Fallout 2287 Outline

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Fallout 2287 Outline

The Confederation of Steel (COS) or the Steel Confederacy (SC)

Faction: Brotherhood believes strongly in the ideals of order, strength and stability

(Good Ending)

After the Warrior’s sacrifice, the Brotherhood flourished, expanding into the former East Central, Gulf,
Plains, Texas and the South East Commonwealths.

Population: 1.6 million in core territories (as of 2285) Hundreds of thousands estimate in newly acquired
territories combined

Language: Wastelandic English, Unofficially, the languages of various tribes that descend from Pre-War
are still spoken and understood.

Demonyms: Confederates


Authoritarian Dictatorship/Democratic mix

Head of State: The High Elder or Lord Elder serves as the head of state of the COS and usually serves for
life. While in power the Lord Elder has the ability to veto any bill that has been approved by the
Assembly though this has been done only rarely. The Lord Elder can appoint or dismiss elders who have
been assigned to a province. This includes the ability to appoint or dismiss any official at will, though the
Lord Elder does this only when required. Declarations are decrees issued by the Lord Elder that carries
the full force and effect of the law. But any of these actions can be overturned by the Assembly if it has a
People’s Assembly: The Legislative Branch of the Steel Confederacy. The Assembly is comprised of
elected representatives from, two from each province. These elected officials

The Council of Elders: A Council of Elders to advise the Lord Elder with various matters. They hold no
true political power. The council operates only as an advisory body, but it will have their voice heard in

The High Court of Justice: The highest court in the COS, the HCOJ consists of a number of justices. In
general, these justices here cases that the lower courts within the COS (the provincial courts, local
courts etc.) do not have the power to rule on. They also review bills passed by the Assembly, and advise
the Lord Elder on the legal ramifications. Their rulings, it must be noted, overrule the rulings of any of
the lower courts within the COS, with only the Lord Chief Justice or the Lord Elder having the power to
overrule them. The HCOJ is controlled by the Lord Chief Justice.

Elders: Elders are assigned to a province to oversee the military needs like overseeing the supplies.

Provincial: The Provincial Lord is the elected ruler of a province. They handle the day-to-day affairs of
the province.

Municipal: Though a majority of the local settlements have adopted a Mayor-Council type government
there are still many forms of local government of the various towns, cities, and villages had before they
join the COS, you will find that various communities will have leaders that pass down their title to their
offspring. Though the COS have been pushing for a more standardize government. They allow a grace
period of ten years for newly acquired settlements to switch their government to the Mayor-Council
system. At the Municipal level, settlements are allowed to handle their affairs

Currency: Steel Dollar (Official) Caps (used in recently conquered territories until phased out)

Society and Culture

Order and Stability are valued highly in the COS. Any person that is found plotting against the COS in a
violent manner will find themselves in a firing squad or a work camp.

Tolerance is valued highly in the COS. The COS does not care about your Gender, sexual orientation, or
species, all it cares about is that their citizens uphold the values of the COS. The COS does not seek to
control their citizen’s private lives, but it wants them to be loyal and show true effort that there are
working for the betterment of the COS Outright discrimination is outlawed and is crack down on harshly.
People who take part in hateful demonstrations will found themselves serving a few months to a few
years in labor camps working projects beneficial to the COS.

Military: After the Brotherhood-Calculator War the Brotherhood went under an extensive
transformation after securing their place as the dominant power of the Midwest. The military arm of the
Brotherhood was reformed as the Armed Forces of the Steel Confederation (AFSC). This was due to the
new reality that the Brotherhood had to become a nation in its own right to face their new future.

The AFSC is broken up into four main organizations, the Steel Legions, the Costal Guard, Steel Air Corps,
and the Steel Guard
The Costal Guard is not a true navy since only recently the COS had access to just one large body of
water (Lake Michigan) of the first true attempt at

The Steel Legions operates based on a legion system; the AFSC instituted this change in the 2220’s to
create better army cohesion and to accommodate the ever growing population. The AFSC is now divided
into 15 numbered legions. Each consists of thousands of troops, organized into task forces that are in
turn divided into Cohors.

Contubernium: (Contubernia Plural) (tent group) consisted of 8 men.

Centuria: (Century) is made up of 4 contubernia with a total of 32 men commanded by a Knight-

Lieutenant. Second in command would be the Knight-Sergeant

Manipulus: (manipulī plural) (Company) is made of up of 4 centuriae or a total of 128 fighting men.
Commanded by a Knight-Captain

Cohors: (cohortēs plural) (cohort) includes 4 manipulī or a total of 512 fighting men, not including
officers Commanded by a Knight-Commander

Caterva: (Catervae Plural) (Regiment) consists of 4 cohortēs or a total of 2048 fighting men, Commanded
by a Knight-Major

Legio: (Legion) consists of 4 catervae or a total of 8192 fighting men, Commanded by a Knight-Legate



Legionary-Initiate (Recruit)

Legionary-Private/PFC (passed Basic Training)

Legionary-Lance Corporal (Fire Team Commander)


Legionary-Sergeant (Squad Commander)

Knight-Initiate (Has to pass more training to achieve next rank)

Knight-Corporal (Finished training)

Knight-Sergeant - (Sergeant First Class) (second in command of a Centuria)

Commissioned officers

Knight-Lieutenant (In command of a Centuria)

Knight-Captain – (In command of a Manipulus)

Knight-Commander (Commander of a Cohors)

Knight-Major (Commander of a Caterva)

Knight-Legate (Commander of a Legio)

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