signify AUTH / established ‘This sf tain you how to understand the corelaon between posts| and Tweets Future proves past ‘Wind he CLOCK. ‘The CLOCK ard the GRAPHIC are ESSENTIAL, Fee! prleged - POLIS just spoke to ths board [P_pers] Wie serve atthe pleasure ofthe President. @ Qiu yer9e am 205552 See ame |WE ARE TALKING DIRECTLY TO THIS BOARD. LEARN OUR COMMS. o anmperne, zc nt Mee origina 19} min ‘DEEGON [1] CONF Revised [1] min Coineidence’? Q 21m yet aE: Saraez sees DEEGON 1 4020, FIRE & FURY (@) slates of CLAS-eaay gov. (G4) commands LV. ‘CODES command ACTION, {non-nuclear now @ 2a auniperto 080808 ee Sn oe Lock: 15-105 DEEGON (1) Isic e vero 2200 “= iy See oe paar Confirmed. ‘ato graphic. @ os ERR ae z Tin floor eno more cy am yert osucet pe Sar Decan ey “ ‘We ill never lose again win his is ished, a CLM pec Saree sees ‘God FOREVER bless our brave men & wemen who would gve thelr ete defend this GREAT couriy. ‘God bess eac and every Patriot nthe wort Let FREEDOM RING, a att wo Jan 6 2018 Sreraare a “ >sate7 ‘eam fs werking late. damn. big things aft. eh? ern ss coe (Could you seep I you knew the truth about EVERYTHING? o ‘Anceys IB 3505°02 «© ‘nvfon teensy Im cutous i POTS tweet trom Jan 2na plays a par. "Since taking ofl | have been very stilton Comanercal Aviation, Good news twas just reported that here were Zero deaths in 2017, the best and safest year on record aumpyerno 05002 Ba Sa Seco >ore1 Gotneldence? ° Quite NRA 1252508 © SarBiecraaes “Whatever happened to this Pakéstan guy who worked wih the DNC?" +80 mie resticion? What apis tun 160 mies (homey? What events can be led to apart? When specfcaliy? ‘When cle POTLIS Tweet the above? ‘Why iss evan? Planes & Tain, FEAR, @ sce ERD 3052 “ ‘not icemeee mo 2aneseo Hew en Fa Deputy ica aco el e088 Here's two ofthe confimed ones Qiu yer senda inbaie res Lee ane Q1myyyerme aenasa Snsaiereuzesn suet Lok famtiar? Note the desk. ‘Where Is evetyone this weekend? GoD BLESS, @ 21m yett0 ena Snsdiessosz es How much did AUS donate to QE? How much da'SA donate to CE? Compare, ‘Why is hs evant? hat phone eal between BOTUS and X/AUS leaked? LUsttne leadership in AUS, IDEN leadership curing Husson term IDEN leadership curing POTUS' ter, iho controls AUS? Who realy corso AUS? Us? ‘Why ists evant? a amet ws Seen ree “ Does is mean Ronald Reagan, Q? Satie eae eat Timestamp. Decipher Think clock Wired the clock wa markers Relevant. Future proves past a Qipao ARN one ea os Smo he sees IMPORTANT: [NO comms wi anyone privately. NO comms ouside ofthis platform, @ Jan 52018 oun assez ee an Sb Test Device 1 JEN a ‘Sones ee ne “ Gcanyou con he # posts eae tay vere youn were ffomnormal et fyou we know boar comps Oi yetie ID 25:52 insiecosaesy Posted 4-5 tes tay. ‘We aicipted Ife to be short on each platform given vetfcation and messape spreading rapidly. We can iit outside exposure but cannot protect against internals [20 please advise IP reacing ana very te sl safefaut, o Sans CCocetonkey en IDEN validates can you proviee a secure board 10 ost under your cont to prevent ure sues, IP / device kept the same for your vereation, IP tip secured at highest eve, BiG events coming, @ so gaa ste _ Ste ee “ ‘Wye Hussein raving te be? Sis ss dew ooo 36670 fects Sood o001 ieee MONEY come ton? Howaoyeu coor the most POWERFUL county the wos? Bresetac Cover by [AS09241 trate tines ieescetey emote? Thnk CANE Mose ie PLAYERS? ‘hata tie REWARDS? MEsIGa FOR SALE PATRIOTS in-ULL CONTROL Wel make more pute Sanmesmene ‘Wet "bos wo say ot fon consequences ees a See eee « Folow the MONEY. Loop Capital Markets, Happy Hunting. BIG NEXT WEEK. a Jan 3.2018 Sores ry itpsd/ch netpoltes/11115218 hamist 11588702 Ba Lock routed CAP and ag Secured and fed. Previous pm was lt go. Safeguards place a eT ee eS ” co. ox.2-8 Everyhing has meaning, ‘Whols ANB Matlock? YES. ARB-ounye per] EO.CLASSPIED nit 67130) SIG.con_MARSS5VSGE5BECD a Dec 25 2017 saeuereiieen es “Thankyou al for your fst, eth, and patois. WE ate privileged to serve you. Please PRAY for ose who woul lay down tr es to protect our FREEDOM, ‘ou ate sate, God bess o Dec 23 2017 aim yet soem © Beer eee 5 minutes. Missing 10 marker ftom past Missing 16 marker fom past Tmestamps have meaning a Bac ea ‘Grapnics should bein same tie zone. Detia relevant. ssn Saree Side-by-side gray Locate and este [22] SEARCH crumbs: [FL Whois 2? Nodeals. @ (21 ow can FB| Deputy Director Andrew MeCabe, the man in charge, sing wit eon James Comey, ofthe Phony Hillary Clinton investigation (including her 88,000 llegaly deltas emala) be given '$700,000 fr wie's campaign by Cini Puppets dung investigation? fo} °8i sss wir Peretti tem a ten Missing 10 marker from past Missing 16 marker ftom past Tmestammps have meaning, @ aumpyerne ssoniSe Sener eed Anonymous SBIBGHED 5505202 Seon tenes Bee Tees ‘SIN BEFORE TRUMP POSTED AGAIN se scan car i essai HOLY SHIT! Thatis exactly what wrote ear! ‘see my post. (©, POTUS actualy see my post? Lol, more mativation iso. >a sta ANSWERS. 5 peztea e20 Becweaanr feaeseest) {ADS is rencing on Tater. NYT an this story today wth sources saying BOTUS said "Hall nad sent 15,000 people. Thy “ll nave AIDS,” he grumbled, according to one person who aiended the meeting and another erson who was briefed about iby a ciferent person whe was there” y paltictum inmomaion nme Related O: Dec4, 19:38:51 GTP gpngo RED_RED Remember? Husseh AIDS Viseo. Hieden message? Response? nd Res, elon, Expand your thinking ‘News unlocks meaning. a ec4, 19:50:10 QTE qphgo 3323 Re-eview RED_RED stinger Focus on Hussein AIDS Video. (rose reference. Date of singer vs video? eam to dene, News unioccs message. Find the keystone a Deca, 20:01:17 GuITED gordo Red Cross [scomupt and used asa plggy bank. Future tpi. Diseases created by faiies in power (pop contol + pharma bills Kt). Think AIDS, Future tpi. Relevant sFLYROTHSFLYS @ Dec 19, 17:50:58 QW yerteo ‘87a 3.000» saved bythe rads in SA alone SAW lanes shut Gown, Bottom to TOP. uote soe Be Barz Pr 158086 Comnaisence? News unlocks Ms. a annette rst scot rere z L govermenteverbe.gven-accese amie? BY @ aim yett Benne pss ANSWERS ‘anonymous sant ws Beceet S * 6 Fm from SoCal, everyooy worked thet ass of to win in space, so ‘many peope that made aot of maney Inthe 70st 80s, twas ‘ream to make your county the greatest on earth 29 many ‘team deste, a founian of alent aquaenod avd 20d ut Feally nurs, we realy cred when we waiched each nut faunch ‘and Knew ie oi hat See Its coming back na big way. Space erica to our NAT SEC. ‘las terminated fora specif reason ret Goispen, Fae o saswens som SER 2 a 6 wiaune ausuyeie rea sass SOG Bese eee ee tissng comme a answens Anonymous IDiTedaee 1542720 Ey = Smee Rae es posts missing eter" ace arkers? auyetro eo guns, ae a chet ea tay? fq Message ser e answens Anonymous (HMISHED *S40050 = cceensi SPR dustimagine North Korea ike a James Bon fim, thes own ile Dt ‘ot hel, can you imagine with ne cash thay have sole what they ould have Bult on NK paychecks (they Wark od, soto ee) Seman eos 15108 2011 Shute Program teminatedby Hussen. Us toses space dominance. ‘ist toes comprion20170800\opama-adminisrason- ioe. sbautnarsceassritabszedas a IRAN Nie oeal is Nukeiscte Tech SpaceX. [NASA Tech to 2 RC SAPS (private server), Connected $85,585,586.09 (pockets) EVE OF RA Lot aye (marker, Symbotsm, evi. STUD. JUSTICE, a Srey "Yelow Brick Road. Ed speech -nisioy, Wards § Warocks Ace & Wondering, Sowved? a eo os oe ase eo Pai eas) ‘Thomas Paine @Thomast774Paine Fotow Folow @Thomast774Paine Ifyou are and dont know who you can tust contact True Pst or Kalettom and we wll tke your ntl and protect your rent. QWUy yo BADE Y45750eE ea Boerne est) “TRUST WRAY. a ANSWERS QiUy ryote OUREEID 3850008 ea Boel inenatee ‘We are moving fas. Remember, nota winin te CA, Da, Flare bad apples. House cleaning (TOF). FRestuctuting (1102). Operations 24/7, Spee a answens conan SR 2 = Resin om Sept to Dec chencogcal xr: Equa CEO Rehard Sth sep. 20,2017, Dentpy Srona ne CEO Jetrey TSovn Oct 2.2017 Greater hapies CEO Paul ei ona fotT Beploo CEO B Sear ons. Sehmung 20 Keon Oyun So 2 dor7 GmanAFGeO Pad Gegooutsin Od. 18,2017 [ASCENDAS Funds Management CEO Chia Nam Toon) Oct 20, aor Hudson's Bay CEO Gerald Storch Oct 20,2017, Red Cross Texas Gulf Coast Region CEO Davia Brady Oct 28 207 BulaDsect CEO Jef Booth Podesta Group founder Tony Podesta Menninger Cnc G20 Dr. ©. Edward Coley Oc 1, 2017 Renaissance Technologies CEO Robert Mercer _ Nov.2,2017 ‘Aden Lesure CEO Simeon Kelly Nov 7.2017, ELAICEO David Malmon Now 8, 2017, AAtce CEO Nichel Combes Now 8,2017 Pub Protector Busse Mikhucbane CEO Themba Dlamini Nov, 44,2017 James Cancer Hospital CEO Michael Calljuri_Nov. 16,2017 PR Elecric Power Authority CEO Ricardo Ramos Nov. 17, zur Eies CEO Wayne Samson Nov. 21,2007 Fenet Packare CEO Meg vintman Ne 22,2017 (O1SA CEO Marco Schroeder Nov. 24, 2017 Tumblr CEO Davia Karp Nov. 27,2017 London Stock Exchange CEO Xavier Rolet Nov. 28,2017 Bruce Telecom CEO Bat Carneron Nov. 28,2017 TiavelCenters of America LLC CEO Thorpas Often Nov, 30,2017 ‘Ticentenral Commission CEO Edward Benavides Now. 90.2017 City Light CEO Larry Weis Dec. 4, 2017 Sleineffs R1008n CEO Markus Jooste Dec. 5,2017 UUchumi Supermarkets CEO Julus Kipneieh Dec: 6, 2017, ‘Chicago Puole Schocls CEO Forrest Claypool Der. 8, 2017 Deutsche Boetse CEO Carsten Kengeter Dec. 8,2017 NNaton Media Group CEO Joe Muganda Dec, 11,2017. (Ghell Werte CEO Daki Lin Dee. 11, 2077 Fenway Health CEO Or Stephon Goswell” Deo. 11,2017 Dieboldiscert CEO Anay Nates ‘Dee. 14,2037 Dieboldixcort CEO Andy Natles Dec. 14,2017 ATAT CEO Randal Dec. 18 2017 Vast Resources CEO Ray Phchford Dec. 18,2017 ‘Spackman Entertainment Group CEO Charles Spackman Dee, 18.2017 ESPN Present John Skipper Innogy CEO Peter Tedum Papa lonn CEO John Senator NYPD Plea Chat Carlee Gomes retires ‘Apnabet Executive Chatman Ere Schmiat pastebin convzautRaxr Dec. 18,2017 ec. 20,2017 Dec. 22,2017 Dee, 22,2017 ‘Bec: 22, 2017 aww) Bar S620 Doyou believe in coincidences? Keop lst updated Foe unstoppable, a ra pssst ANSWERS ee sess att eee) pst sai is: Hom dd NK suedeniy have minaturized nukes upon POTUS taking comics? ‘What vas stated duing Hussein's term by agencies? Hom old NK sucdeniy obtain miss gucance cap? Whats leverage? Detne vwstoge Treat hop! a 1 netfo GREED as ex Sess OR, Wy isthe ¥mising? a answens Sona eee = No SHUTDOWN scone, annette rs sss 24608, Define Snutdoun. ‘Wee ATL shutdoun? ‘Wil NK be shutdown? ‘who conto NK? Leverage? Remove leverage to capture the fag? Capture the flag to end tne rie? Enathe re ot who? ‘Who contto's NK? ‘TRUST, a ANSWERS sans annette ws ree Test 3, a sca aa ae Test, a srcorge SER yee = Test a aim yerto Beers “Tip works on single device Multiple devices requted. @ pssst Sanaa Nows unocks Map, Futie proves past Stingers Important it ‘aia 22. WH POTUS PRESS: Dyer ATT CARH (Fina Posty News: POTUS Tox Bl Speech earn (22)2+2). ‘ATT Diver’ Capital Home, a Sour eee We aren tis tgether, No ane person fs above anothe We stand together ‘Wate the news. Gosspee Pails Q ‘Seana Track CEO resignations. a Anonymous (0: cota a Eco 10000 SWEET DREAMS Pers: Public (no private). NATSEC_199842_A_DT-epprove a saan ‘anonymous QUE 12550 Decwbaanr sat oes) soz Thank you Si ‘Sony forthe Tip mess up earie. Se esse Satey ts. ‘We have the LSS, NSA, and DHS, also protecting this message. No random IP needed hough we can implement ata moment notes). set Godspeed, @ ANSWERS ncnymeus esti 2 Beeesair i POIUNyyeIno 1218/17 Tue) 18:26:11 OB test No.120498>> 120491 122 >> 128862 254 >>120450 etante >> 126401 >> teeta >> 128471 >>tantr2>>128477 Yaad 5428484 »-123453>>12B505 >-125605>>128510 ‘Ss t2as 8 >> 128827 9128608212882 »>12562 >>128856 Seaisr 92128682 ©, where are the children? ‘Seouty. mere are the chicrer? Love, Tinokc an ett Barer a 2sr20 3.000» saved by the raids in SA zone. ‘palanes sut down, Botom to TOP, (earn [RED Cross) CLASSIFIED} High Print. @ SLSR ee Qiu eso CERES 2 Bore Soir sonmetest) Define CORRUPTION. Ins Weinsha New York Cty Department of Transportation, Responsibity of DoT? Budget for pat (6) years? Empire Stata Dev Corp? titan Dev Com? Dept of Econornic Dev? Integrated Resources, inc? US Senator of NY? Follow me down the hole ‘schumer-michael-shaptos ia ‘These people ae STUPID. a ANSWERS Anonymous QUEEN) 1271200 2 Decne wearzeesi) Ssizra iste Blower. truer. nero? awww) Bae ay aan PATRIOT ofthe highest cae. @ ANSWERS num yetne Bare frr este eet) a Binney. a ‘anonymous (i tdoas zr & wa Dectoai ieorzees) , Ihave neard to ppl n France, the Netherands, Poland, Canada, and USA today. Ppl hunger for LIGHT - have ved under the darkness 1/700 LONG Thankyou Saas enoneen sorarst ‘We have tremendous AW support SATAN has ef the WE Day of dye. a ANSWERS, ‘anonymous aba szrccret ewe reaees sorrow ‘Thats 3 rele, Tough Chicago isn clear agony ether way. Lets hape tha all changes soon! as ae ee poomgmow ID aes) ast vaotr earasesty , Ihave neard to ppl n France, he Netherands, Poland, CGanada, and USA today, Ppl hunger for LIGHT - fave lived under the darkness frT00 LONG Thankyou Sa asroneneen ‘We have tremendous WW support SATAN as ef the Wt Day of days. a ANSWERS onymous ID abuts 705702 2 ooo Beever rreesocesty ‘Thats 8 elle. Haugh Chiago sn dea agony ether way, Let ape that al changes soon! aww) ues eam, asses ‘What do you think? a ANSWERS SaaS 19 OFS [row Operators active. Operators in harms way. OTUS awate, No sleep during 0°. Prey. a anu yen Becta to House of cards. ‘2 deals rejected (oday alone), Panicin De. ‘TRUST SESSIONS, Enpy the shou. a cisco on Anonymous D:s:R6N) “21S ea BRS Petes wat nappenes on 12:77 2 mR st6st Clock tated 10 days. o ANSWERS anonymous eisai wa oe Decteaoir seme eo) ‘Secanding this. The context ofthat rain crash Seems relevant. High value target aboara? Sse, {We would not tntesonaly’ nam a person in the pus ofa TARGET. This was retaliatory re: ATL a raster ANSWERS Anonymous fakes (2100 Decteaotr 28361850 errr Splash = Missle time of fights expred or missile destroyed; target or bomb impact For Tiree = Simulatedactual launch of ctve radar-guiied mmissie See ANSWERS any ater Folin the courbs Youhave tal ‘SEC Conf willbe analyzed. Dark 0. Enjy he show! a sunscistt ANSWERS any Bare dorinee ee, We may have exhausted our aby maintain safe-conms. Show Wt, Rig fr stent runing Unknow return Godspeed, Parts. @ sss we Qwiyerto 1 eaceo 110057 ea soo Beriedsiro1 ak escesn) Updated. ° ‘autre ng aureactny 10856302 Sarees i onan? Contes, Sear Being advised to update code, ‘Serous hardware belng used to break. isnot secure @ en veo ANSWERS, sna ata ee Tp test a Sas ee ewe Be Shall we play game? Find the spiders) ane bul the web (he ™map) Remember, they conser you tobe the Fy (apcticaly the eoder). Remember they never thought she was going tase “Theteore hey never ought invesigatons adie publ interest ito the mina acts would be exposedinvestgated Therefore, they never thought they had anything to fea. Therefore they openly showcase the symbols. There, they were soppy. Husse's ast speech in Chicago re: ‘scandal ree’ ‘Why aid he continually emphasize that phrase? ‘As backup, they infra! and conga he narative (he MSM). ‘8s abackip, the isa only those onthe team ‘as abackip, they Dackmal ose tat en ‘AS abackup, they defined ‘conspiracy’ as cazymentaty unstable and label anything tue as such, This works given most of what they engage nis pure ev and simply unbelievable (har to swat The fx has aways been inno mater which party won the election EK (hled) Reagan(sho) ‘This was saya the promese made o those who played he game {utiagly or aera) fe, they would neve lose power), Power ofthe (3) eter agencies. Powe ove te US Nilay (WM dominance to push against oer nations and instal ie-Kn) These people a realy spi Fol tne husbands. “notes Fi: fan cameron tacKineey 8 Company owns in veriea De Emmet J Rice. Federal Reserv. Everyone is connected. How about a rice game of chess? @ ANSWERS ures. stone? Becta oe 5 Lost access to fois! No aby to ete ip code, a See Meee Shall we play agame? Find the spiders) and bul the web he "map. Remember, they conser you tobe the fy (apcticaly the eoder). Remember they never thought she was going ose “Therefore, hey never nought investgatons andlcx pub nterest into the mina acts would be exposedtinvestgatd ‘Therefore, hey never ought hey had anyhing to tea. Therefore they openly showease tne symbols. Theteiore, they were sloppy. Husse's ast speech in Chicago re: ‘scandal ree’ Wy id he continually emphasize that pase? ‘As abackup, they iftated and coral he narative (the MSM). ‘As abackip, they sal only those onthe team ‘as abbackup, they Dackmal ose that en ‘AS abackip, they defined ‘conspiracy’ a crazymentaty unstable and label anything tue as such. This works given most of what they engage nis pure ev and simply unbelevabe (hard to swat The fx has aways been in no mater which party won the election BK (hiled)Reagan(shot) ‘This was always the promese made o those who played the game {utiagly or aera) fe, they Would neve lose power) Power ofthe (3) eter agencies. Power over the US Mitary QM dominance to push against otter nation and instal ie-kn). ‘These people ae realy stupid Fol tne hsbands. “Another Fit: fan Cameron Mckinsey 8 Company owns in Avera Di Emmet Rice. Federal Reserve. Everyone is connected How about a rice game of chess? @ (No abity to enter trp code last ump) Axeryrus IEE 00 Deen Sees a“ Blocked trom posting entering rip’. would appear his board nas been compromised, @ ures 71, Berner eting doser (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS PosT) re ‘QuTPe trae ESD 2207 ea Dorin iase ee) ANSWERS QUT ans SERIE 5 ae SIPS eS ‘Saw this in ast head. Focus on papers on table. (Graphic at top. ‘They al belong tothe same sick culo. a ‘QUTPR thas ED 2255 Borer ase oS) Image at top: boy, boy. Enhance. What ese do you see? [Archive watchers wll nove erase fom web, a anonymous ozone a pesare Decteaoir seaeer es) Not everything can be stated 11. (Q carttoome out and tel us exaet meanings of his drops. [Uke because I would reveal information that would compromise ‘Operations as the scumbags. scramble fo clean up lose ends that Ste revealed. Honce the 1.2mm, which we thought were 12 millon ‘armies reached by this boara when the 1.2mm vas tually the 1.2 milion decuents inthe IG report, which te scumbags had no ibe about SRS 20 Bad people watching @ zs ANSWERS. SRS “Documents from the Obama adminstaton have been transfered 10 the Barack Obama Presidentia Library. You may send your request 0 {he Obama Library, However, you shouldbe aware that under the Presidential Records Az. Peskin records remain closed tothe Publi for five years afer an administration fas le oft RAIDED bythe GOOD GUYS (per EGTLS. Shockingy quit Noteaks? Presidential rares are putin pace to retain cartol ove set. incivnating doe raeases, Scam Review the lw ‘Whats ferent re: Hussein's PL? ‘Whe contri? “These peope realy ae stupa. a x10 sa ANSWERS, SOU eee “ nas asked about ownership of voting machines before. Tey knew GS was going to mess wih the numbers. This was the plan AVERY SPECIAL PLACE! ‘Wat uid be the penal for stealing elections? QuTPR thao HRDERED ssiset ex Borsa iazeaa es) ‘Graphics should be in same time zone. Deta relevant [BlTovay Hoyeast LsiPast @ um Bec ‘ide-ny-sige graphic? Locate and ceate (22) ‘SEARCH crumbs: #21 Whois #2? No dea, o (2 Fr can Fl Depty Orel Anew McCabe, he mann slong that danas Comey o ha Prey ay Clon fnveligaontrlng ne 53,660 agaly dle ra) be han 700,60 forte’ campagn by Carton Puppet crag resign? a ssi ri 8 ae Dona J. Trump ‘ered account leh Ms here @realDonalcTrume “mt minute ago, More How can FB Deputy Director Ancrew McCabe, the man in charge, ‘alongwith leak James Comey ofthe Phony Hilary Clinton investigation (cluding he 33,00 egal deleted erals) be given $700,000 for vite campaign by Cnton Pupp sing Investigation? 1M) ne MI 2 sateen Who posted fest? 2. @ ANSWERS iui yere aE Bore Soir tose es ‘SEARCH crumbs: 2) Whois #27 No deals, sa0780 anny bee Pry ssi! re Se a answers Dec 22.2017 oemee = ecu 64a Quien 17a ss Bares 3oirov ze est) Message back. UFO put out 6 detract rom crops. oe ANSWERS Somes anes rst “The Di report represented convener facts at restenes Preston’ Obamas Norh Kotes-afategpatnce”polcy "a Foyt co nang abot Nah Rares sack ns protiom down fre rtad ote no pescan” SUIS E eae iho was suppose tobe the nest President? Expand yur tung ANSWERS einen 0 aoe secur SE Best 2011 Shustle Program terminated by Husson |USoses space dominance. btgdhnnvfomens como ‘nea-abeut nor horeas-mnlatuized-nukes he ED. TRAN Nike dea Nis Nukemisse Tech, SpaceX NASA Tech to? [HRC SAPs (private serve. Connected. $55,585, $55.00 (pockets). EYE OF RA, Left eye marker Symbols, Evil STUPD. JUSTICE, a ANSWERS uw Bac one oF weNry 190 [DNC BREACH / DOSSIER] ws SE RUSSEIN> ONIDIR>. CLOWN DIR> GLAS: 12> BS (GUPPORT:05, NP, AS, CLAS-1, CLAS-2, CLAS-3, CLAS-4, CLAS, CLAse> BRIT INTEL RC.CAMP PAY> BNC Pay> GLAS: 14 Pave STEELE PODESTA- HOLDER RELAY SPEC RUSSIA> CLAS: 13> ISSEN NO NAME> USSEN CLAS.» USSEN GAS “ic ib HUSSEIN> isa PRES DALY > IS SEN NO NAME> NEWS SHOP> Buzze> PUBLIGNARRATIVE. STAGE SET FUTURE PREVENTIREMOVAL OP. FRAMIF: US INTEL LEGAL SPY ON PRES CANDIDATE / PRES ELECT/R CONGRESS / SEN / NEWS FRIENDLY /ETO> a ANSWERS ‘ney wae beeen eee Boon sober over a hundred days, Panning to end that Fnaly going to ial ys Fuck ais, een hete since te sat 100, Sues eee, pov Patio, your country needs you. ‘You are not aon, Gols LOVE 2018 ull be GLORIOUS! Godless, @ 5 sa0s82 ee ANSWERS i ee Donald J. Trump ‘eried account (@realDonalctrump “timaa minutes ago Mare ‘Wil be signing te biggest ever Tax Cut and Reform in 30 minutes in Ova Ofc. Wi aso be signing a much needed blon ‘dolar missle defense il, uw yette ESOS Becze Sour esses) MISSILE. MISSLE. FOX THREE. SPLASH. ASTHE WorLD TURNS. RED_OCTOBER> a em ANSWERS Deo 212017 faery jae Dewan orirsotesh ‘we aleady knew his though Senkre eee ae sovasan ‘What do Couns 6o wi the access codes and tech? ‘Who contols NK? ‘Who ready conto’ NA? ‘What ames are protected using leverage? Bank Fiancal ieverage? NUKE sre package everage? Wis RAN hye RAN rey he se ‘What news about RAN broke? rugs? ‘What about WiDs? |Why da Brennan / hers provige fase intel: NK capably + RAN Tech NUKE DEV? Pate tl Have fat @ ANSWERS SOUS PORES Conc zt aon mosey Iss techvguidance caps SpaceX tech, methinks. Via Obama possy? aminte a? tuyere GOREN 12528 Borze Borromeo eh 2 ‘Why is EM provide BIG nN eubsises? No subscies =? Gown conbuson in exchange for access code? Wy relevant? ‘amazon Eeno? Google Home? Gown contusions? ‘Apple Face ID Tock? [EB Face Ip Tech? Cateing on? ‘Bombs ANay. @ ANSWERS uw start Sree ee How dd Ns sucdenty have minaturtzed nukes upon BOTUS taking fice? ‘What was sate curing Husseins tem by agencies? How di NK suddenly cotain misso gudance cap? ‘Whats everage? Dene stage. Their last opel a anny Bae! uly operational Resotved @ ne sscsaet e rose um Bere! Test @ on seme roe Uap Me All devices rove special fr comm here. Anonymous QURTREDD 15.05 ex sony eee eat a mows Ida 222608 ep ecw ot anise est) ‘ors takes orders from P. Yau have na idea ow sick and ei these people are Fight, ight nght ay ofays, Game ove @ ANSWERS Anonymous resi 08 SCN est sven Hope you enjoyed the Xmas decor POTS wil very crecty to provide crumb aut for csserination, ‘We are crusting these sick peopl. God bess, Patt. ° ANSWERS SERS ‘Trp working on one device only. utp devices necessary. ° Anonymous sO: seb sone oa Beez Soir ance est) Tp not working on multiple cevies. a Eo id you find the exchange 2 days ago re: WH EO today? ‘he fences. Feel proud. a Sn es >o1809 ES (Goog) esigne today post £0. Golnldence?