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ARB DS — > INTRODUCTION TO THE ALIEN RACES BOOK CONTENTS Ro INTRODUCTION TO THE ALIEN RACES 800K THE ALIEN RACES * AuENDDAT 9 INA THOUGTS 8B To 20041 bec fend with an Usain guy called Petro {ha mot completely randomly at abr by he bod Was Shs mn a hs ana sae ‘yay, we started takin wth each other..ou fnekop Sarto is tate boca arogur ot my hase wher cur Famios wou ct togiher 1.2008 he ala earl asked mo fT waited to go on 2 road patsoid SURE dine to go to tho south of Spain and st his Drothar (us roth was there la tet isha.) and slso tov fis tthe in Portage fs father as foro cplaat of tho Ukr Voor fer, as whan Teretredbe daciged tomave toPartigal sive theres) 0x4 zo we went. vse brother aed then went to Portal tows is athe When we wore at Ms hous he asked usa favor (hes ol). if Pvecould erty boxes ra ono tha voces wentadto Make lt to. broom er ast Wo sald ek ard wont to tho room, expacting to so0 Some old Inteod we fou box 58 boxe fl of occurs et bok om the ine whan he was a dpa ‘me popars(dcurents) wore nPussion..some were even forthe SS a ane be Petro sterted reading translating some of them ad we ‘eal tae here woe ato atcresting Wari aed even Topraerat (leant tone ts) document ‘So we asked his father if we coud keen the boxes for ‘trseven she cron de ho Fn a oko ‘Svar bade to hr wit Wook after wey in cur bases but many onthe Wesker ‘wo wont trangia of ho docamonts torstatin than, (Stslogang em by subject maar or dates end plac te, ‘As hot werk, we wore part ite often, we also da lot of werk oni “hats when we found THE BOOK.the bok that lad to the ‘bor Tabla (hs one back at we ho rate ard leoksnedore bul wo nd th cover “nly tho cover“ for the same book but dating back te 19511) Wo call sath ator that yoor an aso hi abe the Deckard e iad the ssng tleratio.ho sid that eoran! fh arbi pital lise ted any De ierumor of len contact, but thing caver. os that ho a rcsived the bok years before fram oe of bs ie fog plat ends aod Deen updoting the bask {Untlrecenty with information tha end af hs sant hy ‘hon thoy would gb together to tlk st Od anos" ‘That tration regular updates) was nt to an by mal, he or nin He stl gets rou updtes tht erst to me. “The book has hued of se notos onthe pages (updates), ‘Sra papers with lated miscolancaus rata to oops proto staple say, eta now me ore ok bent relatively recent visi rom sions, thelr rumb=rs, Aiherel happy ha een tating Be Inomntiaey cad on rogue [LT he also sid that there ware cry a hn of people that were te now ck ty USSR ays) the lock ofthe Eoinunist party anda caia of advsara Sor OSNERSH fas (co rep to 12) the conrad {Gem fre andy ard mayo mec alate Ho sald tt ost thly there wore moro pogo inthe kaw, tally the rltary, bur cul pt cari tha eis ir iat recog ser of Ure nes, ‘nentioned onthe book) Pepe hove acne about seme othe istrations of tain len fares ns bok this boca sa ft were erally copied off moves andor vidwo gatos (rota Me a Petro asked cursclves the sare thing, 25 we, Facogzed sere of ano we hd catact his father ‘rer to get or answer He told us thot over the years the people tht were ‘aiding petig printing bd onan ng aes ingest rnb ey hot hae eho ‘ing ra he iene ‘So sometimes thay used images fram movies and video aes Tat tte described the Aon Race qustion.N8 aterd ty * to the witresses testimonies (deseripten of tele encounters). However he dd say something es. somtingextranely tioean, He told that amangs hie aking plats there has ben Iruch sole dcusion and abote about a pln" rwoling Certain acta (ram nlieo pape to llywon to te video (gare inate acartain sctity deportes spot rom ‘Ray China, Cara, USA aed Europa) nordr tose ts AiG Go Vaan) brags to csi Ue appara ol see. He (otros father) also told us that sre of tho aon races Images used in vidso ares (an ther mod) were Used the Tok Bro tothe alese of tae ga ae cr aa Him cod some of hie frends hod knowledge that some of thoes Socety dapertments hod cuoly coat somo of Ia95 bd then "leas them to the proper chan ocr fr ifooe images tobe known tote general ube ‘this, boul, we could not conte. .excep or gw of the Images on he bi the ae sed in ho move inccpancence Ady” were known bore thorn (nt even hove) oth Inovieby a Toast 8 ears ‘As, sere fe aon on the Ahn bes aered a8 ‘reso, there you haw tthe story bhi the ALIEN ‘At least some ot hope you enjoy the book al tho rovelations cntanod Init == this book is dicated to the memory of L =e “The AR hs boon recto (information always being updo Tall apects, ram non sien aces tone report and patos risa) ot eon 12 tes. Tt we know the fst ation was ried 10% or erly 1047, Than pew eltons rere pred 051 (Chawethe cover, at ve cower of that pe) 1959, 1968, 1971, 1980 the way to (we belove) 2011, 3B WT ben Sr epee eee ‘THELOST COPY foldinburyais at Sbera) oe ‘Thay copy endetup in the herd of 2 agent with rons items, ‘After the collapse of the USSR some ofthe Information (oe tages} the beck ware leaked le?) ‘Years lotr the infermaton ape some of the ope started ‘Spponring nu Siena uo aes "ws effect" betng the most wellknown. (this information was handitenon the book) mo be 11924 near Yekaterrosin, rains (pow Onipropetrowk) tha users ofa cetin Gotin her OF ‘capt Andy was of Ruslan descant and eeyittie elo saa tan ext tte tors thot verse Captain Andy bu sid hat he Saw te captas daughters waking towards tne woods Maybe IBtours etore uavice Intrigue followed than a a distance Aftr wlan for 30 Inte he described soon “pple ovr ights re ist through the tees He aot closer ond saw the 3 gs aptering what he called "9 Hloating bgt win ik lance ato reported secing S (roaligos as sao tho cukron tt with aad ld fae ‘According toe the “wired ten le very slowly nt the Sars unt ho cud net tol thar apart pan acing he knocked on the dor bt body sere He then entered the hose ane fund the Capt en is ‘Sear on tat bed. thet faces "were peat as thy hd sed ding thet see. ‘Alte anime (3 doy se 2 gots were dro (nthe itcen table hare wos letter or ote (oat signed) ‘withthe handing st matchod Soa, one of tho ders Resid *"Woaro gona to the schoo! tho moan, with ou ends. supposed photo of Sofia rot conte) a8 SSMERSH Agents Department 1W-A1/12 Its your dy to throughly investigate all vents regarding fs fogs ef visions octane concern creures’ Fremather planats aswel swith on terrestrial caatiros that dal on cur planet att prose or ure tine {eis your dit to medtatly present to your Superior charge (celery moteral enaence gathered dag your Frost: ss yur duty to Koop absohte sorecy ae concaaknt ‘egaring your hide oe corcusions arin your Inestgatlons (Geet rom your uprior in corge {eis your dit to mmedialy dest this book n case your ‘yal beng o prsanal safety restores “Theos ofthis Dock when your posession wil est i serious onsqucnes for your 2 SMERSH crpanion Agents a Wala oF Your innesiateralatves, Moke use o your extensive raring an love fr cur great Union Chef Marsal Konstantin A, Versinin = ‘Tris book of alen races both an estrus marx ard a Source of biermeion fo be used raw arin the Re cre ‘hey Ill beiceded ro ore ar fe toe 93810 8, a8 THE ALIEN RACES 8 (ora the baits) They come from crstellatlon Spor Thoy aro spacolist bling sts and other devs ood Terdaap pace boven, They are also spac-travllarsthamsslves searching fr now Last soan naar Tokyo Clapan) in 205, a8 ‘they cme rom constellation Vela near the tr Sua A sea ‘They grow Wp to 2 meters hgh (6 and te up to 200 yeas “hey cn shape sit and are ery hard to detect When they shape shit the only thing they cannot change s ‘They ae on of the oldest known races. hey do abduct humans Last een on worth i aay of 2008 ‘They ome fram solr systems surrounding the Pleyactyes org more prchely from the planet Ceara tian Tova, Thy are acscited th spins roth Thoy en grow uo to 25 meters thoirSowtal exressions apa tal sens motions Thaw ships arcknown as ata” They carina to develop the cessory manta ils to ‘rntsly read tek alan even higher peta state” ‘hey come frm constellation Von, ‘Th slhtings of hs race on Eth are rave al they are Its sald that thoy wero fabian to vit Earth around the Yost O00 BC, tt ey did nr stop ving Earth compleely Tis bocnne ot tht nlite race tre: (aka "oodeat and) ‘eleved tobe related othe race Aruneek ‘Thy come orn the planet Diierare They sre there bare the story of Eilat Nl “They wore dractlyimolved onthe development ofthe Huan foca darig our en stones After centuries ny fem arth thay have recently rete, That own lads eras th est racent vstars ‘They il row say on Earth permanently wl howe an Inportant role nth yersto come. “They sere tes krmorstn.. pee gol ke gata prosenably extends th espa, a8 “They come rom galaxy Soxtans Ovart SPH, First vised Earth 594 AD nthe area that we now know ae ‘hey often abt andl humans they also dain anc. thabhood of Fares ox well ste load of etna ‘They are responsi fr the myth of vars Several Human goverments know and accept the actors ‘The Hen bods that thoy "ue" aro rover returned Last sighting: Scotland in 1956. MAZAREK From the 1300 to the arly 600 (our calendar) hey were ot allowod to foae thoi planet by ater aon Fcc They are ery olen ne peedatary" race They a ko tobe ali of th ace Maitre They row up to 1.6 motors (S, Last soan on Earth: August of 2001 3k They cane rem constellation Cetus, ar Dane Kaitos Although they ae oftan conf with option races, they do Beis erstara with ram eocuot tre errecrence Their lg ores 2 meters (6) ane they cn vo upto So ve0s, “hiss ne of 21 races that are known to have moro than 2 (sexes) ‘This raco has @iorant gerdrs anal them can Raprodce with exvotha “he purpose for hor ust to Earth unknown Last sitting wos rims Peru in December of 2008 (Gia Ntiening ores) ‘They cme ram cnstllaton Vulpeca “hay have met wth (8 leet) 2 USA Presidents a wel 5 th USS tn} Msn ce rer Sey pyle nouns ofthe technology toes ituoke ter ahen resin tueprocass YO ‘They hd big ro in Sherian and Tibatan cultre ‘They sill have bass those areas Manin th rt foe of manta, Bay he colrzed oer 0 pants otis cr slr syste. a8 ak Of the 58 rocos descrip here, this tho race that least visto Earth (hot webnow of so fr).-cnly 3 te ‘hey visited the area we know asthe ile east ane that treated the ele ne "Set (or "gers" Talos myoloy. ‘cording to some Muslin scholars thoy inhabit an urscon word Ihadmarsion beyond the ens dessins of ur nies, ‘accord to reports fom other allen race, hey stopped wsting Earth becuse thor ete system could iat ce wh Eats fauna and era Last recorded ist 712 AD. {vommooe) Tisrae Is known to havo boon seer sar high-security areas They re slmot completly hil to the raked eve Doth the USA ae Rnsin itary have dovloped technology that ‘ows tem oad them down on Fodor (ust the Ss) ‘things are hrown about this ac 1 they leave sour sell when they are nar when thoy are naar windows jou can "soo" thelr reflection 36.3 Sarudged iter igre ave bean caught on ct ookags) ‘when mary dogs (a only 1 start bran with no apparent Foon, pos