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Bechamel recipe


100 grams of butter

100 grams of flour
1 liter of whole milk
grated nutmeg q.b.
1 pinch of salt

Heat the whole milk in a saucepan so that it does not reach the boiling point.
In another small saucepan melt the butter at a very low flame then turn off the heat and
add the flour to the rain, stirring constantly with a whisk. Return to the heat over a very
low flame and, always stirring, let it brown.
Add the milk to the roux (flour + butter), stirring with a whisk in order to avoid the
formation of lumps.
Add a pinch of nutmeg and very little salt and allow to thicken over a low heat for a total
of 5-6 minutes for a medium-density sauce and up to 10 minutes for a very thick sauce.

Preparation time: 15 minutes

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