| ° ANSWERS 21H yet ME Saree Test sre un some fer PRS Pass entered incre fst ne. Conpiex é Qiu yee GOREN 10587012 a Beret Soirneeeest) Tiptest a Anonymous OESED Been aon See “Tip enteres but not showing, @ eo Dec 192017 owner Bacio ssa Mt tL seato0 22_SEO FREE OZBA 22 WH POTUS PRESS DyeATT_cAPH @ p00 ANSWERS iui yerhe ane SL SEATO_ SHINING SEA DIRECT: CODE 234 SEC: 81-3 DIRECT: CODE 299 SEC: FIBA cP 1) Show the World Our Pome. RED. OCTOBER > o suc ANSWERS Saree Board one, mods, ane oer patos ‘Sincere thanks for al hat you So. You ae tue heroes Long overdue = my apciogies. “Ther willbe a day (thn the next few months) hata scary but safe pereoraiized mestage nds sway fo you an mutpe platforms Fecognizng your contbutions. ‘We thank you or your service. Godspeed, @ 5 scas2008 ee Sener ee “wit rans can be harmful Lesson leamed? How about “SIERRA_C 2 How about fS22'Singaporey? ‘When does abi sing? Goodkiye 6. @ SG See ee £98010, Playboy. G3 Held Fess. HEIDI FLEISS (EVIICLOWNIBLACKMALL). a Sota ee coe JP Jared Kustner- Rumours of he's next on Mucters ist? See es End isreae. @ ANSWERS zie cS Anonraus 8528 Deere weaves est) @ The Alabama Election was stolen, Ihavenot doubt. Yall gonna fe ‘at one too? um Ba! a rie ‘Though when we 4084 te tnk hat gave contmation, Lear ° ANSWERS Arenyous QOESIUED. 12050502 Be beeen eeUresD [SAlntrcopts Hmisste fred loward R fevers ‘comanicleus-eaud-biaseaudr-arabia-nterceps-noutnissle- ‘ted-oward-lyadh-no-teported-casualles-HUSKBNIEDI7¥ qwinyern a Peary oa sorz7905 FOxa? Q ANSWERS qumyerne: a Beste Ber ie a wort ogc me to ENE, We wil however ight a FIRE to fush them out @ cast ~ bein tare (ps a success last night? >> 1258 enero aoe net SWS meer FOxs? @ ANSWERS auinyerne aus Berto Borre a overt segeph au moves ENE ‘We il however ight a FIRE to flush them ou a rows RED 259017 ms Soest Paros ps a success ast ight ? 122 on yerte Sermo CALM BEFORE THE STORM i) ‘same day, Coincidence? Only he begining. o ANSWERS Dec 182017 Suse are) Term peat y NAT SEC NATSEGAHH, LB, E, classited Cog-20k FREEDOM #1-43 CAP_H), MAVERICK. JUSTICE FED J[t-4] remove + appolite a ANSWERS Beste Bor a ey ir poo 404) str? Expand your inking, 1Doyou boleve in corcences? a pasts ome tere they Deatoa {spunisnnent lr ALT exrachon. Wonder which pawn Is of he tale. orwas someting ngher? Bee 52 3121595 EISHOP (cut, a ANSWERS Dec 18 2017 23:43.55(EST) ve Give us an hint onthe ATL airport Qiu yerve amaRRRNB 204500 oa Borie Soir zanar es Extraction GOo0. a ANSWERS QW pete RRR 21:27 Bo FLASH BREAK RAN ‘Shall we play a game? Map seca to understand Future unlocks past DECLAS_ATL_(pash, News unlocks map. Fad the marker. so (10) sara. Concourse Terminal. Prvate_operated plane (OB)? AND. Extraconinown, Dark Darkness. Lear double meanings. ‘SHUTDOVIN QpoTUS- oporus2 ‘Qporuss QOTUS-4 (10) aporus.5 "Special Pace” ‘Why are drops highighted by POTUS shorty thereaer? Coinedence or me “Tha Great Awakening” POTUS day. Uniock? CLAS_OP IAD (future). How about nice game of chess? SPLASH. FOX THREE ° ANSWERS Dec 14 2017 auto sins Ba! scotty TSECFAA0B Pivate OF END a SES ASS Contes auinnerto SiGe ene >orsost Gontrmed. ° ownyatto Borie Soir peated. @ ps Srna Tp cade on 4 working aELYSIDELYE ‘We cont keto say his name, a oo PLEASE HELO FARMERFUMWK (0 Sap1s1 DSSS? ED Becteir staal e50) Suen sO Sal Se Ignore? sae ee Fake. e ANSWERS away eae = bins seni 2ahrs to restore tp code or departure, Gosspeed, o oo Anonymous MOET 25s862 Beet? Seo eat) Godspeed, Patios Sone Saree ‘This board is compromised. Gannot enter tip code 0 very auth “hip cade on 4 as also been odie God bess, o Dec 132017 suena ‘Godspeed, Patriots POTUS WRWY @ ura cnca Sarma pss ‘Saw this iniast Wvead. Focus on papers on tate. Graphic a top. ‘They al Belong tothe same sick cult. e ae Hard day at work today ©? Welcome back. ‘Was there aot of information inthe questioning of Rod Rosenstein today? | ee much of te questioning i ested to your drops. “Future proves past Ng OI rss ea Sora eee aver End Is near, @ ANSWERS Dec 192017 22.27 43(EST) ad 1 QNTPo cho 1206/7 (Wed) 2139.96 1D chaed? No45820 eachas est Grim, Patt. ‘Youre reaching mae ha you trom 152, 24, 4-8, ™ const om = The np Gaara Rapin th 2036 tcl se eit Ceton eign Coun Mion dean Mods Sie any sb 8 Mosc >>120m “ispano21.2mm S12 312mm ‘Weare onthe team sneae You ateteaming News unlocks map. Future proves past Not eventing canbe states 1:1 o ANSWERS Dec 122017 onrrocaneo Beir os “special” a esas we Answers ures esnstt BRS ee a ees anasto Wath, cont and dlssomirato, “The county inPot dvd, fake news, ANTIES was orgarizes purely topes: dvson frepaner Estmated 4% we consider hopeless’ and ever brainwashed Redead cunbs fe: save ap the Ds fave on De back Pop. Wryis his relevant? Om aK Om Why are v (Font) retvant? ean ange 2 ‘This requires a DEEP CLEANING. Greer pe gt tet These perl ae sti uated moe Om 6 Have ain le te SESE ee >osiar bis /inwntehouse cote nh 7 ‘penive-rte-esiablsnetifeesdeiinadson/ ‘Wy must tbe sled and aay fom the 20°6 section? Have ith ‘These pecpe ae stp Cy) ANSWERS ese = | Srey Sieen oe ™ ‘Tinestamp [post [09] against POTUS Tweet E43). 109 Na toincisenes a Mery Oresimas @ ANSWERS Dec 11 2017 awit = | Sse a FOR GOO & COUNTRY, lk of anathershustoun, FREEDON, Be prepare i se acess _ Ly 8 a a mrPocenn sre froma: Sm rece oo | Sern aR = 2 Wie havea special place picked out fr. Maybe all (these) wives are ther own hgh pistesscult.that_ | Realy specs re whore wel eethe symbols... “Sip Ups” @ autPocene ant ae ee s src ANSWERS inp ecce ste noms pest we | Saris a = Sera SRS faa pes — Light wt overcome &_ashress. wi goa Sehi, Robert D. Sore Lge expose darkness TERIDINGS Mets Sei, Robert. Se tie peo es st enim nr pitt detest darkness. iota estes sere o Fe tad aNSweRS | Metssa Sch elated to Adam Seni? Wat are the chances? Snr Soe Follow ne wives. These people ae suis a ANSWERS Santee Do you beleve in coincidences? "Blunt & Direct Time" or. ‘Think curency. “Think reworks Thwartes. Message deivered These people ae ick! a uTPp ce, Dec 10.2017 23.2262 (EST) ee False fagls). POTUS, 100% insulate. Expect reworks, USTICE. a ANSWERS. Please pray toniht. {Good people in nar way. a ONT? CSOD Daoalrseseeeen ete) so ww “4 quarter, Pats We fit together a ANSWERS Se ee Not understanding why the drops today arent being understood. Expand your thinking Important. a jcons0eh oa neoymeus oars oe Becta Seen Fm about to BREAK IP Chester Beninglon and Chis Come. They tied to move on Geen and pid the rice Sree eos “The vs"To Eventing has meaning @ e082 ANSWERS. screr ee enn Ital Law staring he 18 separa ke subject regs Acre MOOR 0 £2 Bee SE e001 Yes, felt hat speech vas odd lastnight but in a.good way. POTUS ‘emphasis and speech pattems. We need a go back ana sten closely. He cid emphasize words Used by Q and POTUS titer. Find Righiske Broadcasting Network on utube a Pert td Lister mb te sorgest he wor th pods yrray ae Das a ck Saloni BRAT dee whan bs sin screen ores "Yes, | was stick by how that speech paralleled he themes youve been posing her, Looking at the map gives a good idea ofthe operations ahead. rere in ey renege ‘re these relevant? 51726, Anonymous CNHI 012 co Sora See ‘The proposed change tothe Lore's Prayer snc he pnt. Te Poms that revearec that tes was KOOwn a month before twas Fevesled public. wants us to understan that what fn the map Is teal and his provides the evidence fri seco ‘Theimportan pint is tice ‘BOTUS speech used terms found inthe map. More evidence that ttuth is beng revealed, Q's legit and jistice i being served. seca \We need to assemble and spread the map NOW an demonstrate vy Its rue doe tothe news proofs coniained within Sere = Nate @ sina ferent cor. .someting keep nmin or te Atwein case ts becomes someting evar ke Mons Panel sere >Justee His speech In Pensacola mentoned the LS miliary Proving Justice throgghout the wor "hope that In ust standard NeoCon justification to be the works palesman utPpeerye enemce Sea ER ee 0 (YouNrTPD gonqo 12109117 (Sat) 10:34:28 57 1ea8 Re.av29%> enue sosc%s >>60287 »e039 =>B08TT 0819 3380828 zat 9560906 cn 3260349 =e 2960869 >-0253 2360872 nts 2900821 03 Somer ‘What has been sald about he IS itary? “The speech yesterday versed na rlacked so much Expand your inking Rewead curbs. Reisten to yestxday’s speech, Comet te markers" News (ral forms unlocks the map. Expand yeu tnkig. ‘The Great Awaken, a “We love ur U.S. Miltary. On behalf ofan entre Nation, THANK YOU tor your sactce and service” Timestamp, How many clues must we provide? a ANSWERS autrn cna jsoaezet Bacon Pe Be the autts we know you are IReabout te BREAK Godspeed, Patriots. @ ANSWERS Saree nat was te USSS codename for Hussein? rm Deine. They knew al long Expand your thinking @ autre cenas ease? Reva ‘Who curenty protects Hussein? ml Why sti relevant? Who current protects BiH C? Why is this relevant? Lean: a to Screen 2 ” wets istee eee eee erred [ice tvougoat ne wor "hope at ss! standard NeaConustcaton to be te worlds polesran SEERA eh” Cm cee a ‘What has been sald about the US Mitan/? The speech yesterday veri and unlocked 0 much Expand your thinking, Fevread outs. Revlsten to yesterday's speech Connect the markers News (nal forms) uiceks the map pani your thinking. “The Great vakering. Qa ANSWERS WONDAY QUTP® strap QUESETED 62201 Deeeanirztsesn “Tangent Expand your thinking a ute ating eon SLs PRR oe sos News unlocks map, Future proves past Why was the Lord's prayer poste? Which version? Whyisihis relevant? ‘What st came ut re: the Lord's prayer? ‘what Gan be connected? Do you eleven coincidences? RRe-teview the map post etevant news crops, Gostater I a ANSWERS Deegan riesesr 2 sos nips youtine comwatchvectyHxO2KOGo ER, “These people are sick. a ANSWERS QurPe eno RTE Bocraoirseseav es) For Green. a a sxisre B Sea Can you tnd pico Avales and Hussein or Girton or other US poltions? t ard you cart sleep anymare Dont come have again, a eee so SR eee e750 ws ape ngs GREED 51750 Berar eeest SSRESEOND eS ASR S_osg ANSWERS QvTPe thas ERED £17500 ea a Dorr aor SrseabesD sampman So sora eg ANSWERS. Autre ngs wpemoame sist? ex Becra0trdeseoneeD = eee ANSWERS Sree ees sant vats oat ong? Anonymous: 4Ofel. is18e2 cx beer ey what is mat reng? urracero some Ta aE ona Dom ANSWERS tee cane sossnct era eee ANSWERS. ‘auTPe cen sozesseam Barras an eseeen Reaches est 1.2mm, Patios, You a reaching more than you now. 284,458, Godspeed, a aosz00t ANSWERS For war appened ast tne Baran waren 0807 This is nota game. Qa ANSWERS uP D ange Boros ‘what No Such Agency alerted May tote il plan per POTUS? ‘What ifthe atlempt was ordered by ++? ‘Why y? FREEDOM Caucus? FREEDON, @ psu ws ANSWERS. ncoymeue ERRTSED 907 am Becton erase ee) Phitosatten et ‘com SaracarterOCistatus'938574365040011360 Sara is good people SCRE ER eee ‘ty ae Sara & John getting all the Year scoops? Expand yout thinking, Why are they now uncer protection? a ANSWERS sen SR = ‘We present YOU. Never forget a. We never il MAGA, a OOD #557502 m anonymous DeceannrSyarar est asi (Q.can you confer? ‘auTPe tng (UREEIED 45087 Baroni ores ‘Whyis the 88 now protecting key members of No Such Agency? 