tt ey are rear (rept Repae) Purose of reson unknown a8 Ty were force to leave art alter aang abate agit Repoldsn ancient nda cote knows, wich he haben ‘ting fer arora 20 yrs They hove resuned their sts to Earth in 1948 Technologically tis sa vary advanced ace Thal ships ar often invite (to radar andthe Human oye) and they wear some srt of esthing that makes them ne wwe ‘Spm they cme fram Xeiter © fone fis moons Last siting: Porto, Moy 2005, a8 (ome) “The meters of this race ore the cause why Humans colned the ten "Marton They came frm conntlition Gomi oars, where ty mine some sort ofa geld ke materi Fit reccrded vs to Earth: 1735.8 n Japon Last sight: Madagascar, 2003 a8 (aesTall titer) ‘This race has Several bases en andin the Moony where they mine (Geko motels) They se “saver todo most of thir work thse “Mtwes ae Getromaly wel take car of and the Ihe soo thom a8 Siaispensbie The oars on and Inthe Mon are very sexrtive They ro slot permanent contact with High ranking oflas ffom the US China and Russia Fed goverrenent They Rowe th bit fo shape hit iso an arnt pert Famer fr “hay ar aso Kr "en br Blak thy se spacial dark suit (to protect thr skin) when nraaner shape mle Eenwhating spel operate on tart TILINAT-ARR (akan) ‘Thay cme rom cotton Caner Geer Isa very hard race to track down or spot. oth the USA apd the Russian military have developd aspect ounera oreo syst town tap Wash en hy ‘reoneth, ut even ther thoy have only boon sighted times en they ae sige its lly nthe are kre ote Ber Tieng a8 (wormage) “Tay have only contacted Humans oe ine he USSR 165. ‘According to reps they spoke some hind of Slavic alec “They left a iter message with bout 10 sentences. ‘hey cme rom galaxy LDF) 38646204, Esta istrce fen rth (our standard) 132 bilion itt They ral by usin what other allen raes caller hol”, wich lows Wm oben soca {ote rom myself nd Petro) ‘On the erga ARE (ur copy eon), 9 ofthe sentences lft by Thisraco aro blocked oath ony oo that spot ss ono “our 2022! cording to repr thoy wore tal, hd blond lon hae ae etal ie a8 A ‘They come from cnstllaton Gus, near the star Ana They are one ofthe most peace races They co-created tha allnce ofthe S races (Counc ofthe Fv butare nat porta he oun of he Fe” area gu ofS alae thet protect ‘The coun s supposed to moet on Earth cing the last 10 dys Feceung “oo many” wait em pom faces the ps 30 Yo Last ting on Earth: nar the Sao of Cortez, September 2002, Maintains pera contacts with Earth govereents bt not tho mont power onan (nt USA, Rana or Crna), (orsiorod to havea okt nature by other races “Thay hae boon visting Earth for 3.000 yor ‘hay come rom cnstllaton Hrologium and ae known to favo len th ce Mare Last sitting: near Houston, USA, Febrasry 1 of 208 HFK They ereknown by oter races. “pence makers ‘They re very advanced technology The fest sighting on Earth dates ack to 1500 8 They mat with FX 3 weeks before he was le, Tyne a (ocd hese te) at wath ther Hn ‘They have not been seen on arth since FK' death. 1.1965 they gave amessoge to the Human leaders that ran untics with roar capably (onto know). ab a8 onsay They gron to.a mca bot of 0:5 meters (1.6). Thay howe vslted Earth t last 250 tres. “hoy come from Casionela, wire they have 2home-plnets ‘They oat other sion races as wel shamans. “hel aces a lest blion yes ld aed thay have been 2 crntant state-of or ith notte lien paces or lion yeas. Last sighting on Earth: Novertber 200, alin ps a8 Known tobe a very pence ace They hove 2 permanant bass somewhere In South Amara, They are 10% rectus do not feract with Humans nd are suited by othr le Fes 5 They horest isos and rodents by the many thxanes ona smonthiybesisresse ume, ‘At east of them have been nde rasan miltry custody for the pot 12 yours Last sighting: near Oana, Menke, 2008 ‘They re wits by thea own kind (race) every 20 years. the ‘They come rom cormtelltin Sects. (nc of thot ships rash cutsido of Vagina (raz in 1996, Zot ts occupants are under USA custody, aftr having pl Bion of dors tthe rac govern ‘hey have the fastest sips of ny known allen Face. Last sitting: February 2002, neor Varin (Bazi. a3 <= arTRE ‘Thay have 2home:planets in constellation Mogan ‘They howe the sre awerage height os Peas a ore oreiore by many alien faces a "porate ‘Vitou Earth or the fest ane ring Ue pre histor period (Gate tekrown) Athan ot Hanan cored ont cpa. Thay howe the goal of coercing Earth tat has not happened ‘boca of proton rem ata len races, uh asthe ones ‘hey ae hemeghrotes oe the fe span 120 years. ‘They hove colgrzed at loos 20 pone ‘They howe shied a least 8:00 Fanon males) ‘hey hove vsted Earth at least 200 tines. Lat hig: September 2006 nee Neen, Alaska, USA Their aight is round 2.5 matrs (8 we 3 very carpi iret ol Ute Earth tla time, They cry ut Hunan butts wich they use for Hanan, prod tion “They have abet at least 520 Hunan mals end amas), They came ren the "estar In cortelatin Cats ‘hey have 2 home planets and hove cloned at fast 0 Donets with ho ipo "sav" 10 of owe planets wore Faken withthe usaf force Tey work togother wih S thor Faces, They mostly et imal poten derived prods, ‘Acorlt allen eports they arent sally SFT” Brepured to tnteroct with mont ther ces Their 2 ome planets chemi conposition fs sir to Earth. ‘Toy ao spposed to “rovoathemsalvos to Haran nan a8 TANG Sal spies growing only upto 70 ceiters (2) ‘Tey cre rom the ath starin contellotion Cama Barenicos ‘They haves awe planets (maybe) anthave colonized at noe to ‘They wore one the