E-Governance in Public Administration: Assignment For GEN201

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Assignment for GEN201

Md. Jahir Rayhan


E-Governance in Public
Prepared for
Dr. Lutfun Nahar
Course Instructor
Department of Social Relation
East West University

Prepared by:
MD Jahir Rayhan
ID: 2017-1-22-003

Submission Date
April 4, 2018

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Letter of Transmittal
4th April, 2018
Dr. Lutfun Nahar
Course instructor
Department of social relation
East West University

Subject: Submission of assignment on e-governance in public administration.

Dear Mam,

This is for your kind information that I am Md Jahir Rayhan one of the student of your course
GEN201, Bangladesh studies, section 1, here is the assignment on “E-GOVERNANCE IN
PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION” as you instructed us to submit.

Relating the lessons regarding Bangladesh studies, we have learned in our class from you in
your course GEN201. We would like to recall with gratitude, the tremendous support and
encouragement, which we received from you. I have tried my best to implement the relevant
knowledge that you have taught in this course. As an Instructor and Advisor to the report, you
provided valuable insights to improve our knowledge. We are grateful for your stimulating
guidance and encouragement during the period of preparation this assignment. Without your
guidance, this would simply not have been possible. There may have many omissions and
errors on my part but I have tried my level best to prepare this report to the required standard.
I am looking forward for your kind appraisal on this assignment.

Yours sincerely,

Name: Md. Jahir Rayhan

ID No. 2017-1-22-003

Department of Civil Engineering

East West University

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Table of Contents

Letter of Transmittal .......................................................................................................................... 2

Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 4
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 5
 Defining E-Governance ............................................................................................................... 5
 Background ................................................................................................................................. 5
 Process ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Success of E-Governance.................................................................................................................... 6
1. G2C (Government to Citizen) ...................................................................................................... 6
2. G2B (Government-to-Business) .................................................................................................. 6
3. G2G (Government - to-Government) ......................................................................................... 6
4. Reduce Corruption ...................................................................................................................... 6
Problem of Implementing E-GOVERNANCE in Bangladesh .............................................................. 7
 Internal network ......................................................................................................................... 7
 Security issues ............................................................................................................................. 8
 Central database problem .......................................................................................................... 8
 Problems at financial sectors ...................................................................................................... 8
 Use of computer ......................................................................................................................... 8
 Financial problems ...................................................................................................................... 9
 Lack of Training ........................................................................................................................... 9
Possible Solution for Implementing E-Governance in Bangladesh .................................................. 9
 Internet connection till village level............................................................................................ 9
 Financial solution ........................................................................................................................ 9
 ICT infrastructure ........................................................................................................................ 9
 Proper training .......................................................................................................................... 10
 Computer education mandatory for all officials ....................................................................... 10
 Long term planning for e-governance applications Security Issues ......................................... 10
Recommendation ............................................................................................................................. 10
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Reference .......................................................................................................................................... 11

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Executive Summary

This report provides an overview and background of E-Governance in public administration.

Starting with the introduction, firstly I would be discussing the definition, background and
process of E-Governance, and that follows along with some other topics like History,
benefits, Importance etc. Secondly, I discuss about Success of e-governance followed by the
types of e-governance and its importance and reduce corruption that can be help us. Thirdly, I
discuss about the problem of E-Governance that Interrupted the proper establishing of E-
Governance. Then I start discussing about the possible solution for implementing E-
Governance in Bangladesh, building with concrete, effect on modern concrete use and some
world record, and finally I end up with conclusion along with references

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 Defining E-Governance
E-governance, expands to electronic governance, is the integration of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT)in all the processes, with the aim of enhancing government
ability to address the needs of the general public. The basic purpose of e-governance is to
simplify processes for all, i.e. government, citizens, businesses, etc. at National, State and local
levels. (Kabir, 2010)

 Background
E-governance was introducing for some purpose that helps us to doing some work easily
and makes our life simpler. The following are the reasons for introducing E-governance: -
Reduced corruption, High transparency, Increased convenience, Growth in GDP, Direct
participation of constituents, Reduction in overall cost, expanded reach of government, reduced
uses of hardcopy files.

Through e-governance, the government plans to raise the coverage and quality of information
and services provided to the general public, by the use of ICT in an easy, economical and
effective manner. The process is extremely complicated which requires, the proper
arrangement of hardware, software, networking and indeed re-engineering of all the processes
to facilitate better delivery of services. (Rahman, 2011)

 Process

This is the era of Information Technology (IT). IT plays a vital role in daily life. To
make transparent and effective the government works, to increase government efficiency,
accountability and to improve the service delivery and participating the public in all aspects of
government activities e-Governance is obligatory.