5476 ANSWERS Autre cng ss BL Bacenotr ee Goodbye AL Ads ts LYSIDFLY# a ANSWERS Autre cnae Barenorr WONDERFUL tends. a sae am ANSWERS Anonymous nm Serer ere Us! of polticlans not seeking reelection Bab Corner CChatle Dent, R Jef Fake, ‘donn Duncan, Bob Goodate, R Je Hensaring. isin Jenne, Sam Jenson, Frank LaBiondo, R Tim Murphy, R Ted Poe. R Dave Relcher, R Nleana Ros-Lehtinen, R Lama Sah, R Pt Tbe, R ave Trot, R Carel Shea-Porer, Gene Gieea, D ‘oe Barton, ‘Jonn Delaney D ne exter, Nk Tsongas, D Join Conyers. D ‘Sandy Levin, D QP thao MOTE Baewoireweees) Norma? Canatdence? Draining the swamp? a 28657 ANSWERS SIE Adm Ri No Such Agency (WW) + BOTUSUSHIL = ‘ppl the Keystone. Panithe plete a 28807 m ANSWERS eo “ 8 Artin yu can say on Deutsche Bank? Autre cenae so:anceas Bacenorrieareeen FAKE NEWS, @ seas ANSWERS QirPe cn Horeme asset ea Borsa feaecues) #LYJOHNNYELY, ANSWERS. Autre cng ssic0et reat God bess, Paviots ‘We are proud. a ANSWERS OM? hs CED. Basar doses) RED RED stinger 25h. Hussein RED video 27th (espense) Hussein in Asa on 28th post singer. analyze, Coincidence? More tran one meaning. Hussein RED Indctmenis variables, Think ole, Expand your thinking, “Take matiple pats. One conneetato anathe, Leama reas the mab. “The maps he fey. Find the keystone. What hes everthing together? a aste002 ANSWERS Autre cng Barer ane psa a ‘Who knoms where the bodies are buried?” FLYNN sate ‘We protect our Paros. a Anonymous ected a see ‘South Korea calls Noth Korea daly: “The ministy has o keep pestering Pyongyang over he miary ‘and Red Cross talks," ne sald, “thas to Keep placing cals onthe PPanmunjom telephone, The sivtion can qucky change and North Korea could fel the need for catogue, When they da ret. they vw key want to dea with the United States tt, but et them by to ‘Accomplish anything in talks wn Washington witout he irvowemers of Seou —m wort work” bps bloomberg Jenson-sgeines-souhs-unficalon-minsty@ EZ SETS ee ee RED CROSS RED RED. \Why was that STRINGER sent out? Decode. "Now unlocks message, Future proves pat ‘Whare fs te RED CROSS? Runs deep. Chere. Dates: 25,27, 28. ‘Stinger, RED RED, ASIA. ‘Analyze the connection. {earn to rea he map, @ ours an curate. ae guran oes rest) SIE Eee” mam sees a pou Expand your thinking, ‘Wen 8 Hussein rave to Asia? ‘Wen was the singe release? ‘Wen vas the RED video laped? Doyou believe n eancenaes? a TP thas orostss Boca2oirssanresD Red Cross is comp and used as a piggy bank. Future top Diseases creates by familes in power (pop coniol > pa ko) ‘Think AIDS, Ft topic Relevant #ELYROTHSFLY# a ase ws ma bons ANSWERS iT? thse ESE Dacsaotr seers) Date Peter/Comey ceered Weiner emaiis? Dat we was promoted? Do you believe n coincidences? a a0 QuTPS the MORES Sse oe {#ELYROTHSELY ane a a upp ngs Born 207 Sos 20074 LUndergrouns massive data canter? a ose8e2 ANSWERS 21TPp thas MOAR 127407 Boot 2017 SoseoeesD Les than 10 ean confirm me Darra ealncdenss “Twa etveet = concaance “wer Keywerds - concidence Pics - coincidence Meant oly for you. Gos bess. a ANSWERS, ‘Q4TPe thas MORRIE 1725007 Doct 20ir anaes Be hare tomorow “The story unas a ANSWERS Supe omega Dale tan 16207000155 EST) _Star_P_log_4ch_y ‘Canty ANSWERS QTE othe WORMED 1280102 ea Novanaoirioeser es) “The Asia Foundation, ge rorefette reno @ ANSWERS TPA atin out e RovatabiroNeneoee) ‘What i had miniature nuke paylead delivery In 20042 ‘What had ICBM capably ince 2005? ‘Whale previous tests that faled were staged? ‘wy would tis be relevant? ‘whos ivawved and wy? Biggest coverup in our history. LT-CA-EU-ASIAINK, iran deal Russian reset, @ ANSWERS ‘Where is BO? ‘whats the pupose? Who tes? when? Revonele, a ANSWERS QiTPe ct sear ma Rozsa ezesTest) a Flash Di, Start code_actvatedinstucton Loci *e7eve ANSWERS Autre ame 10 Lanes Roveear ator eet Deke an 1618708 5350 EST) TBF J. 151.20, ANSWERS. tvs Sitomaresn = Oat Jo 18 07008598 EST) RED_RED_ quiere >: gmmants w00sc0/ Novae ees (est) insta ee _Jest_yes2_yes8_" eDVI-089bT_AD Cont Gosspeed, a ‘neoymous 1. auc ssosarase ea Reema ores sesh Betsy DeVos > Erk Prince > POTUS, btpslMnintnoa fnce=adisingsiumpsiomshe=shadaws Ey autre 0 oparmnay ssrorezee2 ED Avandia (est) >>sstni7054 ‘Who noms where the bodles are buried? ‘The map infront of you Rovead Expand your thinking Purpose far tne being spenthere @ ANSWERS foomymous 1p sean Ses Reem aezea6 es) a Ishis relevant? Pelee ee eee erect reenact) evaluating “new stariptecnncogy tra tat were beleved to Ofer temendous value to the CI, the National Geospatial. Inteligence Agency, and te Defense inellgence Agency” Indeed, the NGA had confirmed tal its irteligence obtained via Keyhole was Used by the NSA to support LIS operations In itaq fom 2003, onnares. ‘foe Amy special peratonsineligence offcer,Pater’s ‘et ob at Google as of uy 2008 was federal manager of whist Keyole was to become: Google Earth Enterprise. 8 2007, Perter had become Google's federa chief tecinologis. “Tc refers to TalenKeyhole, code names fo imagery rom reconnaissance area ane spy sales, insta me ANSWERS nee Sea eng nc es Macnee! 8 ANSWERS. reoymous 10 nett ssosaoar B AermaTomessesy 0600779 QISIT THIS HERE >>icosos753 Sasi Gees umm m answens Sasi Raga some = Keshole. Happy hunting a ANSWERS RES eee Se ‘Whats EB? Spying to? ‘Who created Who realy reate it? Nothing what sens, a ANSWERS ‘Anonymous 1D Giuacon sGi5i2700 m vars tA peers pastvees mara ates “ou magn a yu BOOK ye ncn? g ANSWERS PLVSYUTRA (0 estentoe ssmnzrT4Ct pa a FEE ones te CHECK MY LAST POST at! tcosanes Sense >is RES Se Mee ANSWERS ‘autencenge 0-esceurse ssosszssrEF ex Rove irivai gas Rte Traverse Management ‘Very important. Dec 102017 Foon MRREOIN 7082e sre See Blunt & Direct Time. ‘Adam Schi fa Wator to our county. Leake. NATSEC, evi Tek Tee, Hope the $7.emm was wort Enjoy the show. Q ANSWERS Dec 9 2017 Dec 82017 22.37 31 (EST) 8 seo Thankyou. 2 Hofpng you fa we want to do [must be paula wate Us eam what of you aeay know Sony tobe serag onyou gaye Ready we wel be vee seat Wie areal so very appreciate {God less each and everyone of you @ soar ANSWERS se Post: 1:34 US Miltary ene POTUS: 1:37 US Miltary o anne eo SIS Reee Timestamp my poste: US Millay vs. POTLS Tweet. ‘Why did the SSS codename Hussein Renegade"? ‘Apperson who deserts and betrays an organization, county, or set of Prncpes {Wo does the LSSS curently protect? ny i ths relevant? @ ease so ANSWERS eames cy ROD te o ‘Dec 9'2017 1251-48 (EST) . ©. whee the “inte House Anns realy he sett serve? The ‘nes wo showed he Wa Osinas pos? Secret Seve ee et Ee People wee mina pos wn woud bears abe guest Where mere. Were ey showing they ate cn ou 328? SEs ee re eons Dont mistake jours @ to partes as tasters ANSWERS UTP echo TP 8 has CHEATED 60201 6 38 Baoaorissezes7 ena67 ‘What has been said about th LIS Miltary? “The speech yesterday veried ans unlocked go much, Expand your thinking Revead crumts. Revlisten fo yesterday's speech, CConnees the markers ‘News (mal forms) unlocks the map. Expand your thinking. “The Great akong, a’ orTPpaneo east Sree ee ee “Timestamp LS Mitary against POTS recent Tweet LS hay. How many cues must we provide? asthe wire Tans. @ Dec 82017 1342 18 (EST) ee ~ soe Renegace Quroanan Becoaa as eR or ‘person wn deserts oe betrays an organization, county or et of Fy aye kre. @ ANSWERS ura aaa Baco2sy aE What was the SSS codename for Hussein? i Dain. They knew at along. xan your tig. sass on TP gina ITP cinco ARTE 24402 Barons Bases usc, a nn ee = Tues Nov 4h, ‘Who anced 9-117 ‘Who was Bin Laders handler? ‘Rhy asthe Clowns in Amica why not If we found UBL, eliminated his securty, why would we immediatly ta rim and at iake rim ave? ‘wy woul we want ib capture UBL alve and extract other possible Flevel evens? Pemaps someday people wil understand they'had a plan to ‘conecuet‘anotrer mass exncion event. ‘WM & I sorchestrated and planned by select families? Fantasyland. Remember, the more people there are, the mare power the people have. ‘Why do Ds push for gun contol ‘rect afer every rake Inetdonte |Why/s this so very Important to thelr agenda? ‘We, the people, are who they are afale of ‘ne the people, are ano they fear wl one day aake. (Our Father who at inheaven, alowed be thy name “Thy kinggom came, “Thy willbe done ‘an earth a sn heaven, Give us tis day our daly bread, snd forgive us out respasses, a5 we forgne those who trespass against us, and lead Us not nto temptation, butaeiver us fem ev. @ sked to hurticapture UBL? aoe News unlocks he map. @ ANSWERS Pango Beceasi se seroieee oe passat ANSWERS Dec 8 2017 ura aaa Berean ae skeet Renee J James o Dec 7 2017 Vee srocmienve as 3 ee Rothschilds (cult leaders\churchyP) ‘Banks Financ Insttutons SM Gov Cantal Gov Contele People SA OiTeen Sexcriaren SA Contos (assigned) LIS / UK Palicans/ Tech Cos (primary) Ser Contos organizations of people (create ison / brainwash) + ‘management / operator of sus funds (pessonal net worh never Teduces think DOJ settlements Consumer ran Enviro pacts eet) 1 Rock pestvauth over followers) “present. Faure) Ode i tical ‘Stings cut to US/UK Expand your thinking. ‘Swamp drain 4 sexual harassment ext + ture Ri-No. amb aiay. a 80st oe Tre ste CRIED esses Sirsrn See CAMEO FFE AES Ae SEIS ANSWERS 5 (presen) Guure) ide tical ‘Stings cut to US/UK Expand your thinking. ‘Swap cain. 1 = semua! harassment exit + future TRI-No. Bomb aay. @ Tre IC ANSWERS eng rine ani sna ANSWERS ura aoe sae Barras een ee = Pctures unlock ‘deat presented that was decined Puppets going wi a ANSWERS ura aonan sae 2 Becraar ere = Pctures unlock ‘deat presented that was decined. Puppets going wil a ANSWERS see Dec 6 2017 urPoaono snpeaaa Sacra arenes, _G0_A-Sitke 8-04.00 As The Wierd Tun, @ aunt @ Try conn appeaeas Barras econ Strike package Bravo-oT450-1 Cont y 7 RO ea sat enrrocino set Sra BE AL back nthe news today after #FLYALFLYE ‘Another coincidence? Faliow the news Memry Cheisimas. @ ANSWERS semana Ihave a question: The 10 days, darkness. when? TPS ana MESIED 5010 Becoas sian est ‘Shutdown. o ANSWERS pene COE scsi Sir eae ‘watch me news Lakers exposed. These people are stupid. a ANSWERS UTP cine QUMEED 52407 SESE ‘HRC ted o cut a deal tay. WESAIDNO. Q Dec 5 2017 ura anca nt Baceea eee sive Banks control Govts Gav's contol people ‘SA contol elected peopl, ‘SOROS conto organizations of people. Ready to play? @ ANSWERS aio tig Borsa Bae R RED D ANSWERS ceed ‘Sepa itary ntesigence, No Suen Agency = Key OTS and Pats = stone ANSWERS Ee Key unlocks the door of al door (flo) Stone the force / strength capable of yelding power to at on info KoyrSione= sre ANSWERS SEER eae we ‘srLYALFLYE Funny ights being tuned on. FLY HGH @ ANSWERS Saeareeae Bye Bye Johnny. Upto Ist ‘Wate te news. ANSWERS Berea “SFLYROTHSFLYS 50s seo, RED Hat Ccieren s Shhce POTUS etected what changed wi RED? Since POTUS elected what changed wi CE? Shee POTUS erected what changed Wi Me? ‘These peope deserve ANSWERS saci REDRED 111 Funds raed vs dstibuted? Oversioht? ‘70 plane ersshes ae targeted ls, ‘Those nthe krow never Seep, a ANSWERS Sree ee = pointed out the picture on the RED.ORG ste wih the Korean \warnan poitng "Meet Me In Seou” Obummer goes to China, ‘ide go to Seo too? TPS cone MORRIS 288507 Borat Sone satan ANSWERS TFS cone ane Boral arenes, Lear oteod he map. You have more ban You tea. a a2 ee Arcoyrous assoc Deere sere SCOINCIDENCE? aenshsatrigh” ammo = wee ss UTP cones ane Becaaor sarees, Re-eview RED_RED stinget. Fecus on Husseln AIDS Vile, (Goss reference Date of singer vs video? Lear to dectcer, News unlocks