frat races to vt Earth. ‘They wore the race that started the "Stora bout Fas. 2 ale races claim that hey hove abducted over 10 lon isan robot interes ate by 2 lth aces they state that the nr x owe. face ewer hades ator toa Ruslan Presta sig hak ‘Reeroce Lang hos bever aba ony Huan) Last sitting: Now Zealand 2005.2 group of 20 members. smo (ounage) “hey come fom Plant Svkk, costalltin Botteray. ‘Thal ships ove a conical spe, ‘hey reserble Humans n appearance. ‘Aecerng to 1 slon race thoy only have 6 ships lt “hoy colores 0 plots, 18 of the wore bed “They st vised orth 7500 yours ago and ae very interest new ralgews bots Thay awa race cline Cwskennc certo to ther a8 They come fom plant Teng (goat sector 56, str system Fe They ive underground and havea population of 1 milen. Fest vs to Earth: 10.000 yoors ag, They do not noo an atmosphere or water to survive They hove 1 ship tht can ccomadate Son of thelr kind ‘hw cont ith amen gprenents tot Lat kone sighting: ase Busnes Ares, Argento, 2002 a8 “Their eight averse the sono tht of mn re they are overedina sate siey ha. “They have hore planets nthe Vino str syst “Tey have vse Eth at oot 12 thes heir fst vist happened ring the ea (nase) of ays Pharaohs, around S000 years, “They spent 10 UNoterunted years there dining tte, “TheeDypser pyro wos at ese hea “hay have bon kooping a clase look at Hanan development or ths pnt 00 yrs, ron at seme power nen ca [ond ara} be miles by sme aon aces (lagused as humans) niyo therm rave! noch tine thei ps Lest tts: Ay 2002 and Febru 2004 ak ANNAKENE (ata aura) “Thay come fram planet Niue aka Nib). “Thor planot le part of tho sare solr sstomn as Earth but with a ‘turh longer ert comes ose athe Sun every 4000 yan ‘hd not orery 3.300 yoors as commonly cceptod. “Tey resemble umanebut are higher (2 meters) ond more anti Menthe fist sted Earth there were already othe races ‘stablshed here. some maloolert oe wit soperetural powers ‘The arunokane defeated them and Became the most power freeontarth ‘Thay ganetcally enoinaored the most taligant no-allen etn En Cort (asec he ta not meeh more thon sort primes) ‘der to ane arace of aes ot thelr dapoeal ‘They Gav bth to tho legac about "gant [ANUNAKENE annus) “They wl return one doy a errs by thersolves, however theta of thar reten sat anmatery. “They do know all thats happening on Earth a well sin other lars hero thoy hod sven (andor sil have) “The proximity of planot Neue oka bru) does couse cosmic Arataity and weather relate repercussians wal planets of ur solar system but dos not causa to amount of dostrction har it only acepted and believed How fr they ore its stil aystry. a8 aM They come fram cerstelation La. ‘They cal thartclves “Ali Spiny" because ofa war tht thoy Teught aga aroce led Spano ue Spans” race od 12 {ines ace mbors a3 tines more ships ae resurcos han the"nl-but the Abt won br the ene So they acid the pints rae to Hs owe race 8 Narn t other res. Thay ere sales thon Munane in state and the sin covered ‘nth Bhs spot dark fr mak pd nor Foals Thal plant called Gren Ar Pet Tectia yr extremely developed they can travel om {hair planet to Earth p20 earths, Thay net need axygar dey dohawe an atmosphere but Is may ofan fiyrogen-i snare They howe coleniod 10 planets aren olen Woy ‘When they ae lose to hunars they can becom iste, bat snare ofan eure the wl foals earton emourt of crepe ‘Thar ships ae small ar sphorcal in shape. One of the reasons, thay uisitus st study mht they cal Yanan Devon ordar a8 Pence end harmonious rece. ‘hey 1 main leader ahs name sYnarye, ‘hair tization i 2bilon yrs o.oo thoy wore a tho Sine level o devclopmant os erste ‘hey awe no colonies. thoy are completely focused cn the Aevalopmart of other plana and aces ‘hay come rom corstellation Oyre. “They do howe one power woapon that hoops some neighbouring olan voces omoy--nd ethers tht may ryt hwade ther (ne lane race atrelos 5 sips boca ot ‘hay sid thatthe Human rca in the net fo thousands of ary til hs 5 ptr to se cursos our plant aed To gusrantoo a future for or rac.-but kwllal dopend on cr billy to travel rough space. ‘hay ae Solps! a but wo cll hem."orays" (oimone) ‘Tysrace wos very some Suh nd Central Amen ‘At one tine thay hd over 2000 meerbers ving rong Hanan (rthosoranlore, unt one day when est of tha el leaving Fete eriy 25 of thes own. Pana the lod thom, ‘They hawe not rotund to Fart since that cid” “They ware eww tobe vr tal. some reports fom ae alin Fare soy thot sone of thom were as tal asters Mi 13). ‘Th reasons why the local Humans killed the 25 nity Is ioe 3B This race was createby the race Mate in order tobe wed as Slower hot etl ft thy sere fr ‘hey are often sant by the Maitre to socunty sensitive regions Wer a nesses and as to anal salons. ‘They cn ve forever os ey re nt organic however th Faw Materials thatthe Mave need to "bull one are very ara So, Uhre avert ry ol thm (steno les the 30) ‘Tey ae able to use vations thirking” 9s wel as fying ships and non ther tas. Last soan on Earth in 2y-197, roar Brisbane, Australi. ‘hey cme ro cnetlition Perseus, nase the sto Gorgon, Sect, They hove cused thousands (maybe mien) of deaths on Earth and ther panats on one of Ww ntrests (or area of S087} iow the econo ragnaon a tela “Tectotogically they are extramaly advanced (ne alien ace report that they (the Tarzan) cused oth the ‘retire ofthe Hindorbury os well os ska of the Tone. ‘They cn ve upto 500 years a are ort 17 eters tall (S)- ‘hey are avoided by other allen races. Last