In Bangladesh, an ICT task force was formed in 2001 headed by Ex-Prime Minister
Begum Khaleda Zia for introducing e-Governance. It was unfortunately true that they have
tried to implement e-Governance overnight without taking proper steps. For the lack of proper
planning the previous government could not implement e-Governance properly. (Sajid, 2011)

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Success of E-Governance
Mostly, the government, citizen and business concerns are the three main actors in the
e-governance. Such as:
1. G2C (Government to Citizen)
This is the communication process of
individual citizens with the government. Payment
of utility bills such as electric bill payment system
using mobile phone is a common example of G2C.
Another example of G2C is Bangladesh Road
Transport Authority (BRTA) website
(http://www.brta.gov.bd/index.php). Any citizen
can see the driving license exam’s result or
download the driving licenses form using Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA)
website. Government should develop more website for all sectors of Bangladesh to involve the
public to make the successful e-Governance. (Taifur, 2013)

2. G2B (Government-to-Business)
This is the interaction between central government and the commercial business sector
to get the businesses information. This interaction may involve many reasons such as to
establish corporate, NGOs or others commercial business or downloading different types of
form. Most common example of G2B is corporate tax paying system to the government using
National Board of Revenue website (http://www.nbr-bd.org/incometax.html) or applying for
trade license from the government to run the business through internet using Office of the
Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (http://www.roc.gov.bd:7781/) website. .
(Taifur, 2013)

3. G2G (Government - to-Government)

This is the non-commercial interaction between Government organizations,
departments and authorities and other Government organizations, departments, and authorities.
The example of G2G may be a request of allocation of budget by any department of the
government. For example, city corporation yearly budget depends on central government.
(Taifur, 2013)

4. Reduce Corruption
Corruption has been considered as one of the most prevalent and persistent challenges
in enhancing economic growth and improving the quality of life of the citizens across the globe.
Amidst the negative consequences of corruption and the limited successes in controlling
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corruption in many countries, the potentials to combat corruption by using E-governance is

gaining popularity in the public policy discourse. This increased enthusiasm demands further
inquiry to understand the degree of effectiveness. The present study is an attempt to explore
this potential of E-governance through the use of global level data as well as micro level
cases. The global data are collected from the two databases: Corruption Perception Index (CPI)
by Transparency International and Online Service Index (OSI) by United Nation; while the
micro level cases are taken from a country (Bangladesh) where the intensity of corruption is
comparatively higher and the system of E-governance is emerging. The findings of the current
research reaffirm the potential of E-governance as a means to curb corruption with some
observations and conditions. The findings based on the state level data indicate that E-
governance can explain most of the variations of the level of corruption in the different
countries i.e. support the main argument of the study that E-governance may have positive
impacts in reducing corruption. (Kushchu, Habib & Hossain, 2014)

All of those makes our life easier.

Problem of Implementing E-GOVERNANCE in Bangladesh

 ‘Internet connectivity

Many of the government offices are out of

Internet connection or using very slow Internet
connection. Though, Bangladesh connected with
high speed fiber optics connection but all of the
government offices are not connected to the
internet yet. So, most of government officials
cannot get the opportunity to use the internet and
different types of government websites lack of
internet connection and computer. According to
Internet world status report only 3.5 percent people
use internet among the total population till 2011. (Taifur, 2013)

 Internal network
All Government offices of different ministries of Bangladesh are not within the same
network. One ministry cannot share their data with another ministry and government is not
using properly the ICT in their offices. So, the implementation e-governance is not very
fruitful for the public.
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 Security issues
A modern organization requires security of all kinds of ICT assets where the
government is no exceptional. Threats and attacks to the ICT assets may come in different
forms from different sources. In the case of e-governance, the source of attacks can be internal
or external to the government. With the sharp division of the government employees, the
possibility of internal attacks should not be ruled out in Bangladesh. Employees who are
working within e-governance projects may misuse the access privileges for financial or other
gains. Threats may come from external sources like professional hackers, criminal
organizations, terrorist organizations, intelligence and investigation agencies.. The aim of such
attackers is only a sadistic pleasure of disrupting e-governance services to the citizens. This
attack may be occurred on financial sector in future when fully automated online transaction
will be started in e-governance services. (Taifur, 2013)

 Central database problem

Bangladesh government did not design any central database for citizen’s access using
through internet. Even there is no available information of any citizen in government offices to
use any emergency situation. For this reason, government officers have to face many
difficulties to identify any person for any special reason.