message. Find the keystone a sae Be res zeoet see RED_RED Remamber? Hussain AIDS Vieo. Hieden message? Response? Twiter Roles, Actions Expand your thinking News unlocks meaning. a ANSWERS TF cn ane Sra emer Have you been watching the news since Flay? Who s Peter Stzok? How was he compromtsed? How was he pal? ‘Whois Melissa Hodgman? Company? Te? Dae of prmaton? Focus onthe date What events re: Peter recently occured that you now know? ‘Think HC emals, Weiner laptop, et Dates? Date of promotion of wife? How dothey stack he deck? ‘Who do tey want nse the gov"? ‘What ate puppets? ow do you conto a puppet? inkse Vite connection? What isa patter’? Follow tre vives Keep watching te news this week Futura proves past Revead crumb, (nal ow mary D's Bs wil nt seek reelection? What ust passed inthe Senate? Whos ther new handler? Doas told? Why st relevant? ‘Do you not understand the govt is being guited pubiiy? Baton mile top. $Husseln an comecton. Bombs away. Merry Cesta. ° susie Be ANSWERS Nov 30 2017 Tro ann 588 ee Boot 251 Sosa ee Husscin is evi anda real loser. No special teatmant ‘Shopng afound Tor (n@w) handerprtection stun to Watch on te SATS / spy comms. Morons, al of them @ TP ain anaes 755002 ea Becta sowenesD $A controled US puppets Stings out [Ds opping al around over sexua! misconduct (ts stan) Coincidence aecty ater SA? Dent you realize te War has gone pubic? Ustwhe wil not be running for re-elect. Coinedence? Phase any to snallow os of powerfnfence.. Good te to prosecute ‘ust walt untinext wee. You are all Paton a ANSWERS rPocen Pr Oe tes28 Bort aor soueaees {Ws party w 400% guest. ‘Whoever pasted those nde pcs ed no ake Ino account he many ‘WH pub and private sec cams which can tiangulate and ume UoglBEN the person responsible We wil vestigate, Think e eo a ANSWERS Nov 29 2017 TF conn aa 3222 Revansnin 2 ae sre TF cin MOeTaETE Lc202 ee Noro bir OoeareaT) Fecus on Hussain, Revelations coming very vary soon. ‘HUM -SA - Hussein HER (rsh, Gi ints atiomey. ‘ath Distiet- Sen DNC. Hussein v H&G v McCain. Why is is relevant? Fellow the money pre-pres. Fellow tha connection pre-pres. ‘Why does Hussein ravel ead of BOTUS? |Why da Hussein avel behind POTS? Think Asa. Think NK What was told re: NK during the past 8 years? hat dramatic shit oocrre re: NK post election of POTUS? Reconcile. Detine hostage. ‘The Sumof al Fears, “Why are sexcal harassment clan al appeasing sudceny? Coincidence? ‘What isp Wien st hard to swallow? How do you remove your enemies from postions of in ence and authorty? Det stages. Dene puppets Deine puppet handlers, Dene proxy wat Dene proxy war Dene proxy war Expand your thinking. Why's Jistcestaling release of cleve iio? Think Does ROTUS control al maters dassifed? Tink, Have faith “These pacple are losers! a ANSWERS que aanco soazset Revae Sb SATE EST ‘Snow White utitzedactvatesto silence. ‘This was not anticpated. Convo protection ost. Routing though varlous networks (Jumpers) randomly has created comectonsee issues, ‘Working ib resove Select people removed Stay svong, Weare miming ore flow. ° ANSWERS Nov 25 2017 SUBIR teuary Mee Bette on 1 19700559507 __Conf_goTWIT_P_act-smalit_ REDI_REDZ_ @ ANSWERS rte cone cess Novae Soir aet est) Test Test 4Chanintrate. Futura posts ul be relayed here a ANSWERS naka meee UA xti car sheep SS ae Fa send ce ‘eto ret § ANSWERS Nov 24 2017 Nov 23 2017 oma oriPaoesy eee >is knows where the beces ae busted? “The ones whe pu the bodies tere, Blacker was sed fo a shiton of shady ops by he US government back wien sa cer Gaba onl and, 2 reper Ato theyve gota kept on the Books Books which the POTUS jst got access to. qutrecmn 10 asanoy sonia Reva Soros es Expand futher ake he conection. Map currenty has 48 confirmed connections, Important o understand Vien tis breaks many won't swallow. MSM not usted. You are the voice, ‘We are nore fo help gue Future proves past You are the calm before ana cuing the storm. @ ANSWERS nates ee ‘Whois Betsy 0? ‘Why he relevan? Ear your tink, ANSWERS QTR ain 10 pose ssossze? ee Rove biz a6 est) ‘What news broke? ‘American contactors where? Hanging tom tet? Revead dumps. ‘Why ists teevant? News unlocks map. Expand your thinking. oe ANSWERS Q.iTRe inn 10 pasyemw ssoseNSHer ea Sear a ey 27-4 yes usA42 I= yes USABEA Tar-tTyes_USA0s Teonf_BECZ 05649) y he, Caste Rune, RED. yes Gosepeed. o Nov 22 2017 ‘Areoymous 19 NPyoheuk ssoseosSeT ED Revi erase tes serssenut (GOD DAMIT ONE MORE CLUE - HOW THE FUGK WILL WE EVER CONNECT "KEYHOLE" TO THIS? (Che more ey word, pease. Please, Q.utrecon io mromeat sscsse712% Rover Sb o1 06 (E31) >eicosens Gowns in amertca, ° ANSWERS RESS hea ome Focus on is wile, @ ANSWERS mene 0 Gruss secre Rae een “The word cannot swallow the uth. a naa eee 1NS_Spacex. a ANSWERS qutrocanes 1 ssesurse ssosszst? Revet Soir ooge est) ‘Why cla BO soul he shuttle program? Whats SpaceX? Expand your thinking. @ ANSWERS qutrocnee 10 seesurse ssoss17008 Revas Soir aage atest) 4.9 ilion in goverment subsidies, Why? RES en ed ™ Can't watt forthe green it Teams on standby. a Cant wait forthe green ight “Teams on standby. a ( ANSWERS UES 2gey ee = 2c ra hop esa y een § ANSWERS. Anonymous 1:10 sensor 96 Novaeaoir weoastesh) crass some = en we § RESar ey ens a ™ U1-CA~BUL-ASIA— RANI iran Dea, ‘Why ths relevant? Refead drops re: Nan (9) What does mean fo be covered in gold? ‘Which coupe was photographed covered in gold? “The public ease asa sik, ‘Who eased the ‘ho as al the information? (7) What does it meant be covered in gle? an you locate one oer prow Y head covered in okt? ‘What does tis represent? THE SUM OF ALL FEARS. @ ANSWERS. RSE Bice) “eee os ‘Why are China & Russia communist Sicosed? Can you tnd an on! there? Roasriemer ey amt u 1 -CA—EUL—ASIA— RANINK iran Dea ‘ys this relevant? Restead drops re: NK en. (0) What dows mean tobe covered in gold? ‘tien coupe was photographed covered in gos? “The public ease was a mike, ‘Who eased the picture? ‘oes al the information? [Y) What does meant be covered in gold? an you locate one oer prow Y head covered gol? ‘What does tis represent? ‘THE SUM OF ALL FEARS. a ANSWERS SESH aay ae = ” yin mcm ent SR eaee at aes seupuoenaa eager musk 3 ANSWERS, ronymous 10. Gxerave> aos ex ROUT arasseces) autre: fot sos? 0 1 pawns ssoutTReT eae boresn ANSWERS ormesre gare sume a “ Es Eases Same $ MRSS ay Monae me “Thee nee fr symbolism wl be her don Folio the Ow & ¥ head around the wor Ioenty and ist. They dont hie They dont fear you ‘You are sheep to them, ‘You are feeders Gostater I o ANSWERS ‘ronymous 0. NGFSELOY \somuzrees oa wm AOU apesst est) act, Scene ‘The sare scene In Macbeth talks about a felon fying freely before being smushed by an cut is ated at the a oes not Parmaty Runt the falcon, The seen connues to talk about many (dd happenings and a darkness on the horizon fer humarty. eis ated at even te horses are rebeling and tuning upon one another (specicaly eating eachother). [sit possible that the Cintons have turned on the Rotschids? The fiyeagey may even bea vole treat cirected ‘owas the Clintons, "We Know type ting, 2itrecenge 0: Avmescs ssos07402 Rover abireveor est) asooszra ‘What does the "ow" represent fo certain cuts? a ANSWERS 1 (:yixcePy tensor a ncnymeus Aero ap ezaes) ny is LRD eating up Eagis on Titer ‘autPeaenge 0: sencara enunns e Rover oira0 2269 (E51) sessuntz7 ‘wat US President was nicknamed “Eagle” by the USS? Fyeagestiy ANSWERS. ‘autencenge 0-couecera ssass5r06e7 ex Reverso sues est) m Axctive knmectatly. Stinger = code = commanc. ‘What sinnger was proved (2) days pir to event? ‘What were te Keywords the singer? Contin Green ves), 8 ‘ty were keyworasprovea? ute to readng map? toa ‘Wha was previously stated? ‘Who was the plot ofthe pene? Bad acer? ‘Who was the plot ofthe helicopter? Green? ‘What was counters? ‘who was on the ground (outside) shorty before the coliion? ‘who was in te nome shoty before te collsion? Lear read the map. ‘We may have overestimated your ably. a ANSWERS utrecenge 0: noemrs ssasezz302 BE Reversion es) 6 ‘What was posted pie toe stinger? ‘What keywords were wihin the stinger? ‘my would keywords be let ine stinger? Future shows past Lea reas the map. venting has meaning - EVERYTHING. @ ANSWERS, [aires 0: toed ssraces0tt ma Novzoabra0 221680) Coordinated efoto silence. TE only get worse, Alora LARPright? a ANSWERS, auteecenge o:nansrrat ssasre2uee ep in Novos ieo4a(est) Good wil aways defeat en a ‘autPe eng 0-vere ssDiserset ea Novab air 260 EST) n why am | here during the day? ‘whys hs relevent? ‘mat does tis Inler? a ANSWERS Ree BIait Sides ee . glad you are here can you contin this theory to Red October? eo . suubmarine-missng @ ‘SaW the Sid searches onthe 13h and the navy bulld up in San ‘ego. ‘autenceng 10: ousmn ssztss2set ED Roveoirs as es) Fed Oct sig has not occurred yet. Follow te map. a { ANSWERS autre ne 0: owsmn asctarsnet ED Rovatabirtaron est) 6 (Repost to corect ead). Expand your thinking, ‘what ae paterns? How are pattems formed and lsniated? ‘What are data sets? whatis aap? Re: Titer repeat ‘What acon fe Tver taking effective mid-Dec? ‘Whats th purpose of his action? Possibie est to understand pubic! govt response? ‘When was ths announced? ‘When & events in 88 tanspte? {Who controled a large portion of Tutte stock? ‘whys hs relevent? Expand your thinking, ‘Whats the real purpose of tis action? ‘Whats the 362" ‘WhoIs he primary person protected under the SS? ‘what action is Tater taking eflecve mid-Dec? ‘Would POTLS be able io use wer post action? Define bie known’ action. ‘WhyIs the MSM Ignoring ths ation? ‘What ranspred w/POTUS Twiter account a short time ago? Revead crumbs on his topic (necessary) Two scenarios oselose). OTIS advised by 85 to terminate use of Twitor due io new webste tracking policy (coekies) amangst ater spyware nt closes (sk) — ‘sttime ney faled (e220), POTS slenced on Tiler due to new poy (fe: /s Direct message falure. OTIS refuses to be silence Bad aciors gather metadata and targeting. Small example ofthe ongoing ser war Options? Regulate? Problem: tm te complete Soutton”? Patil, get the word out sdason Boume (Deep Drean). a itPectge 0:Lwetea sentra? a Novzoabiroses24(esn) Bots deactivated upon arrival ‘Keep up the goo fight. Iesspreacing. a ANSWERS 2itrecene 0-Lueren ssoxrsett BD Rovaoa taa088(EST) ww (OMAP 12 coenimed, ‘Thisis he key a rue Ofer scone wT oPoeSH s You guys ae missing the importance of Hugh Hee! Tin ot he ay, Srtign nts over cetetypottican 2H ote nem someting younger” High ters nem a sate space” to 80 in High apes encounter Sieh topes EIA Tas ers bythe als or LIFE ‘Ths ls MAJORLY IMPORTANT to what has been Keeping people Inontal er solong! AMEE onesies ee RBS? Mma a o (com. ‘When was this announce? ‘When dd events in 58 vanspte? ‘Who controled a arg portion of Titer stock? ‘hyis this relevant? Define oppression Who contol the rarative? ‘Who realy certle the arratve? ‘ho quad he narrative? Doe MS sheer and protect select party’ members? Does ts protect insulate these party members? ‘Who contol the raathe? ‘What laws were put in place to protect the MSM rom lawsuits? ‘who spectealy passes this aw? ‘What sinmuniy? ‘What prevents @ news organization from simply making up sources & Boies? ‘What prevents a news organization om simply making Up sources & stoi? ‘What previous ruling provided protection to reporters rm having toreveal thet confdenar source(s)? Det ead (bik ply)? ‘What has been occuring recent? “The slage must beset Crumbs ae easy to salou. ‘What Hugh Heer was fa Clown n America? ‘What isa honeypar? Define biackmal How coud this be apples? Fantasy and [MEO HAS ALL OF THE INFORMATION? No Such Agency “Te hunter becemes the hunted. Operations undertay. Opeators active Diifarmaton veal. Disinformation 's necessary Sent war (some get ou) The Great vakening Iron age. Goutater i “The Hun Tor Red October. a ANSWERS aurPpamnge o-eTuRRE sumac Novis 9 ESN) ANSWERS uTen ene 0 somozeo saossnas Ex Revie ios wo _Cont_D-TT-* v91_0600_yes Tareen_0000) Bunker Appe Yew Sky’ Yer +4 Godspeed, @ ANSWERS Rarasiresecaeay” Mamet a ” Forte coming days ahead, ‘Ask youselt an honest question, why would billonaire who has tl fame, forune, a arm and loving fary fends, et, want to endanger mse and his family by becoming POTS? ‘Why would he want target himself and those he cares about? Doe’ heneed Does he need ane? Tes doee gt tor s2 Docs ne wart bake he Str beer ic ori ami and Feit god and deceni poopie who ae ingen en ahanige oP Brera he ud not stomach ete of mass marcers oezrng {sas Most? Perna fe cod ret staach he thos fin ting ie a raps enon eft of ho word lim abi oe maps he wa rd of ein ow can racecars wee bing stay abused an Keptnhesipontand sulting aoa specie prose. etapa notin ape conscious 208 he wats bun. ‘Wy, fours ster ne eto, dt even peope avo an Undllset octane a very vate & gh secre ourded meeing {thy cdr Ha ge conession speech? Vite was it te 2 reset cancate lr persona give conse speech ‘at appen border rein open andthe MS contre o Sawaal ‘raat pontao Pats, an hardworkngimen and woman, become term? ‘Wha bot otha moines? ‘Who cs the vn machines? Ws sitter ean? rato Ib? Vent necator and must be pesetas? Mate at oo feral "Roe the chaoes of eteatg cl go es an ese each pacang year? ‘ia Sos ene mean? Wy, s9an were he arests mace 8s very imptant? What ange nore meso et? lon tetany Viren ds si ing? a ANSWERS QuTen cen 10 evapira amsoWcet ER Rovaabirizsrocesn) wo How oo you capture a very dangerous animes? Doyou aia fom the font? you walk through the rent door? 1p Yau signal shes time you Wile stacking? How co you dstnguish between good and bad? ‘who do You tust io Keep secrets? How do you prevent leaks? ‘Who do Yous to complete the mission? How co you prevent warnings being sent? ‘wis Adm Rs Import? ‘Why was the source code to former NSA collection p's publicly released? How 6o you bind the Crowns in America? ‘what was Snomen's primary mission? ‘What was Snoncen's fea pramary mislon? ‘Was Snowden buy ating on his own? Nong a tapers. ‘What show is being put on by AG Sessions since his confimation? ‘What show s being put on by BOTS sine AG Sessions contrmation? ‘Why as AG Sessions’ confimation challenged heauily? why was RRS eonfimaton smooth and easy? ‘what was the vote count for RE? ‘hy id Sessions recuse mse? Why this relevant? ‘What group has vocaly supported RM repeatedly? How co you capture a very dangerous ania? ‘WhoIs best to conduct the aac? ‘What ste one force necessary to retain conta? ‘Why does the 15 Miltary play such aval oe inthis global game of RISK? ‘Whats money wthout power? ‘why dd BOTS depart Mana 50 min aneac of schedule? ‘why is AE landing in Hawall? Does AE' have in-air reeling abity? Noting as ft appears. ‘What was the DC vote breakdown between Trump & Cinton? ‘What isthe nickname for DG? ‘Why sould sealod insciments be outside of QC arisiction? ‘what purpose woul tis serve? {Why ae udcalappainments being rapt completea? ‘who can you tust? Have faith, Patriots. a ANSWERS RRSP es, Memes Distess cats to oes wil fo youtanly no good at is sage, We ‘ou whe(Rle youths fant re atl ines and can hear you breathing @ _Dig'=_5619FZBx_decine ANSWERS SrRse Say mae = ” Curr ange 9 wean sees w Rorizabirvesear sn) ‘Tiss the biggest sider drop nthe history of he word. Pry uTPp cen 10: wewors ersoeDe BL Novae see (esn) souiseas This a cient attack The artic is clsinfo but made to send a message to POTUS, You are winessing history Coinalsance? | (God be wih usa. @ wasn cache cP af RET oon ay wrreionne aNenion S BByutetee ncacmce? Pliny SecioeS me ore einen ‘ROW ene ot ney aos a ANSWERS ronymous 1 Adenenar worzs7esc Eo 1. AOU wzzasscesn) ‘There area bunch out there, here fs one >The CIA has 7 supercomputers and they are al named aftr the ‘wars rom Snow White (Doc, Dopey, Bashi, Grumpy, Sneezy, Sleepy end Happy) Dntpsuicheshrelbearyscionce wordpress comagiciac? E ite 0 saeco Noveabirizsta(est) souoras7es Contes, Go deeper. Signatures are IMPORTANT. a ANSWERS. 2 gurreceme 10 Rovinairiess6 est Rogue operators are here. Feed to shut down st, Protected ‘This il only get worse Active and coordinate. Crumbs dropped wil soon paint the fl pcture. The picture il open the eyes ofthe word. ‘Ne cat do witout you God bess youl a ATP» tne 10-008 Roviv ara tes) List of Republicans, inthe House and Senate, who have announced thay wl nat eae re-sleton: ob Cater, CChate Den def Fake. inn Jenkins. sam Jonson. aul Labrocor Frank Lobiendo, “Ten Murphy. yi he relevant? Revead crums. @ 2 RRS mes Mae cy rag: Cental Bank frag ireland: Cenval Bank ad Financial Services Author of reland Israel: Bank of roe aly: Bank of fay Jamaica: Bank of araica ‘lapan: Bank of Japan ‘otdan: Cental Bank of Jordan izathatan: National Sar of Kazakstan Kenya: Cental Bank of Kenya. Korea: Bank of Korea ‘wait Cental Bank of Kuwait Kyrgyzstan: National Bank ofthe Kyraye Republic Lata: Bank of Latvia Lebanon: Gena Bark of Lebanon Lesoing: Central Bank of Lesotho Libya: Central Bank of Libya (Their most recent conquest) Uruguay Conval Bark of Uroguay Uthani Bank of Lthuania Luxembourg Central Bank of Luxembourg Macao: Monetary Auoty of Macao Macedonia: National Bank ofthe Repubic of Macedonia Madagascar Central Bank of Madagascar Maia: Reserve Bank of Maa Malaysia: Cental Bank of Malaysia Mall: Gental Bank of West Aican States (BCEAO) Mata: Cental Bank of Mata Maurius: Bank of Mauitos Mexico: Bank of Mexico Moldova National Bank of Moldova Mongolia Bonk of Mengola Cental Bank of Montenegro Morocco: Bank of Morocco Marambque: Bank of Mozambique Nambia: Bank of Namibia Nop Cental Bark of Nepal Nefwetands:Neteiands Sank Nethetands Antes: Bark ofthe Netheriands Anes New Zealand: Reserve Bark of New Zealand Niearagia: Cental Bark of Nearagua Niger: Centra Bank of West Afcan States (BCEAO) Nigeria: Cental Bark of Nigeria Norway. ental Bark of Norway ‘Oman, Cental Bank of Omen Pakistan’ State Bank of Pakistan ANSWERS Rwnsren oes Se mB co ROTHSCHILD OWNED & CONTROLLED BANKS: ‘Aghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan ‘Abana: Bank of bana ‘Noa: Bark of Ageia ‘agentna: Centra Bank of Argentina ‘menia: Cental Bank of Ameria ‘aa: Central Bank of ua ‘Asal: Reserve Bank of Ausaia ‘Aust: Auslan National Bank ‘Azerbaan: Cerra Bank of Azerbaijan Republic Bahamas: Cental Bark of The Banaras Bahra: Cerial Bank of Bahrain Bangladesh Bangladesh Bank Barbados. Cerra Sank of Sarbados Bolas: Natonal Bark othe Republi of Belarus Belg: Nationa Bank of Begum Betze: Cental Bank o Bele Benin: Cental Bark of West Atican States (BCEAO) Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authoty Bhutan Royal Monetary Author of Bhutan Bola: Cental Bank 0 Bolvia Bostia: Cental Bank of Bosni and Herzegovina Botowara: Sank of Botswana Bran: Cental Banko taal Bulga: Bugaan National Bank Burkina Faso: Genva Bark of West ican States (SCEAO) Burundi: Bank of the Repub of Burund Cambodia Natal Bank of Carboda Came Roon: Bank of Cental ican States Canada: Bankof Canada ~ Banque du Canada ANSWERS RAPS see ema me we Hara to sation. Important to prowess. ‘Who are the puppet masters? House of Saud (64+) «$4 Tron Roshi (6r*)-$2Tillont Soros 6") -§1Tilfon Focus en above (3) Pouble weath dscosures — False Many governmens of the word fed he “Eye “Think suish funds ede) Think war feeder. Think environmental pacts (feeder. Tange has (3) sides. Eye o Provdence Folin he Boodines, ‘Whats the keystone? Does Satan est? Does the thought of Satan exis? ‘Who worships Satan? ‘What isa cult? Epstein sand ‘What a temple? ‘What oceursin a empl? Worship? ‘Whyia he tomple ontop of 3 mountain? How many evels might exe! baton? ‘What the sinicance a the colors, deson and symbol above the ‘dome? ‘Why is this relevent? ‘Who are the puppet masters? Have the puppet masters traveled to ths land? ‘When? Hew often? Why? "acm Putin The New Word Order Worships Satan” @ ANSWERS Anonymous 1. xs7uADe sesr2isCt mw ADOTURE Pelee sovaeara75 conten le anything n image wrong? | added poate rom the Sth mT pre, wasn sare ReaMen ie sener2te6 Contes, Correct a ANSWERS. QiTPE ame IO-sTPese are ee PR ee a ANSWERS Aevbaarssarieen Se m “Tap added, [looidinaied efor to misdrect Gade to reading the ums necessary to contfjwue ‘Attached gtalpnic ls corect Linke graphics ee incoect and fase. Graphic Is necossary and via. “Tene stamps) and order [i] erical Reveviw graphic (nul) each day past news oleae, Lea o astngush between relevantnon-elevant news. Disormatons tea, Disnfrmaionis necessary. Ex US MILNG (1) Fase SA True ‘why was this necessary? ‘Wot questions were asked e: SA prior to SA events? Why isthis relevent? “Think miro. Look there, o [here or there, tut is behind you Wnatisaman?” ‘wy isa map useture Whatisalegend? Why!s alegena useta? ‘Whats a sequence? ‘whys this relevent? ‘When coes a map become a guide? Whats ey Everything stated i relevant. Everything. Future proves pas. Map provides picture, Picture provides 40,000n.v 40,000 vs lassie. ‘Why's a map useful? ‘Think drocton, “Think fl pcre. ‘Wh eons the narrate? ‘ny shi relevant? What sa spell? Whols asleep? Dissemination, ‘Atenton on eck, ‘There san eave war on your mind, Be [okreparod. Opetrations inderway. Opetstorsfajsve Graphic is essential Find the keystone. Moves and eountemoves. They never thought she woul ose. Snow te, GGoatather Il Iron Eagle. @ ANSWERS. ferris) Smee ww The graphics your key, Lets pause and say helo to the rogue iligence agencies cuenty monionng these treads ‘asthe meney wort? ‘Tani. a Nona weiss eres) we Arn ANSWERS, Anenymous 10 eT waza o Novesoir tars @51) Nothing random. veryting hae meaning a Anonymous 10 OTS uapsTA78 Reverse sees) m ‘why were the ats that recently occured in $A so citealy important? ‘What JS asses ae in place infnear SA? ‘What assurances were made fo protect the Kinggom? ‘Who shot down the missle fom Yerien? OTUS decassiy_speech Jap 11.5 ‘Wes itrealy fom Yemen? Hoi do we know? ‘wns this relevant? ‘who are he puppets? ‘Who are the puppet masters? ‘Who pulls the stings? ‘What provides power? ‘What Ls elections canbe rigged? How are EK, Reagen. and Trump cifernt fom thereat? ‘Why id JE surround himself wi famly much ike BOTUS? ‘wari ae bought ang pala for? How would this be possible? ‘wn are there voting I laws in piace? ‘What do you need an ID for? List. Compare, Laugh. ‘Whats the argument for not alowing voter [Plas to be enact? why are immigrants Important? (MB)(Votes\ tacks) ‘why are lega’ important? (MS12KVotes\.187) ‘Why is open border important? ‘What did 29 say on the campaign tral last year oilgals within the ts? ‘What ais 20 encourage? ‘Was hisillegal? ‘Who ours ezeable stakes In voter machine co's? ‘Who deaies what voter machines ae Used elections? ‘why are some ‘important counties stil manualyhand counted? God save us, @ ANSWERS. pas we ‘Whats money fow csruption? UsttheBiflonares. ‘What family istry goes back pre WN2? yi the rlevarn? ‘Why ithe Bush fam cecerty break sence an atlack POTS? Coincidence pre SA aresis? ‘Who aus the billons pad for war? ‘Who aut the billons pad for environment poy (se note)? ‘Where do the funds go? Onshore? “To who! which entity andor org? ‘What shsh und was recent terminated by AG Sessions? ‘Whats Fast @ Furious? ‘Whats