sighting: Iuary 1999 n Now York state, . ‘They come rom costlier Optus re Yed Prior. Connidered by terraces x peace ‘he purpose oftheir ts is urknown..they nave sty ong on ‘They mest se Fart oa stp" (to acy gather seri they may nod) betore thoy love tothe eal destination. They or monty rect “het ships ont a eg orange gt and are (as of thom, otal octagonal n shape Last spotted ner London (Eogland) inMay 2000. a8 “ "They come frm cnstlation Povo. "hoy a very respected andl peaceful race prsunably with ryt powers ‘hey have bean cami to Earth atleast ine 1.000 AD. They do not cry out ababetons ard do nat interact with ‘heir height start that ofa narmal Human. They ore vegetarians Last sighting: near Odessa, Ukraine in Duy of 1985, “hey cme ro constellation Ursa Mie, {Stroms re invertebrates a coolenterates ‘hale average hee s 2 meters (6. Vegetation sol great importance to thee clee.cee the Iman ran for ha vskstotarthy ‘hay havo boon on Earth at last 200 tenes, ‘They oct with entree caution ae ore rarely seen by buns. Fst vst arth the red of the Lat big Ie Age The howe 20 coloes nthe Via cten i. Last igting: October 1975 Oregon, USA a8 a8 ‘They come from cnstllatien Aa star Teraze They have colonize planets and have fe span of 150 yore, ‘They ae ellen sed in nathar Alia and the Sabra rein Fst vised Earth arane 200 86. They dnt conde abactions. Main forest stout arth: miners Lost lgted in 2008 near a vokano tn Klan (Oreo rolated to th Reptold spoces, thoy are not, howover, Reptirn They came rom cnstllaton Sxpans, str Ava ‘Pst vist to Earth was only nue 13, 1965 They dort present any threat to Pans, Often sen around Artactica “he reson fr thir vit s unknown, Last sighting: Antarctica May , 1997, a8 ea REPTILIANS. Tesi inown on cre teed omen are awa Thay have boon parmanentiy on Earth forever 1000 yrs (confined) ft the ble that they may have been Nee (Germanentiy or craw for mili of yrs They ome rom constellation Draco {alone SUO by moors of “etree? thn de fears of ach plre ‘Same (ata) of he mentees have the power to shape sft ‘2 wo oepathe sits. Cn arth thoy did ot ned to itrate Hear faders the time a toy often va side by side with Parone (most of Mem unre) and ved evahaton (al expects), ty : NaN REPTILIANS, ‘They ae centered ne ofthe mest ectrologialy aon spelen, but thay prefer to ork Inte shadows usr et 25 Brodesnags tr we progress or pare ag ‘They can trae! ter. devensteraly (ost races can't) ae some Gftimihighranking ments aso swe te power to con Irie to have thst power a rptan mat hist be accepted Init thoy cll "The rac ants Group of Replans “he Reps from The Draco! or irate (or even were eDounders) of the ant ‘They have 3 main boses on Earth: neor the Bermaxo Trang, dameniere of the coat of Derma sof he oe of New Zool, ‘Some say that thy wl over lave. last on thelr own a8 Prosunably thay have over 5000 ships andhave clonzod over {planets on thes ow Consideredby other alls aon ofthe paras ‘Abduction of Huan are frequent and on-gelna ‘Paxpose of anon abaations: rt ‘They donot keto ntract with eter aon races They come rom costalltion Prsous and are extramely Suspoctad to have boon nwolvd in soveral plane crashes, Such ligt O07 over the SS 1908 The OSS ety ook the Blame orth ros Last sen: September 2001 in Canada, a8 (alaGreepo) First krown vst to arth happened only in 1989 They abet herons and oxen contro verte mit of that coptves which thoy use for ho own net aftr the CGpkives ross Remon uon his race was the “nspationfer the allen race the mole indapendence Dov (nae of Potro ale: te AnD states the sre hang bout anctherrece) They are oe of the oldest races. ‘They re oe of the races that st Haman govern esr hon corstering the hare of umes GkaShamethal) Often cnt (because of tee apesrance) with he 3c05 Notre and Solis hal (hegre) ‘Tey come rom contelltion Nets. They reco ofthe frurrak’ ercicocprate with them in Aferent plots, they are the represartants ofthe Arureckt Planet ot aon 25 anes per oor ‘The Arunnekl coated a ub-spocies of tho Zea wth the paupose of mang them lok mare Fumo eu anv hough vated dlerences for nara to datas “Tey became some of the Paratha Ey: 0S a8 Gea Shanta) “The most wal known was Akhenaten, who was removed from wor ty eptian.-ny strated anmolves in Ovo Court os Trample Press Fist roports of Zata's on Earth go back to 4.000 AD, but hat uber inmost kel much her. ‘ho ware tho fest ytd to be engineered by the Arunako (foureeks) ‘he Zeta subspecies til exists on Earth ond stil (t least 30%) proven throne py illerances etd Her ‘he semua organs of the sbrspacin or never aspect the Sere tho ohare ZETARETIONAL (easter) ‘he Zeta’ stil exist on Earth inboth forms.the orignaan aac Ustyrid sspocon. Gotmooe) The lcatlon on arth arenonn | — ‘hey are often sean nea (or yng by) volcanoes. (deified due {othe oupinte nture of thee ps) They have raver contacted Hurane ane thare arena reports of oleae oe aban, Zari sb-spoces Ive thy ae dacrest thn presence on Earth is reiet Zeta Retiual ‘nl they dnt ry thie ren view Thera re soveral onvadiioryrepars aba ther appearance. Last shed Of the coast of Nrway,n 2000 PURITAN (GaNosy'7) Thal origi surknown, ‘They are often sighted inthe nates ofthe USA pecan tte Gregan area) ‘hoy hove a special ntrest about Earth's oceans and are krown Tohoweundrwater ships (ata USO) Inthe 1990 andthe 1950 they almost raed afew tines oat US Naw ss wl to areas were testing Now Sr ane rc yee. They are poco an mostly nocturnal Last sighted in the yoar 2000 near San