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Colon BsAs 2 of May 2018

Application of the Biefeld Brown Effect using D.R. Buehler


In 1923 Professor Paul Biefeld and his student Thomas Townsend Brown discovered this effect during the test of a new
type of capacitor. Basically the Biefeld Brown effect is electro gravitation. If you have a flat disk capacitor with a good
dielectric like Barium Strontium Titanate (BaSrTiO3) and apply high voltage to the plates a directional force normal to the
plates will be generated according to the formula developed by Doyle R. Buehler trough experimental data.

F= 0,47 * U (J) = (force in Newtons)

Where U is the energy stored in the capacitor. The force generated will be proportional to the energy stored.

The energy stored is dependent of the capacitance and the voltage applied

The capacitance of a flat capacitor with dielectric is:

C = e0*er*A/h

where e0 is the dielectric constant of the vacuum, er is the relative permitivity of the dielectric, A is the aerea of the
plates and h is the separation between the plates.

The charge stored will be:


Where C is the capacitance and V is the voltage

The energy stored is given by the formula:

U = Q^2 /(2*C)

Replacing the value of Q we have:

U = V^2 * C * 1/2

Replacig the value of C we have:

U = V ^ 2 * er * e0 * A / h * ½

Appliying the Buehler formula for the force generated we have:

F = 0,47 * U

F (Kgs) = 0,235 * V ^2 * er * e0 * A / h * 1 / 9,8

With such disk and for example 20 KVolts you can develop a force about three tons for propulsion and lift the vehicle. To
be properly guiated the disc could be divided in three equal sectors of 120 degrees who can be charged different or
equal to get differential forces to guide and lift the vehicle.

Applying the formula to a practical case using Barium Strontium Titanate as dielectric we have:

e0= 8,85E-12

er = 2500

Voltage applied = 20000 Volts

Diameter of the disk = 4 meters

The Area will be:

A = 3,1415* (4 m ) ^2 / 4 = 12,566 m2

Thickness h = 1 mm

Replacing these values in the formula we have:

Force= 0,235 * (20000 Volts )^2 * 8,85e-12*2500* 12,566m2 / 0,001 m * 1/9,8 = 2665 kgs

Force = 2665 Kilograms

With this principle that works in atmosphere and space you have a propellentless force of propulsion.

The force generated by this system of propulsion is several times greater than ionic engines and photonic thrusters
allowing reach high speed only maintaining the charge in the capacitor.

This type of propulsion will be very useful for interstellar and interplanetary missions.

It could be used too to put in orbit heavy loads without using neither chemicals propellants and reducing the risk of
explosions or failures.

Ing. Luis Migliorero

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