the underying theme? MONEY. ‘Who conto the FED? How od poiticaleaders taking heads! accum assets in excess of Sem? ‘What was the net worth fr each prior to taking ofc? Roconcl, ‘Why is this relevant? snow Wie, Goataher @ ANSWERS ANSWERS DEATH 10 ME TRMVRATE 10: IISSONIDEE Novzzanirzsseso(est) asssoaet Fake Qs fake. or qutrocone 0 goarst0 Is0ss802 Reve Sirs 80 ES Yeu made the st {es rare, fe! proud. Pick up your phone, ANSWERS >see Fake Qis fake. or Q.TFectnn 10 api73A0 1581802 Ree ey tcosas0e You made the ist. It rare, fe! prow. Pickup your phone, a ANSWERS mo was suppose to win the election of 20167 ‘Why was te ran deal Kept rom Congress and placed atthe highest level of classeaton? Meaning, a United Sites Senator could NOT review the deal but other ‘orsign powers could How much money was hand desverea by plane(s)? ‘wy in cash? ‘where did the plane) actualy land? ‘What was te cover? \Who paid for 80 to atend Harvard? ny woud tis occur pre-polical days? Who was the biggest contort the CE? “The graphicis the key. ‘Why doos the MSM push conspiracy wo invesigaton? ‘Wha controls ine MSN? ‘What does the word conspiracy mean to you? as be word ‘conspracy been branded io mean something shame Intocays society? ‘The word cannot handle the truth. This pl cannot be swallred by most Risk n painting tis pete. ‘THE SUM OF ALL FEARS, a QuTFo tne 10 YoNoroe ssas20300 Ese ee =] [Ancient Egyptians considered god “he skin ofthe gods" ~ specially ‘he sun god Ra ~ and often used ito craft objects of spniual sgnicance. Why is his relevant? a { ANSWERS Q.TFbctns 10 YoNeroe ssastss0e Esra ey I UA EU ASIA IRANI Iran Deal ity is is relevant? FRe-ead crops re: NK an. () Wat does tmean tobe covered in gale? Which couple was photographed covered in gold? ‘The public release was mistake. \Who released he picture? Who has all the information? (%) What does it mean tobe covered in gold? {Gan you locate one other pcm! Y head covered in gold? iat does ins represent? L i ‘THE SUM OF ALL FEARS. a LIPS R Se seme te ‘Who realy controls NK? ANSWERS Nov 24 2017 Aeonymous seas? 1” hove eraser es Outros 10 atypiew ssnknem 1 Novae soir i2s350(¢31) ‘Who realy controls NK? ANSWERS Nov 21 2017 Anonymous 0 soos a ‘” Nevo orsaeaes) ‘nat power people rave owt ¥neoa synoos? ‘nat power groupe nave on /Y ead sys? ‘iy ae they worn opel? “Theveneed symbolism wb the dual swioe? Posh conspiracy eon. Soci meta role? sh conspiracy theory andinstute new ules along fo ban. Ceneori ‘Foe grap key ‘esad grape (what amy ei Soros replace) Part How were hey ‘scope ino the ct as chen). ‘ina were ey prowdecforobeyng and Saying sent (erainwastes)? ‘Altat yu nut be ght wrong ‘ne eu na he word Fantasy lan ‘The words opting back (destroying the ct). 20% poe a ‘ie wond woud obese claps 4,000n agai) and nee to decrease aude to avoid ‘conspacy inte ‘Was necessary (GODFATHER I Fer God & Coury @ ANSWERS enews NOT area sarsez0 My actual condusion Is probably what's delayed me the masta ts been mind blowing understancsng our eauriny now. tly get Curent contusions? ‘So Thanle> Rothchild serews America by making out money \worthiess = crash of 28 > Tons new goverenent which doesn hx the problem Rothchild created (buta war helps) > ca > everyone Diackmaled with sex apes > media consumed cla» County {forced hard lef > population to puppets =» Causes uprising by ‘cetain Patriots ike Kennedy/ReagarvTrump and whl they ‘managee to il Kennedy and outlast Reagan enough lessons were Tear thal we ate nat nal ready to elesn nouse and become’ ‘America agai? Fsttime in about a hundred year... Wo. urractnge 1 povarrar tener? Nerzt abi sp SI) QuiTrocin 10 sovonrar 1ner2s0et 1s AEP t eon) i mow ssoaasta Rovian a eraao(eSt CONFIRM GREEN SKY = ving an order to Captain Green to do something tthe Rothschis. (gave us his crumb beforehand, and also wrote a message to [LR (we can hear you treatin). on 1 “This was a map. tod us at tutte shows the past meaning that «future evr (Capaln Mike Green doing something witha hekcoptero Rother) wil expan these keynoeds and confirm ‘hat C knows top secret formation Green, obviously a good guy, had a mission. We dont know what ‘exact e was supposed taco, But thad tobe something very Selous because ba guys countered very sarouly and kiled several people. Mission fale, rFectns 10 Almesaor ssnISS002 Ea Nov2taoiv12448(eS1) sons AROSE aye eee sss Beara ‘oa i was fckig psoas ponte mano he tire Decaute hey ete sp ca te ie) a ou pose {ogee even eros basco ues. Ne ae mo tent and ae ten more dusts Weare bg tly ely do veto spelt ‘uterus Sony. We ble you ae speaking te tut To whom ‘Sselcan etm? So prop win cure and hep ane Co ‘theta ao trons 1p euwssas ssasesse2 Ba Rover S171 9000 (e3T) sercoanase Shier progs wou Kl the ste. Everything has tobe careful crafted and tooled prior to release, Godepeed, Patriot o ANSWERS Spreadsheet Anon AT HlyoteO5y 1 <0QCoHeX scones VO Novaraoiraer acest) >wvhal stinger was provided (2) days pie to event? “Cont_D-Tr-* Vast ba00_yes “oreen_0600) Bunker Appi Yelow Sty ‘conf 0600 (time) yes (Green 0600 (time) Base Green Yell (cndtion yelow?) Ar +11 >What were he keywords in the stinger? ‘enti geen Yellow sky >uldeto reading map? legend, past provides ie future, questions provide the answers >LondaR. target 2vho was the plot ofthe plane? Green wnat was counterea? Unknown tous >vno was on the ground (ouside shot before the colton? “Unnamed Rothectad > nno was in the home shoty before the colision? Unknown tous now, was “dog grooming event” Learn to reod the map. ‘Tying reall hard, eke hercng kitens n nere sometimes Wve may have overestimates your aby. you came ous for certain strengths bul there are weaknesses as ‘wel some being expioien not enough focus “answer the questions bua ha big picture break itback down make memes To the norms to cam & educate 0 wellbe rea forthe Storm Qtrectinas 10 soucac ssnicott2t? EE Nev2t abv 2o%b est) >150000108Shadow wa. ‘ctl Scone NV. (lowe dea thoughts?) (Characters) ‘Good guy (plot of neenptes. Bad guy (alto pane). Targets (on ground andin ome). Gory) ‘Upon fect ofthe ‘go coe = Good guy Nes during a blackout window by unknown agenoy w unknowns (ordinary people By thelck of toa select locaton (te: igh classtfed misslon) ho Was given thea’ rd by Xto exact (Gevery~ (3) fo care) Bad ‘guy Intercepts message due to rogue operator embedded in tacical {servation unit and takes out Good ouy by top down ivisbe attack Mission faire. Encore: What has since occured by Targets? @ ANSWERS qutrocmne 16 woo ssis0sse2 E Rover Soir tboe est) m Keyworts: ‘Whe countered? Lear to fead the map. Missing eal items Grapnic is ke. (Ordering is crtica a ANSWERS Qutrocmn 19 apc ssisaoszet Ep Rover ir teaite est) 1s Expand your thinking. Captain ke Green “Cont“D-TT-* v68%_0600_yes “areent 0800 Bunker Apple Yelow Shy #1) Yes, Wino countered? Do you baleve fn coincidences? Lea howto read the map. o ANSWERS Nov 20 2017 trectincs io Sagan issosresaet Ba to Rerzo soir 0%? s01eS1) (Good wil slays defeat ev. "Novigging blackma ths fe ‘Wizards & Viaocks. a Qthecines 0 Senntip 502500608 im Nevzo air otros eat) Good wil aiays defeat evi ° Anonymous [0 GHTT!26Y ‘600140070 pa © Novant wisest) Soros sells Twiter, Facebook, Apple and Snap Qurrociee 10 ower ssziseree ApS ea ANSWERS qutrocenc 0 wenn ssazsersit Ba = Ror Sbirte wesD OTUS opened the door of all doors. Expand your thnleng. ‘wats the keyetone? a ANSWERS Quitrecenee 19 onzatres ssiz2eT1 Rovan Sb tomo ESN) 18 Expand your thinking. ‘What are pattems? How are pattens formed and isolated? What are datasets? What sa map? Re: Tuter (epeat)mportant) What action s Twiter taking elective md-Dec? ‘Whats the purpose ofthis action? Posse est a understand puble/ govt response? ‘When Was Ov announced? ‘When da events in SA vanspte? Whe convolled large potion of Twter stock? ny i tis relevant? Expand your thing. iat sie real purpose of ris action? Whats tne 857 ‘Who isthe prevary person protected under the $87 ‘What acon Tutte aking efctve mie.Cee? ‘Would BOTUS be able to Use Twit post acon? Deine the raw’ action. ‘Why is he BISM ignoring tis aston \What ranspred w/ BOTUS' Titer account a short time ago? ‘Re-eac crumbs on iis op necessary), Two scenatos (ose). POTUS acvised by 8S 10 terminate use of Titer due to nen website ‘wacking poly (cookies) amongst other spyware not cscosed (isk) “at tne thay fled (e004) ‘POTUS slenced on Tuller Gue to new poty (re S$ |. Direct messaye tare, ‘BOTUS retises fo be Sienced Bad actors gather metadata and targeting, ‘Smal exampe ofthe ongoing sient war. Optens? Regulate? Problem: time to completa, ‘solution? Patots, get ne word out -tason Bourne (Deep Dream). ao ANSWERS Qtrectins 10 LavePN sSOLZANICE ER 1 Nevz0soiveaco 3131) 182 confirmed, Yeu wil naa for coming weeks. Putin way, si allmpts were made to sience the wines scheduled to appear tomorow. Spi epee ong. ANSWERS eKIarrTebaes 0: wp. ss0cTOTIO “ Nvaianirigar (eet) HOW DO YOU LURE A DANGEROUS ANIMAL INTO A TRAP?! MY FUCKING SIDES! mous 10 soxGrue 3501718007 AeSEBGI obaeso EST) Allposts are connected. GGrapnic i ke. ‘Arommous 10 uTOu sSnTI7E 1 Revit ioaatest) Sestzr4 > the hunt for red oteber “Thisis a reference to the submarine that went missing just recent? own ID SC2GUI9 SOULE E> WaT os wees sonso9797 Incorrect. Nov 19 2017 what's a key? Whats Key used for? ‘What s a guard? What isa guard used for? Who unioces the door of al doors? WHO HAS ALL OF THE INFORMATION? Whe disseminates hvorration? Whats the MSN? Who controls the MSM? Who reaty conto the MSN? ny are we mace to beleve the MSM are the only credible news sourees? ‘Who contol the ISN? ‘Who realy controls he MSN? ‘Why are we made o belleve the MSM are the only creable nes sources? ‘Why is his etevant? \Wny are non MSM platforms cast as conspracy andlor non-credloe? \Wny are non ISM plationns cast as conspracy andlor non-credbe? \hat happens when an entty andor individual accumulates power? lecton)? How much power of infuence does Twites, FB, Red, etc. have in Inleencing the minds of people? Has the strangichold of the ISM been diminished? ‘What open source’? ‘What ise become cbvious since he election of POTUS? ‘Why vou tay alow Bis (vsbly to occu? Were they not prepared to counter? ‘What miscalculation occured? What opposite impact dis tis generate? How dé POTUS recognize and vert? What nappens when an entiy andor individual accumulates power? Detne eruption. Deine censorship. Deine contol’ cen ‘What acon s Tuto aking etectve mid.Dec? ‘Whats the purpose of is action? PPossble lest lo understand public govt response? Nov 18 2017 Nov 44 2017 Curren io wna senarss0e? Revie Soar ava630 est) 1 Who tances 911? \Who was Bin Laden's handler? |Why vas the Ciowne In America tasked o huntlicapture UBL? ‘Why not MI? ‘we found UBL, eliminated his secu, why would we immecatly Ki tim and not ake him ave? |Why wou’ we want fo capture UBL alive ad extract other possible THevel events? Perhaps someday people will understand hey had a plan to conduct ‘another mass extinction event ‘WA I-rchestate and planned by select families? and Remember the more peopl there are, the maxe power the people have. ‘Why 20's push for gun contol arecty’ ater every tag ncdent?