Francisco, USA wae (wo imoae) Oni sighted 2 tunes on Earth ‘cording to repr rm oer races they are abe to shapes ‘Seman animes 10 secon Theiecrign urkrown, They conduct Human abobetions an parle medical experiments onthe sects. They have been visting Earth since The ely 2 consid sites happened near Elz, Trey. a8 CARAVELDI owe tobe (at tne) extremely dangerous to Hanan os well peloolher allen rae They come frm constellation Chamaeleon They have boon permanently volved in confi with afew her races for over 500 (earth) yeas They lve to 150 yoors Reporte they sro 3 meters tal (1 stove ar Lint stohting was naar New Orla, USA, 1976 They came rom corstelation Bootes, near Asis Prins The oso resemble the “orays" but are nt “elated This race has 4 ferent gander ane they are known tobe Senet TR esr cf trae vdts ork but they sor to fhe a spell taarest er raw tates inate (2) a5 thy have been often sighted near ele ines Last sting: Sar Isto do El General, Costa Rc, 200, oB ak Despite thar appara (installs far Human whan sighted) trace tna vow tobe gress They cn ve up to 400 oars. ‘They came rom constllatien Delphi, near Sloch. ‘They howe boon visiting et or toast 000 years, bt were stdited ute often during the Tot cary, ‘They served as rspration or the alan race Inthe move “idapenance Day (Pete of Pato aeime this the other second-mention abou a Foxe belng sod a inpration for that sore mov) Last sighting happened nar Marsal Franke, in 196. ab “Thok origin is urknown but thoro aro rports stating that takes nor 2 arth yeors to got to vs plant are the sv ofan extn Reprod race and do not possess he tae leva of tchnlony er knowledge os ether aces ing. QEeth they owe sce hanen creer sch a 1977 oF 1970, near Siena ely, 20 the species were captured ies carci 3 obra rere [i aUSA ar bose sin Tay and rly tan to ny sone oxalic where, spony thy sti ree ott ‘mentioned somewnere fhe sch Pate or sehr USA ow apa “The Us 4015/3 was able to gt aod of {vdeo recardng of hs species ast sgt: Jruery 3 2001, ras Victoria Cana THE COUNCIL OF 5 Nx Reptlon shapes in proses (2) Paca Matpa ‘The Rept hoe abetted female Faron for thousands of years est (lth idol re sar ‘uoy tor plots that hey ae Colonic sore Stay anearth where mentors {hey become power ‘tratedin society. a8 isons are Gueless abot the tu tantions of afew) a6 ‘Since the ormatien ofthe USSR ts leaders were extremely Interested about all to hformatien thoy cou gt on lens. “Thay Knew oftheir xiterce onde sd vera tog {her rowdy tle keovang that the ath of Rusiae (Caar Necholas It had bee play alias an thot tie ‘on Gros of power had already bow fated 8B ‘ery ites known about te helen aces tl ae part of theca of The aces that ar prt of his Corel provi know a the “Counc of) awe ben protecting earth ale rhmons fr a nm as ero (aio) rocoto ‘Some sy that they have been protecting the planet even before ‘rane xt fermions yrs ‘an alien ce reperted tha the "Cound of 5st mt on Earth ion (ote of Potro ant msc: we found hr writen pot onthe ‘Ait dated ay 2008 stating tat the "Cau of ego to ‘mt ontarth arog the as 10 days of aug of 2042, The ‘Se ote also menfloned the fact that he presence ae ra of tose 5 races could cases comm events Wot can aft Earths atmanghares fed abo sae at arr won be ‘Stein an ieraase of len ships actiy during that pero) ab (contention of ote: he ote aa states tha the mete he let dues poss rents totarth ond ene wel ‘The Pilaelphia Experiment of 193 ‘Sahoopen ae twas ‘Sena alter the Sedat tether ‘Sttanets tld Contrary to bit the ferment rete ‘rom Albert Estes Secovery ata Imaruser6t (lena ‘aa etic cet) found n'a ewe Sytem and brought To spain by Cokarbus ns lat voroge aE Themaruscot feand by colar sitar feiogay Sonic Grange iron n Seno nie j Meld trey by este were he rather, ‘and scaly the intereloted rate Sitters tt sledromepetie ‘kotor ad ‘rae tention fod ito a8 F 7 THE "COUNCIL OF 5°15 COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING RACES: amor 1 155, rae Verte, aly an alien ship belonging tothe race RALENIA cashed ling lis oceans inate mo Sect Tallon artocts were found od lien as) ‘Sento Mean created ‘crt grou took ot thet into ry ‘oralenraces That group sil oxts Sat ealod GO ‘Atte artes ord on found et an erdvotogeal ‘exoatlon {isso nother sp ost ecare a8 ae urea the carly 1950 LSA President D Claenbower ad itis PA Wiston Churchill mot soveral ines to cscs the best ays to ap the alien renee cn earth oy rom te genera pubic oe ‘ram pina ove “og hoy crated 3 top socrt tank fore called SK Testo force wos so secre that ts lecer mas en Ae Force Geral ron eric dosent tht bolorged tothe nally of then, ‘Sido by so wth this Ganoral worked 2USA ane 2 English Sorat Scrcts agent “Thay were rot lowe to write anything thay vestigated, Al ever ee rvostigalive poaress wore only reported Tagerto face tooth Cee andor esetowe ‘anvo. a8 Fram 700 AD tothe 19th cantury AD over 30 bates wits y tama ppl. ay rts ood Sn carved these events, but the Gato meth Srched found ard destroyed oat f thorn Inthe 2th century only oss Pon 10 are vable, "As nna therw are stars there wal bo war” a nap Soe ee Biacereeetrrratinsteess sn RSS Det aan ance ale eararetea Meta he me enue eeeeecn eee Tieton coat tea ol wits vent wrote ths rt day “the habitants saw roe strange minus vessels a ab ‘THE "COUNCIL OF 81S COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING RACES! 