 Problems at financial sectors

It is not possible to transfer of funds through online from one bank to others banks
using internet for the lack of national transaction gateway. There is no proper agreement with
the international online payment gateway and the Central bank of Bangladesh yet. For this
reason, it is not possible to transfer fund from any international bank to local bank from outside
the Bangladesh.

 Use of computer
This is very common scenario is that
Computers are seen of all government high
level offices. Significant numbers of offices
show it as status symbol. Because a large
amount of the government senior officials
doesn’t like to use computer because they
have lack of interest to adjust with the new
technology. For this reason, most of the
computers in the government offices shown

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only for status symbol. In a physical survey more than 50 government offices and interview
from more than 100 government different levels officers. (Taifur, 2013)

 Financial problems
Bangladesh is a developing country. Financial limitation is the main barrier for
implementing any project. Government has to consider many things to implement any large
project. Most of the times, government has to depend on foreign investors, developed countries
or World Bank. Without support of others Bangladesh government cannot run any large project
with self-fund.

 Lack of Training
Trained people can play the vital role for implementing e-governance project.
Unfortunately, majority portion of government officials do not have enough training on
Computer yet. It is a big barrier for implementing e-governance. (Alam, 2012)

Possible Solution for Implementing E-Governance in Bangladesh

 Internet connection till village level

To gain the ICT knowledge and for participating the e-governance activities internet
connection from city to village level is very important. Without using internet no one can access
the government web portal for their personal tasks. In the perspective of Bangladesh, this is not
so easy for government to provide internet connection till village level within short time. So,
government should encourage the private companies to provide internet connection to the
public with cheap rate. So that villagers can access the internet easily.

 Financial solution
This is not a big problem for government to arrange fund for establishing e-Governance
project. Government can take financial support from many foreign organizations such as
UNDP, UNESCO, ADB, World Bank, EU or other sources. Government can minimize the cost
of e-Governance project using locally made software. After all, if the government wants e-
governance can be implemented economic way using self-resources. (Ahmed,2011)

 ICT infrastructure
ICT infrastructure is an essential part to establish e-Governance in any country. Bangladesh
government has to build ICT infrastructure step by step till village level to make the successful
of e-Governance. Though, government has taken a Road Map or master plan for e-Governance
using the limited resources. So, government has to give more concentration to build ICT
infrastructure within shortage possible time.
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 Proper training
It is very important to provide training to the all government officers regularly. Without
proper knowledge of IT of government officers’ e-governance project will never see the real
face of the project.

 Computer education mandatory for all officials

Government should do the obligatory of computer training or computer knowledge to
join any government profession. If government makes it as a role so that all young generation
must take the computer training before applying any government job. As a result, government
will get IT trained employee which is helpful for the e-governance. (Morsed, 2009)
 Long term planning for e-governance applications Security Issues
Security issue is the major concern in all of aspects of e-Governance. Different types
of cyber-attacks may come to different sectors of e-Governance. So, Government should take
strong modern long-term planning to protect the e-governance all kind of websites, automation
systems and software protect from any kind of cybercrime or attacks using modern and updated
technology and policy.
E-Governance is very important and essential for all. We can’t denial it’s importance.
But there are some of problems that affect on our life so that should be solve. Government
should take proper step to give proper training to all officers to know more about it. Then also
take care of long term planning for e-governance applications security issues and ban all of
cybercrime and fishing websites.

There is a proverb that Knowledge is power but today it is acknowledged that information
is power. So, proper information can be passed through e-governance within short time for all
people. On successful completion of e-governance project on the allocation of the above-
mentioned discussion on this paper, people will get one stop service from the public offices. It
will save time and money, be helpful to develop ICT based generation and to increase the
economic growth.

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[1] Md. Anwarul Kabir, e-governance discourse: reality in Bangladesh, published on

February 13, 2010.
[2] Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman, e-government and its security, February 21, 2011.

[3] Mr. Ahmed Sajid Population and housing census 2011 Bangladesh at a glance, 2011.


http://goliath.ecnext.com, 2013.

[5] Mr. Rabiul Alam, Internet World Stats, http://www.internetworldstats.com/asia/bd.htm,


[6] Prof. I. Kushchu , Md Wahidul Habib , Chowdhury Golam Hossain, success and failure
factors for e-government projects implementation in developing countries: a study on the
perception of government officials of Bangladesh, 2014.

[7] Ziauddin Ahmed, Electricity Crisis of Bangladesh: Result of Organizational Inefficiency?

Energy and Environment Research Vol. 1, No. 1; December 2009

[8] K.A.M. Morshed, E-Governance: Bangladesh Perspective,

http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/APCITY/UNPAN026253.pdf, 2009

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