| ‘Why is his so very important to thet agenda? Wie, the people, are who they areata of Wie, the people. are who they fear wil one day wake ‘Our Father who atin heaven, Hallowed be thy name, “Thy kingcom come, “Ty wi be done cn earth a tis in heaven, Give us this day ou daly bread, and forgive us our trespasses, 235 we forgive those who trespass agaist us, dnd lead us natn tempeation, Butoetver us fom ev @ SOMES sagen ea SS * THANK VOU ASIAL USAR eo ‘dd aryone saw this inthe vid? Qutrecmee io evsgind ssos2292¢? ER Rove Sbir tsar est) fsa mat curous? Whats below? Q ANSWERS Nov 13 2017 Nov 122017 Qurreames 0 xeon seis B a Rereaoirirto0 et) NYTCiowns In America article release today e:C-group Isa DIRECT attackivatning re: whats beng cropped her. Read between he ines, ‘Why vas the ate pubshed today? [POTUS has beon briefed New measures acive 2d im place Update the grapnic. _DGBTEFTWAAZBT_18-T yes TAyRTPCCASP*OFWTAD_yes Tareent_green2_green3_greent_contZD/TWTORY Gasspead. ° ANSWERS Qutrecene 10 xewon seis B Renta Sbir eso" est) 16 {EWARNING:: This s nota gamet DIRECT ATTACK TODAY BY NYTICLOWNS IN AMERICA: pss nyimes com 2047/11 "alusineschagow brokers imi Do you beleve in coincaences? How many caicicences do you need belore you believe? ‘This Is the Biggest insider drop Inthe history ofthe word. Pray, RAPS Nish MMe Patiots dont seep 40,0008 v necessary to understand [USY'SA/gobal events. Paint tho picture. Decrease alte (wo ul not that hgh again, Higher the altuge greater the ek] of cansiracy ST. ‘Many cannot nat sao. ‘What s No Such Agency -Q group? Who has dearance toil plete? Important S186 good rvkom Ret ‘What agency is at war w/ Cloune in America? How doos OTUS shit narrave? (Men) Age of Enightarent. 20% covet 120% publi \Wmatnas occured ove the last several months? Canto leaks? Operations (think Sa + 777)? CONN sae? "What co's rec large cach ijectons by Clowns n America (pu)? way? ‘Who does ment? ‘Who contolfs] the MSW? Primary objecive tom beginning: POTUS discreat MSM. [trys ti relevant? How fs normation ransmited? How are people into? Why was Sarah A.C. aacked (nackatempt)? Why vas Opfefrton Mockngbid repeated? ‘Why was Jason Boumne (GlA;Dream) repeated? ‘Think social medta platirms Who ate the Wizards & Warlcths? ‘What councl do the Mlzards & Warlocks contol? ‘Think Snowden (nse terms cropped). ‘Ale & Wonderland — understood Snow White ~ understood, ton Eagle? Godtatner i? ‘Speed? Everyning has meaning. Disney isa disacton, ‘Senate & Congress = puppets (not power shi) For {G00 & COUNTRY] For HUMANITY. (GERONIMO, ° ANSWERS Troan 10 ootecave saniz0sst® Roar eat est) 2 How dia Soros replace family? Whois tamly"y? Trace the loodines of these (3) fais, What happened curing WWI? Wias Httera puppet? Who was hs handler? ‘what was te purpose? ‘What was te teal purpose of the war? ‘What age was G5? ‘What i he Sors fay history? ‘What nas occured since tne fal otN Gemany? Whois A Menke? Whats A Merke' family history? Follow ine Doone. ‘Wha ces on the Tani? ‘What year dhe Tia snk? ‘Why ss evant? What exactly happened tothe Manic? ‘What cass a people Were guavanted a eboat? Why la select ‘individuals not make into the ifeboats? ny isis relevant? How do we know who was on the ieboats (0 or A)? How were names and bodies recerdes back then? |Whan ware tickets purchased for her matin voyage? ‘Who ae specie ined? Less than 10 ‘What the FED? ‘What does the EED conor? Who controls the FED? Who approved the formation of te FED? Why dl Hoag gly Manic a a tragic love story? Who ved inte move (what many? Why's te evant? Opposites tue. ‘Whats brainvasting? What s a PSYOP? ‘What happened tothe Hindenburg? \What realy happened tothe Hindenburg? Who des during te ‘accent? \Winy is his relevant? ‘The tuth woud put 90% of people in he hosp must be cone ‘Show White ton Eagle Been Bote (eres. ANSWERS Nov 11 2017 qurrocon 1 soos a fama eresn ‘Weath (aver generations) buys power, Power (over ganeraios) buys more wealthvceiol More wealthisorrel buys eauniros at people Famales combined (TR) = NND. Inner TR Tamils wil tape. ‘What the What Nation dominates al ethers? What Nain has iniuence over most others? Whats te keystone? Retun 0A, Stings cut (re). Puppets (+4) in shadows. Each side of he angle conuols a certain subsect of power brokers. Powe brokers are also labeled asthe punpelsiserants ‘What the New Word Order? Why do BOTLS receive a sword dance when isting SA? What does ns mean cuturally? ny is ts relevant? ‘What occurred n SA? How dd BOTLIS remove one sie of the pyramid? ‘What id BOTUS receive wnle visting China? ‘Where dit BOTUS dine? ‘Whats the signieance? ‘What if China, Russia, and other are coordinating w/ BOTUS to eliminate the NAIC? Who contols Nk? Wino reaty conros Nic? Who controls several agencies within the US, EU, and abroad? Why's No Such Agency 20 val? Enormous seal of evens cutrenty ongoing, ‘Why is Russia haping to Kll|SIS? This snot easy to accep nor beleve Grubs make brea. Operations actve, dain missions underay, “The word fighting back. Refer back to graphic. ‘The Grest Awskening, Show White ton Eagle jpsen Bue 201Koreamr ANSWERS QuiTPeaines 10 gounios sco me Rett nirase aes) Pops New Guinea: Bank of Papua New Guinea Paraguay: Cental Bank of Paragusy ers Cental Reserve Sank of Pe Philip Pines: Bangko Sentral ng Ppinas Poland National Bank of Pang Portugal: Bank of Portugal (Qatar Oatar Cental Bank Romania: Nationa Sank of Romania Russia: Contra Bank of Russia Randa: National Bank of Randa ‘San Marino: Cental Bank of te Republi f San Marina ‘Samoa: Central Bank of Samoa ‘Sau Avaba: Saud Arabian Monetary Agency ‘Senegal: Cental Bank of West ican Slates (@CEAO) ‘Serbar National Bank of Seria ‘Seyenoles: Central Bank of Seychelles Sletra Leone: Bank of Sierra Leone Singapare: Monetary Authrty of Singapore Slovakia: Natonal Bonk of Slovakia Slovenia: Bank of Svea ‘Solomon [lands: Ceital Bark of Sloman islands ‘South Altea: South Attean Reserve Bank ‘Spain: Bank of Spain Shi Lanka: Cerra Bank of Lanka Siar Bank of Sudan ‘Surinam: Central Bank of Surname ‘Swazland: The Cental Bark of Swaziland ‘Sweden? Sveriges Rksbanle ‘Swizeriand: Sis National Bank ‘Taji: National Bank of Tjtstan Tangania: Bank of Tanzania Thailand: Bank of Thain ‘Togo Ceaval Bark of West Afian States (BCEAO) ‘Tonga: Navonal Reserve Bank of Tonga Tinad and Tobago: Central Bank of Tinkad and Tobago ‘Tunisia: Centra Bank of Tunisia. Turkey: Cental Bank of the Republic of Turkey Uganda: Bank of Ugands LUstane: Nallonal Bank of Ukraine nied ra Emirates: Cenival Bank of United Arab Emirates United Kingdom: Bank of England Unite States: Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Vanuatu: Reserve Bank f Vanuat Veneztea: Cenal Bank of Venezusta Vietnam: The State Bank of Vietnam Yemen: Cents Bank of Yemen Zambia: Bank of Zambia “Trnvabwe: Resetve Bank of babe ‘The FED and he RS FACT: US Federal Reserve is aplvatey-onned company, sting on Is ‘yey ob patch of and, Immune fo the LIS laws. @ ANSWERS QuiTrecine 10 gounioe sssosszet a thar reso ‘Cayman Islands: Cayman stands Monetary Author Genta ican Repub: Bank of Genta Afcan States ‘Chad: Bark of Cena Aean States (Cie: Cerra Bark of Chile China The Peoples Bank of China ‘Golombia: Bank ofthe Repuol ‘Comoros: Cental Bark of Comeros Congo: Bank of Central Afcan States Costa Ries: Central Bank of Costa Rica (Cote Woe: Carizal Bank of West Aican tates ECEAO) Groata: Croatian National Bank ‘Cuba: Gental Bank of Cuba (Cyprus: Central Bank of Cyprus (Czech Republic: Czech National Bank ‘Denmark: National Bank of Denmark Dominican Republi: Cetra Bank ofthe Dominican Republic {East Carubesh arex Eartem Canbbean Cental Bank Ecuador: Ceival Sank of Ecuacor Egypt: Contra Bank of Egypt El Salvacor: Cental Reseve Bank of El Savador Equatorial Guinea: Bank of ental Afcan States Estonia: Bank o Estonia Ethiopia National Bank of Ethiopia European Union: European Ceiral Bank FF Reserve Bank of Fi Fhland: Bank of Finland France: Bank of Francs Gaben: Bank of Cenval Alcan States ‘The Gamba: Cerra Bank of The Gambia ‘Georgia: National Bank of Geordla Germany Deutsche Bundesbank (Ghara: Bankof Ghana Greece: Bank of Greece ‘Guatemala: Bank of Guatemala {Guinea Bissau: Cantal Bonk of West Arcan States (BCEAO) Guyana: Bank of Guyana ‘al: Cental Bank of Hat Honduras: Cental Sank of Hondas Hong Kong: Hong Kong Monetary Author gay: Rlagyar Nemzet! Bank leeland: Cental Bank of iceand Ina Reserve Bank of naka Indonesia: Bank inconesia Iran: The Ceriral Bank ofthe Islamic Republic of iran ANSWERS Qurroamnes © gounos sisosaTe B vw Neri abires20S5 (E50) Why were the events in A extaordinay/? Who wes anested? What wil bank records st names, family history, Invesimentionnership stakes, and pont o~ pant contacts EX: Alnaleed HUMA BO Citgroup LS Contol ‘Why sth evant? House of Saus. House of Saud US Contol Falow the money What power shift recenty occured? Was anew King appoined? olneldence? Darkto LIGHT. ‘Wy is ths evant? (One site of te tangle removed (1s tien history), Other sides fling, Q ANSWERS Nov 10 2017 tren 10 nasosen seaarrst2 Rovio Sbir eset st) POTUS NAT SEC E brefng 9:02am, Please stand by, ° ANSWERS Nov 92017 Trois 10 DusTecta aerate ea RESP Baten 1 {elostng fet: Dsmanted. Impossie to lean, Sperone IM ch enoy ANSWERS Nov 7 2017 ores ree) eee co Previous was deleted. Curous. ANSWERS Nov 6 2017 Anonymous 0 K&eCTS \Ws7u752008 ED w Roreasirisez (est) ‘What does money buy? How do you prevent lmperng? ‘Why are ost forms of mecza iting? ‘Why is Hanoad letatng? ‘Why isthe narrative so impertant? Why do eras deter to racem Wio proof? No root Who s HR's mentor? ‘What party was he affisted wit? Proot, ‘What party formes the Kick? ‘What patty formed the Confederacy? ‘What patty abolished savery? Why are Ds altempting to erase history? 'sthe black pop ily free today orensiavedby he D party? Refer back fo black pop crumbs. Wy ists relevant? ‘Why's there an atack the day after bad news is published (Dy? Do you baleve i conadances? Paint ho picture. (Crus wil make bead. Operations underway. Operators acve. Pray, ‘Show White SGootatner i, ° ANSWERS Anonymous 0: reCTS sD Rereei ioeis5teS0 cd ‘Why, by coinldence, there a terror attack (or mental health cievel attack winin a shor tme post negatve D news? 1Do you belleve in coinodences? ‘They thnkyou are stupid Puppets wo power. They want your guns, Why? No power ef. Who funds S18? ‘What ema pubsned by WL. connects SA/Qatar 1 JSIS? ‘Was HG connected” ‘Why iss evant? Why is contoling the naratve inportant? ‘Do mest people or themselves or simply flow? investigate \Why is the MSM 80 hostle towards POTUS? ‘What does the NSAI have (atleast wha! you know ofthat lows for ata colection? Think Snowsen, \Why is he NSA ited re: abit to capture and unmask US persons? Who sets ne narrative? US persons? ‘Wha can voit this ule? ‘Who cannot volae thi rule? ‘Why is Adm Rs important? ‘Who wanted hin trea? Why? ny wasnt Adm R replaced by BOTLS when taking ofce? ny shi relevant? ino asthe ulate power to designate dassication? Who uitimately sts classiction? Why's te evant? Fantasy and o ANSWERS ACER iiccossesy SNS 1 What fami was permite to eave immediately after 9-117 Who authorized the doparture? Why's te evant? ‘Was anyone else permite to leave? Repeat. ‘Was anyone else permite to leave? ‘Was ita private pane? What ean private planes carry commercial? What apr ls they arveldepart from? What was cared ona private plane to ran? ‘Why was the Bin Laden fal here curing 9112 Coineidence?| How do0s SA connect to the Bin Lacon fami? ‘Who in Sais connected specicaly to te in Laden tamiy? What aid ney deliver? Towne? wny? What does money buy? \Winy ate the evens in Sf relevant to the above? |Whos te fancal backer for human trfexng? |Who sth broker for undarage 22x? Think SA How does EB & inslagram pay arte capture? “Think Taken Fantasy ight? \iny do select senior polticaloficials have foundationsinstutes? Whet bp money laundering?

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