1s gneraly rood thal the EMET ER is the next recta ace hat only fe Corel but also emengs al own Fares “Thay ara rloted to the Sas Rat but wes cdr oe vanced al loves, hey ware oe ofthe Feunder-Racon othe Coe “Thy met with UA PresicenD. Eserhower serene Sczanlersthey also rot with 2h Rarkirg USSR orks in Seren castors and hoy ila (ey donot ere” ohn ERTER Furnas) torne! wis OSA Presiden won bt elise thet Ie would be to dryer os thoy could oye rod fisted ord fie cut about dicate rational sect secrets oncag ths relat wie US, 5B Oe ‘ines 1 2 ere 9 ft connramereive col (ro teraction ale) rem eltlernt fois Thy depict 3 hips rom 2 ‘len oces A western magne tried 0 detany European mogazine ety ate ta they ny erento em ays ie Forth resarch ‘Piha at nth ey the ays ies 2-two fern fis woud never sta soo patton. Sthese mmoges donot meh any shila heer {Lite images natch wel kona necro len ps QoQ (CCTV NEW YORK CITY, USA Pre itric cae paintings the south of France, The amo ships can found an wall cave paritings Spam. a ALIEN FILES a8 1,203 the Gna Notional Space Aainistration (CASA) Fecetve tha en em the Plone Pgs sent 1972 fd 1073 dosed te Plooor 10 ond I Despite mary roqusts a fers rem the US tho EU, ‘istroio ord Russi for China fo shore re iormatien 00 Ahereply, tho Chose hava nt dane that vo 1 1905,9 allen races delivered documents an video to the UN Secretary General iver Perez de Cor sbowieg ‘evidence of sera planets win Ear scar system fathod sda erage tomporatre of 32 dogreos cles (Gc rareerhet) and occas a8 ae 08 In Augant-21-1957 a caucoold woman was foes near Li, ‘Ste was not essed" the arene the time parted. ‘re was taken to a local bute land onner ane terrogate. epet tht se aed ob Contain Banani rans paren i ae ta othe ry see ‘Becabor 11072 nthe Allie Ocean rvorvid ad ‘epor ently abner ‘Sve commited side that sere night Reptlan shape shin nprogress Sr 8B [PSUS (Aen Presence eigueSry By AS USA {enhestion with rer org pci wre nar ltr those pens ware (ung een) feats orcs na ato ‘hese rn were (1 year ater coprgtedby aurkrown “Daat al Umea ehrmegeal orp pete mere ‘ver eer rlon even “escent tens pnts Photo (tp) of KART Ship that roses in Flstra bulgaia 01971 a8 We know thot thera ore at leat 2500 allenraces.that ‘urmoer ely tobe max Pager rere (ae mer of the AZAREK tp tht rnd "ow Ser dly)soldt there re Aeron tt set came to arth bcrane theykrow ok thefepillas nd the Noire arabe ‘Some of hose races that avold Earth fos volt (not Imere) asthe Moitre.vathers are peace ‘So, having the options andthe Mle on Earth it snot ‘hays Bhi. t heaps even worst races ay ‘he bolance' “ourstby having the “coun of protecting The MAZAREX crew menber sai theflloing there aro mary more racos that woud koto protect Humoral ty oe ot willing to Start 9 war oats Replies o hr over Wu ad Inthe reo known asthe Bermuda Tangle here hate boon? parmanard ndarwater base or aad ot years The fst one ws estab by the MATRA aroun 3.000 ‘ars ono wile th second ane hasbeen thre Tor ove 6.000 Yoon. roceurtown ‘Several other races have had bese there (orise) bt have Shorehrd herm ‘his photo shows the ruin ofan aandoned ase ‘AS.USK sed thrice te ment Propagate te rumor tho it was asork susan Remeber we coperato with other APIS but we donot tna em ar share Infrmaron that is ‘ore cofidontatr toprol ‘We stil have a very linited knoe ofthe activites ‘ecarng nto Bored Trang oe, From son reports we do ow th: 1 Abductions do ocr in ve rea. 2-Exoxrimontstiors with Manan do occur n those bases. 3: there sa "irast dmenstona space pert thot oes to tro the "rangi? (rok oxly iso the arta krown ‘etre tion) De There rere het penning on buldina/cesting anew basa inthe random the year 2021 (rants soy isthe BaANTIC). Sls ro tho ost important underwater gin on Earth to those allen race, ab ty q ey a “These or sre of he ps thot were token wth the sole parser ot eee me teense ‘he rsh of Slips! Ra ship in Roswell (SA) hy 7, 1957 RSIS tac | oT lca Tastomn one ofthe ost waretive APSHA coe Despite cr bast efforts we were newer able toreover a "Picker 1000 (80 people, “Wasp 1614 (140), "crmpua Badan capt fr the top-sever patos an enescSSSe 8 (8), "Alert 1800), Mapas 1528 Oe “Stavanger” 1931 (43). ome ee ty q ey a “These or sre of he ps thot were token wth the sole parser ot eee me teense ‘he rsh of Slips! Ra ship in Roswell (SA) hy 7, 1957 RSIS tac | oT lca Tastomn one ofthe ost waretive APSHA coe Despite cr bast efforts we were newer able toreover a "Picker 1000 (80 people, “Wasp 1614 (140), "crmpua Badan capt fr the top-sever patos an enescSSSe 8 (8), "Alert 1800), Mapas 1528 Oe “Stavanger” 1931 (43). ome ee (uy ages estimate that naar eso al lens and UFO Feat wetter the tera (worlwide) are goverment (Gr goverment ed) owed an an Inthe case of USA-anly websites that rabor jumps to 290 and inEurope to 7050. In the USA sso hose websites are ran bythe NSA, 30% Dy ta CIA, 13a therlary, Leb APIS USA, 6 by {heFBE andthe rest by urknew goverment operes. Psa that xebor act 0. nchin tot ranber Is round 958, 1 pan tot ranber is round 70% nv Atstrala thot ruber fs around 25%, {nnd that ramber Is round 55%, In act hat rambor i arune 890, —S————- [NOTE ron rs re Petro the Information abowe was ‘de (hand wit) tothe boa in 2007 ty . nh socalled Azoa-51 there are memiyrs ruber urkrown) of Afret races forcbly cooperating with asnars and Repel. as or os we know rene of those members ae ether high raking ‘rhe apa inprtance nie hols of expat ‘he satire and Humans conde sect services and support to thoboso 247, EH ‘There's more than 1 race conducting coerations on the Mon, ‘Themaineace inthe Moon ae Wwe NDUGUT (oka Tal Mv") ‘The MYTHILAE also have at least tase surface) on what we Many ofthe NDUGLTK haan sbctes are thee. they en {ther o lags forming (ardorground) or as what tey cal bets and Mery ad thei nae he tes ‘he sturents A oresbictees that reve ihe evel of Inteigono ad are willing partir (or became thot thelr ‘mpende od plo I sestinated that 4 aah 10 abductees become “students NM ‘The rst (G0) boca slaves, Soma of those shaves 0 oto wort en other planets. The sturents Mt aftr “raining” (od whatever alse) retum to Forse avaame ladon roles Huon sly HOW OST ALIEN BASES ON THE MOON ARE BUILT INAUSSIA (SAME PERIOD) Spo: 25, senetone 156 el {W886 0G, in the regen of (ow) Letuetn, ul here wos ‘ontrniation betwesn Frans 2nd Repilans Roparts state that a colry of Reptilans wero bala on Uhukegrourd base te aco. The snare tht ved tthe ‘reo wrote Thunder by dey, toning ot rght.the eth shakes ke a the doysof ld ma. tho shakes ro evcrynhere ving tow ‘nd cvsig all creatives to de the shoe gone and the Ives cry. roast to wo wl ‘Armanber ofthe ENGRI-TENGE, when asked by aFtnon fear (nth 20 contr) fo fama ould ower aw 9 ‘Might hones a defeating the Repti sal our ancestors rom anelent Slavlan using not mach mero then'stonesardstirs defated than ance atcody. since Fest your courant aE a8 The TENGRI-TENG ail sy that her's amor thatthe Haanare dd ot oct alone agai the Repthians ht ey Foc on llen nce fping te tid the curt However thoy oko sai that nthe momento atte Steposady ere were oly ranorn iin ak liens Erno ss amor on tt ris For posterity those Hamers mad these works of Arty @ Foriidor of 9 root day for tro cult. {eth thaa: He story goes tht 203 yrs ater that fare serpy venishes a8 ‘he Tunguska “elder” was a power explosion that ‘kGuradin nut rash ing ine Iie covvrorhy beleved tobe bnan caused bythe obsin of alargermatcorld nears atmos abet 5-10 Km GSmmtes}higs ‘he blast flattaned an estimated 60 millon ress over 2,150, ‘ur the Tenka explosion dl NOT have a cos bith ad ‘oath byyomember ofthe TENG TENG a8 For Says ne richts near wht you cll Tugs the IIALTRE od been fing he ORSAY, tir racos wore starting to chooso"sids" and wore going to get rate ren the Sune of 5° was worried wth the exclation and stricanen ft event (onthe doy of hat cast explosion an EL MANU sip cane to Earth ncrcerto try ering to conit.the e MANOUK ae Faspectelwherver we tay go.thoy are wis ae prt itr them ome a EVADIVAN tp one of the goes. “The Maro wore warned the Repti of he coring fresence ofthe Erode Peyoyanes cater thot doy Theatre had jst shot down te leet the Bors ship, hon the Ployodvans anerod Earth's atmosphere thoy were itty 2 Mette spe se destroyed ‘Soe. Moras tip war isn Sore space that dy ‘ani that what hoppers Taxa” ‘Also according othe Teg Teng “the Plyodivan sp that was destroyed that doy poor “Tange wos ot spe ocx to Ea th dy. ey ‘ara going toa aferent Gestntion, carrying te tings hoy ‘hater iy Rocks another tera the ET Maro ‘kad thom to help them in soli tho conct.and trey ald theprice with the nding of Oost of thes Jn 2003 crystals with strange sybol, nscripions ape holes were fund inthe Tengen rion. -kather lb onsinis Sheweod that th composition made of certan earth finer x well some elements hat aren oan on anh (NOTE GE MYSELF AND PETRO: i lte 2008 the crystals ‘wera prosorte tothe oda by Fusion stn Aor Much dscasnionsbout the erg of the crystals ths Imottor xt eres et pene tthe eta Pow rest aprtvatecllection) a8 ae 08 ‘The GRLKAE (os alors cal them) are NOT an alien rar a8 errmonl capt former yors By aferent 20S, ‘era dont knowhow Buy evolved or re they came rom. hone was ever captured tive a cae 9NO Mio (ODESSA) “UKRAINE ‘nOctaber2-1947 a confimed Notre nang happaned.2 days Tater 12 soles (ona sung boot) Ssappasred 1m 1082 one of tha missing Sllrs (aM. Kyylo, 91947 only 16, ‘years od) showed up neh stor. ereperted that he had bean" the Moar He edn 1963 froma sel lcd Woke ‘Onis chost ho carved (with aka the felling "38 Woratah.thoy aro stil waitin, SS ss Sie wa submarine ofthe Royal Nan In une 12.f 1948 want missing whe on patrol inthe orth Aegean ‘one member ofthe cow was found n 1971 near Ban Oregon 1 198:e became sn adver to USA President Ronald Res fae was often seen inte company of Minnesota Govrrer Astor as we hove boon formed etl ave. SoS (CONNECTIONS 10 THE REPTIIANS (confined) + Former Us, Sacetar of Defense Donald Rursfokd Former vce President Dick Chanoy Former Preside George HW Bush Former Presiden George W. Buse Former Secretary of State Honey Kissinger = Former Presiden ll tor SoS a8 38 m6 oe ALIEN SHIPS 88 38 ALIEN DIXIT Acetone) AND ON ThaNeMsstONS Ot SEVERAL ‘AIEN RACES OBTAINED VOLUNTARILY AND [OR UNDER ‘CUSTODY AND DISTRESS (ALIEN PRESEN? NELLIGENCE SERVICES) "RUSSIA, USA, CHINA AND JAPAN, ; TWEEN DEALING WHIM THEFUTOREOF THE FRIAS RACE 5B “SUNIVERSES, 2500 SPECIES, 1 RACE THEMSELVES, WHEN COMPARED TO THE VIOLENCE AND HATRED THAT THe PACE SALTRE HAS INSIDE THEVSELVES, <2N 2017 YOU WILL SEE THE BEGINNING. 2020 YOU WILL “WE HAVE GIVEN YOUSO MUCH AND YOU HAVE GIVEN SPACE 0 TIME ARE NOTHING, WE ARENOTHING. SHE IS evERvIMING! Aen fan anny tent Ouse RAVE SHOWN YOU TO SOME YouLNOW AND THEN. AND THEY ARE ATRND OF YOU, OF WHat Youn Becove IDSIDE OF YOU. N THE FIELDS, THE SkY AND THE STAKS fo Wire EES OF YOUN GON MAD VOR <0 ALL SPECIES WE HAVE FOUND IN UNIVERSES YOU ARE SIORPUNET ON HASLESS THAN OH OF WHAT NAY INTHERIGHT LACE TOA OF TEM.

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